2 INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/aapl
9 buffer.h cdgoto.h cscodegen.h csipgoto.h inputdata.h rbxgoto.h \
10 rubyflat.h cdcodegen.h cdipgoto.h csfflat.h cssplit.h javacodegen.h \
11 redfsm.h rubyftable.h cdfflat.h cdsplit.h csfgoto.h cstable.h \
12 parsedata.h rlparse.h rubytable.h cdfgoto.h cdtable.h csflat.h \
13 dotcodegen.h parsetree.h rlscan.h version.h cdflat.h common.h \
14 csftable.h fsmgraph.h pcheck.h rubycodegen.h xmlcodegen.h cdftable.h \
15 csgoto.h gendata.h ragel.h rubyfflat.h \
16 gocodegen.h gotable.h goftable.h goflat.h gofflat.h gogoto.h gofgoto.h \
17 goipgoto.h gotablish.h \
18 mlcodegen.h mltable.h mlftable.h mlflat.h mlfflat.h mlgoto.h \
19 main.cpp parsetree.cpp parsedata.cpp fsmstate.cpp fsmbase.cpp \
20 fsmattach.cpp fsmmin.cpp fsmgraph.cpp fsmap.cpp rlscan.cpp rlparse.cpp \
21 inputdata.cpp common.cpp redfsm.cpp gendata.cpp cdcodegen.cpp \
22 cdtable.cpp cdftable.cpp cdflat.cpp cdfflat.cpp cdgoto.cpp cdfgoto.cpp \
23 cdipgoto.cpp cdsplit.cpp javacodegen.cpp rubycodegen.cpp rubytable.cpp \
24 rubyftable.cpp rubyflat.cpp rubyfflat.cpp rbxgoto.cpp cscodegen.cpp \
25 cstable.cpp csftable.cpp csflat.cpp csfflat.cpp csgoto.cpp csfgoto.cpp \
26 csipgoto.cpp cssplit.cpp dotcodegen.cpp xmlcodegen.cpp \
27 gocodegen.cpp gotable.cpp goftable.cpp goflat.cpp gofflat.cpp gogoto.cpp gofgoto.cpp \
28 goipgoto.cpp gotablish.cpp \
29 mlcodegen.cpp mltable.cpp mlftable.cpp mlflat.cpp mlfflat.cpp mlgoto.cpp
32 rlscan.cpp rlparse.h rlparse.cpp version.h
35 echo '#define VERSION "$(PACKAGE_VERSION)"' > version.h
36 echo '#define PUBDATE "$(PUBDATE)"' >> version.h
38 EXTRA_DIST = rlscan.rl rlparse.kh rlparse.kl
43 rlscan.cpp rlparse.h rlparse.cpp
48 rlparse.cpp: rlparse.kl rlparse.kh
51 # This dependency comes from the import of the parser defines
56 ragel -G2 -I$(builddir) -o $@ $<