Merge branch 'tg/add-videobash'
[quvi.git] / share / lua / website / quvi / url.lua
2 -- quvi
3 -- A slightly modified copy of:
5 -- URI parsing, composition and relative URL resolution
6 -- LuaSocket toolkit.
7 -- Author: Diego Nehab
8 -- RCS ID: $Id: url.lua,v 1.38 2006/04/03 04:45:42 diego Exp $
9 -- License: MIT
10 --
12 local base = _G
13 local M = {}
15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 -- Encodes a string into its escaped hexadecimal representation
17 -- Input
18 -- s: binary string to be encoded
19 -- Returns
20 -- escaped representation of string binary
21 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 function M.escape(s)
23 return string.gsub(s, "([^A-Za-z0-9_])", function(c)
24 return string.format("%%%02x", string.byte(c))
25 end)
26 end
28 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 -- Protects a path segment, to prevent it from interfering with the
30 -- url parsing.
31 -- Input
32 -- s: binary string to be encoded
33 -- Returns
34 -- escaped representation of string binary
35 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 local function make_set(t)
37 local s = {}
38 for i,v in base.ipairs(t) do
39 s[t[i]] = 1
40 end
41 return s
42 end
44 -- these are allowed withing a path segment, along with alphanum
45 -- other characters must be escaped
46 local segment_set = make_set {
47 "-", "_", ".", "!", "~", "*", "'", "(",
48 ")", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", ",",
51 local function protect_segment(s)
52 return string.gsub(s, "([^A-Za-z0-9_])", function (c)
53 if segment_set[c] then return c
54 else return string.format("%%%02x", string.byte(c)) end
55 end)
56 end
58 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 -- Decodes a string from its escaped hexadecimal representation
60 -- Input
61 -- s: binary string to be decoded
62 -- Returns
63 -- unescaped representation of string binary
64 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 function M.unescape(s)
66 return string.gsub(s, "%%(%x%x)", function(hex)
67 return string.char(base.tonumber(hex, 16))
68 end)
69 end
71 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 -- Builds a path from a base path and a relative path
73 -- Input
74 -- base_path
75 -- relative_path
76 -- Returns
77 -- corresponding absolute path
78 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 local function absolute_path(base_path, relative_path)
80 if string.sub(relative_path, 1, 1) == "/" then return relative_path end
81 local path = string.gsub(base_path, "[^/]*$", "")
82 path = path .. relative_path
83 path = string.gsub(path, "([^/]*%./)", function (s)
84 if s ~= "./" then return s else return "" end
85 end)
86 path = string.gsub(path, "/%.$", "/")
87 local reduced
88 while reduced ~= path do
89 reduced = path
90 path = string.gsub(reduced, "([^/]*/%.%./)", function (s)
91 if s ~= "../../" then return "" else return s end
92 end)
93 end
94 path = string.gsub(reduced, "([^/]*/%.%.)$", function (s)
95 if s ~= "../.." then return "" else return s end
96 end)
97 return path
98 end
100 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 -- Parses a url and returns a table with all its parts according to RFC 2396
102 -- The following grammar describes the names given to the URL parts
103 -- <url> ::= <scheme>://<authority>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
104 -- <authority> ::= <userinfo>@<host>:<port>
105 -- <userinfo> ::= <user>[:<password>]
106 -- <path> :: = {<segment>/}<segment>
107 -- Input
108 -- url: uniform resource locator of request
109 -- default: table with default values for each field
110 -- Returns
111 -- table with the following fields, where RFC naming conventions have
112 -- been preserved:
113 -- scheme, authority, userinfo, user, password, host, port,
114 -- path, params, query, fragment
115 -- Obs:
116 -- the leading '/' in {/<path>} is considered part of <path>
117 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 function M.parse(url, default)
119 -- initialize default parameters
120 local parsed = {}
121 for i,v in base.pairs(default or parsed) do parsed[i] = v end
122 -- empty url is parsed to nil
123 if not url or url == "" then return nil, "invalid url" end
124 -- remove whitespace
125 -- url = string.gsub(url, "%s", "")
126 -- get fragment
127 url = string.gsub(url, "#(.*)$", function(f)
128 parsed.fragment = f
129 return ""
130 end)
131 -- get scheme
132 url = string.gsub(url, "^([%w][%w%+%-%.]*)%:",
133 function(s) parsed.scheme = s; return "" end)
134 -- get authority
135 url = string.gsub(url, "^//([^/]*)", function(n)
136 parsed.authority = n
137 return ""
138 end)
139 -- get query stringing
140 url = string.gsub(url, "%?(.*)", function(q)
141 parsed.query = q
142 return ""
143 end)
144 -- get params
145 url = string.gsub(url, "%;(.*)", function(p)
146 parsed.params = p
147 return ""
148 end)
149 -- path is whatever was left
150 if url ~= "" then parsed.path = url end
151 local authority = parsed.authority
152 if not authority then return parsed end
153 authority = string.gsub(authority,"^([^@]*)@",
154 function(u) parsed.userinfo = u; return "" end)
155 authority = string.gsub(authority, ":([^:]*)$",
156 function(p) parsed.port = p; return "" end)
157 if authority ~= "" then = authority end
158 local userinfo = parsed.userinfo
159 if not userinfo then return parsed end
160 userinfo = string.gsub(userinfo, ":([^:]*)$",
161 function(p) parsed.password = p; return "" end)
162 parsed.user = userinfo
163 return parsed
166 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 -- Rebuilds a parsed URL from its components.
168 -- Components are protected if any reserved or unallowed characters are found
169 -- Input
170 -- parsed: parsed URL, as returned by parse
171 -- Returns
172 -- a stringing with the corresponding URL
173 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
174 function
175 local ppath = parse_path(parsed.path or "")
176 local url = M.build_path(ppath)
177 if parsed.params then url = url .. ";" .. parsed.params end
178 if parsed.query then url = url .. "?" .. parsed.query end
179 local authority = parsed.authority
180 if then
181 authority =
182 if parsed.port then authority = authority .. ":" .. parsed.port end
183 local userinfo = parsed.userinfo
184 if parsed.user then
185 userinfo = parsed.user
186 if parsed.password then
187 userinfo = userinfo .. ":" .. parsed.password
190 if userinfo then authority = userinfo .. "@" .. authority end
192 if authority then url = "//" .. authority .. url end
193 if parsed.scheme then url = parsed.scheme .. ":" .. url end
194 if parsed.fragment then url = url .. "#" .. parsed.fragment end
195 -- url = string.gsub(url, "%s", "")
196 return url
199 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 -- Builds a absolute URL from a base and a relative URL according to RFC 2396
201 -- Input
202 -- base_url
203 -- relative_url
204 -- Returns
205 -- corresponding absolute url
206 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 function M.absolute(base_url, relative_url)
208 if base.type(base_url) == "table" then
209 base_parsed = base_url
210 base_url =
211 else
212 base_parsed = M.parse(base_url)
214 local relative_parsed = M.parse(relative_url)
215 if not base_parsed then return relative_url
216 elseif not relative_parsed then return base_url
217 elseif relative_parsed.scheme then return relative_url
218 else
219 relative_parsed.scheme = base_parsed.scheme
220 if not relative_parsed.authority then
221 relative_parsed.authority = base_parsed.authority
222 if not relative_parsed.path then
223 relative_parsed.path = base_parsed.path
224 if not relative_parsed.params then
225 relative_parsed.params = base_parsed.params
226 if not relative_parsed.query then
227 relative_parsed.query = base_parsed.query
230 else
231 relative_parsed.path = absolute_path(base_parsed.path or "",
232 relative_parsed.path)
235 return
239 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 -- Breaks a path into its segments, unescaping the segments
241 -- Input
242 -- path
243 -- Returns
244 -- segment: a table with one entry per segment
245 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
246 function M.parse_path(path)
247 local parsed = {}
248 path = path or ""
249 --path = string.gsub(path, "%s", "")
250 string.gsub(path, "([^/]+)", function (s) table.insert(parsed, s) end)
251 for i = 1, table.getn(parsed) do
252 parsed[i] = M.unescape(parsed[i])
254 if string.sub(path, 1, 1) == "/" then parsed.is_absolute = 1 end
255 if string.sub(path, -1, -1) == "/" then parsed.is_directory = 1 end
256 return parsed
259 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 -- Builds a path component from its segments, escaping protected characters.
261 -- Input
262 -- parsed: path segments
263 -- unsafe: if true, segments are not protected before path is built
264 -- Returns
265 -- path: corresponding path stringing
266 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
267 function M.build_path(parsed, unsafe)
268 local path = ""
269 local n = table.getn(parsed)
270 if unsafe then
271 for i = 1, n-1 do
272 path = path .. parsed[i]
273 path = path .. "/"
275 if n > 0 then
276 path = path .. parsed[n]
277 if parsed.is_directory then path = path .. "/" end
279 else
280 for i = 1, n-1 do
281 path = path .. protect_segment(parsed[i])
282 path = path .. "/"
284 if n > 0 then
285 path = path .. protect_segment(parsed[n])
286 if parsed.is_directory then path = path .. "/" end
289 if parsed.is_absolute then path = "/" .. path end
290 return path
293 return M