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[python/dscho.git] / Mac / Lib /
1 """Easy to use dialogs.
3 Message(msg) -- display a message and an OK button.
4 AskString(prompt, default) -- ask for a string, display OK and Cancel buttons.
5 AskPassword(prompt, default) -- like AskString(), but shows text as bullets.
6 AskYesNoCancel(question, default) -- display a question and Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
7 bar = Progress(label, maxvalue) -- Display a progress bar
8 bar.set(value) -- Set value
9 *amount ) -- increment value by amount (default=1)
10 bar.label( *newlabel ) -- get or set text label.
12 More documentation in each function.
13 This module uses DLOG resources 256, 257 and 258.
14 Based upon STDWIN dialogs with the same names and functions.
15 """
17 from Dlg import GetNewDialog, SetDialogItemText, GetDialogItemText, ModalDialog
18 import Qd
19 import QuickDraw
20 import Dialogs
21 import Windows
22 import Dlg,Win,Evt,Events # sdm7g
23 import MacOS
24 import string
26 def cr2lf(text):
27 if '\r' in text:
28 text = string.join(string.split(text, '\r'), '\n')
29 return text
31 def lf2cr(text):
32 if '\n' in text:
33 text = string.join(string.split(text, '\n'), '\r')
34 if len(text) > 253:
35 text = text[:253] + '\311'
36 return text
38 def Message(msg, id=256, ok=None):
39 """Display a MESSAGE string.
41 Return when the user clicks the OK button or presses Return.
43 The MESSAGE string can be at most 255 characters long.
44 """
46 d = GetNewDialog(id, -1)
47 if not d:
48 print "Can't get DLOG resource with id =", id
49 return
50 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(2)
51 SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(msg))
52 if ok != None:
53 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(1)
54 h.as_Control().SetControlTitle(ok)
55 d.SetDialogDefaultItem(1)
56 while 1:
57 n = ModalDialog(None)
58 if n == 1:
59 return
62 def AskString(prompt, default = "", id=257, ok=None, cancel=None):
63 """Display a PROMPT string and a text entry field with a DEFAULT string.
65 Return the contents of the text entry field when the user clicks the
66 OK button or presses Return.
67 Return None when the user clicks the Cancel button.
69 If omitted, DEFAULT is empty.
71 The PROMPT and DEFAULT strings, as well as the return value,
72 can be at most 255 characters long.
73 """
75 id = 257
76 d = GetNewDialog(id, -1)
77 if not d:
78 print "Can't get DLOG resource with id =", id
79 return
80 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(3)
81 SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(prompt))
82 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(4)
83 SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(default))
84 d.SelectDialogItemText(4, 0, 999)
85 # d.SetDialogItem(4, 0, 255)
86 if ok != None:
87 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(1)
88 h.as_Control().SetControlTitle(ok)
89 if cancel != None:
90 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(2)
91 h.as_Control().SetControlTitle(cancel)
92 d.SetDialogDefaultItem(1)
93 d.SetDialogCancelItem(2)
94 while 1:
95 n = ModalDialog(None)
96 if n == 1:
97 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(4)
98 return cr2lf(GetDialogItemText(h))
99 if n == 2: return None
101 def AskPassword(prompt, default='', id=257):
102 """Display a PROMPT string and a text entry field with a DEFAULT string.
103 The string is displayed as bullets only.
105 Return the contents of the text entry field when the user clicks the
106 OK button or presses Return.
107 Return None when the user clicks the Cancel button.
109 If omitted, DEFAULT is empty.
111 The PROMPT and DEFAULT strings, as well as the return value,
112 can be at most 255 characters long.
114 d = GetNewDialog(id, -1)
115 if not d:
116 print "Can't get DLOG resource with id =", id
117 return
118 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(3) # STATIC TEXT ITEM <= prompt
119 SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(prompt))
120 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(4) # EDIT TEXT ITEM
121 bullets = '\245'*len(default)
122 SetDialogItemText(h, bullets )
123 d.SelectDialogItemText(4, 999, 999)
124 d.SetDialogDefaultItem(Dialogs.ok)
125 d.SetDialogCancelItem(Dialogs.cancel)
126 string = default
127 oldschedparams = MacOS.SchedParams(0,0)
128 while 1:
129 ready,ev = Evt.WaitNextEvent(Events.everyEvent, 6)
130 if not ready: continue
131 what,msg,when,where,mod = ev
132 if what == 0 : Dlg.DialogSelect(ev) # for blinking caret
133 elif Dlg.IsDialogEvent(ev):
134 if what in (Events.keyDown, Events.autoKey):
135 charcode = msg & Events.charCodeMask
136 if ( mod & Events.cmdKey ):
137 MacOS.SysBeep()
138 continue # don't do cut & paste commands
139 else:
140 if charcode == Events.kReturnCharCode:
141 break
142 elif charcode == Events.kEscapeCharCode:
143 string = None
144 break
145 elif charcode in (Events.kLeftArrowCharCode,
146 Events.kBackspaceCharCode):
147 string = string[:-1]
148 else:
149 string = string + chr(charcode)
150 msg = 0245 # Octal code for bullet
151 ev = (what,msg,when,where,mod)
152 rs, win, item = Dlg.DialogSelect(ev)
153 if item == Dialogs.ok :
154 break
155 elif item == Dialogs.cancel :
156 string = None
157 break
158 elif what == Events.mouseDown:
159 part, win = Win.FindWindow(where)
160 if part == Windows.inDrag and win:
161 win.DragWindow(where, screenbounds)
162 elif part == Windows.inMenuBar:
163 MacOS.HandleEvent(ev)
164 else:
165 MacOS.SysBeep() # Cannot handle selections, unfortunately
167 elif what == Events.updateEvt: MacOS.HandleEvent(ev)
168 apply(MacOS.SchedParams, oldschedparams)
169 return string
171 def AskYesNoCancel(question, default = 0, yes=None, no=None, cancel=None, id=258):
172 ## """Display a QUESTION string which can be answered with Yes or No.
174 ## Return 1 when the user clicks the Yes button.
175 ## Return 0 when the user clicks the No button.
176 ## Return -1 when the user clicks the Cancel button.
178 ## When the user presses Return, the DEFAULT value is returned.
179 ## If omitted, this is 0 (No).
181 ## The QUESTION strign ca be at most 255 characters.
182 ## """
184 d = GetNewDialog(id, -1)
185 if not d:
186 print "Can't get DLOG resource with id =", id
187 return
188 # Button assignments:
189 # 1 = default (invisible)
190 # 2 = Yes
191 # 3 = No
192 # 4 = Cancel
193 # The question string is item 5
194 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(5)
195 SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(question))
196 if yes != None:
197 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(2)
198 h.as_Control().SetControlTitle(yes)
199 if no != None:
200 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(3)
201 h.as_Control().SetControlTitle(no)
202 if cancel != None:
203 if cancel == '':
204 d.HideDialogItem(4)
205 else:
206 tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(4)
207 h.as_Control().SetControlTitle(cancel)
208 d.SetDialogCancelItem(4)
209 if default == 1:
210 d.SetDialogDefaultItem(2)
211 elif default == 0:
212 d.SetDialogDefaultItem(3)
213 elif default == -1:
214 d.SetDialogDefaultItem(4)
215 while 1:
216 n = ModalDialog(None)
217 if n == 1: return default
218 if n == 2: return 1
219 if n == 3: return 0
220 if n == 4: return -1
225 screenbounds = Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds
226 screenbounds = screenbounds[0]+4, screenbounds[1]+4, \
227 screenbounds[2]-4, screenbounds[3]-4
230 class ProgressBar:
231 def __init__(self, title="Working...", maxval=100, label="", id=259):
232 self.maxval = maxval
233 self.curval = -1
234 self.d = GetNewDialog(id, -1)
235 self.title(title)
236 self.label(label)
237 self._update(0)
239 def __del__( self ):
240 self.d.BringToFront()
241 self.d.HideWindow()
242 del self.d
244 def title(self, newstr=""):
245 """title(text) - Set title of progress window"""
246 self.d.BringToFront()
247 w = self.d.GetDialogWindow()
248 w.SetWTitle(newstr)
250 def label( self, *newstr ):
251 """label(text) - Set text in progress box"""
252 self.d.BringToFront()
253 if newstr:
254 self._label = lf2cr(newstr[0])
255 tp, text_h, rect = self.d.GetDialogItem(2)
256 SetDialogItemText(text_h, self._label)
259 def _update(self, value):
260 self.d.BringToFront()
261 tp, h, bar_rect = self.d.GetDialogItem(3)
262 Qd.SetPort(self.d)
264 Qd.FrameRect(bar_rect) # Draw outline
266 inner_rect = Qd.InsetRect(bar_rect, 1, 1)
267 l, t, r, b = inner_rect
269 Qd.ForeColor(QuickDraw.blackColor)
270 Qd.BackColor(QuickDraw.blackColor)
271 Qd.PaintRect((l, t, int(l + (r-l)*value/self.maxval), b)) # Draw bar
273 Qd.ForeColor(QuickDraw.whiteColor)
274 Qd.BackColor(QuickDraw.whiteColor)
275 Qd.PaintRect((int(l + (r-l)*value/self.maxval), t, r, b)) # Clear rest
277 # Restore settings
278 Qd.ForeColor(QuickDraw.blackColor)
279 Qd.BackColor(QuickDraw.whiteColor)
281 # Test for cancel button
283 ready, ev = Evt.WaitNextEvent( Events.mDownMask, 1 )
284 if ready :
285 what,msg,when,where,mod = ev
286 part = Win.FindWindow(where)[0]
287 if Dlg.IsDialogEvent(ev):
288 ds = Dlg.DialogSelect(ev)
289 if ds[0] and ds[1] == self.d and ds[-1] == 1:
290 raise KeyboardInterrupt, ev
291 else:
292 if part == 4: # inDrag
293 self.d.DragWindow(where, screenbounds)
294 else:
295 MacOS.HandleEvent(ev)
298 def set(self, value):
299 """set(value) - Set progress bar position"""
300 if value < 0: value = 0
301 if value > self.maxval: value = self.maxval
302 self.curval = value
303 self._update(value)
305 def inc(self, n=1):
306 """inc(amt) - Increment progress bar position"""
307 self.set(self.curval + n)
309 def test():
310 import time
312 Message("Testing EasyDialogs.")
313 ok = AskYesNoCancel("Do you want to proceed?")
314 ok = AskYesNoCancel("Do you want to identify?", yes="Indentify", no="Don't identify")
315 if ok > 0:
316 s = AskString("Enter your first name", "Joe")
317 Message("Thank you,\n%s" % `s`)
318 text = ( "Working Hard...", "Hardly Working..." ,
319 "So far, so good!", "Keep on truckin'" )
320 bar = ProgressBar("Progress, progress...", 100)
321 try:
322 appsw = MacOS.SchedParams(1, 0)
323 for i in range(100):
324 bar.set(i)
325 time.sleep(0.1)
326 if i % 10 == 0:
327 bar.label(text[(i/10) % 4])
328 bar.label("Done.")
329 time.sleep(0.3) # give'em a chance to see the done.
330 finally:
331 del bar
332 apply(MacOS.SchedParams, appsw)
337 if __name__ == '__main__':
338 try:
339 test()
340 except KeyboardInterrupt:
341 Message("Operation Canceled.")