Fix qpms_vswf_set_reindex().
[qpms.git] / qpms /
1 '''
2 Common snippets for argument processing in command line scripts.
3 '''
5 import argparse
6 import sys
7 import warnings
9 def flatten(S):
10 if S == []:
11 return S
12 if isinstance(S[0], list):
13 return flatten(S[0]) + flatten(S[1:])
14 return S[:1] + flatten(S[1:])
16 def make_action_sharedlist(opname, listname):
17 class opAction(argparse.Action):
18 def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
19 if (not hasattr(args, listname)) or getattr(args, listname) is None:
20 setattr(args, listname, list())
21 getattr(args, listname).append((opname, values))
22 return opAction
24 def make_dict_action(argtype=None, postaction='store', first_is_key=True):
25 class DictAction(argparse.Action):
26 #def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs):
27 # if nargs is not None:
28 # raise ValueError("nargs not allowed")
29 # super(DictAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)
30 def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
31 if first_is_key: # For the labeled versions
32 key = values[0]
33 vals = values[1:]
34 else: # For the default values
35 key = None
36 vals = values
37 if argtype is not None:
38 if (first_is_key and self.nargs == 2) or (not first_is_key and self.nargs == 1):
39 vals = argtype(vals[0]) # avoid having lists in this case
40 else:
41 vals = [argtype(val) for val in vals]
42 ledict = getattr(namespace, self.dest, {})
43 if ledict is None:
44 ledict = {}
45 if postaction=='store':
46 ledict[key] = vals
47 elif postaction=='append':
48 lelist = ledict.get(key, [])
49 lelist.append(vals)
50 ledict[key] = lelist
51 setattr(namespace, self.dest, ledict)
52 return DictAction
55 class ArgumentProcessingError(Exception):
56 pass
58 class AppendTupleAction(argparse.Action):
59 ''' A variation on the 'append' builtin action from argparse, but uses tuples for the internal groupings instead of lists '''
60 def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
61 if (not hasattr(args, self.dest)) or getattr(args, self.dest) is None:
62 setattr(args, self.dest, list())
63 getattr(args, self.dest).append(tuple(values))
65 def float_range(string):
66 """Tries to parse a string either as one individual float value
67 or one of the following patterns:
69 first:last:increment
70 first:last|steps
71 first:last
73 (The last one is equivalent to first:last|50.)
74 Returns either float or numpy array.
75 """
76 try:
77 res = float(string)
78 return res
79 except ValueError:
80 import re
81 steps = None
82 match = re.match(r's?([^:]+):([^|]+)\|(.+)', string)
83 if match:
84 steps = int(
85 else:
86 match = re.match(r's?([^:]+):([^:]+):(.+)', string)
87 if match:
88 increment = float(
89 else:
90 match = re.match(r's?([^:]+):(.+)', string)
91 if match:
92 steps = 50
93 else:
94 argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Invalid float/sequence format: "%s"' % string)
95 first = float(
96 last = float(
97 import numpy as np
98 if steps is not None:
99 return np.linspace(first, last, num=steps)
100 else:
101 return np.arange(first, last, increment)
103 def int_or_None(string):
104 """Tries to parse a string either as an int or None (if it contains only whitespaces)"""
105 try:
106 return int(string)
107 except ValueError as ve:
108 if string.strip() == '':
109 return None
110 else:
111 raise ve
113 def sslice(string):
114 """Tries to parse a string either as one individual int value
115 or one of the following patterns:
117 first:last:increment
118 first:last
120 first, last and increment must be parseable as ints
121 or be empty (then
123 In each case, 's' letter can be prepended to the whole string to avoid
124 argparse interpreting this as a new option (if the argument contains
125 '-' or '+').
127 Returns either int or slice containing ints or Nones.
129 if string[0] == 's':
130 string = string[1:]
131 try:
132 res = int(string)
133 return res
134 except ValueError:
135 import re
136 match = re.match(r'([^:]*):([^:]*):(.*)', string)
137 if match:
138 step = int_or_None(
139 else:
140 match = re.match(r'([^:]*):(.*)', string)
141 if match:
142 step = None
143 else:
144 argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Invalid int/slice format: "%s"' % string)
145 start = int_or_None(
146 stop = int_or_None(
147 return slice(start, stop, step)
149 def sfloat(string):
150 '''Tries to match a float, or a float with prepended 's'
152 Used as a workaraound for argparse's negative number matcher, which does not recognize
153 scientific notation.
155 try:
156 res = float(string)
157 except ValueError as exc:
158 if string[0] == 's':
159 res = float(string[1:])
160 else: raise exc
161 return res
163 def sint(string):
164 '''Tries to match an int, or an int with prepended 's'
166 Used as a workaraound for argparse's negative number matcher if '+' is used as a
167 prefix
169 try:
170 res = int(string)
171 except ValueError as exc:
172 if string[0] == 's':
173 res = int(string[1:])
174 else: raise exc
175 return res
177 def material_spec(string):
178 """Tries to parse a string as a material specification, i.e. a
179 real or complex number or one of the string in built-in Lorentz-Drude models.
181 Tries to interpret the string as 1) float, 2) complex, 3) Lorentz-Drude key.
182 Raises argparse.ArgumentTypeError on failure.
184 from .cymaterials import lorentz_drude
185 if string in lorentz_drude.keys():
186 return string
187 else:
188 try: lemat = float(string)
189 except ValueError:
190 try: lemat = complex(string)
191 except ValueError as ve:
192 raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Material specification must be a supported material name %s, or a number" % (str(lorentz_drude.keys()),)) from ve
193 return lemat
195 class ArgParser:
196 ''' Common argument parsing engine for QPMS python CLI scripts. '''
198 def __add_planewave_argparse_group(ap):
199 pwgrp = ap.add_argument_group('Incident wave specification', """
200 Incident wave direction is given in terms of ISO polar and azimuthal angles θ, φ,
201 which translate into cartesian coordinates as r̂ = (x, y, z) = (sin(θ) cos(φ), sin(θ) sin(φ), cos(θ)).
203 Wave polarisation is given in terms of parameters ψ, χ, where ψ is the angle between a polarisation
204 ellipse axis and meridian tangent θ̂, and tg χ determines axes ratio;
205 the electric field in the origin is then
207 E⃗ = cos(χ) (cos(ψ) θ̂ + sin(ψ) φ̂) + i sin(χ) (sin(ψ) θ̂ + cos(ψ) φ̂).
209 All the angles are given as multiples of π/2.
212 pwgrp.add_argument("-φ", "--phi", type=float, default=0,
213 help='Incident wave asimuth in multiples of π/2.')
214 pwgrp.add_argument("-θ", "--theta", type=float_range, default=0,
215 help='Incident wave polar angle in multiples of π/2. This might be a sequence in format FIRST:LAST:INCREMENT.')
216 pwgrp.add_argument("-ψ", "--psi", type=float, default=0,
217 help='Angle between polarisation ellipse axis and meridian tangent θ̂ in multiples of π/2.')
218 pwgrp.add_argument("-χ", "--chi", type=float, default=0,
219 help='Polarisation parameter χ in multiples of π/2. 0 for linear, 0.5 for circular pol.')
221 def __add_manyparticle_argparse_group(ap):
222 mpgrp = ap.add_argument_group('Many particle specification', "TODO DOC")
223 mpgrp.add_argument("-p", "--position", nargs='+', action=make_dict_action(argtype=sfloat, postaction='append',
224 first_is_key=False), help="Particle positions, cartesion coordinates (default particle properties)")
225 mpgrp.add_argument("+p", "++position", nargs='+', action=make_dict_action(argtype=sfloat, postaction='append',
226 first_is_key=True), help="Particle positions, cartesian coordinates (labeled)")
227 mpgrp.add_argument("-L", "--lMax", nargs=1, default={},
228 action=make_dict_action(argtype=int, postaction='store', first_is_key=False,),
229 help="Cutoff multipole degree (default)")
230 mpgrp.add_argument("+L", "++lMax", nargs=2,
231 action=make_dict_action(argtype=int, postaction='store', first_is_key=True,),
232 help="Cutoff multipole degree (labeled)")
233 mpgrp.add_argument("-m", "--material", nargs=1, default={},
234 action=make_dict_action(argtype=material_spec, postaction='store', first_is_key=False,),
235 help='particle material (Au, Ag, ... for Lorentz-Drude or number for constant refractive index) (default)')
236 mpgrp.add_argument("+m", "++material", nargs=2,
237 action=make_dict_action(argtype=material_spec, postaction='store', first_is_key=True,),
238 help='particle material (Au, Ag, ... for Lorentz-Drude or number for constant refractive index) (labeled)')
239 mpgrp.add_argument("-r", "--radius", nargs=1, default={},
240 action=make_dict_action(argtype=float, postaction='store', first_is_key=False,),
241 help='particle radius (sphere or cylinder; default)')
242 mpgrp.add_argument("+r", "++radius", nargs=2,
243 action=make_dict_action(argtype=float, postaction='store', first_is_key=True,),
244 help='particle radius (sphere or cylinder; labeled)')
245 mpgrp.add_argument("-H", "--height", nargs=1, default={},
246 action=make_dict_action(argtype=float, postaction='store', first_is_key=False,),
247 help='particle radius (cylinder; default)')
248 mpgrp.add_argument("+H", "++height", nargs=2,
249 action=make_dict_action(argtype=float, postaction='store', first_is_key=True,),
250 help='particle radius (cylinder; labeled)')
252 atomic_arguments = {
253 'rectlattice2d_periods': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-p", "--period", type=float, nargs='+', required=True, help='square/rectangular lattice periods', metavar=('px','[py]')),
254 'rectlattice2d_counts': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("--size", type=int, nargs=2, required=True, help='rectangular array size (particle column, row count)', metavar=('NCOLS', 'NROWS')),
255 'single_frequency_eV': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-f", "--eV", type=float, required=True, help='radiation angular frequency in eV'),
256 'multiple_frequency_eV_optional': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-f", "--eV", type=float, nargs='*', help='radiation angular frequency in eV (additional)'),
257 'seq_frequency_eV': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-F", "--eV-seq", type=float, nargs=3, required=True, help='uniform radiation angular frequency sequence in eV', metavar=('FIRST', 'INCREMENT', 'LAST')),
258 'real_frequencies_eV_ng': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-f", "--eV", type=float_range, nargs=1, action='append', required=True, help='Angular frequency (or angular frequency range) in eV'), # nargs='+', action='extend' would be better, but action='extend' requires python>=3.8
259 'single_material': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-m", "--material", help='particle material (Au, Ag, ... for Lorentz-Drude or number for constant refractive index)', type=material_spec, required=True),
260 'single_radius': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-r", "--radius", type=float, required=True, help='particle radius (sphere or cylinder)'),
261 'single_height': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-H", "--height", type=float, help='cylindrical particle height; if not provided, particle is assumed to be spherical'),
262 'single_kvec2': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-k", '--kx-lim', nargs=2, type=sfloat, required=True, help='k vector', metavar=('KX_MIN', 'KX_MAX')),
263 'kpi': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("--kpi", action='store_true', help="Indicates that the k vector is given in natural units instead of SI, i.e. the arguments given by -k shall be automatically multiplied by pi / period (given by -p argument)"),
264 'bg_real_refractive_index': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-n", "--refractive-index", type=float, default=1., help='background medium strictly real refractive index'),
265 'bg_analytical': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-B", "--background", type=material_spec, default=1., help="Background medium specification (constant real or complex refractive index, or supported material label)"),
266 'single_lMax': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-L", "--lMax", type=int, required=True, default=3, help='multipole degree cutoff'),
267 'single_lMax_extend': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("--lMax-extend", type=int, required=False, default=6, help='multipole degree cutoff for T-matrix calculation (cylindrical particles only'),
268 'outfile': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, required=False, help='output path (if not provided, will be generated automatically)'), # TODO consider type=argparse.FileType('w')
269 'plot_out': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-O", "--plot-out", type=str, required=False, help="path to plot output (optional)"),
270 'plot_do': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-P", "--plot", action='store_true', help="if -p not given, plot to a default path"),
271 'lattice2d_basis': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-b", "--basis-vector", nargs='+', action=AppendTupleAction, help="basis vector in xy-cartesian coordinates (two required)", required=True, type=sfloat, dest='basis_vectors', metavar=('X', 'Y')),
272 'planewave_pol_angles': __add_planewave_argparse_group,
273 'multi_particle': __add_manyparticle_argparse_group,
276 feature_sets_available = { # name : (description, dependencies, atoms not in other dependencies, methods called after parsing, "virtual" features provided)
277 'const_real_background': ("Background medium with constant real refractive index", (), ('bg_real_refractive_index',), ('_eval_const_background_epsmu',), ('background', 'background_analytical')),
278 'background' : ("Most general background medium specification currently supported", ('background_analytical',), (), (), ()),
279 'background_analytical' : ("Background medium model holomorphic for 'reasonably large' complex frequency areas", (), ('bg_analytical',), ('_eval_analytical_background_epsmugen',), ('background',)),
280 'single_particle': ("Single particle definition (shape [currently spherical or cylindrical]) and materials, incl. background)", ('background',), ('single_material', 'single_radius', 'single_height', 'single_lMax_extend'), ('_eval_single_tmgen',), ()),
281 'multi_particle': ("One or more particle definition (shape [curently spherical or cylindrical]), materials, and positions)", ('background',), ('multi_particle',), ('_process_multi_particle',), ()),
282 'single_lMax': ("Single particle lMax definition", (), ('single_lMax',), (), ()),
283 'single_omega': ("Single angular frequency", (), ('single_frequency_eV',), ('_eval_single_omega',), ()),
284 'omega_seq': ("Equidistant real frequency range with possibility of adding individual frequencies", (), ('seq_frequency_eV', 'multiple_frequency_eV_optional',), ('_eval_omega_seq',), ()),
285 'omega_seq_real_ng': ("Equidistant real frequency ranges or individual frequencies (new syntax)", (), ('real_frequencies_eV_ng',), ('_eval_omega_seq_real_ng',), ()),
286 'lattice2d': ("Specification of a generic 2d lattice (spanned by the x,y axes)", (), ('lattice2d_basis',), ('_eval_lattice2d',), ()),
287 'rectlattice2d': ("Specification of a rectangular 2d lattice; conflicts with lattice2d", (), ('rectlattice2d_periods',), ('_eval_rectlattice2d',), ()),
288 'rectlattice2d_finite': ("Specification of a rectangular 2d lattice; conflicts with lattice2d", ('rectlattice2d',), ('rectlattice2d_counts',), (), ()),
289 'planewave': ("Specification of a normalised plane wave (typically used for scattering) with a full polarisation state", (), ('planewave_pol_angles',), ("_process_planewave_angles",), ()),
293 def __init__(self, features=[]):
294 prefix_chars = '+-' if 'multi_particle' in features else '-'
295 self.ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(prefix_chars=prefix_chars)
296 self.features_enabled = set()
297 self.call_at_parse_list = []
298 self.parsed = False
299 for feat in features:
300 self.add_feature(feat)
301 self._emg_register = {} # EpsMuGenerator dictionary to avoid recreating equivalent instances; filled by _add_emg()
302 self._tmg_register = {} # TMatrixGenerator dictionary to avoid recreating equivalent instances; filled by _add_tmg()
303 self._bspec_register = {} # Dictionary of used BaseSpecs to keep the equivalent instances unique; filled by _add_bspec()
305 def _add_emg(self, emgspec):
306 """Looks up whether if an EpsMuGenerator from given material_spec has been already registered, and if not, creates a new one"""
307 from .cymaterials import EpsMu, EpsMuGenerator, lorentz_drude
308 if emgspec in self._emg_register.keys():
309 return self._emg_register[emgspec]
310 else:
311 if isinstance(emgspec, (float, complex)):
312 emg = EpsMuGenerator(EpsMu(emgspec**2))
313 else:
314 emg = EpsMuGenerator(lorentz_drude[emgspec])
315 self._emg_register[emgspec] = emg
316 return emg
318 def _add_tmg(self, tmgspec):
319 """Looks up whether if a T-matrix from given T-matrix specification tuple has been already registered, and if not, creates a new one
321 T-matrix specification shall be of the form
322 (bg_material_spec, fg_material_spec, shape_spec) where shape_spec is
323 (radius, height, lMax_extend)
325 if tmgspec in self._tmg_register.keys():
326 return self._tmg_register[tmgspec]
327 else:
328 from .cytmatrices import TMatrixGenerator
329 bgspec, fgspec, (radius, height, lMax_extend) = tmgspec
330 bg = self._add_emg(bgspec)
331 fg = self._add_emg(fgspec)
332 if height is None:
333 tmgen = TMatrixGenerator.sphere(bg, fg, radius)
334 else:
335 tmgen = TMatrixGenerator.cylinder(bg, fg, radius, height, lMax_extend=lMax_extend)
336 self._tmg_register[tmgspec] = tmgen
337 return tmgen
339 def _add_bspec(self, key):
340 if key in self._bspec_register.keys():
341 return self._bspec_register[key]
342 else:
343 from .cybspec import BaseSpec
344 if isinstance(key, BaseSpec):
345 bspec = key
346 elif isinstance(key, int):
347 bspec = self._add_bspec(BaseSpec(lMax=key))
348 else: raise TypeError("Can't register this as a BaseSpec")
349 self._bspec_register[key] = bspec
350 return bspec
352 def add_feature(self, feat):
353 if feat not in self.features_enabled:
354 if feat not in ArgParser.feature_sets_available:
355 raise ValueError("Unknown ArgParser feature: %s" % feat)
356 #resolve dependencies
357 _, deps, atoms, atparse, provides_virtual = ArgParser.feature_sets_available[feat]
358 for dep in deps:
359 self.add_feature(dep)
360 for atom in atoms: # maybe check whether that atom has already been added sometimes in the future?
361 ArgParser.atomic_arguments[atom](self.ap)
362 for methodname in atparse:
363 self.call_at_parse_list.append(methodname)
364 self.features_enabled.add(feat)
365 for feat_virt in provides_virtual:
366 self.features_enabled.add(feat_virt)
368 def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
369 '''Add a custom argument directly to the standard library ArgParser object'''
370 return self.ap.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
372 def add_argument_group(self, *args, **kwargs):
373 '''Add a custom argument group directly to the standard library ArgParser object'''
374 return self.ap.add_argument_group(*args, **kwargs)
376 def parse_args(self, process_data = True, *args, **kwargs):
377 self.args = self.ap.parse_args(*args, **kwargs)
378 if process_data:
379 for method in self.call_at_parse_list:
380 try:
381 getattr(self, method)()
382 except ArgumentProcessingError:
383 err = sys.exc_info()[1]
384 self.ap.error(str(err))
385 return self.args
387 def __getattr__(self, name):
388 return getattr(self.args, name)
391 # Methods to initialise the related data structures:
393 def _eval_const_background_epsmu(self): # feature: const_real_background
394 self.args.background = self.args.refractive_index
395 self._eval_analytical_background_epsmugen()
397 def _eval_analytical_background_epsmugen(self): # feature: background_analytical
398 a = self.args
399 from .cymaterials import EpsMu
400 if isinstance(a.background, (float, complex)):
401 self.background_epsmu = EpsMu(a.background**2)
402 self.background_emg = self._add_emg(a.background)
404 def _eval_single_tmgen(self): # feature: single_particle
405 a = self.args
406 from .cymaterials import EpsMuGenerator, lorentz_drude
407 from .cytmatrices import TMatrixGenerator
408 self.foreground_emg = self._add_emg(a.material)
409 self.tmgen = self._add_tmg((a.background, a.material, (a.radius, a.height, a.lMax_extend)))
410 self.bspec = self._add_bspec(a.lMax)
412 def _eval_single_omega(self): # feature: single_omega
413 from .constants import eV, hbar
414 = self.args.eV * eV / hbar
416 def _eval_omega_seq(self): # feature: omega_seq
417 import numpy as np
418 from .constants import eV, hbar
419 start, step, stop = self.args.eV_seq
420 self.omegas = np.arange(start, stop, step)
421 if self.args.eV:
422 self.omegas = np.concatenate((self.omegas, np.array(self.args.eV)))
423 self.omegas.sort()
424 self.omegas *= eV/hbar
426 def _eval_omega_seq_real_ng(self): # feature: omega_seq_real_ng
427 import numpy as np
428 from .constants import eV, hbar
429 eh = eV / hbar
430 self.omegas = [omega_eV * eh for omega_eV in flatten(self.args.eV)]
431 self.omega_max = max(om if isinstance(om, float) else max(om) for om in self.omegas)
432 self.omega_min = min(om if isinstance(om, float) else min(om) for om in self.omegas)
433 self.omega_singles = [om for om in self.omegas if isinstance(om, float)]
434 self.omega_ranges = [om for om in self.omegas if not isinstance(om, float)]
435 self.omega_descr = ("%geV" % (self.omega_max / eh)) if (self.omega_max == self.omega_min) else (
436 "%g%geV" % (self.omega_min / eh, self.omega_max / eh))
437 self.allomegas = []
438 for om in self.omegas:
439 if isinstance(om, float):
440 self.allomegas.append(om)
441 else:
442 self.allomegas.extend(om)
443 self.allomegas = np.unique(self.allomegas)
446 def _eval_lattice2d(self): # feature: lattice2d
447 l = len(self.args.basis_vectors)
448 if l != 2: raise ValueError('Two basis vectors must be specified (have %d)' % l)
449 from .qpms_c import lll_reduce
450 self.direct_basis = lll_reduce(self.args.basis_vectors, delta=1.)
451 import numpy as np
452 self.reciprocal_basis1 = np.linalg.inv(self.direct_basis.T)
453 self.reciprocal_basis2pi = 2 * np.pi * self.reciprocal_basis1
455 def _eval_rectlattice2d(self): # feature: rectlattice2d
456 a = self.args
457 l = len(a.period)
458 if (l == 1): # square lattice
459 a.period = (a.period[0], a.period[0])
460 else:
461 a.period = (a.period[0], a.period[1])
462 if (l > 2):
463 raise ValueError("At most two lattice periods allowed for a rectangular lattice (got %d)" % l)
465 import numpy as np
466 a.basis_vectors = [(a.period[0], 0.), (0., a.period[1])]
467 self.direct_basis = np.array(a.basis_vectors)
468 self.reciprocal_basis1 = np.linalg.inv(self.direct_basis.T)
469 self.reciprocal_basis2pi = 2 * np.pi * self.reciprocal_basis1
471 def _process_planewave_angles(self): #feature: planewave
472 import math
473 pi2 = math.pi/2
474 a = self.args
475 a.chi = a.chi * pi2
476 a.psi = a.psi * pi2
477 a.theta = a.theta * pi2
478 a.phi = a.phi * pi2
480 def _process_multi_particle(self): # feature: multi_particle
481 a = self.args
482 self.tmspecs = {}
483 self.tmgens = {}
484 self.bspecs = {}
485 self.positions = {}
486 pos13, pos23, pos33 = False, False, False # used to
487 if len(a.position.keys()) == 0:
488 warnings.warn("No particle position (-p or +p) specified, assuming single particle in the origin / single particle per unit cell!")
489 a.position[None] = [(0.,0.,0.)]
490 for poslabel in a.position.keys():
491 try:
492 lMax = a.lMax.get(poslabel, False) or a.lMax[None]
493 radius = a.radius.get(poslabel, False) or a.radius[None]
494 # Height is "inherited" only together with radius
495 height = a.height.get(poslabel, None) if poslabel in a.radius.keys() else a.height.get(None, None)
496 if hasattr(a, 'lMax_extend'):
497 lMax_extend = a.lMax_extend.get(poslabel, False) or a.lMax_extend.get(None, False) or None
498 else:
499 lMax_extend = None
500 material = a.material.get(poslabel, False) or a.material[None]
501 except (TypeError, KeyError) as exc:
502 if poslabel is None:
503 raise ArgumentProcessingError("Unlabeled particles' positions (-p) specified, but some default particle properties are missing (--lMax, --radius, and --material have to be specified)") from exc
504 else:
505 raise ArgumentProcessingError(("Incomplete specification of '%s'-labeled particles: you must"
506 "provide at least ++lMax, ++radius, ++material arguments with the label, or the fallback arguments"
507 "--lMax, --radius, --material.")%(str(poslabel),)) from exc
508 tmspec = (a.background, material, (radius, height, lMax_extend))
509 self.tmspecs[poslabel] = tmspec
510 self.tmgens[poslabel] = self._add_tmg(tmspec)
511 self.bspecs[poslabel] = self._add_bspec(lMax)
512 poslist_cured = []
513 for pos in a.position[poslabel]:
514 if len(pos) == 1:
515 pos_cured = (0., 0., pos[0])
516 pos13 = True
517 elif len(pos) == 2:
518 pos_cured = (pos[0], pos[1], 0.)
519 pos23 = True
520 elif len(pos) == 3:
521 pos_cured = pos
522 pos33 = True
523 else:
524 raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Each -p / +p argument requires 1 to 3 cartesian coordinates")
525 poslist_cured.append(pos_cured)
526 self.positions[poslabel] = poslist_cured
527 if pos13 and pos23:
528 warnings.warn("Both 1D and 2D position specifications used. The former are interpreted as z coordinates while the latter as x, y coordinates")
530 def get_particles(self):
531 """Creates a list of Particle instances that can be directly used in ScatteringSystem.create().
533 Assumes that self._process_multi_particle() has been already called.
535 from .qpms_c import Particle
536 plist = []
537 for poslabel, poss in self.positions.items():
538 t = self.tmgens[poslabel]
539 bspec = self.bspecs[poslabel]
540 plist.extend([Particle(pos, t, bspec=bspec) for pos in poss])
541 return plist
543 #TODO perhaps move into another module
544 def annotate_pdf_metadata(pdfPages, scriptname=None, keywords=None, author=None, title=None, subject=None, **kwargs):
545 """Adds QPMS version-related metadata to a matplotlib PdfPages object
547 Use before closing the PDF file.
549 from .qpms_c import qpms_library_version
550 d = pdfPages.infodict()
551 d['Creator'] = "QPMS%s (lib rev. %s)," % (
552 "" if scriptname is None else (" "+scriptname), qpms_library_version())
553 if author is not None:
554 d['Author'] = author
555 if title is not None:
556 d['Title'] = title
557 if subject is not None:
558 d['Subject'] = subject
559 if keywords is not None:
560 d['Keywords'] = ' '.join(keywords)
561 d.update(kwargs)