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[pythoncad.git] / PythonCAD / Generic / nurbs.py
2 # Copyright (c) 2003 Art Haas
4 # This file is part of PythonCAD.
6 # PythonCAD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
11 # PythonCAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with PythonCAD; if not, write to the Free Software
18 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 # NURBS curves
23 import array
25 class Nurb(object):
26 def __init__(self, ctrlpts, knots, order):
27 if not isinstance(ctrlpts, list):
28 raise TypeError, "Invalid control point list: " + str(ctrlpts)
29 if not isinstance(knots, list):
30 raise TypeError, "Invalid knot list: " + str(knots)
31 if not isinstance(order, int):
32 raise TypeError, "Invalid order; " + str(order)
33 if order < 2 or order > 16: # what is a good max value?
34 raise ValueError, "Invalid order: %d" % order
35 _ctrlpts = []
36 for _pt in ctrlpts:
37 if not isinstance(_pt, tuple):
38 raise TypeError, "Invalid control point: " + str(_pt)
39 _len = len(_pt)
40 if not (1 < _len < 4):
41 raise ValueError, "Invalid tuple length: " + str(_pt)
42 if _len == 2:
43 _x, _y = _pt
44 _w = 1.0
45 else:
46 _x, _y, _w = _pt
47 if not isinstance(_x, float):
48 _x = float(_x)
49 if not isinstance(_y, float):
50 _y = float(_y)
51 if not isinstance(_w, float):
52 _w = float(_w)
53 if not (_w > 0.0):
54 raise ValueError, "Invalid weight: %g" % _w
55 _ctrlpts.append((_x, _y, _w))
56 _knots = []
57 for _knot in knots:
58 if not isinstance(_knot, float):
59 _knot = float(_knot)
60 if (_knot < 0.0 or _knot > 1.0):
61 raise ValueError, "Invalid knot value: %g" % _knot
62 for _val in _knots:
63 if _knot < (_val - 1e-10):
64 raise (ValueError, "Invalid decreasing knot: %g < %g" %
65 (_knot, _val))
66 _knots.append(_knot)
67 print "knots: " + str(_knots)
68 print "ctrl: " + str(_ctrlpts)
69 print "order: %d" % order
70 _clen = len(_ctrlpts)
71 if _clen < order:
72 raise ValueError, "Order greater than number of control points."
73 if len(_knots) != (_clen + order):
74 raise ValueError, "Knot/Control Point/Order number error."
75 self.__ctrlpts = _ctrlpts
76 self.__knots = _knots
77 self.__order = order
79 def getControlPoints(self):
80 return self.__ctrlpts[:]
82 def getKnots(self):
83 return self.__knots[:]
85 def getOrder(self):
86 return self.__order
88 def calculate(self, count):
89 if not isinstance(count, int):
90 raise TypeError, "Invalid count: " + str(count)
91 _cpts = self.__ctrlpts
92 _knots = self.__knots
93 _dt = 1.0/float(count)
94 _p = self.__order - 1
95 _pts = []
96 for _c in range(count):
97 _t = _c * _dt
98 # print "time: %g" % _t
99 _nx = _ny = _nw = 0.0
100 for _i in range(len(_cpts)):
101 # print "using cpt %d" % _i
102 _x, _y, _w = _cpts[_i]
103 _Ni = self._N(_i, _p, _t)
104 _nx = _nx + (_Ni * _x)
105 _ny = _ny + (_Ni * _y)
106 _nw = _nw + (_Ni * _w)
107 # print "nw: %.3f" % _nw
108 # print "nx: %.3f" % _nx
109 # print "ny: %.3f" % _ny
110 if abs(_nw) > 1e-10:
111 _pts.append((_nx/_nw, _ny/_nw))
112 else:
113 print "zero weight: %f, %f" % (_nx, _ny)
115 return _pts
117 def _N(self, i, p, t):
118 # print "_N() ..."
119 _flag = False
120 if abs(t - 1.0) < 1e-10 and False:
121 _flag = True
122 if _flag:
123 print "i: %d" % i
124 print "p: %d" % p
125 print "t: %.3f" % t
126 _knots = self.__knots
127 _ki = _knots[i]
128 _kin = _knots[i + 1]
129 if _flag:
130 print "ki: %.3f" % _ki
131 print "kin: %.3f" % _kin
132 if p == 0:
133 if ((_ki - 1e-10) < t < _kin):
134 _val = 1.0
135 else:
136 _val = 0.0
137 else:
138 _kip = _knots[i + p]
139 _kipn = _knots[i + p + 1]
140 if _flag:
141 print "kip: %.3f" % _kip
142 print "kipn: %.3f" % _kipn
143 _t1 = 0.0
144 _v1 = _kip - _ki
145 if abs(_v1) > 1e-10:
146 _v2 = t - _ki
147 if abs(_v2) > 1e-10:
148 _t1 = (_v2/_v1) * self._N(i, (p - 1), t)
149 _t2 = 0.0
150 _v1 = _kipn - _kin
151 if abs(_v1) > 1e-10:
152 _v2 = _kipn - t
153 if abs(_v2) > 1e-10:
154 _t2 = (_v2/_v1) * self._N((i + 1), (p - 1), t)
155 _val = _t1 + _t2
156 if _flag:
157 print "val: %f" % _val
158 return _val
160 def writedata(self, count, fname):
161 if not isinstance(count, int):
162 raise TypeError, "Invalid count: " + str(count)
163 _f = file(fname, "w")
164 for _pt in self.calculate(count):
165 _x, _y = _pt
166 _f.write("%f %f\n" % (_x, _y))
167 _f.close()
168 _f = file('control_points', "w")
169 for _pt in self.getControlPoints():
170 _x, _y, _w = _pt # ignore weight
171 _f.write("%f %f\n" % (_x, _y))
172 _f.close()
173 _f = file('knots', "w")
174 for _knot in self.getKnots():
175 _f.write("%f 0.0\n" % _knot)
176 _f.close()
178 def _NN(self, i, p, t):
179 _cpts = self.__ctrlpts
180 _cl = len(_cpts)
181 _knots = self.__knots
182 _kl = len(_knots) - 1
183 _val = _kl * [0.0]
185 # calculate values for 0
187 for _i in range(_kl):
188 if ((_knots[i] - 1e-10) < t < _knots[i + 1]):
189 _val[_i] = 1.0
191 # calculate values up to the degree
193 for _j in range(1, (p + 1)):
194 for _i in range(_kl - _j):
195 _ki = _knots[_i]
196 _kin = _knots[_i + 1]
197 _kip = _knots[_i + p]
198 _kipn = _knots[_i + p + 1]
199 _t1 = 0.0
200 _n = _val[_i]
201 if abs(_n) > 1e-10:
202 _v1 = _kip - _ki
203 if abs(_v1) > 1e-10:
204 _v2 = t - _ki
205 if abs(_v2) > 1e-10:
206 _t1 = (_v2/_v1) * _n
207 _t2 = 0.0
208 _n = _val[_i + 1]
209 if abs(_n) > 1e-10:
210 _v1 = _kipn - _kin
211 if abs(_v1) > 1e-10:
212 _v2 = _kipn - t
213 if abs(_v2) > 1e-10:
214 _t2 = (_v2/_v1) * _n
215 _val[_i] = _t1 + _t2