1 = Tips for using \Rainbows! with Sandbox installation tools
3 Most {tips for unicorn}[http://unicorn.bogomips.org/Sandbox.html]
4 for Bundler and Isolate apply to \Rainbows! as well.
8 You need to add "rainbows" to your Gemfile for Bundler and start
11 bundle exec rainbows ...
15 Isolate "rainbows" and execute the "rainbows" launcher in your isolated
18 $APP_ROOT/tmp/ruby-1.9/bin/rainbows ...
22 Due to the variety of potential dependencies, \Rainbows! lazy loads many
23 of its internals, often after the application itself is loaded. This
24 results in more potential to interact badly with sandbox tools that
25 modify the gem environment.