8 plan skip_all => "JSON::XS required for testing" if $@;
10 eval "use Test::Deep";
11 plan skip_all => "Test::Deep required for testing" if $@;
17 my $q = Test::Quvi->new;
19 # Make a note of the use of /dev/null
20 my ($r) = $q->run("http://nosupport.url", "--support -qr 2>/dev/null");
21 is($r, 0x41, "quvi exit status == QUVI_NOSUPPORT");
23 ($r) = $q->run("http://youtu.be/9dgSa4wmMzk", "--support -qr");
24 is($r, 0x00, "quvi exit status == QUVI_OK");
26 # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=72 expandtab: