Version metadata into output files
[qpms.git] / qpms /
1 """
2 This file contains mostly legacy code, but is still kept for reference. Avoid using this.
3 """
5 import numpy as np
6 from .qpms_c import *
7 ň = np.newaxis
8 import scipy
9 from .constants import ε_0, c, pi, π, e,, μ_0
10 eV = e
11 from scipy.special import lpmn, lpmv, spherical_jn, spherical_yn, poch, gammaln, factorial
12 import math
13 import cmath
14 import os
16 """
17 '''
18 Try to import numba. Its pre-0.28.0 versions can not handle functions
19 containing utf8 identifiers, so we keep track about that.
20 '''
21 try:
22 import numba
23 use_jit = True
24 if numba.__version__ >= '0.28.0':
25 use_jit_utf8 = True
26 else:
27 use_jit_utf8 = False
28 except ImportError:
29 use_jit = False
30 use_jit_utf8 = False
31 '''
32 Accordingly, we define our own jit decorator that handles
33 different versions of numba or does nothing if numba is not
34 present. Note that functions that include unicode identifiers
35 must be decorated with #@ujit
36 '''
37 #def dummywrap(f):
38 # return f
39 def jit(f):
40 if use_jit:
41 return numba.jit(f)
42 else:
43 return f
44 def ujit(f):
45 if use_jit_utf8:
46 return numba.jit(f)
47 else:
48 return f
49 """
51 # Coordinate transforms for arrays of "arbitrary" shape
52 #@ujit
53 def cart2sph(cart,axis=-1, allow2d=False):
54 cart = np.array(cart, copy=False)
55 if cart.shape[axis] == 3:
56 [x, y, z] = np.split(cart,3,axis=axis)
57 r = np.linalg.norm(cart,axis=axis,keepdims=True)
58 r_zero = np.logical_not(r)
59 θ = np.arccos(z/(r+r_zero))
60 elif cart.shape[axis] == 2 and allow2d:
61 [x, y] = np.split(cart,2,axis=axis)
62 r = np.linalg.norm(cart,axis=axis,keepdims=True)
63 r_zero = np.logical_not(r)
64 θ = np.broadcast_to(np.pi/2, x.shape)
65 else:
66 raise ValueError("The converted array has to have dimension 3 "
67 "(or 2 if allow2d==True)"
68 " along the given axis, not %d" % cart.shape[axis])
70 φ = np.arctan2(y,x) # arctan2 handles zeroes correctly itself
71 return np.concatenate((r,θ,φ),axis=axis)
73 #@ujit
74 def sph2cart(sph, axis=-1):
75 sph = np.array(sph, copy=False)
76 if (sph.shape[axis] != 3):
77 raise ValueError("The converted array has to have dimension 3"
78 " along the given axis")
79 [r,θ,φ] = np.split(sph,3,axis=axis)
80 sinθ = np.sin(θ)
81 x = r * sinθ * np.cos(φ)
82 y = r * sinθ * np.sin(φ)
83 z = r * np.cos(θ)
84 return np.concatenate((x,y,z),axis=axis)
86 #@ujit
87 def sph_loccart2cart(loccart, sph, axis=-1):
88 """
89 Transformation of vector specified in local orthogonal coordinates
90 (tangential to spherical coordinates – basis r̂,θ̂,φ̂) to global cartesian
91 coordinates (basis x̂,ŷ,ẑ)
94 Parameters
95 ----------
96 loccart: ... TODO
97 the transformed vector in the local orthogonal coordinates
99 sph: ... TODO
100 the point (in spherical coordinates) at which the locally
101 orthogonal basis is evaluated
103 Returns
104 -------
105 output: ... TODO
106 The coordinates of the vector in global cartesian coordinates
108 loccart = np.array(loccart, copy=False)
109 sph = np.array(sph, copy=False)
110 if (loccart.shape[axis] != 3):
111 raise ValueError("The converted array has to have dimension 3"
112 " along the given axis")
113 [r,θ,φ] = np.split(sph,3,axis=axis)
114 sinθ = np.sin(θ)
115 cosθ = np.cos(θ)
116 sinφ = np.sin(φ)
117 cosφ = np.cos(φ)
119 #x = r * sinθ * cosφ
120 #y = r * sinθ * sinφ
121 #z = r * cosθ
122 r̂x = sinθ * cosφ
123 r̂y = sinθ * sinφ
124 r̂z = cosθ
125 θ̂x = cosθ * cosφ
126 θ̂y = cosθ * sinφ
127 θ̂z = -sinθ
128 φ̂x = -sinφ
129 φ̂y = cosφ
130 φ̂z = np.zeros(φ̂y.shape)
131 = np.concatenate((r̂x,r̂y,r̂z),axis=axis)
132 θ̂ = np.concatenate((θ̂x,θ̂y,θ̂z),axis=axis)
133 φ̂ = np.concatenate((φ̂x,φ̂y,φ̂z),axis=axis)
134 [inr̂,inθ̂,inφ̂] = np.split(loccart,3,axis=axis)
135 out=inr̂*+inθ̂*θ̂+inφ̂*φ̂
136 return out
138 #@ujit
139 def sph_loccart_basis(sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None):
141 Returns the local cartesian basis in terms of global cartesian basis.
142 sphaxis refers to the original dimensions
143 TODO doc
145 if(cartaxis is None):
146 cartaxis = sph.ndim # default to last axis
147 [r,θ,φ] = np.split(sph,3,axis=sphaxis)
148 sinθ = np.sin(θ)
149 cosθ = np.cos(θ)
150 sinφ = np.sin(φ)
151 cosφ = np.cos(φ)
153 #x = r * sinθ * cosφ
154 #y = r * sinθ * sinφ
155 #z = r * cosθ
156 r̂x = sinθ * cosφ
157 r̂y = sinθ * sinφ
158 r̂z = cosθ
159 θ̂x = cosθ * cosφ
160 θ̂y = cosθ * sinφ
161 θ̂z = -sinθ
162 φ̂x = -sinφ
163 φ̂y = cosφ
164 φ̂z = np.zeros(φ̂y.shape)
165 #r̂ = np.concatenate((r̂x,r̂y,r̂z),axis=axis)
166 #θ̂ = np.concatenate((θ̂x,θ̂y,θ̂z),axis=axis)
167 #φ̂ = np.concatenate((φ̂x,φ̂y,φ̂z),axis=axis)
168 x = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate((r̂x,θ̂x,φ̂x), axis=sphaxis),axis=cartaxis)
169 y = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate((r̂y,θ̂y,φ̂y), axis=sphaxis),axis=cartaxis)
170 z = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate((r̂z,θ̂z,φ̂z), axis=sphaxis),axis=cartaxis)
171 out = np.concatenate((x,y,z),axis=cartaxis)
172 return out
175 #@jit
176 def nelem2lMax(nelem):
178 Auxiliary inverse function to nelem(lMax) = (lMax + 2) * lMax. Returns 0 if
179 it nelem does not come from positive integer lMax.
181 lMax = round(math.sqrt(1+nelem) - 1)
182 if ((lMax < 1) or ((lMax + 2) * lMax != nelem)):
183 return 0
184 else:
185 return lMax
187 def lMax2nelem(lMax):
188 return lMax * (lMax+2)
190 def lpy(nmax, z):
192 # TODO DOC
193 nelem = nmax * (nmax+2)
194 z = np.array(z, copy=False)
195 P_y = np.empty(z.shape + (nelem,), dtype=np.float_)
196 dP_y = np.empty(z.shape + (nelem,), dtype=np.float_)
197 for i in np.ndindex(z.shape):
198 P_y[i], dP_y[i] = lpy1(nmax, z[i])
199 return (P_y, dP_y)
201 def lpy1(nmax, z):
203 Associated legendre function and its derivatative at z in the 'y-indexing'.
204 (Without Condon-Shortley phase AFAIK.)
207 Parameters
208 ----------
210 nmax: int
211 The maximum order to which the Legendre functions will be evaluated..
213 z: float
214 The point at which the Legendre functions are evaluated.
216 output: (P_y, dP_y) TODO
217 y-indexed legendre polynomials and their derivatives
220 pmn_plus, dpmn_plus = lpmn(nmax, nmax, z)
221 pmn_minus, dpmn_minus = lpmn(-nmax, nmax, z)
222 nelem = nmax * nmax + 2*nmax
223 P_y = np.empty((nelem,), dtype=np.float_)
224 dP_y = np.empty((nelem,), dtype=np.float_)
225 mn_p_y, mn_n_y = get_y_mn_unsigned(nmax)
226 mn_plus_mask = (mn_p_y >= 0)
227 mn_minus_mask = (mn_n_y >= 0)
228 #print( mn_n_y[mn_minus_mask])
229 P_y[mn_p_y[mn_plus_mask]] = pmn_plus[mn_plus_mask]
230 P_y[mn_n_y[mn_minus_mask]] = pmn_minus[mn_minus_mask]
231 dP_y[mn_p_y[mn_plus_mask]] = dpmn_plus[mn_plus_mask]
232 dP_y[mn_n_y[mn_minus_mask]] = dpmn_minus[mn_minus_mask]
233 return (P_y, dP_y)
235 def vswf_yr(pos_sph,lMax,J=1):
237 Normalized vector spherical wavefunctions $\widetilde{M}_{mn}^{j}$,
238 $\widetilde{N}_{mn}^{j}$ as in [1, (2.40)].
240 Parameters
241 ----------
243 pos_sph : np.array(dtype=float, shape=(someshape,3))
244 The positions where the spherical vector waves are to be
245 evaluated. The last axis corresponds to the individual
246 points (r,θ,φ). The radial coordinate r is dimensionless,
247 assuming that it has already been multiplied by the
248 wavenumber.
250 nmax : int
251 The maximum order to which the VSWFs are evaluated.
253 Returns
254 -------
256 output : np.array(dtype=complex, shape=(someshape,nmax*nmax + 2*nmax,3))
257 Spherical vector wave functions evaluated at pos_sph,
258 in the local basis (r̂,θ̂,φ̂). The last indices correspond
259 to m, n (in the ordering given by mnindex()), and basis
260 vector index, respectively.
262 [1] Jonathan M. Taylor. Optical Binding Phenomena: Observations and
263 Mechanisms.
266 pos_sph = np.array(pos_sph, copy = False)
267 nelem = (lMax + 2) * lMax
268 M_y = np.empty(pos_sph.shape[:-1] + (nelem,3), dtype = np.complex_)
269 N_y = np.empty(pos_sph.shape[:-1] + (nelem,3), dtype = np.complex_)
270 for i in np.ndindex(pos_sph.shape[:-1]):
271 M_y[i], N_y[i] = vswf_yr1(pos_sph[i], lMax, J) # non-vectorised function
272 return (M_y, N_y)
274 #@jit
275 def _sph_zn_1(n,z,derivative=False):
276 return spherical_jn(n,z,derivative)
277 #@jit
278 def _sph_zn_2(n,z,derivative=False):
279 return spherical_yn(n,z,derivative)
280 #@jit
281 def _sph_zn_3(n,z,derivative=False):
282 besj=spherical_jn(n,z,derivative)
283 besy=spherical_yn(n,z,derivative)
284 return besj + 1j*besy
285 #@jit
286 def _sph_zn_4(n,z,derivative=False):
287 besj=spherical_jn(n,z,derivative)
288 besy=spherical_yn(n,z,derivative)
289 return besj + 1j*besy
290 _sph_zn = [_sph_zn_1,_sph_zn_2,_sph_zn_3,_sph_zn_4]
292 # computes bessel/hankel functions for orders from 0 up to n;
293 #@jit
294 def zJn(n, z, J=1):
295 return (_sph_zn[J-1](n=np.arange(n+1),z=z,derivative=False), _sph_zn[J-1](n=np.arange(n+1),z=z,derivative=True))
299 # The following 4 funs have to be refactored, possibly merged
301 # FIXME: this can be expressed simply as:
302 # $$ -\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{2n+1}{4\pi}n\left(n+1\right)}(\delta_{m,1}+\delta_{m,-1}) $$
303 #@ujit
304 def π̃_zerolim(nmax): # seems OK
306 lim_{θ→ 0-} π̃(cos θ)
308 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
309 nelems = len(my)
310 π̃_y = np.zeros((nelems))
311 plus1mmask = (my == 1)
312 minus1mmask = (my == -1)
313 pluslim = -ny*(1+ny)/2
314 minuslim = 0.5
315 π̃_y[plus1mmask] = pluslim[plus1mmask]
316 π̃_y[minus1mmask] = - minuslim
317 prenorm = np.sqrt((2*ny + 1)*factorial(ny-my)/(4*π*factorial(ny+my)))
318 π̃_y = prenorm * π̃_y
319 return π̃_y
321 #@ujit
322 def π̃_pilim(nmax): # Taky OK, jen to možná není kompatibilní se vzorečky z mathematiky
324 lim_{θ→ π+} π̃(cos θ)
326 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
327 nelems = len(my)
328 π̃_y = np.zeros((nelems))
329 plus1mmask = (my == 1)
330 minus1mmask = (my == -1)
331 pluslim = (-1)**ny*ny*(1+ny)/2
332 minuslim = 0.5*(-1)**ny
333 π̃_y[plus1mmask] = pluslim[plus1mmask]
334 π̃_y[minus1mmask] = minuslim[minus1mmask]
335 prenorm = np.sqrt((2*ny + 1)*factorial(ny-my)/(4*π*factorial(ny+my)))
336 π̃_y = prenorm * π̃_y
337 return π̃_y
339 # FIXME: this can be expressed simply as
340 # $$ -\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{2n+1}{4\pi}n\left(n+1\right)}(\delta_{m,1}-\delta_{m,-1}) $$
341 #@ujit
342 def τ̃_zerolim(nmax):
344 lim_{θ→ 0-} τ̃(cos θ)
346 p0 = π̃_zerolim(nmax)
347 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
348 minus1mmask = (my == -1)
349 p0[minus1mmask] = -p0[minus1mmask]
350 return p0
352 #@ujit
353 def τ̃_pilim(nmax):
355 lim_{θ→ π+} τ̃(cos θ)
357 t = π̃_pilim(nmax)
358 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
359 plus1mmask = (my == 1)
360 t[plus1mmask] = -t[plus1mmask]
361 return t
363 #@ujit
364 def get_π̃τ̃_y1(θ,nmax):
365 # TODO replace with the limit functions (below) when θ approaches
366 # the extreme values at about 1e-6 distance
368 (... TODO)
371 if (abs(θ)<1e-6):
372 return (π̃_zerolim(nmax),τ̃_zerolim(nmax))
373 if (abs(θ-π)<1e-6):
374 return (π̃_pilim(nmax),τ̃_pilim(nmax))
375 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
376 nelems = len(my)
377 Py, dPy = lpy(nmax, math.cos(θ))
378 prenorm = np.sqrt((2*ny + 1)*factorial(ny-my)/(4*π*factorial(ny+my)))
379 π̃_y = prenorm * my * Py / math.sin(θ) # bacha, možné dělení nulou
380 τ̃_y = prenorm * dPy * (- math.sin(θ)) # TADY BACHA!!!!!!!!!! * (- math.sin(pos_sph[1])) ???
381 return (π̃_y,τ̃_y)
383 #@ujit
384 def vswf_yr1(pos_sph,nmax,J=1):
386 As vswf_yr, but evaluated only at single position (i.e. pos_sph has
387 to have shape=(3))
389 if (pos_sph[1].imag or pos_sph[2].imag):
390 raise ValueError("The angles for the spherical wave functions can not be complex")
391 kr = pos_sph[0] if pos_sph[0].imag else pos_sph[0].real # To supress the idiotic warning in scipy.special.sph_jn
392 θ = pos_sph[1].real
393 φ = pos_sph[2].real
394 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
395 Py, dPy = lpy(nmax, math.cos(θ))
396 nelems = nmax*nmax + 2*nmax
397 # TODO Remove these two lines in production:
398 if(len(Py) != nelems or len(my) != nelems):
399 raise ValueError("This is very wrong.")
400 prenorm = np.sqrt((2*ny + 1)*factorial(ny-my)/(4*π*factorial(ny+my)))
401 if (abs(θ)<1e-6): # Ošetření limitního chování derivací Leg. fcí
402 π̃_y=π̃_zerolim(nmax)
403 τ̃_y=τ̃_zerolim(nmax)
404 elif (abs(θ-π)<1e-6):
405 π̃_y=π̃_pilim(nmax)
406 τ̃_y=τ̃_pilim(nmax)
407 else:
408 π̃_y = prenorm * my * Py / math.sin(θ)
409 τ̃_y = prenorm * dPy * (- math.sin(θ)) # TADY BACHA!!!!!!!!!! * (- math.sin(pos_sph[1])) ???
410 z_n, dz_n = zJn(nmax, kr, J=J)
411 z_y = z_n[ny]
412 dz_y = dz_n[ny]
413 eimf_y = np.exp(1j*my*φ) # zbytečné opakování my, lepší by bylo to spočítat jednou a vyindexovat
414 M̃_y = np.zeros((nelems,3), dtype=np.complex_)
415 M̃_y[:,1] = 1j * π̃_y * eimf_y * z_y
416 M̃_y[:,2] = - τ̃_y * eimf_y * z_y
417 Ñ_y = np.empty((nelems,3), dtype=np.complex_)
418 Ñ_y[:,0] = (ny*(ny+1)/kr) * prenorm * Py * eimf_y * z_y
419 Ñradial_fac_y = z_y / kr + dz_y
420 Ñ_y[:,1] = τ̃_y * eimf_y * Ñradial_fac_y
421 Ñ_y[:,2] = 1j*π̃_y * eimf_y * Ñradial_fac_y
422 return(M̃_y, Ñ_y)
424 #def plane_E_y(nmax):
425 # """
426 # The E_mn normalization factor as in [1, (3)] WITHOUT the E_0 factor,
427 # y-indexed
429 # (... TODO)
431 # References
432 # ----------
433 # [1] Jonathan M. Taylor. Optical Binding Phenomena: Observations and
435 # """
436 # my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
437 # return 1j**ny * np.sqrt((2*ny+1)*factorial(ny-my) /
438 # (ny*(ny+1)*factorial(ny+my))
440 #@ujit
441 def zplane_pq_y(nmax, betap = 0):
443 The z-propagating plane wave expansion coefficients as in [1, (1.12)]
445 Taylor's normalization
447 (... TODO)
449 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
450 U_y = 4*π * 1j**ny / (ny * (ny+1))
451 π̃_y = π̃_zerolim(nmax)
452 τ̃_y = τ̃_zerolim(nmax)
454 # fixme co je zač ten e_θ ve vzorečku? (zde neimplementováno)
455 p_y = U_y*(τ̃_y*math.cos(betap) - 1j*math.sin(betap)*π̃_y)
456 q_y = U_y*(π̃_y*math.cos(betap) - 1j*math.sin(betap)*τ̃_y)
457 return (p_y, q_y)
460 #import warnings
461 #@ujit
462 def plane_pq_y(nmax, kdir_cart, E_cart):
464 The plane wave expansion coefficients for any direction kdir_cart
465 and amplitude vector E_cart (which might be complex, depending on
466 the phase and polarisation state). If E_cart and kdir_cart are
467 not orthogonal, the result should correspond to the k-normal part
468 of E_cart.
470 The Taylor's convention on the expansion is used; therefore,
471 the electric field is expressed as
472 E(r) = E_cart * exp(1j * k ∙ r)
473 = -1j * ∑_y ( p_y * Ñ_y(|k| * r) + q_y * M̃_y(|k| * r))
474 (note the -1j factor).
476 Parameters
477 ----------
478 nmax: int
479 The order of the expansion.
480 kdir_cart: (...,3)-shaped real array
481 The wave vector (its magnitude does not play a role).
482 E_cart: (...,3)-shaped complex array
483 Amplitude of the plane wave
485 Returns
486 -------
487 p_y, q_y:
488 The expansion coefficients for the electric (Ñ) and magnetic
489 (M̃) waves, respectively.
492 if np.iscomplexobj(kdir_cart):
493 warnings.warn("The direction vector for the plane wave coefficients should be real. I am discarding the imaginary part now.")
494 kdir_cart = kdir_cart.real
496 E_cart = np.array(E_cart, copy=False)
497 k_sph = cart2sph(kdir_cart)
498 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
499 nelem = len(my)
500 U_y = 4*π * 1j**ny / (ny * (ny+1))
501 θ̂ = sph_loccart2cart(np.array([0,1,0]), k_sph, axis=-1)
502 φ̂ = sph_loccart2cart(np.array([0,0,1]), k_sph, axis=-1)
504 # not properly vectorised part:
505 π̃_y = np.empty(k_sph.shape[:-1] + (nelem,), dtype=np.complex_)
506 τ̃_y = np.empty(π̃_y.shape, dtype=np.complex_)
507 for i in np.ndindex(k_sph.shape[:-1]):
508 π̃_y[i], τ̃_y[i] = get_π̃τ̃_y1(k_sph[i][1], nmax) # this shit is not vectorised
510 # last indices of the summands: [...,y,local cartesian component index (of E)]
511 p_y = np.sum( U_y[...,:,ň]
512 * np.conj(np.exp(1j*my[...,:,ň]*k_sph[...,ň,ň,2]) * (
513 θ̂[...,ň,:]*τ̃_y[...,:,ň] + 1j*φ̂[...,ň,:]*π̃_y[...,:,ň]))
514 * E_cart[...,ň,:],
515 axis=-1)
516 q_y = np.sum( U_y[...,:,ň]
517 * np.conj(np.exp(1j*my[...,:,ň]*k_sph[...,ň,ň,2]) * (
518 θ̂[...,ň,:]*π̃_y[...,:,ň] + 1j*φ̂[...,ň,:]*τ̃_y[...,:,ň]))
519 * E_cart[...,ň,:],
520 axis=-1)
521 return (p_y, q_y)
526 # Material parameters
527 #@ujit
528 def ε_drude(ε_inf, ω_p, γ_p, ω): # RELATIVE permittivity, of course
529 return ε_inf - ω_p*ω_p/(ω*(ω+1j*γ_p))
532 # In[8]:
534 # Mie scattering
535 #@ujit
536 def mie_coefficients(a, nmax, #ω, ε_i, ε_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3
537 k_i, k_e, μ_i=1, μ_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3):
540 FIXME test the magnetic case
541 TODO description
542 RH concerns the N ("electric") part, RV the M ("magnetic") part
545 Parameters
546 ----------
547 a : float
548 Diameter of the sphere.
550 nmax : int
551 To which order (inc. nmax) to compute the coefficients.
553 ω : float
554 Frequency of the radiation
556 ε_i, ε_e, μ_i, μ_e : complex
557 Relative permittivities and permeabilities of the sphere (_i)
558 and the environment (_e)
561 J_ext, J_scat : 1, 2, 3, or 4 (must be different)
562 Specifies the species of the Bessel/Hankel functions in which
563 the external incoming (J_ext) and scattered (J_scat) fields
564 are represented. 1,2,3,4 correspond to j,y,h(1),h(2), respectively.
565 The returned coefficients are always with respect to the decomposition
566 of the "external incoming" wave.
568 Returns
569 -------
570 RV == a/p, RH == b/q, TV = d/p, TH = c/q
571 TODO
572 what does it return on index 0???
573 FIXME permeabilities
575 # permittivities are relative!
576 # cf. worknotes
577 #print("a, nmax, ε_m, ε_b, ω",a, nmax, ε_m, ε_b, ω)
578 #k_i = cmath.sqrt(ε_i*μ_i) * ω / c
579 x_i = k_i * a
580 #k_e = cmath.sqrt(ε_e*μ_e) * ω / c
581 x_e = k_e * a
582 #print("Mie: phase at radius: x_i",x_i,"x_e",x_e)
583 m = k_i/k_e#cmath.sqrt(ε_i*μ_i/(ε_e*μ_e))
584 # We "need" the absolute permeabilities for the final formula
585 # This is not the absolute wave impedance, because only their ratio
586 # ηi/ηe is important for getting the Mie coefficients.
587 η_inv_i = k_i / μ_i
588 η_inv_e = k_e / μ_e
589 #print("k_m, x_m,k_b,x_b",k_m, x_m,k_b,x_b)
590 zi, ži = zJn(nmax, x_i, J=1)
591 #Pi = (zi * x_i)
592 #Di = (zi + x_i * ži) / Pi # Vzoreček Taylor (2.9)
593 #ži = zi + x_i * ži
594 ze, že = zJn(nmax, x_e, J=J_ext)
595 #Pe = (ze * x_e)
596 #De = (ze + x_e * že) / Pe # Vzoreček Taylor (2.9)
597 #že = ze + x_e * že
598 zs, žs = zJn(nmax, x_e, J=J_scat)
599 #Ps = (zs * x_e)
600 #Ds = (zs + x_e * žs) / Ps # Vzoreček Taylor (2.9)
601 #žs = zs + x_e * zs
602 #RH = (μ_i*zi*že - μ_e*ze*ži) / (μ_i*zi*žs - μ_e*zs*ži)
603 #RV = (μ_e*m*m*zi*že - μ_i*ze*ži) / (μ_e*m*m*zi*žs - μ_i*zs*ži)
604 #TH = (μ_i*ze*žs - μ_i*zs*že) / (μ_i*zi*žs - μ_e*zs*ži)
605 #TV = (μ_i*m*ze*žs - μ_i*m*zs*že) / (μ_e*m*m*zi*žs - μ_i*zs*ži)
606 ži = zi/x_i+ži
607 žs = zs/x_e+žs
608 že = ze/x_e+že
609 RV = -((-η_inv_i * že * zi + η_inv_e * ze * ži)/(-η_inv_e * ži * zs + η_inv_i * zi * žs))
610 RH = -((-η_inv_e * že * zi + η_inv_i * ze * ži)/(-η_inv_i * ži * zs + η_inv_e * zi * žs))
611 TV = -((-η_inv_e * že * zs + η_inv_e * ze * žs)/( η_inv_e * ži * zs - η_inv_i * zi * žs))
612 TH = -(( η_inv_e * že * zs - η_inv_e * ze * žs)/(-η_inv_i * ži * zs + η_inv_e * zi * žs))
613 return (RH, RV, TH, TV)
615 #@ujit
616 def G_Mie_scat_precalc_cart_new(source_cart, dest_cart, RH, RV, a, nmax, k_i, k_e, μ_i=1, μ_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3):
618 Implementation according to Kristensson, page 50
619 My (Taylor's) basis functions are normalized to n*(n+1), whereas Kristensson's to 1
620 TODO: check possible -1 factors (cf. Kristensson's dagger notation)
622 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
623 nelem = len(my)
624 #source to origin
625 source_sph = cart2sph(source_cart)
626 source_sph[0] = k_e * source_sph[0]
627 dest_sph = cart2sph(dest_cart)
628 dest_sph[0] = k_e * dest_sph[0]
629 if(dest_sph[0].real >= source_sph[0].real):
630 lo_sph = source_sph
631 hi_sph = dest_sph
632 else:
633 lo_sph = dest_sph
634 hi_sph = source_sph
635 lo_sph = source_sph
636 hi_sph = dest_sph
638 M̃lo_y, Ñlo_y = vswf_yr1(lo_sph,nmax,J=J_scat)
639 lo_loccart_basis = sph_loccart_basis(lo_sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None)
640 M̃lo_cart_y = np.sum(M̃lo_y[:,:,ň]*lo_loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
641 Ñlo_cart_y = np.sum(Ñlo_y[:,:,ň]*lo_loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
643 M̃hi_y, Ñhi_y = vswf_yr1(hi_sph,nmax,J=J_scat)#J_scat
644 hi_loccart_basis = sph_loccart_basis(hi_sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None)
645 M̃hi_cart_y = np.sum(M̃hi_y[:,:,ň]*hi_loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
646 Ñhi_cart_y = np.sum(Ñhi_y[:,:,ň]*hi_loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
648 G_y = (RH[ny][:,ň,ň] * M̃lo_cart_y[:,:,ň].conj() * M̃hi_cart_y[:,ň,:] +
649 RV[ny][:,ň,ň] * Ñlo_cart_y[:,:,ň].conj() * Ñhi_cart_y[:,ň,:]) / (ny * (ny+1))[:,ň,ň]
650 return 1j* k_e*np.sum(G_y,axis=0)
653 # From PRL 112, 253601 (1)
654 #@ujit
655 def Grr_Delga(nmax, a, r, k, ε_m, ε_b):
656 om = k * c
657 z = (r-a)/a
658 g0 = om*cmath.sqrt(ε_b)/(6*c*π)
659 n = np.arange(1,nmax+1)
660 s = np.sum( (n+1)**2 * (ε_m-ε_b) / ((1+z)**(2*n+4) * (ε_m + ((n+1)/n)*ε_b)))
661 return (g0 + s * c**2/(4*π*om**2*ε_b*a**3))
665 # TODOs
666 # ====
668 # Rewrite the functions zJn, lpy in (at least simulated) universal manner.
669 # Then universalise the rest
671 # Implement the actual multiple scattering
673 # Test if the decomposition of plane wave works also for absorbing environment (complex k).
675 # From PRL 112, 253601 (1)
676 #@ujit
677 def Grr_Delga(nmax, a, r, k, ε_m, ε_b):
678 om = k * c
679 z = (r-a)/a
680 g0 = om*cmath.sqrt(ε_b)/(6*c*π)
681 n = np.arange(1,nmax+1)
682 s = np.sum( (n+1)**2 * (ε_m-ε_b) / ((1+z)**(2*n+4) * (ε_m + ((n+1)/n)*ε_b)))
683 return (g0 + s * c**2/(4*π*om**2*ε_b*a**3))
685 #@ujit
686 def G0_dip_1(r_cart,k):
688 Free-space dyadic Green's function in terms of the spherical vector waves.
691 sph = cart2sph(r_cart*k)
692 pfz = 0.32573500793527994772 # 1./math.sqrt(3.*π)
693 pf = 0.23032943298089031951 # 1./math.sqrt(6.*π)
694 M1_y, N1_y = vswf_yr1(sph,nmax = 1,J=3)
695 loccart_basis = sph_loccart_basis(sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None)
696 N1_cart = np.sum(N1_y[:,:,ň]*loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
697 coeffs_cart = np.array([[pf,-1j*pf,0.],[0.,0.,pfz],[-pf,-1j*pf,0.]]).conj()
698 return 1j*k*np.sum(coeffs_cart[:,:,ň]*N1_cart[:,ň,:],axis=0)/2.
700 # Free-space dyadic Green's functions from RMP 70, 2, 447 =: [1]
701 # (The numerical value is correct only at the regular part, i.e. r != 0)
702 #@ujit
703 def _P(z):
704 return (1-1/z+1/(z*z))
705 #@ujit
706 def _Q(z):
707 return (-1+3/z-3/(z*z))
709 # [1, (9)] FIXME The sign here is most likely wrong!!!
710 #@ujit
711 def G0_analytical(r #cartesian!
712 , k):
713 I=np.identity(3)
714 rn = sph_loccart2cart(np.array([1.,0.,0.]), cart2sph(r), axis=-1)
715 rnxrn = rn[...,:,ň] * rn[...,ň,:]
716 r = np.linalg.norm(r, axis=-1)
717 #print(_P(1j*k*r).shape,_Q(1j*k*r).shape, rnxrn.shape, I.shape)
718 return ((-np.exp(1j*k*r)/(4*π*r))[...,ň,ň] *
719 (_P(1j*k*r)[...,ň,ň]*I
720 +_Q(1j*k*r)[...,ň,ň]*rnxrn
723 # [1, (11)]
724 #@ujit
725 def G0L_analytical(r, k):
726 I=np.identity(3)
727 rn = sph_loccart2cart(np.array([1.,0.,0.]), cart2sph(r), axis=-1)
728 rnxrn = rn[...,:,ň] * rn[...,ň,:]
729 r = np.linalg.norm(r, axis=-1)
730 return (I-3*rnxrn)/(4*π*k*k*r**3)[...,ň,ň]
732 # [1,(10)]
733 #@jit
734 def G0T_analytical(r, k):
735 return G0_analytical(r,k) - G0L_analytical(r,k)
737 #@ujit
738 def G0_sum_1_slow(source_cart, dest_cart, k, nmax):
739 my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
740 nelem = len(my)
741 RH = np.full((nelem),1)
742 RV = RH
743 return G_Mie_scat_precalc_cart(source_cart, dest_cart, RH, RV, a=0.001, nmax=nmax, k_i=1, k_e=k, μ_i=1, μ_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3)
746 def loadWfile(fileName, lMax = None, fatForm = True, nparticles = 2):
748 Load the translation operator lattice sums generated by hexlattice_ewald.c
749 fatForm has different indices (so that it can be easily multiplied with T-Matrix
750 and twice the size.
752 #nparticles = 2 # TODO generalize
753 um = 1e-6 # micrometer in SI units
754 data = np.loadtxt(fileName)
755 nsamples = data.shape[0]
756 Wdata = data[:,5:]
757 if (lMax is None):
758 nelem = int((Wdata.shape[1]/nparticles**2)**.5/2)
759 lMax = nelem2lMax(nelem)
760 else:
761 nelem = lMax2nelem(lMax)
762 Ws = Wdata[:,::2] + 1j*Wdata[:,1::2]
763 # indices: destparticle, srcparticle, wavetype, desty, srcy
764 Ws.shape = (nsamples, nparticles, nparticles, 2, nelem, nelem)
765 # maybe TODO copy the following so the original data gets freed to save memory
766 freqs_weirdunits = np.array(data[:,0], copy=True)
767 k0s = np.array(data[:,2], copy=True)
768 ks = np.array(data[:,3:5], copy=True)
769 freqs = freqs_weirdunits * c / um
770 if fatForm: #indices: (...,) destparticle, desttype, desty, srcparticle, srctype, srcy
771 Ws2 = np.moveaxis(Ws, [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1], [-4,-2,-5,-3,-1] )
772 fatWs = np.empty(Ws2.shape[:-5]+(nparticles, 2,nelem, nparticles, 2, nelem),dtype=complex)
773 fatWs[...,:,0,:,:,0,:] = Ws2[...,0,:,:,:,:] #A
774 fatWs[...,:,1,:,:,1,:] = Ws2[...,0,:,:,:,:] #A
775 fatWs[...,:,1,:,:,0,:] = Ws2[...,1,:,:,:,:] #B
776 fatWs[...,:,0,:,:,1,:] = Ws2[...,1,:,:,:,:] #B
777 Ws = fatWs
778 return {
779 'lMax' : lMax,
780 'nelem' : nelem,
781 'npart' : nparticles,
782 'freqs' : freqs,
783 'ks' : ks,
784 'k0_effs' : k0s,
785 'Ws' : Ws,
786 'freqs_weirdunits' : freqs_weirdunits,
789 def processWfiles_sameKs(freqfilenames, destfilename, nparticles = 2, lMax = None, f='npz'):
791 Processes translation operator data in different files; each file is supposed to contain one frequency.
792 The Ks in the different files are expected to be exactly the same and in the same order;
793 the result is sorted by frequencies and saved to npz file;
794 The representation is always "thin", i.e. the elements which are zero due to z-symmetry are skipped
795 F is either 'npz' or 'd'
796 'npz' creates npz archive, 'd' creates a directory with individual npy files, where the W-matrix data
797 are writen using memmap.
800 if (nparticles is None):
801 # TODO here read nparticles from file;
804 um = 1e-6 # micrometre in SI units
806 nfiles = len(freqfilenames)
808 if (nfiles < 1): return ValueError("At least one filename has to be passed")
810 #Check the first file to get the "constants" set
811 filename = freqfilenames[0]
812 data = np.loadtxt(filename, ndmin = 2)
813 nk_muster = data.shape[0]
814 Wdata = data[...,5:]
816 if (lMax is None):
817 nelem = int((Wdata.shape[1]/nparticles**2)**.5/2)
818 lMax = nelem2lMax(nelem)
819 else:
820 nelem = lMax2nelem(lMax)
821 ks_muster = np.array(data[...,3:5], copy=True)
823 if f == 'npz':
824 allWs = np.empty((nfiles, nk_muster, nparticles, nparticles, 2, nelem, nelem,), dtype=complex)
825 elif f == 'd':
826 j = os.path.join
827 d = destfilename
828 try:
829 os.mkdir(destfilename)
830 except FileExistsError as exc:
831 pass
832 allWs = np.lib.format.open_memmap(filename=j(d,"Wdata.npy"), dtype=complex, shape=(nfiles, nk_muster, nparticles, nparticles,2,nelem,nelem,),mode='w+')
833 else: raise ValueError("f has to be either 'npz' or 'd'")
834 k0s = np.empty((nfiles,))
835 freqs_weirdunits = np.empty((nfiles,))
836 EeVs = np.empty((nfiles,))
837 succread = 0
839 for filename in freqfilenames:
840 data = np.loadtxt(filename, ndmin=2)
841 if data.shape[0] != nk_muster:
842 raise ValueError("%s contains different number of lines than %s"%(filename, freqfilenames[0]))
843 ks_current = np.array(data[:,3:5])
844 if not np.all(ks_current == ks_muster):
845 raise ValueError("%s contains different k-vectors than %s"%(filename, freqfilenames[0]))
846 curWdata = data[...,5:]
847 curWs = curWdata[...,::2] + 1j*curWdata[...,1::2]
848 curWs.shape = (nk_muster, nparticles, nparticles, 2, nelem, nelem)
849 allWs[succread] = curWs
850 cur_freqs_weirdunits = np.array(data[:,0])
851 if not np.all(cur_freqs_weirdunits == cur_freqs_weirdunits[0]):
852 raise ValueError("%s contains various frequencies; we require only one frequency per file"%(filename))
853 freqs_weirdunits[succread] = cur_freqs_weirdunits[0]
854 k0s[succread] = data[0,2] # TODO check this as well?
855 EeVs[succread] = data[0,1]
856 succread += 1
857 del allWs
858 freqs = freqs_weirdunits * c / um
860 if f == 'npz':
861 np.savez(destfilename,
862 lMax = lMax,
863 nelem = nelem,
864 npart = nparticles,
865 nfreqs = succread,
866 nk = nk_muster,
867 freqs = freqs[:succread],
868 freqs_weirdunits = freqs_weirdunits[:succread],
869 EeVs_orig = EeVs[:succread],
870 k0s = k0s[:succread],
871 ks = ks_muster,
872 Wdata = allWs[:succread]
874 elif f == 'd':
875,'lMax.npy'), lMax)
876,'nelem.npy'), nelem)
877,'npart.npy'), nparticles)
878,'nfreqs.npy'), succread)
879,'nk.npy'), nk_muster)
880,'freqs.npy'), freqs[:succread])
881,'freqs_weirdunits.npy'), freqs_weirdunits[:succread])
882,'EeVs_orig.npy'), EeVs[:succread])
883,'k0s.npy'), k0s[:succread])
884,'ks.npy'), ks_muster)
885 # Wdata already saved
886 return
889 def loadWfile_info(fileName, lMax = None, midk_halfwidth = None, freqlimits = None):
891 Returns all the relevant data from the W file except for the W values themselves
893 slovnik = loadWfile_processed(fileName, lMax = lMax, fatForm = False, midk_halfwidth=midk_halfwidth, freqlimits=freqlimits)
894 slovnik['Ws'] = None
895 return slovnik
897 def loadWfile_processed(fileName, lMax = None, fatForm = True, midk_halfwidth = None, midk_index = None, freqlimits = None, iteratechunk = None):
899 midk_halfwidth: int
900 if given, takes only the "middle" k-value by index nk//2 and midk_halfwidth values from both sides
901 midk_index: int
902 if given, midk_index is taken as the "middle" value instad of nk//2
903 freqlimit: pair of doubles;
904 if given, only the values from the given frequency range (in Hz) are returned to save RAM
905 N.B.: the frequencies in the processed file are expected to be sorted!
906 iteratechunk: positive int ; NI
907 if given, this works as a generator with only iteratechunk frequencies processed and returned at each iteration to save memory
909 if os.path.isdir(fileName): # .npy files in a directory
910 p = fileName
911 j = os.path.join
912 nk = np.load(j(p,'nk.npy'))[()]
913 nfreqs = np.load(j(p,'nfreqs.npy'))[()]
914 nparticles = np.load(j(p,'npart.npy'))[()]
915 Ws = np.load(j(p,'Wdata.npy'), mmap_mode='r')
916 ks = np.load(j(p,'ks.npy'))
917 freqs = np.load(j(p,'freqs.npy'))
918 k0s = np.load(j(p,'k0s.npy'))
919 EeVs_orig = np.load(j(p,'EeVs_orig.npy'))
920 freqs_weirdunits = np.load(j(p,'freqs_weirdunits.npy'))
921 else: # npz file
922 data = np.load(fileName, mmap_mode='r')
923 nk = data['nk'][()]
924 nfreqs = data['nfreqs'][()]
925 nparticles = data['npart'][()]
926 Ws = data['Wdata']
927 ks = data['ks']
928 freqs = data['freqs']
929 k0s = data['k0s']
930 EeVs_orig = data['EeVs_orig']
931 freqs_weirdunits = data['freqs_weirdunits']
932 if midk_halfwidth is not None:
933 k_mid_i = nk // 2 if midk_index is None else midk_index
934 maxk_i = min(k_mid_i + midk_halfwidth, nk)
935 mink_i = max(0, k_mid_i - midk_halfwidth)
936 nk = maxk_i + 1 - mink_i
937 Ws = Ws[:,mink_i:(maxk_i+1)]
938 ks = ks[mink_i:(maxk_i+1)]
939 #k_mid_i_new = k_mid_i - mink_i
940 if lMax is not None:
941 nelem = lMax2nelem(lMax)
942 Ws = Ws[...,:nelem,:nelem]
943 else:
944 lMax = data['lMax'][()]
945 nelem = lMax2nelem(lMax)
946 if freqlimits is not None:
947 minind = np.searchsorted(freqs, freqlimits[0], side='left')
948 maxind = np.searchsorted(freqs, freqlimits[1], side='right')
949 freqs = freqs[minind:maxind]
950 Ws = Ws[minind:maxind]
951 k0s = k0s[minind:maxind]
952 EeVs_orig = EeVs_orig[minind:maxind]
953 freqs_weirdunints = freqs_weirdunits[minind:maxind]
954 nfreqs = maxind-minind
955 if iteratechunk is None: # everyting at once
956 if fatForm: #indices: (...,) destparticle, desttype, desty, srcparticle, srctype, srcy
957 Ws2 = np.moveaxis(Ws, [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1], [-4,-2,-5,-3,-1] )
958 fatWs = np.empty(Ws2.shape[:-5]+(nparticles, 2,nelem, nparticles, 2, nelem),dtype=complex)
959 fatWs[...,:,0,:,:,0,:] = Ws2[...,0,:,:,:,:] #A
960 fatWs[...,:,1,:,:,1,:] = Ws2[...,0,:,:,:,:] #A
961 fatWs[...,:,1,:,:,0,:] = Ws2[...,1,:,:,:,:] #B
962 fatWs[...,:,0,:,:,1,:] = Ws2[...,1,:,:,:,:] #B
963 Ws = fatWs
964 return{
965 'lMax': lMax,
966 'nelem': nelem,
967 'npart': nparticles,
968 'nfreqs': nfreqs,
969 'nk' : nk,
970 'freqs': freqs,
971 'freqs_weirdunits': freqs_weirdunits,
972 'EeVs_orig': EeVs_orig,
973 'k0s': k0s,
974 'ks': ks,
975 'Ws': Ws,
977 else:
978 def gen(lMax, nelem, nparticles, nfreqs, nk, freqs, freqs_weirdunits, EeVs_orig, k0s, ks, Ws, iteratechunk):
979 starti = 0
980 while(starti < nfreqs):
981 stopi = min(starti+iteratechunk, nfreqs)
982 chunkWs = Ws[starti:stopi]
983 if fatForm: #indices: (...,) destparticle, desttype, desty, srcparticle, srctype, srcy
984 Ws2 = np.moveaxis(chunkWs, [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1], [-4,-2,-5,-3,-1] )
985 fatWs = np.empty(Ws2.shape[:-5]+(nparticles, 2,nelem, nparticles, 2, nelem),dtype=complex)
986 fatWs[...,:,0,:,:,0,:] = Ws2[...,0,:,:,:,:] #A
987 fatWs[...,:,1,:,:,1,:] = Ws2[...,0,:,:,:,:] #A
988 fatWs[...,:,1,:,:,0,:] = Ws2[...,1,:,:,:,:] #B
989 fatWs[...,:,0,:,:,1,:] = Ws2[...,1,:,:,:,:] #B
990 chunkWs = fatWs
991 yield {
992 'lMax': lMax,
993 'nelem': nelem,
994 'npart': nparticles,
995 'nfreqs': stopi-starti,
996 'nk' : nk,
997 'freqs': freqs[starti:stopi],
998 'freqs_weirdunits': freqs_weirdunits[starti:stopi],
999 'EeVs_orig': EeVs_orig[starti:stopi],
1000 'k0s': k0s[starti:stopi],
1001 'ks': ks,
1002 'Ws': chunkWs,
1003 'chunk_range': (starti, stopi),
1004 'nfreqs_total': nfreqs
1006 starti += iteratechunk
1007 return gen(lMax, nelem, nparticles, nfreqs, nk, freqs, freqs_weirdunits, EeVs_orig, k0s, ks, Ws, iteratechunk)