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84 Important note about the T-matrices obtained by scuff-tmatrix
87 \begin_layout Standard
88 From what I managed to dig from the scuff-em documentation (and partially
89 source code, but with less reliability), the spherical waves used in scuff-em
90 are (at least in magnitude)
97 \begin_layout Standard
98 However, the vector spherical harmonics have an additional factor of
99 \begin_inset Formula $i$
102 compared to Kristensson and while Kristensson states the interrelations
105 \nabla\times v_{1lm}(kr) & = & kv_{2lm}(kr),\\
106 \nabla\times v_{2lm}(kr) & = & kv_{1lm}(kr),
114 N_{lm}=-\frac{1}{ik}\nabla\times M_{lm},
120 \begin_inset Formula $\nabla\times M_{lm}=ikN_{lm}$
124 Therefore, it is quite possible that additional
125 \begin_inset Formula $i$
128 -factors will have to be added to the
129 \begin_inset Formula $B$
133 Moreover, it is totally unclear whether Reid uses C.-S.
134 phase or not in his spherical harmonics.
137 \begin_layout Standard
138 I will have to try all the possibilities to see how much it affects the
140 If too much, one way to determine it
141 \begin_inset Quotes sld
145 \begin_inset Quotes srd
148 would be to try a configuration with several spheres and compare it to
149 the analytical Mie + translation coefficients -based solution.
152 \begin_layout Standard
153 According to the documentation, in the output T-matrix files, the outgoing
154 (singular) spherical wave indices are in the lefter columns, while the
155 incoming (regular) wave indices are on the right (and then the T-matrix