4 # = Fortran95 RDoc Parser
8 # This parser parses Fortran95 files with suffixes "f90", "F90", "f95" and
9 # "F95". Fortran95 files are expected to be conformed to Fortran95 standards.
13 # Fundamental rules are same as that of the Ruby parser. But comment markers
16 # === Correspondence between RDoc documentation and Fortran95 programs
18 # F95 parses main programs, modules, subroutines, functions, derived-types,
19 # public variables, public constants, defined operators and defined
20 # assignments. These components are described in items of RDoc documentation,
23 # Files :: Files (same as Ruby)
25 # Methods:: Subroutines, functions, variables, constants, derived-types,
26 # defined operators, defined assignments
27 # Required files:: Files in which imported modules, external subroutines and
28 # external functions are defined.
29 # Included Modules:: List of imported modules
30 # Attributes:: List of derived-types, List of imported modules all of whose
31 # components are published again
33 # Components listed in 'Methods' (subroutines, functions, ...) defined in
34 # modules are described in the item of 'Classes'. On the other hand,
35 # components defined in main programs or as external procedures are described
36 # in the item of 'Files'.
38 # === Components parsed by default
40 # By default, documentation on public components (subroutines, functions,
41 # variables, constants, derived-types, defined operators, defined assignments)
44 # With "--all" option, documentation on all components are generated (almost
45 # same as the Ruby parser).
47 # === Information parsed automatically
49 # The following information is automatically parsed.
51 # * Types of arguments
52 # * Types of variables and constants
53 # * Types of variables in the derived types, and initial values
54 # * NAMELISTs and types of variables in them, and initial values
56 # Aliases by interface statement are described in the item of 'Methods'.
58 # Components which are imported from other modules and published again are
59 # described in the item of 'Methods'.
61 # === Format of comment blocks
63 # Comment blocks should be written as follows.
65 # Comment blocks are considered to be ended when the line without '!' appears.
67 # The indentation is not necessary.
71 # ! Comment blocks for the files.
74 # ! The comment described in the part enclosed by
75 # ! "!--" and "!++" is ignored.
80 # ! Comment blocks for the modules (or the programs).
85 # logical :: a ! a private variable
86 # real, public :: b ! a public variable
87 # integer, parameter :: c = 0 ! a public constant
90 # public :: MULTI_ARRAY
95 # ! Comment blocks for the derived-types.
97 # real, pointer :: var(:) =>null() ! Comments block for the variables.
99 # end type MULTI_ARRAY
103 # subroutine hoge( in, & ! Comment blocks between continuation lines are ignored.
106 # ! Comment blocks for the subroutines or functions
108 # character(*),intent(in):: in ! Comment blocks for the arguments.
109 # character(*),intent(out),allocatable,target :: in
110 # ! Comment blocks can be
111 # ! written under Fortran statements.
113 # character(32) :: file ! This comment parsed as a variable in below NAMELIST.
116 # namelist /varinfo_nml/ file, id
118 # ! Comment blocks for the NAMELISTs.
119 # ! Information about variables are described above.
124 # end subroutine hoge
126 # integer function foo( in )
128 # ! This part is considered as comment block.
130 # ! Comment blocks under blank lines are ignored.
132 # integer, intent(in):: inA ! This part is considered as comment block.
134 # ! This part is ignored.
138 # subroutine hide( in, &
141 # ! If "!:nodoc:" is described at end-of-line in subroutine
142 # ! statement as above, the subroutine is ignored.
143 # ! This assignment can be used to modules, subroutines,
144 # ! functions, variables, constants, derived-types,
145 # ! defined operators, defined assignments,
146 # ! list of imported modules ("use" statement).
151 # end subroutine hide
153 # end module hogehoge
155 class RDoc::Parser::F95 < RDoc::Parser
157 parse_files_matching(/\.((f|F)9(0|5)|F)$/)
161 NO_TEXT = "??".freeze
163 def initialize(line_no, char_no)
168 # Because we're used in contexts that expect to return a token,
169 # we set the text string and then return ourselves
175 attr_reader :line_no, :char_no, :text
179 @@external_aliases = []
180 @@public_methods = []
183 # "false":: Comments are below source code
184 # "true" :: Comments are upper source code
189 # Internal alias message
191 INTERNAL_ALIAS_MES = "Alias for"
194 # External alias message
196 EXTERNAL_ALIAS_MES = "The entity is"
199 # Define code constructs
202 # remove private comment
203 remaining_code = remove_private_comments(@content)
205 # continuation lines are united to one line
206 remaining_code = united_to_one_line(remaining_code)
208 # semicolons are replaced to line feed
209 remaining_code = semicolon_to_linefeed(remaining_code)
211 # collect comment for file entity
212 whole_comment, remaining_code = collect_first_comment(remaining_code)
213 @top_level.comment = whole_comment
215 # String "remaining_code" is converted to Array "remaining_lines"
216 remaining_lines = remaining_code.split("\n")
218 # "module" or "program" parts are parsed (new)
221 block_searching_flag = nil
222 block_searching_lines = []
224 module_program_trailing = ""
225 module_program_name = ""
226 other_block_level_depth = 0
227 other_block_searching_flag = nil
228 remaining_lines.collect!{|line|
229 if !block_searching_flag && !other_block_searching_flag
230 if line =~ /^\s*?module\s+(\w+)\s*?(!.*?)?$/i
231 block_searching_flag = :module
232 block_searching_lines << line
233 module_program_name = $1
234 module_program_trailing = find_comments($2)
236 elsif line =~ /^\s*?program\s+(\w+)\s*?(!.*?)?$/i ||
237 line =~ /^\s*?\w/ && !block_start?(line)
238 block_searching_flag = :program
239 block_searching_lines << line
240 module_program_name = $1 || ""
241 module_program_trailing = find_comments($2)
244 elsif block_start?(line)
245 other_block_searching_flag = true
248 elsif line =~ /^\s*?!\s?(.*)/
255 elsif other_block_searching_flag
256 other_block_level_depth += 1 if block_start?(line)
257 other_block_level_depth -= 1 if block_end?(line)
258 if other_block_level_depth < 0
259 other_block_level_depth = 0
260 other_block_searching_flag = nil
265 block_searching_lines << line
266 level_depth += 1 if block_start?(line)
267 level_depth -= 1 if block_end?(line)
272 # "module_program_code" is formatted.
273 # ":nodoc:" flag is checked.
275 module_program_code = block_searching_lines.join("\n")
276 module_program_code = remove_empty_head_lines(module_program_code)
277 if module_program_trailing =~ /^:nodoc:/
278 # next loop to search next block
280 block_searching_flag = false
281 block_searching_lines = []
286 # NormalClass is created, and added to @top_level
288 if block_searching_flag == :module
289 module_name = module_program_name
290 module_code = module_program_code
291 module_trailing = module_program_trailing
293 @stats.num_modules += 1
294 f9x_module = @top_level.add_module NormalClass, module_name
295 f9x_module.record_location @top_level
297 f9x_comment = COMMENTS_ARE_UPPER ?
298 find_comments(pre_comment.join("\n")) + "\n" + module_trailing :
299 module_trailing + "\n" + find_comments(module_code.sub(/^.*$\n/i, ''))
300 f9x_module.comment = f9x_comment
301 parse_program_or_module(f9x_module, module_code)
303 TopLevel.all_files.each do |name, toplevel|
304 if toplevel.include_includes?(module_name, @options.ignore_case)
305 if !toplevel.include_requires?(@file_name, @options.ignore_case)
306 toplevel.add_require(Require.new(@file_name, ""))
309 toplevel.each_classmodule{|m|
310 if m.include_includes?(module_name, @options.ignore_case)
311 if !m.include_requires?(@file_name, @options.ignore_case)
312 m.add_require(Require.new(@file_name, ""))
317 elsif block_searching_flag == :program
318 program_name = module_program_name
319 program_code = module_program_code
320 program_trailing = module_program_trailing
322 program_comment = COMMENTS_ARE_UPPER ?
323 find_comments(pre_comment.join("\n")) + "\n" + program_trailing :
324 program_trailing + "\n" + find_comments(program_code.sub(/^.*$\n/i, ''))
325 program_comment = "\n\n= <i>Program</i> <tt>#{program_name}</tt>\n\n" \
327 @top_level.comment << program_comment
328 parse_program_or_module(@top_level, program_code, :private)
331 # next loop to search next block
333 block_searching_flag = false
334 block_searching_lines = []
339 remaining_lines.delete_if{ |line|
343 # External subprograms and functions are parsed
345 parse_program_or_module(@top_level, remaining_lines.join("\n"),
353 def parse_program_or_module(container, code,
354 visibility=:public, external=nil)
355 return unless container
357 remaining_lines = code.split("\n")
358 remaining_code = "#{code}"
361 # Parse variables before "contains" in module
364 before_contains_lines = []
365 before_contains_code = nil
366 before_contains_flag = nil
367 remaining_lines.each{ |line|
368 if !before_contains_flag
369 if line =~ /^\s*?module\s+\w+\s*?(!.*?)?$/i
370 before_contains_flag = true
373 break if line =~ /^\s*?contains\s*?(!.*?)?$/i
374 level_depth += 1 if block_start?(line)
375 level_depth -= 1 if block_end?(line)
376 break if level_depth < 0
377 before_contains_lines << line
380 before_contains_code = before_contains_lines.join("\n")
381 if before_contains_code
382 before_contains_code.gsub!(/^\s*?interface\s+.*?\s+end\s+interface.*?$/im, "")
383 before_contains_code.gsub!(/^\s*?type[\s\,]+.*?\s+end\s+type.*?$/im, "")
389 use_check_code = "#{before_contains_code}"
390 cascaded_modules_list = []
391 while use_check_code =~ /^\s*?use\s+(\w+)(.*?)(!.*?)?$/i
392 use_check_code = $~.pre_match
393 use_check_code << $~.post_match
394 used_mod_name = $1.strip.chomp
396 used_trailing = $3 || ""
397 next if used_trailing =~ /!:nodoc:/
398 if !container.include_includes?(used_mod_name, @options.ignore_case)
400 container.add_include Include.new(used_mod_name, "")
402 if ! (used_list =~ /\,\s*?only\s*?:/i )
403 cascaded_modules_list << "\#" + used_mod_name
408 # Parse public and private, and store information.
409 # This information is used when "add_method" and
410 # "set_visibility_for" are called.
412 visibility_default, visibility_info =
413 parse_visibility(remaining_lines.join("\n"), visibility, container)
414 @@public_methods.concat visibility_info
415 if visibility_default == :public
416 if !cascaded_modules_list.empty?
418 Attr.new("Cascaded Modules",
419 "Imported modules all of whose components are published again",
421 cascaded_modules_list.join(", "))
422 container.add_attribute(cascaded_modules)
427 # Check rename elements
429 use_check_code = "#{before_contains_code}"
430 while use_check_code =~ /^\s*?use\s+(\w+)\s*?\,(.+)$/i
431 use_check_code = $~.pre_match
432 use_check_code << $~.post_match
433 used_mod_name = $1.strip.chomp
434 used_elements = $2.sub(/\s*?only\s*?:\s*?/i, '')
435 used_elements.split(",").each{ |used|
436 if /\s*?(\w+)\s*?=>\s*?(\w+)\s*?/ =~ used
439 @@public_methods.collect!{ |pub_meth|
440 if local == pub_meth["name"] ||
441 local.upcase == pub_meth["name"].upcase &&
443 pub_meth["name"] = org
444 pub_meth["local_name"] = local
453 # Parse private "use"
455 use_check_code = remaining_lines.join("\n")
456 while use_check_code =~ /^\s*?use\s+(\w+)(.*?)(!.*?)?$/i
457 use_check_code = $~.pre_match
458 use_check_code << $~.post_match
459 used_mod_name = $1.strip.chomp
460 used_trailing = $3 || ""
461 next if used_trailing =~ /!:nodoc:/
462 if !container.include_includes?(used_mod_name, @options.ignore_case)
464 container.add_include Include.new(used_mod_name, "")
468 container.each_includes{ |inc|
469 TopLevel.all_files.each do |name, toplevel|
470 indicated_mod = toplevel.find_symbol(inc.name,
471 nil, @options.ignore_case)
473 indicated_name = indicated_mod.parent.file_relative_name
474 if !container.include_requires?(indicated_name, @options.ignore_case)
475 container.add_require(Require.new(indicated_name, ""))
483 # Parse derived-types definitions
485 derived_types_comment = ""
486 remaining_code = remaining_lines.join("\n")
487 while remaining_code =~ /^\s*?
488 type[\s\,]+(public|private)?\s*?(::)?\s*?
493 remaining_code = $~.pre_match
494 remaining_code << $~.post_match
495 typename = $3.chomp.strip
496 type_elements = $5 || ""
497 type_code = remove_empty_head_lines($&)
498 type_trailing = find_comments($4)
499 next if type_trailing =~ /^:nodoc:/
501 type_comment = COMMENTS_ARE_UPPER ?
502 find_comments($~.pre_match) + "\n" + type_trailing :
503 type_trailing + "\n" + find_comments(type_code.sub(/^.*$\n/i, ''))
504 type_element_visibility_public = true
505 type_code.split("\n").each{ |line|
506 if /^\s*?private\s*?$/ =~ line
507 type_element_visibility_public = nil
516 args_comment = find_arguments(nil, type_code, true)
518 type_public_args_list = []
519 type_args_info = definition_info(type_code)
520 type_args_info.each{ |arg|
521 arg_is_public = type_element_visibility_public
522 arg_is_public = true if arg.include_attr?("public")
523 arg_is_public = nil if arg.include_attr?("private")
524 type_public_args_list << arg.varname if arg_is_public
526 args_comment = find_arguments(type_public_args_list, type_code)
529 type = AnyMethod.new("type #{typename}", typename)
530 type.singleton = false
532 type.comment = "<b><em> Derived Type </em></b> :: <tt></tt>\n"
533 type.comment << args_comment if args_comment
534 type.comment << type_comment if type_comment
536 @stats.num_methods += 1
537 container.add_method type
539 set_visibility(container, typename, visibility_default, @@public_methods)
542 type_visibility.gsub!(/\s/,'')
543 type_visibility.gsub!(/\,/,'')
544 type_visibility.gsub!(/:/,'')
545 type_visibility.downcase!
546 if type_visibility == "public"
547 container.set_visibility_for([typename], :public)
548 elsif type_visibility == "private"
549 container.set_visibility_for([typename], :private)
553 check_public_methods(type, container.name)
556 derived_types_comment << ", " unless derived_types_comment.empty?
557 derived_types_comment << typename
559 if type.visibility == :public
560 derived_types_comment << ", " unless derived_types_comment.empty?
561 derived_types_comment << typename
567 if !derived_types_comment.empty?
568 derived_types_table =
569 Attr.new("Derived Types", "Derived_Types", "",
570 derived_types_comment)
571 container.add_attribute(derived_types_table)
575 # move interface scope
578 while remaining_code =~ /^\s*?
581 \s+operator\s*?\(.*?\) |
582 \s+assignment\s*?\(\s*?=\s*?\)
585 ^\s*?end\s+interface.*?$
587 interface_code << remove_empty_head_lines($&) + "\n"
588 remaining_code = $~.pre_match
589 remaining_code << $~.post_match
593 # Parse global constants or variables in modules
595 const_var_defs = definition_info(before_contains_code)
596 const_var_defs.each{|defitem|
597 next if defitem.nodoc
598 const_or_var_type = "Variable"
599 const_or_var_progress = "v"
600 if defitem.include_attr?("parameter")
601 const_or_var_type = "Constant"
602 const_or_var_progress = "c"
604 const_or_var = AnyMethod.new(const_or_var_type, defitem.varname)
605 const_or_var.singleton = false
606 const_or_var.params = ""
607 self_comment = find_arguments([defitem.varname], before_contains_code)
608 const_or_var.comment = "<b><em>" + const_or_var_type + "</em></b> :: <tt></tt>\n"
609 const_or_var.comment << self_comment if self_comment
610 progress const_or_var_progress
611 @stats.num_methods += 1
612 container.add_method const_or_var
614 set_visibility(container, defitem.varname, visibility_default, @@public_methods)
616 if defitem.include_attr?("public")
617 container.set_visibility_for([defitem.varname], :public)
618 elsif defitem.include_attr?("private")
619 container.set_visibility_for([defitem.varname], :private)
622 check_public_methods(const_or_var, container.name)
626 remaining_lines = remaining_code.split("\n")
628 # "subroutine" or "function" parts are parsed (new)
631 block_searching_flag = nil
632 block_searching_lines = []
634 procedure_trailing = ""
636 procedure_params = ""
637 procedure_prefix = ""
638 procedure_result_arg = ""
642 remaining_lines.collect!{|line|
643 if !block_searching_flag
646 (recursive|pure|elemental)?\s*?
647 subroutine\s+(\w+)\s*?(\(.*?\))?\s*?(!.*?)?$
649 block_searching_flag = :subroutine
650 block_searching_lines << line
652 procedure_name = $2.chomp.strip
653 procedure_params = $3 || ""
654 procedure_prefix = $1 || ""
655 procedure_trailing = $4 || "!"
660 (recursive|pure|elemental)?\s*?
662 character\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
663 | type\s*?\([\w\s]+?\)\s+
664 | integer\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
665 | real\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
666 | double\s+precision\s+
667 | logical\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
668 | complex\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
671 (\(.*?\))?(\s+result\((.*?)\))?\s*?(!.*?)?$
673 block_searching_flag = :function
674 block_searching_lines << line
676 procedure_prefix = $1 || ""
677 procedure_type = $2 ? $2.chomp.strip : nil
678 procedure_name = $8.chomp.strip
679 procedure_params = $9 || ""
680 procedure_result_arg = $11 ? $11.chomp.strip : procedure_name
681 procedure_trailing = $12 || "!"
683 elsif line =~ /^\s*?!\s?(.*)/
691 contains_flag = true if line =~ /^\s*?contains\s*?(!.*?)?$/
692 block_searching_lines << line
693 contains_lines << line if contains_flag
695 level_depth += 1 if block_start?(line)
696 level_depth -= 1 if block_end?(line)
701 # "procedure_code" is formatted.
702 # ":nodoc:" flag is checked.
704 procedure_code = block_searching_lines.join("\n")
705 procedure_code = remove_empty_head_lines(procedure_code)
706 if procedure_trailing =~ /^!:nodoc:/
707 # next loop to search next block
709 block_searching_flag = nil
710 block_searching_lines = []
712 procedure_trailing = ""
714 procedure_params = ""
715 procedure_prefix = ""
716 procedure_result_arg = ""
723 # AnyMethod is created, and added to container
725 subroutine_function = nil
726 if block_searching_flag == :subroutine
727 subroutine_prefix = procedure_prefix
728 subroutine_name = procedure_name
729 subroutine_params = procedure_params
730 subroutine_trailing = procedure_trailing
731 subroutine_code = procedure_code
733 subroutine_comment = COMMENTS_ARE_UPPER ?
734 pre_comment.join("\n") + "\n" + subroutine_trailing :
735 subroutine_trailing + "\n" + subroutine_code.sub(/^.*$\n/i, '')
736 subroutine = AnyMethod.new("subroutine", subroutine_name)
737 parse_subprogram(subroutine, subroutine_params,
738 subroutine_comment, subroutine_code,
739 before_contains_code, nil, subroutine_prefix)
741 @stats.num_methods += 1
742 container.add_method subroutine
743 subroutine_function = subroutine
745 elsif block_searching_flag == :function
746 function_prefix = procedure_prefix
747 function_type = procedure_type
748 function_name = procedure_name
749 function_params_org = procedure_params
750 function_result_arg = procedure_result_arg
751 function_trailing = procedure_trailing
752 function_code_org = procedure_code
754 function_comment = COMMENTS_ARE_UPPER ?
755 pre_comment.join("\n") + "\n" + function_trailing :
756 function_trailing + "\n " + function_code_org.sub(/^.*$\n/i, '')
758 function_code = "#{function_code_org}"
760 function_code << "\n" + function_type + " :: " + function_result_arg
764 function_params_org.sub(/^\(/, "\(#{function_result_arg}, ")
766 function = AnyMethod.new("function", function_name)
767 parse_subprogram(function, function_params,
768 function_comment, function_code,
769 before_contains_code, true, function_prefix)
771 # Specific modification due to function
772 function.params.sub!(/\(\s*?#{function_result_arg}\s*?,\s*?/, "\( ")
773 function.params << " result(" + function_result_arg + ")"
774 function.start_collecting_tokens
775 function.add_token Token.new(1,1).set_text(function_code_org)
778 @stats.num_methods += 1
779 container.add_method function
780 subroutine_function = function
784 # The visibility of procedure is specified
786 set_visibility(container, procedure_name,
787 visibility_default, @@public_methods)
789 # The alias for this procedure from external modules
791 check_external_aliases(procedure_name,
792 subroutine_function.params,
793 subroutine_function.comment, subroutine_function) if external
794 check_public_methods(subroutine_function, container.name)
797 # contains_lines are parsed as private procedures
799 parse_program_or_module(container,
800 contains_lines.join("\n"), :private)
803 # next loop to search next block
805 block_searching_flag = nil
806 block_searching_lines = []
808 procedure_trailing = ""
810 procedure_params = ""
811 procedure_prefix = ""
812 procedure_result_arg = ""
816 } # End of remaining_lines.collect!{|line|
818 # Array remains_lines is converted to String remains_code again
820 remaining_code = remaining_lines.join("\n")
825 interface_scope = false
827 interface_code.split("\n").each{ |line|
831 \s+operator\s*?\(.*?\)|
832 \s+assignment\s*?\(\s*?=\s*?\)
836 generic_name = $1 ? $1.strip.chomp : nil
837 interface_trailing = $2 || "!"
838 interface_scope = true
839 interface_scope = false if interface_trailing =~ /!:nodoc:/
840 # if generic_name =~ /operator\s*?\((.*?)\)/i
842 # if operator_name && !operator_name.empty?
843 # generic_name = "#{operator_name}"
846 # if generic_name =~ /assignment\s*?\((.*?)\)/i
847 # assignment_name = $1
848 # if assignment_name && !assignment_name.empty?
849 # generic_name = "#{assignment_name}"
853 if /^\s*?end\s+interface/i =~ line
854 interface_scope = false
858 if interface_scope && /^\s*?module\s+procedure\s+(.*?)(!.*?)?$/i =~ line
859 procedures = $1.strip.chomp
860 procedures_trailing = $2 || "!"
861 next if procedures_trailing =~ /!:nodoc:/
862 procedures.split(",").each{ |proc|
865 next if generic_name == proc || !generic_name
866 old_meth = container.find_symbol(proc, nil, @options.ignore_case)
868 nolink = old_meth.visibility == :private ? true : nil
869 nolink = nil if @options.show_all
871 initialize_external_method(generic_name, proc,
872 old_meth.params, nil,
874 old_meth.clone.token_stream[0].text,
876 new_meth.singleton = old_meth.singleton
879 @stats.num_methods += 1
880 container.add_method new_meth
882 set_visibility(container, generic_name, visibility_default, @@public_methods)
884 check_public_methods(new_meth, container.name)
894 procedures_trailing = nil
896 (recursive|pure|elemental)?\s*?
897 subroutine\s+(\w+)\s*?(\(.*?\))?\s*?(!.*?)?$
899 proc = $2.chomp.strip
900 generic_name = proc unless generic_name
902 procedures_trailing = $4 || "!"
906 (recursive|pure|elemental)?\s*?
908 character\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
909 | type\s*?\([\w\s]+?\)\s+
910 | integer\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
911 | real\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
912 | double\s+precision\s+
913 | logical\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
914 | complex\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
917 (\(.*?\))?(\s+result\((.*?)\))?\s*?(!.*?)?$
919 proc = $8.chomp.strip
920 generic_name = proc unless generic_name
922 procedures_trailing = $12 || "!"
926 next if procedures_trailing =~ /!:nodoc:/
927 indicated_method = nil
929 TopLevel.all_files.each do |name, toplevel|
930 indicated_method = toplevel.find_local_symbol(proc, @options.ignore_case)
931 indicated_file = name
932 break if indicated_method
937 initialize_external_method(generic_name, proc,
938 indicated_method.params,
940 indicated_method.comment)
943 @stats.num_methods += 1
944 container.add_method external_method
945 set_visibility(container, generic_name, visibility_default, @@public_methods)
946 if !container.include_requires?(indicated_file, @options.ignore_case)
947 container.add_require(Require.new(indicated_file, ""))
949 check_public_methods(external_method, container.name)
952 @@external_aliases << {
953 "new_name" => generic_name,
955 "file_or_module" => container,
956 "visibility" => find_visibility(container, generic_name, @@public_methods) || visibility_default
961 } if interface_code # End of interface_code.split("\n").each ...
964 # Already imported methods are removed from @@public_methods.
965 # Remainders are assumed to be imported from other modules.
967 @@public_methods.delete_if{ |method| method["entity_is_discovered"]}
969 @@public_methods.each{ |pub_meth|
970 next unless pub_meth["file_or_module"].name == container.name
971 pub_meth["used_modules"].each{ |used_mod|
972 TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules.each{ |modules|
973 if modules.name == used_mod ||
974 modules.name.upcase == used_mod.upcase &&
976 modules.method_list.each{ |meth|
977 if meth.name == pub_meth["name"] ||
978 meth.name.upcase == pub_meth["name"].upcase &&
980 new_meth = initialize_public_method(meth,
982 if pub_meth["local_name"]
983 new_meth.name = pub_meth["local_name"]
986 @stats.num_methods += 1
987 container.add_method new_meth
996 end # End of parse_program_or_module
999 # Parse arguments, comment, code of subroutine and function. Return
1002 def parse_subprogram(subprogram, params, comment, code,
1003 before_contains=nil, function=nil, prefix=nil)
1004 subprogram.singleton = false
1005 prefix = "" if !prefix
1006 arguments = params.sub(/\(/, "").sub(/\)/, "").split(",") if params
1007 args_comment, params_opt =
1008 find_arguments(arguments, code.sub(/^s*?contains\s*?(!.*?)?$.*/im, ""),
1010 params_opt = "( " + params_opt + " ) " if params_opt
1011 subprogram.params = params_opt || ""
1012 namelist_comment = find_namelists(code, before_contains)
1014 block_comment = find_comments comment
1016 subprogram.comment = "<b><em> Function </em></b> :: <em>#{prefix}</em>\n"
1018 subprogram.comment = "<b><em> Subroutine </em></b> :: <em>#{prefix}</em>\n"
1020 subprogram.comment << args_comment if args_comment
1021 subprogram.comment << block_comment if block_comment
1022 subprogram.comment << namelist_comment if namelist_comment
1024 # For output source code
1025 subprogram.start_collecting_tokens
1026 subprogram.add_token Token.new(1,1).set_text(code)
1032 # Collect comment for file entity
1034 def collect_first_comment(body)
1037 comment_start = false
1039 body.split("\n").each{ |line|
1043 elsif /^\s*?!\s?(.*)$/i =~ line
1044 comment_start = true
1047 elsif /^\s*?$/i =~ line
1048 comment_end = true if comment_start && COMMENTS_ARE_UPPER
1055 return comment, not_comment
1060 # Return comments of definitions of arguments
1062 # If "all" argument is true, information of all arguments are returned.
1064 # If "modified_params" is true, list of arguments are decorated, for
1065 # example, optional arguments are parenthetic as "[arg]".
1067 def find_arguments(args, text, all=nil, indent=nil, modified_params=nil)
1068 return unless args || all
1069 indent = "" unless indent
1070 args = ["all"] if all
1071 params = "" if modified_params
1074 args_rdocforms = "\n"
1075 remaining_lines = "#{text}"
1076 definitions = definition_info(remaining_lines)
1080 definitions.each { |defitem|
1081 if arg == defitem.varname.strip.chomp || all
1082 args_rdocforms << <<-"EOF"
1084 #{indent}<tt><b>#{defitem.varname.chomp.strip}#{defitem.arraysuffix}</b> #{defitem.inivalue}</tt> ::
1085 #{indent} <tt>#{defitem.types.chomp.strip}</tt>
1087 if !defitem.comment.chomp.strip.empty?
1089 defitem.comment.split("\n").each{ |line|
1090 comment << " " + line + "\n"
1092 args_rdocforms << <<-"EOF"
1094 #{indent} <tt></tt> ::
1096 #{indent} #{comment.chomp.strip}
1101 if defitem.include_attr?("optional")
1102 params << "#{comma}[#{arg}]"
1104 params << "#{comma}#{arg}"
1112 return args_rdocforms, params
1114 return args_rdocforms
1119 # Return comments of definitions of namelists
1121 def find_namelists(text, before_contains=nil)
1125 before_contains = "" if !before_contains
1126 while lines =~ /^\s*?namelist\s+\/\s*?(\w+)\s*?\/([\s\w\,]+)$/i
1127 lines = $~.post_match
1128 nml_comment = COMMENTS_ARE_UPPER ?
1129 find_comments($~.pre_match) : find_comments($~.post_match)
1131 nml_args = $2.split(",")
1132 result << "\n\n=== NAMELIST <tt><b>" + nml_name + "</tt></b>\n\n"
1133 result << nml_comment + "\n" if nml_comment
1134 if lines.split("\n")[0] =~ /^\//i
1135 lines = "namelist " + lines
1137 result << find_arguments(nml_args, "#{text}" + "\n" + before_contains)
1143 # Comments just after module or subprogram, or arguments are returned. If
1144 # "COMMENTS_ARE_UPPER" is true, comments just before modules or subprograms
1147 def find_comments text
1148 return "" unless text
1149 lines = text.split("\n")
1150 lines.reverse! if COMMENTS_ARE_UPPER
1151 comment_block = Array.new
1152 lines.each do |line|
1153 break if line =~ /^\s*?\w/ || line =~ /^\s*?$/
1155 comment_block.unshift line.sub(/^\s*?!\s?/,"")
1157 comment_block.push line.sub(/^\s*?!\s?/,"")
1160 nice_lines = comment_block.join("\n").split "\n\s*?\n"
1161 nice_lines[0] ||= ""
1166 unless @options.quiet
1167 @progress.print(char)
1173 # Create method for internal alias
1175 def initialize_public_method(method, parent)
1176 return if !method || !parent
1178 new_meth = AnyMethod.new("External Alias for module", method.name)
1179 new_meth.singleton = method.singleton
1180 new_meth.params = method.params.clone
1181 new_meth.comment = remove_trailing_alias(method.comment.clone)
1182 new_meth.comment << "\n\n#{EXTERNAL_ALIAS_MES} #{parent.strip.chomp}\##{method.name}"
1188 # Create method for external alias
1190 # If argument "internal" is true, file is ignored.
1192 def initialize_external_method(new, old, params, file, comment, token=nil,
1193 internal=nil, nolink=nil)
1194 return nil unless new || old
1197 external_alias_header = "#{INTERNAL_ALIAS_MES} "
1198 external_alias_text = external_alias_header + old
1200 external_alias_header = "#{EXTERNAL_ALIAS_MES} "
1201 external_alias_text = external_alias_header + file + "#" + old
1205 external_meth = AnyMethod.new(external_alias_text, new)
1206 external_meth.singleton = false
1207 external_meth.params = params
1208 external_comment = remove_trailing_alias(comment) + "\n\n" if comment
1209 external_meth.comment = external_comment || ""
1211 external_meth.start_collecting_tokens
1212 external_meth.add_token Token.new(1,1).set_text(token)
1214 external_meth.comment << external_alias_text
1217 return external_meth
1223 def parse_visibility(code, default, container)
1225 visibility_default = default || :public
1228 container.includes.each{|i| used_modules << i.name} if container
1230 remaining_code = code.gsub(/^\s*?type[\s\,]+.*?\s+end\s+type.*?$/im, "")
1231 remaining_code.split("\n").each{ |line|
1232 if /^\s*?private\s*?$/ =~ line
1233 visibility_default = :private
1238 remaining_code.split("\n").each{ |line|
1239 if /^\s*?private\s*?(::)?\s+(.*)\s*?(!.*?)?/i =~ line
1240 methods = $2.sub(/!.*$/, '')
1241 methods.split(",").each{ |meth|
1242 meth.sub!(/!.*$/, '')
1245 "name" => meth.chomp.strip,
1246 "visibility" => :private,
1247 "used_modules" => used_modules.clone,
1248 "file_or_module" => container,
1249 "entity_is_discovered" => nil,
1253 elsif /^\s*?public\s*?(::)?\s+(.*)\s*?(!.*?)?/i =~ line
1254 methods = $2.sub(/!.*$/, '')
1255 methods.split(",").each{ |meth|
1256 meth.sub!(/!.*$/, '')
1259 "name" => meth.chomp.strip,
1260 "visibility" => :public,
1261 "used_modules" => used_modules.clone,
1262 "file_or_module" => container,
1263 "entity_is_discovered" => nil,
1271 result.each{ |vis_info|
1272 vis_info["parent"] = container.name
1276 return visibility_default, result
1282 # "subname" element of "visibility_info" is deleted.
1284 def set_visibility(container, subname, visibility_default, visibility_info)
1285 return unless container || subname || visibility_default || visibility_info
1287 visibility_info.collect!{ |info|
1288 if info["name"] == subname ||
1289 @options.ignore_case && info["name"].upcase == subname.upcase
1290 if info["file_or_module"].name == container.name
1291 container.set_visibility_for([subname], info["visibility"])
1292 info["entity_is_discovered"] = true
1299 return container.set_visibility_for([subname], visibility_default)
1308 def find_visibility(container, subname, visibility_info)
1309 return nil if !subname || !visibility_info
1310 visibility_info.each{ |info|
1311 if info["name"] == subname ||
1312 @options.ignore_case && info["name"].upcase == subname.upcase
1313 if info["parent"] == container.name
1314 return info["visibility"]
1322 # Check external aliases
1324 def check_external_aliases(subname, params, comment, test=nil)
1325 @@external_aliases.each{ |alias_item|
1326 if subname == alias_item["old_name"] ||
1327 subname.upcase == alias_item["old_name"].upcase &&
1328 @options.ignore_case
1330 new_meth = initialize_external_method(alias_item["new_name"],
1331 subname, params, @file_name,
1333 new_meth.visibility = alias_item["visibility"]
1336 @stats.num_methods += 1
1337 alias_item["file_or_module"].add_method(new_meth)
1339 if !alias_item["file_or_module"].include_requires?(@file_name, @options.ignore_case)
1340 alias_item["file_or_module"].add_require(Require.new(@file_name, ""))
1347 # Check public_methods
1349 def check_public_methods(method, parent)
1350 return if !method || !parent
1351 @@public_methods.each{ |alias_item|
1352 parent_is_used_module = nil
1353 alias_item["used_modules"].each{ |used_module|
1354 if used_module == parent ||
1355 used_module.upcase == parent.upcase &&
1356 @options.ignore_case
1357 parent_is_used_module = true
1360 next if !parent_is_used_module
1362 if method.name == alias_item["name"] ||
1363 method.name.upcase == alias_item["name"].upcase &&
1364 @options.ignore_case
1366 new_meth = initialize_public_method(method, parent)
1367 if alias_item["local_name"]
1368 new_meth.name = alias_item["local_name"]
1372 @stats.num_methods += 1
1373 alias_item["file_or_module"].add_method new_meth
1379 # Continuous lines are united.
1381 # Comments in continuous lines are removed.
1383 def united_to_one_line(f90src)
1384 return "" unless f90src
1385 lines = f90src.split("\n")
1386 previous_continuing = false
1387 now_continuing = false
1390 words = line.split("")
1391 next if words.empty? && previous_continuing
1393 brank_flag = true ; brank_char = ""
1394 squote = false ; dquote = false
1396 words.collect! { |char|
1397 if previous_continuing && brank_flag
1398 now_continuing = true
1402 when " " ; brank_char << char ; next ""
1405 now_continuing = false
1409 now_continuing = false
1411 next brank_char + char
1418 elsif !(squote) && !(dquote) && !(commentout)
1420 when "!" ; commentout = true ; next char
1421 when "\""; dquote = true ; next char
1422 when "\'"; squote = true ; next char
1423 when "&" ; now_continuing = true ; next ""
1430 when "\'"; squote = false ; next char
1435 when "\""; dquote = false ; next char
1440 if !ignore && !previous_continuing || !brank_flag
1441 if previous_continuing
1442 body << words.join("")
1444 body << "\n" + words.join("")
1447 previous_continuing = now_continuing ? true : nil
1448 now_continuing = nil
1455 # Continuous line checker
1457 def continuous_line?(line)
1459 if /&\s*?(!.*)?$/ =~ line
1461 if comment_out?($~.pre_match)
1469 # Comment out checker
1471 def comment_out?(line)
1472 return nil unless line
1474 squote = false ; dquote = false
1475 line.split("").each { |char|
1476 if !(squote) && !(dquote)
1478 when "!" ; commentout = true ; break
1479 when "\""; dquote = true
1480 when "\'"; squote = true
1485 when "\'"; squote = false
1490 when "\""; dquote = false
1499 # Semicolons are replaced to line feed.
1501 def semicolon_to_linefeed(text)
1502 return "" unless text
1503 lines = text.split("\n")
1504 lines.collect!{ |line|
1505 words = line.split("")
1507 squote = false ; dquote = false
1508 words.collect! { |char|
1509 if !(squote) && !(dquote) && !(commentout)
1511 when "!" ; commentout = true ; next char
1512 when "\""; dquote = true ; next char
1513 when "\'"; squote = true ; next char
1521 when "\'"; squote = false ; next char
1526 when "\""; dquote = false ; next char
1533 return lines.join("\n")
1537 # Which "line" is start of block (module, program, block data, subroutine,
1538 # function) statement ?
1540 def block_start?(line)
1543 if line =~ /^\s*?module\s+(\w+)\s*?(!.*?)?$/i ||
1544 line =~ /^\s*?program\s+(\w+)\s*?(!.*?)?$/i ||
1545 line =~ /^\s*?block\s+data(\s+\w+)?\s*?(!.*?)?$/i ||
1548 (recursive|pure|elemental)?\s*?
1549 subroutine\s+(\w+)\s*?(\(.*?\))?\s*?(!.*?)?$
1553 (recursive|pure|elemental)?\s*?
1555 character\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
1556 | type\s*?\([\w\s]+?\)\s+
1557 | integer\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
1558 | real\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
1559 | double\s+precision\s+
1560 | logical\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
1561 | complex\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?\s+
1563 function\s+(\w+)\s*?
1564 (\(.*?\))?(\s+result\((.*?)\))?\s*?(!.*?)?$
1573 # Which "line" is end of block (module, program, block data, subroutine,
1574 # function) statement ?
1576 def block_end?(line)
1579 if line =~ /^\s*?end\s*?(!.*?)?$/i ||
1580 line =~ /^\s*?end\s+module(\s+\w+)?\s*?(!.*?)?$/i ||
1581 line =~ /^\s*?end\s+program(\s+\w+)?\s*?(!.*?)?$/i ||
1582 line =~ /^\s*?end\s+block\s+data(\s+\w+)?\s*?(!.*?)?$/i ||
1583 line =~ /^\s*?end\s+subroutine(\s+\w+)?\s*?(!.*?)?$/i ||
1584 line =~ /^\s*?end\s+function(\s+\w+)?\s*?(!.*?)?$/i
1592 # Remove "Alias for" in end of comments
1594 def remove_trailing_alias(text)
1596 lines = text.split("\n").reverse
1597 comment_block = Array.new
1599 lines.each do |line|
1601 if /^\s?#{INTERNAL_ALIAS_MES}/ =~ line ||
1602 /^\s?#{EXTERNAL_ALIAS_MES}/ =~ line
1607 comment_block.unshift line
1609 nice_lines = comment_block.join("\n")
1615 # Empty lines in header are removed
1617 def remove_empty_head_lines(text)
1618 return "" unless text
1619 lines = text.split("\n")
1621 lines.delete_if{ |line|
1622 header = false if /\S/ =~ line
1623 header && /^\s*?$/ =~ line
1629 # header marker "=", "==", ... are removed
1631 def remove_header_marker(text)
1632 return text.gsub(/^\s?(=+)/, '<tt></tt>\1')
1635 def remove_private_comments(body)
1636 body.gsub!(/^\s*!--\s*?$.*?^\s*!\+\+\s*?$/m, '')
1641 # Information of arguments of subroutines and functions in Fortran95
1643 class Fortran95Definition
1647 attr_reader :varname
1655 attr_reader :inivalue
1659 attr_reader :arraysuffix
1663 attr_accessor :comment
1665 # Flag of non documentation
1667 attr_accessor :nodoc
1669 def initialize(varname, types, inivalue, arraysuffix, comment,
1673 @inivalue = inivalue
1674 @arraysuffix = arraysuffix
1681 <Fortran95Definition:
1682 varname=#{@varname}, types=#{types},
1683 inivalue=#{@inivalue}, arraysuffix=#{@arraysuffix}, nodoc=#{@nodoc},
1691 # If attr is included, true is returned
1693 def include_attr?(attr)
1695 @types.split(",").each{ |type|
1696 return true if type.strip.chomp.upcase == attr.strip.chomp.upcase
1701 end # End of Fortran95Definition
1704 # Parse string argument "text", and Return Array of Fortran95Definition
1707 def definition_info(text)
1708 return nil unless text
1712 trailing_comment = ""
1713 under_comment_valid = false
1714 lines.split("\n").each{ |line|
1715 if /^\s*?!\s?(.*)/ =~ line
1717 comment << remove_header_marker($1)
1719 elsif defs[-1] && under_comment_valid
1720 defs[-1].comment << "\n"
1721 defs[-1].comment << remove_header_marker($1)
1724 elsif /^\s*?$/ =~ line
1726 under_comment_valid = false
1733 character\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?[\s\,]*
1734 | type\s*?\([\w\s]+?\)[\s\,]*
1735 | integer\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?[\s\,]*
1736 | real\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?[\s\,]*
1737 | double\s+precision[\s\,]*
1738 | logical\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?[\s\,]*
1739 | complex\s*?(\([\w\s\=\(\)\*]+?\))?[\s\,]*
1746 type << $7.gsub(/::/, '').gsub(/^\s*?\,/, '') if $7
1748 under_comment_valid = false
1751 squote = false ; dquote = false ; bracket = 0
1752 iniflag = false; commentflag = false
1753 varname = "" ; arraysuffix = "" ; inivalue = ""
1754 start_pos = defs.size
1755 characters.split("").each { |char|
1756 if !(squote) && !(dquote) && bracket <= 0 && !(iniflag) && !(commentflag)
1758 when "!" ; commentflag = true
1759 when "(" ; bracket += 1 ; arraysuffix = char
1760 when "\""; dquote = true
1761 when "\'"; squote = true
1762 when "=" ; iniflag = true ; inivalue << char
1764 defs << Fortran95Definition.new(varname, type, inivalue, arraysuffix, comment)
1765 varname = "" ; arraysuffix = "" ; inivalue = ""
1766 under_comment_valid = true
1768 else ; varname << char
1771 comment << remove_header_marker(char)
1772 trailing_comment << remove_header_marker(char)
1776 when "\"" ; dquote = false ; inivalue << char
1777 else ; inivalue << char
1781 when "\'" ; squote = false ; inivalue << char
1782 else ; inivalue << char
1786 when "(" ; bracket += 1 ; inivalue << char
1787 when ")" ; bracket -= 1 ; inivalue << char
1788 else ; inivalue << char
1793 defs << Fortran95Definition.new(varname, type, inivalue, arraysuffix, comment)
1794 varname = "" ; arraysuffix = "" ; inivalue = ""
1796 under_comment_valid = true
1797 when "(" ; bracket += 1 ; inivalue << char
1798 when "\""; dquote = true ; inivalue << char
1799 when "\'"; squote = true ; inivalue << char
1800 when "!" ; commentflag = true
1801 else ; inivalue << char
1804 elsif !(squote) && !(dquote) && bracket > 0
1806 when "(" ; bracket += 1 ; arraysuffix << char
1807 when ")" ; bracket -= 1 ; arraysuffix << char
1808 else ; arraysuffix << char
1812 when "\'"; squote = false ; inivalue << char
1813 else ; inivalue << char
1817 when "\""; dquote = false ; inivalue << char
1818 else ; inivalue << char
1822 defs << Fortran95Definition.new(varname, type, inivalue, arraysuffix, comment)
1823 if trailing_comment =~ /^:nodoc:/
1824 defs[start_pos..-1].collect!{ |defitem|
1825 defitem.nodoc = true
1828 varname = "" ; arraysuffix = "" ; inivalue = ""
1830 under_comment_valid = true
1831 trailing_comment = ""