Fixed a bug in drop-old-tweets.
[rbfilter.git] / twitter-filter.lisp
1 ;; Twitter Filter: A simple filter for custom twitter searches
2 ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Panagiotis Koutsourakis
4 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 ;; (at your option) any later version.
9 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
14 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 (ql:quickload "drakma")
18 (ql:quickload "cl-json")
20 (defpackage :twitter-filter
21 (:use :cl :drakma :json)
22 (:export :parse-query
23 :get-tweet-element
24 :get-tweet-element-list
25 :add-user-to-white-list
26 :add-user-to-black-list
27 :set-white-list-mode
28 :set-black-list-mode
29 :apply-lists))
31 (in-package :twitter-filter)
35 (defvar *search-url* ""
36 "The twitter search API URL")
38 (defun convert-response-to-string (resp)
39 "The server response is an array of integers. This function converts
40 it to a string."
41 (coerce (mapcar #'code-char (coerce resp 'list)) 'string))
43 ;; TODO: Complete for more characters
44 (defun percent-encode (str)
45 "Make the string percent encoded in order to be compatible with
46 URLs."
47 (labels ((percent-encode-char-list (char-list)
48 (let ((curr (car char-list))
49 (rest (cdr char-list)))
50 (cond
51 ((null rest) (cons curr nil))
52 ((eq curr #\#)
53 (append '(#\% #\2 #\3) (percent-encode-char-list rest)))
54 (t (cons curr (percent-encode-char-list rest)))))))
55 (coerce (percent-encode-char-list (coerce str 'list)) 'string)))
57 (defun make-query (search-term)
58 "Make the actual search query to the twitter API."
59 (http-request (concatenate 'string *search-url* (percent-encode search-term))))
61 (defun get-tweet-element (element tweet)
62 "Get an element of a single tweet."
63 (cdr (assoc element tweet)))
65 (defun get-tweet-element-list (element lisp-tweets)
66 "Make a list with one element from each tweet from lisp-tweets."
67 (mapcar (lambda (tweet) (get-tweet-element element tweet)) lisp-tweets))
69 (defvar *cache* nil
70 "The tweets we already have gotten from the server.")
71 (defvar *cache-valid* nil
72 "Shows if the cache is valid or needs update.")
73 (defvar *cache-update-time* 0
74 "Last time we got tweets from the server.")
75 ;;; +cache-update-intervar+ depends on the Twitter rate limit. Once a
76 ;;; minute is a good place to start. I should check the streaming API
77 ;;; as well that is not rate limited
78 (defconstant +cache-update-interval+ 60
79 "How long should we wait between two cache updates.")
81 (defun invalidate-cache (last-update)
82 "Check if the time for a cache update has come."
83 (let* ((ctime (sb-ext:get-time-of-day))
84 (diff (- ctime last-update)))
85 (if (> diff +cache-update-interval+)
86 (setf *cache-valid* nil))))
88 (defun drop-old-tweets (new old)
89 "The new tweets coming from the server might contain some of the
90 tweets we have already shown. Find the set of the new tweets."
91 (let* ((old-ids (get-tweet-element-list :id--str old))
92 (new-cache
93 (remove-if (lambda (x)
94 (member (get-tweet-element :id--str x) old-ids :test #'equal))
95 new)))
96 (if new-cache
97 new-cache
98 *cache*)))
100 (defun update-cache (search-term)
101 "Update the cache and its update time"
102 (let ((server-resp (parse-query search-term)))
103 (setf *cache* (drop-old-tweets server-resp *cache*))
104 (setf *cache-valid* t)
105 (setf *cache-update-time* (sb-ext:get-time-of-day)))
106 *cache*)
108 (defun get-tweets (search-term)
109 "Return the tweets either from the cache if it's valid or update it"
110 (invalidate-cache *cache-update-time*)
111 (if *cache-valid*
112 *cache*
113 (update-cache search-term)))
115 (defun parse-query (search-term)
116 "Convert the response to Lisp objects using cl-json library."
117 (with-input-from-string
118 (s (convert-response-to-string (make-query search-term)))
119 (cdr (assoc :results (decode-json s)))))
121 (defvar *white-list-mode* nil
122 "A boolean variable that shows if we are applying the white list.")
123 (defvar *black-list-mode* nil
124 "A boolean variable that shows if we are applying the black list.")
126 (defvar *white-list* nil
127 "A list of users whose tweets will be shown.")
128 (defvar *black-list* nil
129 "A list of users whose tweets will never be shown.")
131 (defmacro create-filter (name mode-var filt selector)
132 `(defun ,name (tweet-list)
133 (if ,mode-var
134 (,selector (lambda (x)
135 (member (get-tweet-element :from--user x)
136 ,filt :test #'equal))
137 tweet-list)
138 tweet-list)))
140 (create-filter filter-black-list *black-list-mode* *black-list* remove-if)
141 (create-filter filter-white-list *white-list-mode* *white-list* remove-if-not)
144 (defun apply-lists (lisp-tweets)
145 "Apply the functions white-list and black-list"
146 (filter-black-list (filter-white-list lisp-tweets)))
148 (defmacro make-add-functs (name lst)
149 "A simple macro to create functions to add users to the white or the
150 black list."
151 `(defun ,name (user)
152 (push user ,lst)))
154 (defmacro make-set-functs (name mode-var)
155 "A simple macro to create functions to change the mode of the white
156 and the black lists."
157 `(defun ,name (mode)
158 (setf ,mode-var mode)))
160 (make-add-functs add-user-to-white-list *white-list*)
161 (make-add-functs add-user-to-black-list *black-list*)
163 (make-set-functs set-white-list-mode *white-list-mode*)
164 (make-set-functs set-black-list-mode *black-list-mode*)
166 ;;; Experimental stuff. Could be useful for the presentation.
167 ;Not strictly necessary... Just a reminder.
168 (defun convert-tweets-to-json (lisp-tweets)
169 (encode-json lisp-tweets))
171 (defvar *twitter-base* "!/")
173 (defun tweet-to-html (tweet)
174 (concatenate 'string *twitter-base*
175 (get-tweet-element tweet :from--user)
176 "/status/"
177 (get-tweet-element tweet :id--str)))