2 * Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent.
3 * Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Vladimir Golovnev <glassez@yandex.ru>
4 * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez <chris@qbittorrent.org>
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to
21 * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with
22 * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library),
23 * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public
24 * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you
25 * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
26 * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
27 * exception statement from your version.
35 #include <libtorrent/fwd.hpp>
36 #include <libtorrent/portmap.hpp>
37 #include <libtorrent/torrent_handle.hpp>
39 #include <QtContainerFwd>
41 #include <QElapsedTimer>
48 #include "base/path.h"
49 #include "base/settingvalue.h"
50 #include "base/utils/thread.h"
51 #include "addtorrentparams.h"
52 #include "cachestatus.h"
53 #include "categoryoptions.h"
55 #include "sessionstatus.h"
56 #include "torrentinfo.h"
57 #include "trackerentrystatus.h"
65 class BandwidthScheduler
67 class FilterParserThread
68 class NativeSessionExtension
72 enum class MoveStorageMode
73 enum class MoveStorageContext
76 class ResumeDataStorage
78 class TorrentContentRemover
79 class TorrentDescriptor
83 struct LoadTorrentParams
86 struct SessionMetricIndices
90 int hasIncomingConnections
= -1;
91 int sentPayloadBytes
= -1;
92 int recvPayloadBytes
= -1;
95 int sentIPOverheadBytes
= -1;
96 int recvIPOverheadBytes
= -1;
97 int sentTrackerBytes
= -1;
98 int recvTrackerBytes
= -1;
99 int recvRedundantBytes
= -1;
100 int recvFailedBytes
= -1;
105 int numPeersConnected
= -1;
106 int numPeersUpDisk
= -1;
107 int numPeersDownDisk
= -1;
113 int dhtBytesOut
= -1;
119 int diskBlocksInUse
= -1;
120 int numBlocksRead
= -1;
122 int numBlocksCacheHits
= -1;
127 int queuedDiskJobs
= -1;
128 int diskJobTime
= -1;
132 class SessionImpl final
: public Session
138 Path
savePath() const override
139 void setSavePath(const Path
) override
140 Path
downloadPath() const override
141 void setDownloadPath(const Path
) override
142 bool isDownloadPathEnabled() const override
143 void setDownloadPathEnabled(bool enabled
) override
145 QStringList
categories() const override
146 CategoryOptions
categoryOptions(const QString
) const override
147 Path
categorySavePath(const QString
) const override
148 Path
categorySavePath(const QString
, const CategoryOptions
) const override
149 Path
categoryDownloadPath(const QString
) const override
150 Path
categoryDownloadPath(const QString
, const CategoryOptions
) const override
151 bool addCategory(const QString
, const CategoryOptions
= {}) override
152 bool editCategory(const QString
, const CategoryOptions
) override
153 bool removeCategory(const QString
) override
154 bool isSubcategoriesEnabled() const override
155 void setSubcategoriesEnabled(bool value
) override
156 bool useCategoryPathsInManualMode() const override
157 void setUseCategoryPathsInManualMode(bool value
) override
159 Path
suggestedSavePath(const QString
, std::optional
<bool> useAutoTMM
) const override
160 Path
suggestedDownloadPath(const QString
, std::optional
<bool> useAutoTMM
) const override
162 TagSet
tags() const override
163 bool hasTag(const Tag
) const override
164 bool addTag(const Tag
) override
165 bool removeTag(const Tag
) override
167 bool isAutoTMMDisabledByDefault() const override
168 void setAutoTMMDisabledByDefault(bool value
) override
169 bool isDisableAutoTMMWhenCategoryChanged() const override
170 void setDisableAutoTMMWhenCategoryChanged(bool value
) override
171 bool isDisableAutoTMMWhenDefaultSavePathChanged() const override
172 void setDisableAutoTMMWhenDefaultSavePathChanged(bool value
) override
173 bool isDisableAutoTMMWhenCategorySavePathChanged() const override
174 void setDisableAutoTMMWhenCategorySavePathChanged(bool value
) override
176 qreal
globalMaxRatio() const override
177 void setGlobalMaxRatio(qreal ratio
) override
178 int globalMaxSeedingMinutes() const override
179 void setGlobalMaxSeedingMinutes(int minutes
) override
180 int globalMaxInactiveSeedingMinutes() const override
181 void setGlobalMaxInactiveSeedingMinutes(int minutes
) override
182 ShareLimitAction
shareLimitAction() const override
183 void setShareLimitAction(ShareLimitAction act
) override
185 QString
getDHTBootstrapNodes() const override
186 void setDHTBootstrapNodes(const QString
) override
187 bool isDHTEnabled() const override
188 void setDHTEnabled(bool enabled
) override
189 bool isLSDEnabled() const override
190 void setLSDEnabled(bool enabled
) override
191 bool isPeXEnabled() const override
192 void setPeXEnabled(bool enabled
) override
193 bool isAddTorrentToQueueTop() const override
194 void setAddTorrentToQueueTop(bool value
) override
195 bool isAddTorrentStopped() const override
196 void setAddTorrentStopped(bool value
) override
197 Torrent::StopCondition
torrentStopCondition() const override
198 void setTorrentStopCondition(Torrent::StopCondition stopCondition
) override
199 TorrentContentLayout
torrentContentLayout() const override
200 void setTorrentContentLayout(TorrentContentLayout value
) override
201 bool isTrackerEnabled() const override
202 void setTrackerEnabled(bool enabled
) override
203 bool isAppendExtensionEnabled() const override
204 void setAppendExtensionEnabled(bool enabled
) override
205 bool isUnwantedFolderEnabled() const override
206 void setUnwantedFolderEnabled(bool enabled
) override
207 int refreshInterval() const override
208 void setRefreshInterval(int value
) override
209 bool isPreallocationEnabled() const override
210 void setPreallocationEnabled(bool enabled
) override
211 Path
torrentExportDirectory() const override
212 void setTorrentExportDirectory(const Path
) override
213 Path
finishedTorrentExportDirectory() const override
214 void setFinishedTorrentExportDirectory(const Path
) override
216 int globalDownloadSpeedLimit() const override
217 void setGlobalDownloadSpeedLimit(int limit
) override
218 int globalUploadSpeedLimit() const override
219 void setGlobalUploadSpeedLimit(int limit
) override
220 int altGlobalDownloadSpeedLimit() const override
221 void setAltGlobalDownloadSpeedLimit(int limit
) override
222 int altGlobalUploadSpeedLimit() const override
223 void setAltGlobalUploadSpeedLimit(int limit
) override
224 int downloadSpeedLimit() const override
225 void setDownloadSpeedLimit(int limit
) override
226 int uploadSpeedLimit() const override
227 void setUploadSpeedLimit(int limit
) override
228 bool isAltGlobalSpeedLimitEnabled() const override
229 void setAltGlobalSpeedLimitEnabled(bool enabled
) override
230 bool isBandwidthSchedulerEnabled() const override
231 void setBandwidthSchedulerEnabled(bool enabled
) override
233 bool isPerformanceWarningEnabled() const override
234 void setPerformanceWarningEnabled(bool enable
) override
235 int saveResumeDataInterval() const override
236 void setSaveResumeDataInterval(int value
) override
237 std::chrono::minutes
saveStatisticsInterval() const override
238 void setSaveStatisticsInterval(std::chrono::minutes value
) override
239 int shutdownTimeout() const override
240 void setShutdownTimeout(int value
) override
241 int port() const override
242 void setPort(int port
) override
243 bool isSSLEnabled() const override
244 void setSSLEnabled(bool enabled
) override
245 int sslPort() const override
246 void setSSLPort(int port
) override
247 QString
networkInterface() const override
248 void setNetworkInterface(const QString
) override
249 QString
networkInterfaceName() const override
250 void setNetworkInterfaceName(const QString
) override
251 QString
networkInterfaceAddress() const override
252 void setNetworkInterfaceAddress(const QString
) override
253 int encryption() const override
254 void setEncryption(int state
) override
255 int maxActiveCheckingTorrents() const override
256 void setMaxActiveCheckingTorrents(int val
) override
257 bool isI2PEnabled() const override
258 void setI2PEnabled(bool enabled
) override
259 QString
I2PAddress() const override
260 void setI2PAddress(const QString
) override
261 int I2PPort() const override
262 void setI2PPort(int port
) override
263 bool I2PMixedMode() const override
264 void setI2PMixedMode(bool enabled
) override
265 int I2PInboundQuantity() const override
266 void setI2PInboundQuantity(int value
) override
267 int I2POutboundQuantity() const override
268 void setI2POutboundQuantity(int value
) override
269 int I2PInboundLength() const override
270 void setI2PInboundLength(int value
) override
271 int I2POutboundLength() const override
272 void setI2POutboundLength(int value
) override
273 bool isProxyPeerConnectionsEnabled() const override
274 void setProxyPeerConnectionsEnabled(bool enabled
) override
275 ChokingAlgorithm
chokingAlgorithm() const override
276 void setChokingAlgorithm(ChokingAlgorithm mode
) override
277 SeedChokingAlgorithm
seedChokingAlgorithm() const override
278 void setSeedChokingAlgorithm(SeedChokingAlgorithm mode
) override
279 bool isAddTrackersEnabled() const override
280 void setAddTrackersEnabled(bool enabled
) override
281 QString
additionalTrackers() const override
282 void setAdditionalTrackers(const QString
) override
283 bool isIPFilteringEnabled() const override
284 void setIPFilteringEnabled(bool enabled
) override
285 Path
IPFilterFile() const override
286 void setIPFilterFile(const Path
) override
287 bool announceToAllTrackers() const override
288 void setAnnounceToAllTrackers(bool val
) override
289 bool announceToAllTiers() const override
290 void setAnnounceToAllTiers(bool val
) override
291 int peerTurnover() const override
292 void setPeerTurnover(int val
) override
293 int peerTurnoverCutoff() const override
294 void setPeerTurnoverCutoff(int val
) override
295 int peerTurnoverInterval() const override
296 void setPeerTurnoverInterval(int val
) override
297 int requestQueueSize() const override
298 void setRequestQueueSize(int val
) override
299 int asyncIOThreads() const override
300 void setAsyncIOThreads(int num
) override
301 int hashingThreads() const override
302 void setHashingThreads(int num
) override
303 int filePoolSize() const override
304 void setFilePoolSize(int size
) override
305 int checkingMemUsage() const override
306 void setCheckingMemUsage(int size
) override
307 int diskCacheSize() const override
308 void setDiskCacheSize(int size
) override
309 int diskCacheTTL() const override
310 void setDiskCacheTTL(int ttl
) override
311 qint64
diskQueueSize() const override
312 void setDiskQueueSize(qint64 size
) override
313 DiskIOType
diskIOType() const override
314 void setDiskIOType(DiskIOType type
) override
315 DiskIOReadMode
diskIOReadMode() const override
316 void setDiskIOReadMode(DiskIOReadMode mode
) override
317 DiskIOWriteMode
diskIOWriteMode() const override
318 void setDiskIOWriteMode(DiskIOWriteMode mode
) override
319 bool isCoalesceReadWriteEnabled() const override
320 void setCoalesceReadWriteEnabled(bool enabled
) override
321 bool usePieceExtentAffinity() const override
322 void setPieceExtentAffinity(bool enabled
) override
323 bool isSuggestModeEnabled() const override
324 void setSuggestMode(bool mode
) override
325 int sendBufferWatermark() const override
326 void setSendBufferWatermark(int value
) override
327 int sendBufferLowWatermark() const override
328 void setSendBufferLowWatermark(int value
) override
329 int sendBufferWatermarkFactor() const override
330 void setSendBufferWatermarkFactor(int value
) override
331 int connectionSpeed() const override
332 void setConnectionSpeed(int value
) override
333 int socketSendBufferSize() const override
334 void setSocketSendBufferSize(int value
) override
335 int socketReceiveBufferSize() const override
336 void setSocketReceiveBufferSize(int value
) override
337 int socketBacklogSize() const override
338 void setSocketBacklogSize(int value
) override
339 bool isAnonymousModeEnabled() const override
340 void setAnonymousModeEnabled(bool enabled
) override
341 bool isQueueingSystemEnabled() const override
342 void setQueueingSystemEnabled(bool enabled
) override
343 bool ignoreSlowTorrentsForQueueing() const override
344 void setIgnoreSlowTorrentsForQueueing(bool ignore
) override
345 int downloadRateForSlowTorrents() const override
346 void setDownloadRateForSlowTorrents(int rateInKibiBytes
) override
347 int uploadRateForSlowTorrents() const override
348 void setUploadRateForSlowTorrents(int rateInKibiBytes
) override
349 int slowTorrentsInactivityTimer() const override
350 void setSlowTorrentsInactivityTimer(int timeInSeconds
) override
351 int outgoingPortsMin() const override
352 void setOutgoingPortsMin(int min
) override
353 int outgoingPortsMax() const override
354 void setOutgoingPortsMax(int max
) override
355 int UPnPLeaseDuration() const override
356 void setUPnPLeaseDuration(int duration
) override
357 int peerToS() const override
358 void setPeerToS(int value
) override
359 bool ignoreLimitsOnLAN() const override
360 void setIgnoreLimitsOnLAN(bool ignore
) override
361 bool includeOverheadInLimits() const override
362 void setIncludeOverheadInLimits(bool include
) override
363 QString
announceIP() const override
364 void setAnnounceIP(const QString
) override
365 int maxConcurrentHTTPAnnounces() const override
366 void setMaxConcurrentHTTPAnnounces(int value
) override
367 bool isReannounceWhenAddressChangedEnabled() const override
368 void setReannounceWhenAddressChangedEnabled(bool enabled
) override
369 void reannounceToAllTrackers() const override
370 int stopTrackerTimeout() const override
371 void setStopTrackerTimeout(int value
) override
372 int maxConnections() const override
373 void setMaxConnections(int max
) override
374 int maxConnectionsPerTorrent() const override
375 void setMaxConnectionsPerTorrent(int max
) override
376 int maxUploads() const override
377 void setMaxUploads(int max
) override
378 int maxUploadsPerTorrent() const override
379 void setMaxUploadsPerTorrent(int max
) override
380 int maxActiveDownloads() const override
381 void setMaxActiveDownloads(int max
) override
382 int maxActiveUploads() const override
383 void setMaxActiveUploads(int max
) override
384 int maxActiveTorrents() const override
385 void setMaxActiveTorrents(int max
) override
386 BTProtocol
btProtocol() const override
387 void setBTProtocol(BTProtocol protocol
) override
388 bool isUTPRateLimited() const override
389 void setUTPRateLimited(bool limited
) override
390 MixedModeAlgorithm
utpMixedMode() const override
391 void setUtpMixedMode(MixedModeAlgorithm mode
) override
392 bool isIDNSupportEnabled() const override
393 void setIDNSupportEnabled(bool enabled
) override
394 bool multiConnectionsPerIpEnabled() const override
395 void setMultiConnectionsPerIpEnabled(bool enabled
) override
396 bool validateHTTPSTrackerCertificate() const override
397 void setValidateHTTPSTrackerCertificate(bool enabled
) override
398 bool isSSRFMitigationEnabled() const override
399 void setSSRFMitigationEnabled(bool enabled
) override
400 bool blockPeersOnPrivilegedPorts() const override
401 void setBlockPeersOnPrivilegedPorts(bool enabled
) override
402 bool isTrackerFilteringEnabled() const override
403 void setTrackerFilteringEnabled(bool enabled
) override
404 bool isExcludedFileNamesEnabled() const override
405 void setExcludedFileNamesEnabled(bool enabled
) override
406 QStringList
excludedFileNames() const override
407 void setExcludedFileNames(const QStringList
) override
408 void applyFilenameFilter(const PathList
, QList
> &priorities
) override
409 QStringList
bannedIPs() const override
410 void setBannedIPs(const QStringList
) override
411 ResumeDataStorageType
resumeDataStorageType() const override
412 void setResumeDataStorageType(ResumeDataStorageType type
) override
413 bool isMergeTrackersEnabled() const override
414 void setMergeTrackersEnabled(bool enabled
) override
415 bool isStartPaused() const override
416 void setStartPaused(bool value
) override
417 TorrentContentRemoveOption
torrentContentRemoveOption() const override
418 void setTorrentContentRemoveOption(TorrentContentRemoveOption option
) override
420 bool isRestored() const override
422 bool isPaused() const override
423 void pause() override
424 void resume() override
426 Torrent
*getTorrent(const TorrentID
) const override
427 Torrent
*findTorrent(const InfoHash
) const override
428 QList
*> torrents() const override
429 qsizetype
torrentsCount() const override
430 const SessionStatus
&status() const override
431 const CacheStatus
&cacheStatus() const override
432 bool isListening() const override
434 void banIP(const QString
) override
436 bool isKnownTorrent(const InfoHash
) const override
437 bool addTorrent(const TorrentDescriptor
, const AddTorrentParams
= {}) override
438 bool removeTorrent(const TorrentID
, TorrentRemoveOption deleteOption
= TorrentRemoveOption::KeepContent
) override
439 bool downloadMetadata(const TorrentDescriptor
) override
440 bool cancelDownloadMetadata(const TorrentID
) override
442 void increaseTorrentsQueuePos(const QList
> &ids
) override
443 void decreaseTorrentsQueuePos(const QList
> &ids
) override
444 void topTorrentsQueuePos(const QList
> &ids
) override
445 void bottomTorrentsQueuePos(const QList
> &ids
) override
448 void handleTorrentResumeDataRequested(const TorrentImpl
449 void handleTorrentShareLimitChanged(TorrentImpl
450 void handleTorrentNameChanged(TorrentImpl
451 void handleTorrentSavePathChanged(TorrentImpl
452 void handleTorrentCategoryChanged(TorrentImpl
, const QString
453 void handleTorrentTagAdded(TorrentImpl
, const Tag
454 void handleTorrentTagRemoved(TorrentImpl
, const Tag
455 void handleTorrentSavingModeChanged(TorrentImpl
456 void handleTorrentMetadataReceived(TorrentImpl
457 void handleTorrentStopped(TorrentImpl
458 void handleTorrentStarted(TorrentImpl
459 void handleTorrentChecked(TorrentImpl
460 void handleTorrentFinished(TorrentImpl
461 void handleTorrentTrackersAdded(TorrentImpl
, const QList
> &newTrackers
462 void handleTorrentTrackersRemoved(TorrentImpl
, const QStringList
463 void handleTorrentTrackersChanged(TorrentImpl
464 void handleTorrentUrlSeedsAdded(TorrentImpl
, const QList
> &newUrlSeeds
465 void handleTorrentUrlSeedsRemoved(TorrentImpl
, const QList
> &urlSeeds
466 void handleTorrentResumeDataReady(TorrentImpl
, const LoadTorrentParams
467 void handleTorrentInfoHashChanged(TorrentImpl
, const InfoHash
468 void handleTorrentStorageMovingStateChanged(TorrentImpl
470 bool addMoveTorrentStorageJob(TorrentImpl
, const Path
, MoveStorageMode mode
, MoveStorageContext context
472 void findIncompleteFiles(const TorrentInfo
, const Path
473 , const Path
, const PathList
= {}) const;
475 void enablePortMapping();
476 void disablePortMapping();
477 void addMappedPorts(const QSet
> &ports
478 void removeMappedPorts(const QSet
> &ports
480 template <typename Func
481 void invoke(Func
483 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, std::forward
), Qt::QueuedConnection
486 void invokeAsync(std::function
<void ()> func
489 void addTorrentAlertsReceived(qsizetype count
492 void configureDeferred();
494 void enqueueRefresh();
495 void generateResumeData();
496 void handleIPFilterParsed(int ruleCount
497 void handleIPFilterError();
498 void fileSearchFinished(const TorrentID
, const Path
, const PathList
499 void torrentContentRemovingFinished(const QString
, const QString
502 struct ResumeSessionContext
504 struct MoveStorageJob
506 lt::torrent_handle torrentHandle
508 MoveStorageMode mode
509 MoveStorageContext context
512 struct RemovingTorrentData
515 Path contentStoragePath
517 TorrentRemoveOption removeOption
520 explicit SessionImpl(QObject
= nullptr);
523 bool hasPerTorrentRatioLimit() const;
524 bool hasPerTorrentSeedingTimeLimit() const;
525 bool hasPerTorrentInactiveSeedingTimeLimit() const;
527 // Session configuration
void configure();
529 void configureComponents();
530 void initializeNativeSession();
531 lt::settings_pack
loadLTSettings() const;
532 void applyNetworkInterfacesSettings(lt::settings_pack
) const;
533 void configurePeerClasses();
535 void applyBandwidthLimits();
536 void processBannedIPs(lt::ip_filter
537 QStringList
getListeningIPs() const;
538 void configureListeningInterface();
539 void enableTracker(bool enable
540 void enableBandwidthScheduler();
541 void populateAdditionalTrackers();
542 void enableIPFilter();
543 void disableIPFilter();
544 void processTrackerStatuses();
545 void processTorrentShareLimits(TorrentImpl
546 void populateExcludedFileNamesRegExpList();
547 void prepareStartup();
548 void handleLoadedResumeData(ResumeSessionContext
549 void processNextResumeData(ResumeSessionContext
550 void endStartup(ResumeSessionContext
552 LoadTorrentParams
initLoadTorrentParams(const AddTorrentParams
553 bool addTorrent_impl(const TorrentDescriptor
, const AddTorrentParams
555 void updateSeedingLimitTimer();
556 void exportTorrentFile(const Torrent
, const Path
558 void handleAlert(const lt::alert
559 void dispatchTorrentAlert(const lt::torrent_alert
560 void handleAddTorrentAlert(const lt::add_torrent_alert
561 void handleStateUpdateAlert(const lt::state_update_alert
562 void handleMetadataReceivedAlert(const lt::metadata_received_alert
563 void handleFileErrorAlert(const lt::file_error_alert
564 void handleTorrentRemovedAlert(const lt::torrent_removed_alert
565 void handleTorrentDeletedAlert(const lt::torrent_deleted_alert
566 void handleTorrentDeleteFailedAlert(const lt::torrent_delete_failed_alert
567 void handleTorrentNeedCertAlert(const lt::torrent_need_cert_alert
568 void handlePortmapWarningAlert(const lt::portmap_error_alert
569 void handlePortmapAlert(const lt::portmap_alert
570 void handlePeerBlockedAlert(const lt::peer_blocked_alert
571 void handlePeerBanAlert(const lt::peer_ban_alert
572 void handleUrlSeedAlert(const lt::url_seed_alert
573 void handleListenSucceededAlert(const lt::listen_succeeded_alert
574 void handleListenFailedAlert(const lt::listen_failed_alert
575 void handleExternalIPAlert(const lt::external_ip_alert
576 void handleSessionErrorAlert(const lt::session_error_alert
) const;
577 void handleSessionStatsAlert(const lt::session_stats_alert
578 void handleAlertsDroppedAlert(const lt::alerts_dropped_alert
) const;
579 void handleStorageMovedAlert(const lt::storage_moved_alert
580 void handleStorageMovedFailedAlert(const lt::storage_moved_failed_alert
581 void handleSocks5Alert(const lt::socks5_alert
) const;
582 void handleI2PAlert(const lt::i2p_alert
) const;
583 void handleTrackerAlert(const lt::tracker_alert
585 void handleTorrentConflictAlert(const lt::torrent_conflict_alert
588 TorrentImpl
*createTorrent(const lt::torrent_handle
, const LoadTorrentParams
590 void saveResumeData();
591 void saveTorrentsQueue();
592 void removeTorrentsQueue();
594 std::vector
*> getPendingAlerts(lt::time_duration time
= lt::time_duration::zero()) const;
596 void moveTorrentStorage(const MoveStorageJob
) const;
597 void handleMoveTorrentStorageJobFinished(const Path
599 void loadCategories();
600 void storeCategories() const;
601 void upgradeCategories();
602 DownloadPathOption
resolveCategoryDownloadPathOption(const QString
, const std::optional
> &option
) const;
604 void saveStatistics() const;
605 void loadStatistics();
607 void updateTrackerEntryStatuses(lt::torrent_handle torrentHandle
, QHash
, QHash
, QMap
<int, int>>> updatedTrackers
609 void handleRemovedTorrent(const TorrentID
, const QString
= {});
611 CachedSettingValue
> m_DHTBootstrapNodes
612 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isDHTEnabled
613 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isLSDEnabled
614 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isPeXEnabled
615 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isIPFilteringEnabled
616 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isTrackerFilteringEnabled
617 CachedSettingValue
> m_IPFilterFile
618 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_announceToAllTrackers
619 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_announceToAllTiers
620 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_asyncIOThreads
621 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_hashingThreads
622 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_filePoolSize
623 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_checkingMemUsage
624 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_diskCacheSize
625 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_diskCacheTTL
626 CachedSettingValue
> m_diskQueueSize
627 CachedSettingValue
> m_diskIOType
628 CachedSettingValue
> m_diskIOReadMode
629 CachedSettingValue
> m_diskIOWriteMode
630 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_coalesceReadWriteEnabled
631 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_usePieceExtentAffinity
632 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isSuggestMode
633 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_sendBufferWatermark
634 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_sendBufferLowWatermark
635 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_sendBufferWatermarkFactor
636 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_connectionSpeed
637 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_socketSendBufferSize
638 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_socketReceiveBufferSize
639 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_socketBacklogSize
640 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isAnonymousModeEnabled
641 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isQueueingEnabled
642 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_maxActiveDownloads
643 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_maxActiveUploads
644 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_maxActiveTorrents
645 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_ignoreSlowTorrentsForQueueing
646 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_downloadRateForSlowTorrents
647 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_uploadRateForSlowTorrents
648 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_slowTorrentsInactivityTimer
649 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_outgoingPortsMin
650 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_outgoingPortsMax
651 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_UPnPLeaseDuration
652 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_peerToS
653 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_ignoreLimitsOnLAN
654 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_includeOverheadInLimits
655 CachedSettingValue
> m_announceIP
656 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_maxConcurrentHTTPAnnounces
657 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isReannounceWhenAddressChangedEnabled
658 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_stopTrackerTimeout
659 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_maxConnections
660 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_maxUploads
661 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_maxConnectionsPerTorrent
662 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_maxUploadsPerTorrent
663 CachedSettingValue
> m_btProtocol
664 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isUTPRateLimited
665 CachedSettingValue
> m_utpMixedMode
666 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_IDNSupportEnabled
667 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_multiConnectionsPerIpEnabled
668 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_validateHTTPSTrackerCertificate
669 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_SSRFMitigationEnabled
670 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_blockPeersOnPrivilegedPorts
671 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isAddTrackersEnabled
672 CachedSettingValue
> m_additionalTrackers
673 CachedSettingValue
> m_globalMaxRatio
674 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_globalMaxSeedingMinutes
675 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_globalMaxInactiveSeedingMinutes
676 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isAddTorrentToQueueTop
677 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isAddTorrentStopped
678 CachedSettingValue
> m_torrentStopCondition
679 CachedSettingValue
> m_torrentContentLayout
680 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isAppendExtensionEnabled
681 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isUnwantedFolderEnabled
682 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_refreshInterval
683 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isPreallocationEnabled
684 CachedSettingValue
> m_torrentExportDirectory
685 CachedSettingValue
> m_finishedTorrentExportDirectory
686 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_globalDownloadSpeedLimit
687 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_globalUploadSpeedLimit
688 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_altGlobalDownloadSpeedLimit
689 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_altGlobalUploadSpeedLimit
690 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isAltGlobalSpeedLimitEnabled
691 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isBandwidthSchedulerEnabled
692 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isPerformanceWarningEnabled
693 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_saveResumeDataInterval
694 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_saveStatisticsInterval
695 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_shutdownTimeout
696 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_port
697 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_sslEnabled
698 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_sslPort
699 CachedSettingValue
> m_networkInterface
700 CachedSettingValue
> m_networkInterfaceName
701 CachedSettingValue
> m_networkInterfaceAddress
702 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_encryption
703 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_maxActiveCheckingTorrents
704 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isProxyPeerConnectionsEnabled
705 CachedSettingValue
> m_chokingAlgorithm
706 CachedSettingValue
> m_seedChokingAlgorithm
707 CachedSettingValue
> m_storedTags
708 CachedSettingValue
> m_shareLimitAction
709 CachedSettingValue
> m_savePath
710 CachedSettingValue
> m_downloadPath
711 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isDownloadPathEnabled
712 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isSubcategoriesEnabled
713 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_useCategoryPathsInManualMode
714 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isAutoTMMDisabledByDefault
715 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isDisableAutoTMMWhenCategoryChanged
716 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isDisableAutoTMMWhenDefaultSavePathChanged
717 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isDisableAutoTMMWhenCategorySavePathChanged
718 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isTrackerEnabled
719 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_peerTurnover
720 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_peerTurnoverCutoff
721 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_peerTurnoverInterval
722 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_requestQueueSize
723 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isExcludedFileNamesEnabled
724 CachedSettingValue
> m_excludedFileNames
725 CachedSettingValue
> m_bannedIPs
726 CachedSettingValue
> m_resumeDataStorageType
727 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isMergeTrackersEnabled
728 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_isI2PEnabled
729 CachedSettingValue
> m_I2PAddress
730 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_I2PPort
731 CachedSettingValue
<bool> m_I2PMixedMode
732 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_I2PInboundQuantity
733 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_I2POutboundQuantity
734 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_I2PInboundLength
735 CachedSettingValue
<int> m_I2POutboundLength
736 CachedSettingValue
> m_torrentContentRemoveOption
737 SettingValue
<bool> m_startPaused
739 lt::session
= nullptr;
740 NativeSessionExtension
= nullptr;
742 bool m_deferredConfigureScheduled
= false;
743 bool m_IPFilteringConfigured
= false;
744 mutable bool m_listenInterfaceConfigured
= false;
746 bool m_isRestored
= false;
747 bool m_isPaused
= isStartPaused();
749 // Order is important. This needs to be declared after its CachedSettingsValue
750 // counterpart, because it uses it for initialization in the constructor
751 // initialization list.
752 const bool m_wasPexEnabled
= m_isPeXEnabled
754 int m_numResumeData
= 0;
755 QList
> m_additionalTrackerEntries
756 QList
> m_excludedFileNamesRegExpList
759 mutable QElapsedTimer m_statisticsLastUpdateTimer
760 mutable bool m_isStatisticsDirty
= false;
761 qint64 m_previouslyUploaded
= 0;
762 qint64 m_previouslyDownloaded
= 0;
764 bool m_torrentsQueueChanged
= false;
765 bool m_needSaveTorrentsQueue
= false;
766 bool m_refreshEnqueued
= false;
767 QTimer
= nullptr;
768 QTimer
= nullptr;
770 QPointer
> m_filterParser
771 QPointer
> m_bwScheduler
773 QPointer
> m_tracker
775 Utils::Thread::UniquePtr m_ioThread
776 QThreadPool
= nullptr;
777 ResumeDataStorage
= nullptr;
778 FileSearcher
= nullptr;
779 TorrentContentRemover
= nullptr;
781 QHash
, lt::torrent_handle
> m_downloadedMetadata
783 QHash
, TorrentImpl
*> m_torrents
784 QHash
, TorrentImpl
*> m_hybridTorrentsByAltID
785 QHash
, LoadTorrentParams
> m_loadingTorrents
786 QHash
, RemovingTorrentData
> m_removingTorrents
787 QHash
, TorrentID
> m_changedTorrentIDs
788 QMap
, CategoryOptions
> m_categories
791 qsizetype m_receivedAddTorrentAlertsCount
= 0;
792 QList
*> m_loadedTorrents
794 // This field holds amounts of peers reported by trackers in their responses to announces
795 // (torrent.tracker_name.tracker_local_endpoint.protocol_version.num_peers)
796 QHash
, QHash
, QHash
, QMap
<int, int>>>> m_updatedTrackerStatuses
798 // I/O errored torrents
799 QSet
> m_recentErroredTorrents
800 QTimer
= nullptr;
802 SessionMetricIndices m_metricIndices
803 lt::time_point m_statsLastTimestamp
= lt::clock_type::now();
805 SessionStatus m_status
806 CacheStatus m_cacheStatus
808 QList
> m_moveStorageQueue
810 QString m_lastExternalIP
812 bool m_needUpgradeDownloadPath
= false;
814 // All port mapping related routines are invoked from working thread
815 // so there are no synchronization used. If multithreaded access is
816 // ever required, synchronization should also be provided.
817 bool m_isPortMappingEnabled
= false;
818 QHash
, std::vector
>> m_mappedPorts
820 QTimer
= nullptr;
821 QDateTime m_wakeupCheckTimestamp
823 QList
*> m_pendingFinishedTorrents
825 friend void Session::initInstance();
826 friend void Session::freeInstance();
827 friend Session
828 static Session