2 on: [pull_request, push]
10 - name: Checkout repository
11 uses: actions/checkout@v2
13 - name: Install build tools
17 # use the preinstalled vcpkg from image
18 # https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/blob/main/images/win/Windows2019-Readme.md#package-management
20 uses: lukka/run-vcpkg@v7
22 vcpkgDirectory: C:/vcpkg
23 doNotUpdateVcpkg: true # the preinstalled vcpkg is updated regularly
26 # tell vcpkg to only build Release variants of the dependencies
27 - name: Configure vcpkg triplet overlay
30 -Path "${{ github.workspace }}" `
31 -Name "triplets_overlay" `
34 "${{ env.RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT }}/triplets/x64-windows-static.cmake" `
35 "${{ github.workspace }}/triplets_overlay/x64-windows-static-release.cmake"
37 "${{ github.workspace }}/triplets_overlay/x64-windows-static-release.cmake" `
38 -Value "set(VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE release)"
40 # clear buildtrees after each package installation to reduce disk space requirements
41 - name: Install dependencies
44 "boost-circular-buffer:x64-windows-static-release",
45 "libtorrent:x64-windows-static-release",
46 "qt5-base:x64-windows-static-release",
47 "qt5-svg:x64-windows-static-release",
48 "qt5-tools:x64-windows-static-release",
49 "qt5-winextras:x64-windows-static-release"
50 ${{ env.RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT }}/vcpkg.exe upgrade `
51 --overlay-triplets="${{ github.workspace }}/triplets_overlay" `
53 ${{ env.RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT }}/vcpkg.exe install `
54 --overlay-triplets="${{ github.workspace }}/triplets_overlay" `
58 # this is necessary to correctly find and use cl.exe with the Ninja generator for now
60 uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
62 - name: Build qBittorrent
67 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo `
69 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="${{ env.RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT }}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" `
71 -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-static-release `
73 --graphviz=build/target_graph.dot
76 - name: Upload build artifacts
77 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
79 name: qBittorrent-CI_Windows-x64
81 build/compile_commands.json
84 build/target_graph.dot