Fix saving lists of arrays with recent versions of numpy
[qpms.git] / tests /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 """
3 Tests whether direct evaluation of VSWFs gives the same result as their
4 representation in terms of translation operators and regular electric dipole
5 waves at origin
6 """
8 from qpms import Particle, CTMatrix, lorentz_drude, EpsMuGenerator, TMatrixGenerator, BaseSpec, FinitePointGroup, ScatteringSystem, TMatrixInterpolator, EpsMu, dbgmsg_enable, dbgmsg_disable, dbgmsg_active, BesselType,eV, hbar
9 from qpms.qpms_c import set_gsl_pythonic_error_handling
10 from qpms.symmetries import point_group_info
11 import numpy as np
12 eh = eV/hbar
13 np.random.seed(666)
14 dbgmsg_enable(2)
16 part_radius = 80e-9
17 p = 1580e-9
19 set_gsl_pythonic_error_handling()
21 sym = FinitePointGroup(point_group_info['D4h'])
22 bspec1 = BaseSpec(lMax=3)
23 medium=EpsMuGenerator(EpsMu(1.52**2))
24 t1 = TMatrixGenerator.sphere(medium, EpsMuGenerator(lorentz_drude['Au']), r=part_radius)
25 p1 = Particle((0,0,0),t1,bspec=bspec1)
26 ss, ssw = ScatteringSystem.create([p1], EpsMuGenerator(EpsMu(1.52**2)), 1.4*eh, sym)
29 points = np.random.random((100,3)) * p
30 points = points[np.linalg.norm(points, axis=-1) > part_radius]
31 t,l,m = bspec1.tlm()
33 fails=0
35 for i in range(ss.fecv_size):
36 fvc = np.zeros((ss.fecv_size,), dtype=complex)
37 fvc[i] = 1
39 E = ssw.scattered_E(fvc, points)
40 E_alt = ssw.scattered_E(fvc, points,alt=True)
41 diff = abs(E-E_alt)
42 reldiffavg = np.nanmean(diff/(abs(E)+abs(E_alt)))
43 fail = reldiffavg > 1e-3
44 fails += fail
46 print('E' if t[i] == 2 else 'M', l[i], m[i], np.amax(diff), reldiffavg, 'FAIL!' if fail else 'OK')
48 exit(fails)