8 plan skip_all => "JSON::XS required for testing" if $@;
10 eval "use Test::Deep";
11 plan skip_all => "Test::Deep required for testing" if $@;
16 data/format/default/non-http/mms
17 data/format/default/non-http/rtmp
20 my $q = Test::Quvi->new;
21 my @files = $q->find_json(@paths);
23 plan skip_all => "Nothing to test" if scalar @files == 0;
24 plan tests => scalar @files * 2;
26 my $j = $q->get_json_obj;
30 my $e = $q->read_json($_);
31 my ($r, $o) = $q->run($e->{page_url}, '-qra');
32 is($r, 0, "quvi exit status == 0")
33 or diag $e->{page_url};
36 skip 'quvi exit status != 0', 1 if $r != 0;
37 cmp_deeply($j->decode($o), $e, "compare with $_")
38 or diag $e->{page_url};