Rainbows! 5.2.1
[rainbows.git] / GNUmakefile
1 # use GNU Make to run tests in parallel, and without depending on RubyGems
2 all::
3 RSYNC_DEST := yhbt.net:/srv/yhbt/rainbows
4 rfpackage := rainbows
5 PLACEHOLDERS := rainbows_1 Summary
7 Documentation/comparison.html: Documentation/comparison.haml
8 haml < $< >$@+ && mv $@+ $@
10 # only for the website
11 doc :: Documentation/comparison.html
12 doc :: man/man1/rainbows.1.html
14 include pkg.mk
15 man1 := man/man1/rainbows.1
17 clean:
18 -$(MAKE) -C Documentation clean
19 $(RM) $(man1) $(html1)
21 pkg_extra += $(man1) lib/rainbows/version.rb
23 %.1.html: %.1
24 $(OLDDOC) man2html -o $@ $<
26 lib/rainbows/version.rb: GIT-VERSION-FILE
28 all:: test
29 test: lib/rainbows/version.rb
30 $(MAKE) -C t