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[python/dscho.git] / Doc / lib / libsets.tex
1 \section{\module{sets} ---
2 Unordered collections of unique elements}
4 \declaremodule{standard}{sets}
5 \modulesynopsis{Implementation of sets of unique elements.}
6 \moduleauthor{Greg V. Wilson}{}
7 \moduleauthor{Alex Martelli}{}
8 \moduleauthor{Guido van Rossum}{}
9 \sectionauthor{Raymond D. Hettinger}{}
11 \versionadded{2.3}
13 The \module{sets} module provides classes for constructing and manipulating
14 unordered collections of unique elements. Common uses include membership
15 testing, removing duplicates from a sequence, and computing standard math
16 operations on sets such as intersection, union, difference, and symmetric
17 difference.
19 Like other collections, sets support \code{\var{x} in \var{set}},
20 \code{len(\var{set})}, and \code{for \var{x} in \var{set}}. Being an
21 unordered collection, sets do not record element position or order of
22 insertion. Accordingly, sets do not support indexing, slicing, or
23 other sequence-like behavior.
25 Most set applications use the \class{Set} class which provides every set
26 method except for \method{__hash__()}. For advanced applications requiring
27 a hash method, the \class{ImmutableSet} class adds a \method{__hash__()}
28 method but omits methods which alter the contents of the set. Both
29 \class{Set} and \class{ImmutableSet} derive from \class{BaseSet}, an
30 abstract class useful for determining whether something is a set:
31 \code{isinstance(\var{obj}, BaseSet)}.
33 The set classes are implemented using dictionaries. As a result, sets
34 cannot contain mutable elements such as lists or dictionaries.
35 However, they can contain immutable collections such as tuples or
36 instances of \class{ImmutableSet}. For convenience in implementing
37 sets of sets, inner sets are automatically converted to immutable
38 form, for example, \code{Set([Set(['dog'])])} is transformed to
39 \code{Set([ImmutableSet(['dog'])])}.
41 \begin{classdesc}{Set}{\optional{iterable}}
42 Constructs a new empty \class{Set} object. If the optional \var{iterable}
43 parameter is supplied, updates the set with elements obtained from iteration.
44 All of the elements in \var{iterable} should be immutable or be transformable
45 to an immutable using the protocol described in
46 section~\ref{immutable-transforms}.
47 \end{classdesc}
49 \begin{classdesc}{ImmutableSet}{\optional{iterable}}
50 Constructs a new empty \class{ImmutableSet} object. If the optional
51 \var{iterable} parameter is supplied, updates the set with elements obtained
52 from iteration. All of the elements in \var{iterable} should be immutable or
53 be transformable to an immutable using the protocol described in
54 section~\ref{immutable-transforms}.
56 Because \class{ImmutableSet} objects provide a \method{__hash__()} method,
57 they can be used as set elements or as dictionary keys. \class{ImmutableSet}
58 objects do not have methods for adding or removing elements, so all of the
59 elements must be known when the constructor is called.
60 \end{classdesc}
63 \subsection{Set Objects}
65 Instances of \class{Set} and \class{ImmutableSet} both provide
66 the following operations:
68 \begin{tableii}{c|l}{code}{Operation}{Result}
69 \lineii{len(\var{s})}{cardinality of set \var{s}}
71 \hline
72 \lineii{\var{x} in \var{s}}
73 {test \var{x} for membership in \var{s}}
74 \lineii{\var{x} not in \var{s}}
75 {test \var{x} for non-membership in \var{s}}
76 \lineii{\var{s}.issubset(\var{t})}
77 {test whether every element in \var{s} is in \var{t};
78 \code{\var{s} <= \var{t}} is equivalent}
79 \lineii{\var{s}.issuperset(\var{t})}
80 {test whether every element in \var{t} is in \var{s};
81 \code{\var{s} >= \var{t}} is equivalent}
83 \hline
84 \lineii{\var{s} | \var{t}}
85 {new set with elements from both \var{s} and \var{t}}
86 \lineii{\var{s}.union(\var{t})}
87 {new set with elements from both \var{s} and \var{t}}
88 \lineii{\var{s} \&\ \var{t}}
89 {new set with elements common to \var{s} and \var{t}}
90 \lineii{\var{s}.intersection(\var{t})}
91 {new set with elements common to \var{s} and \var{t}}
92 \lineii{\var{s} - \var{t}}
93 {new set with elements in \var{s} but not in \var{t}}
94 \lineii{\var{s}.difference(\var{t})}
95 {new set with elements in \var{s} but not in \var{t}}
96 \lineii{\var{s} \textasciicircum\ \var{t}}
97 {new set with elements in either \var{s} or \var{t} but not both}
98 \lineii{\var{s}.symmetric_difference(\var{t})}
99 {new set with elements in either \var{s} or \var{t} but not both}
100 \lineii{\var{s}.copy()}
101 {new set with a shallow copy of \var{s}}
102 \end{tableii}
104 In addition, both \class{Set} and \class{ImmutableSet}
105 support set to set comparisons. Two sets are equal if and only if
106 every element of each set is contained in the other (each is a subset
107 of the other).
108 A set is less than another set if and only if the first set is a proper
109 subset of the second set (is a subset, but is not equal).
110 A set is greater than another set if and only if the first set is a proper
111 superset of the second set (is a superset, but is not equal).
113 The following table lists operations available in \class{ImmutableSet}
114 but not found in \class{Set}:
116 \begin{tableii}{c|l|c}{code}{Operation}{Result}
117 \lineii{hash(\var{s})}{returns a hash value for \var{s}}
118 \end{tableii}
120 The following table lists operations available in \class{Set}
121 but not found in \class{ImmutableSet}:
123 \begin{tableii}{c|l}{code}{Operation}{Result}
124 \lineii{\var{s} |= \var{t}}
125 {return set \var{s} with elements added from \var{t}}
126 \lineii{\var{s}.union_update(\var{t})}
127 {return set \var{s} with elements added from \var{t}}
128 \lineii{\var{s} \&= \var{t}}
129 {return set \var{s} keeping only elements also found in \var{t}}
130 \lineii{\var{s}.intersection_update(\var{t})}
131 {return set \var{s} keeping only elements also found in \var{t}}
132 \lineii{\var{s} -= \var{t}}
133 {return set \var{s} after removing elements found in \var{t}}
134 \lineii{\var{s}.difference_update(\var{t})}
135 {return set \var{s} after removing elements found in \var{t}}
136 \lineii{\var{s} \textasciicircum= \var{t}}
137 {return set \var{s} with elements from \var{s} or \var{t}
138 but not both}
139 \lineii{\var{s}.symmetric_difference_update(\var{t})}
140 {return set \var{s} with elements from \var{s} or \var{t}
141 but not both}
143 \hline
144 \lineii{\var{s}.add(\var{x})}
145 {Add element \var{x} to set \var{s}}
146 \lineii{\var{s}.remove(\var{x})}
147 {Remove element \var{x} from set \var{s}}
148 \lineii{\var{s}.discard(\var{x})}
149 {Removes element \var{x} from set \var{s}. Like \var{s}.remove(\var{x})
150 but does not raise KeyError if \var{x} is not in \var{s}}
151 \lineii{\var{s}.pop()}
152 {Remove and return an element from \var{s}; no guarantee is
153 made about which element is removed}
154 \lineii{\var{s}.update(\var{t})}
155 {Add elements from \var{t} to set \var{s}}
156 \lineii{\var{s}.clear()}
157 {Remove all elements from set \var{s}}
158 \end{tableii}
161 \subsection{Example}
163 \begin{verbatim}
164 >>> from sets import Set
165 >>> engineers = Set(['John', 'Jane', 'Jack', 'Janice'])
166 >>> programmers = Set(['Jack', 'Sam', 'Susan', 'Janice'])
167 >>> management = Set(['Jane', 'Jack', 'Susan', 'Zack'])
168 >>> employees = engineers | programmers | management # union
169 >>> engineering_management = engineers & programmers # intersection
170 >>> fulltime_management = management - engineers - programmers # difference
171 >>> engineers.add('Marvin') # add element
172 >>> print engineers
173 Set(['Jane', 'Marvin', 'Janice', 'John', 'Jack'])
174 >>> employees.issuperset(engineers) # superset test
175 False
176 >>> employees.update(engineers) # update from another set
177 >>> employees.issuperset(engineers)
178 True
179 >>> for group in [engineers, programmers, management, employees]:
180 group.discard('Susan') # unconditionally remove element
181 print group
183 Set(['Jane', 'Marvin', 'Janice', 'John', 'Jack'])
184 Set(['Janice', 'Jack', 'Sam'])
185 Set(['Jane', 'Zack', 'Jack'])
186 Set(['Jack', 'Sam', 'Jane', 'Marvin', 'Janice', 'John', 'Zack'])
187 \end{verbatim}
190 \subsection{Protocol for automatic conversion to immutable
191 \label{immutable-transforms}}
193 Sets can only contain immutable elements. For convenience, mutable
194 \class{Set} objects are automatically copied to an \class{ImmutableSet}
195 before being added as a set element.
197 The mechanism is to always add a hashable element, or if it is not
198 hashable, the element is checked to see if it has an
199 \method{_as_immutable()} method which returns an immutable equivalent.
201 Since \class{Set} objects have a \method{_as_immutable()} method
202 returning an instance of \class{ImmutableSet}, it is possible to
203 construct sets of sets.
205 A similar mechanism is needed by the \method{__contains__()} and
206 \method{remove()} methods which need to hash an element to check
207 for membership in a set. Those methods check an element for hashability
208 and, if not, check for a \method{_as_temporarily_immutable()} method
209 which returns the element wrapped by a class that provides temporary
210 methods for \method{__hash__()}, \method{__eq__()}, and \method{__ne__()}.
212 The alternate mechanism spares the need to build a separate copy of
213 the original mutable object.
215 \class{Set} objects implement the \method{_as_temporarily_immutable()}
216 method which returns the \class{Set} object wrapped by a new class
217 \class{_TemporarilyImmutableSet}.
219 The two mechanisms for adding hashability are normally invisible to the
220 user; however, a conflict can arise in a multi-threaded environment
221 where one thread is updating a set while another has temporarily wrapped it
222 in \class{_TemporarilyImmutableSet}. In other words, sets of mutable sets
223 are not thread-safe.