2 # Positive QAPI doc comment tests
4 { 'pragma': { 'doc-required': true } }
11 # *strong* _with emphasis_
34 # Since: the first age
37 # 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
39 # 2. Ut enim ad minim veniam
41 # Duis aute irure dolor
54 # @one: The _one_ {and only}
56 # @two is undocumented
58 { 'enum': 'Enum', 'data':
59 [ { 'name': 'one', 'if': 'defined(IFONE)' }, 'two' ],
60 'if': 'defined(IFCOND)' }
67 { 'struct': 'Base', 'data': { 'base1': 'Enum' } }
73 # Another paragraph (but no @var: line)
76 # @variant1-feat: a feature
78 { 'struct': 'Variant1',
79 'features': [ 'variant1-feat' ],
80 'data': { 'var1': { 'type': 'str', 'if': 'defined(IFSTR)' } } }
85 { 'struct': 'Variant2', 'data': {} }
92 'discriminator': 'base1',
93 'data': { 'one': 'Variant1', 'two': { 'type': 'Variant2', 'if': 'IFTWO' } } }
98 { 'union': 'SugaredUnion',
99 'data': { 'one': 'Variant1', 'two': { 'type': 'Variant2', 'if': 'IFTWO' } } }
106 { 'alternate': 'Alternate',
107 'data': { 'i': 'int', 'b': 'bool' } }
110 # == Another subsection
115 # @arg1: the first argument
121 # @cmd-feat1: a feature
122 # @cmd-feat2: another feature
123 # Note: @arg3 is undocumented
127 # - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
128 # - Ut enim ad minim veniam
130 # Duis aute irure dolor
141 'data': { 'arg1': 'int', '*arg2': 'str', 'arg3': 'bool' },
143 'features': [ 'cmd-feat1', 'cmd-feat2' ] }
147 # If you're bored enough to read this, go see a video of boxed cats
149 # @cmd-feat1: a feature
150 # @cmd-feat2: another feature
157 { 'command': 'cmd-boxed', 'boxed': true,
159 'features': [ 'cmd-feat1', 'cmd-feat2' ] }
164 { 'event': 'EVT-BOXED', 'boxed': true,