1 # create RANGI input files for protein interaction networks
4 echo "Create RANGI input files for protein interaction networks"
6 echo "Usage: mkrangi.sh NET FASN FASP CMPL PRE"
8 echo " NET: the network interaction file"
9 echo " FASN: network fasta file"
10 echo " FASP: pattern fasta file"
11 echo " CMPL: pattern complexes (queries)"
12 echo " PRE: output file prefix"
14 echo "Output files will be written to PRE.i.rangi, where i is"
15 echo "replaced with the line number of the query in CMPL. Note"
16 echo "that you need the blast program."
18 echo "The necessary files can be obtained from:"
19 echo "http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/AlgoB/gramofone/"
34 cat $CMPL | cut
-f 2 |
tr ' ' '\n' |
sed '/^\s\+$/d' |
sort |
uniq | .
35 formatdb
-p T
-i $FASN
36 formatdb
-p T
-i $FASP2
37 blastall
-p blastp
-i $FASP2 -d $FASN | .
40 cat $CMPL | cut
-f 2 |
while read k
45 .
-q $QBL $k <$NET >$DAT
46 .
-g -q $QBL $k <$NET >$DATG