Update README for archival
[reddit.git] / install / reddit.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
2 ###############################################################################
3 # reddit dev environment installer
4 # --------------------------------
5 # This script installs a reddit stack suitable for development. DO NOT run this
6 # on a system that you use for other purposes as it might delete important
7 # files, truncate your databases, and otherwise do mean things to you.
9 # By default, this script will install the reddit code in the current user's
10 # home directory and all of its dependencies (including libraries and database
11 # servers) at the system level. The installed reddit will expect to be visited
12 # on the domain "reddit.local" unless specified otherwise. Configuring name
13 # resolution for the domain is expected to be done outside the installed
14 # environment (e.g. in your host machine's /etc/hosts file) and is not
15 # something this script handles.
17 # Several configuration options (listed in the "Configuration" section below)
18 # are overridable with environment variables. e.g.
20 # sudo REDDIT_DOMAIN=example.com ./install/reddit.sh
22 ###############################################################################
24 # load configuration
25 RUNDIR=$(dirname $0)
26 source $RUNDIR/install.cfg
29 ###############################################################################
30 # Sanity Checks
31 ###############################################################################
32 if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
33 echo "ERROR: Must be run with root privileges."
34 exit 1
37 if [[ -z "$REDDIT_USER" ]]; then
38 # in a production install, you'd want the code to be owned by root and run
39 # by a less privileged user. this script is intended to build a development
40 # install, so we expect the owner to run the app and not be root.
41 cat <<END
42 ERROR: You have not specified a user. This usually means you're running this
43 script directly as root. It is not recommended to run reddit as the root user.
45 Please create a user to run reddit and set the REDDIT_USER variable
46 appropriately.
47 END
48 exit 1
51 if [[ "amd64" != $(dpkg --print-architecture) ]]; then
52 cat <<END
53 ERROR: This host is running the $(dpkg --print-architecture) architecture!
55 Because of the pre-built dependencies in our PPA, and some extra picky things
56 like ID generation in liveupdate, installing reddit is only supported on amd64
57 architectures.
58 END
59 exit 1
62 # seriously! these checks are here for a reason. the packages from the
63 # reddit ppa aren't built for anything but trusty (14.04) right now, so
64 # if you try and use this install script on another release you're gonna
65 # have a bad time.
66 source /etc/lsb-release
67 if [ "$DISTRIB_ID" != "Ubuntu" -o "$DISTRIB_RELEASE" != "14.04" ]; then
68 echo "ERROR: Only Ubuntu 14.04 is supported."
69 exit 1
72 if [[ "2000000" -gt $(awk '/MemTotal/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo) ]]; then
73 LOW_MEM_PROMPT="reddit requires at least 2GB of memory to work properly, continue anyway? [y/n] "
74 read -er -n1 -p "$LOW_MEM_PROMPT" response
75 if [[ "$response" != "y" ]]; then
76 echo "Quitting."
77 exit 1
82 for plugin in $REDDIT_PLUGINS; do
83 if [ -d $REDDIT_SRC/$plugin ]; then
84 if [[ -z "$REDDIT_PLUGINS" ]]; then
86 else
89 echo "plugin $plugin found"
90 else
91 echo "plugin $plugin not found"
93 done
95 ###############################################################################
96 # Install prerequisites
97 ###############################################################################
99 # install primary packages
100 $RUNDIR/install_apt.sh
102 # install cassandra from datastax
103 $RUNDIR/install_cassandra.sh
105 # install zookeeper
106 $RUNDIR/install_zookeeper.sh
108 # install services (rabbitmq, postgres, memcached, etc.)
109 $RUNDIR/install_services.sh
111 ###############################################################################
112 # Install the reddit source repositories
113 ###############################################################################
114 if [ ! -d $REDDIT_SRC ]; then
115 mkdir -p $REDDIT_SRC
119 function copy_upstart {
120 if [ -d ${1}/upstart ]; then
121 cp ${1}/upstart/* /etc/init/
125 function clone_reddit_repo {
126 local destination=$REDDIT_SRC/${1}
127 local repository_url=https://github.com/${2}.git
129 if [ ! -d $destination ]; then
130 sudo -u $REDDIT_USER -H git clone $repository_url $destination
133 copy_upstart $destination
136 function clone_reddit_service_repo {
137 clone_reddit_repo $1 reddit/reddit-service-$1
140 clone_reddit_repo reddit reddit/reddit
141 clone_reddit_repo i18n reddit/reddit-i18n
142 clone_reddit_service_repo websockets
143 clone_reddit_service_repo activity
145 ###############################################################################
146 # Configure Services
147 ###############################################################################
149 # Configure Cassandra
150 $RUNDIR/setup_cassandra.sh
152 # Configure PostgreSQL
153 $RUNDIR/setup_postgres.sh
155 # Configure mcrouter
156 $RUNDIR/setup_mcrouter.sh
158 # Configure RabbitMQ
159 $RUNDIR/setup_rabbitmq.sh
161 ###############################################################################
162 # Install and configure the reddit code
163 ###############################################################################
164 function install_reddit_repo {
165 pushd $REDDIT_SRC/$1
166 sudo -u $REDDIT_USER python setup.py build
167 python setup.py develop --no-deps
168 popd
171 install_reddit_repo reddit/r2
172 install_reddit_repo i18n
173 for plugin in $REDDIT_AVAILABLE_PLUGINS; do
174 copy_upstart $REDDIT_SRC/$plugin
175 install_reddit_repo $plugin
176 done
177 install_reddit_repo websockets
178 install_reddit_repo activity
180 # generate binary translation files from source
181 sudo -u $REDDIT_USER make -C $REDDIT_SRC/i18n clean all
183 # this builds static files and should be run *after* languages are installed
184 # so that the proper language-specific static files can be generated and after
185 # plugins are installed so all the static files are available.
186 pushd $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2
187 sudo -u $REDDIT_USER make clean pyx
189 plugin_str=$(echo -n "$REDDIT_AVAILABLE_PLUGINS" | tr " " ,)
190 if [ ! -f development.update ]; then
191 cat > development.update <<DEVELOPMENT
192 # after editing this file, run "make ini" to
193 # generate a new development.ini
196 # global debug flag -- displays pylons stacktrace rather than 500 page on error when true
197 # WARNING: a pylons stacktrace allows remote code execution. Make sure this is false
198 # if your server is publicly accessible.
199 debug = true
201 disable_ads = true
202 disable_captcha = true
203 disable_ratelimit = true
204 disable_require_admin_otp = true
206 domain = $REDDIT_DOMAIN
207 oauth_domain = $REDDIT_DOMAIN
209 plugins = $plugin_str
211 media_provider = filesystem
212 media_fs_root = /srv/www/media
213 media_fs_base_url_http = http://%(domain)s/media/
215 [server:main]
216 port = 8001
218 chown $REDDIT_USER development.update
219 else
220 sed -i "s/^plugins = .*$/plugins = $plugin_str/" $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2/development.update
221 sed -i "s/^domain = .*$/domain = $REDDIT_DOMAIN/" $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2/development.update
222 sed -i "s/^oauth_domain = .*$/oauth_domain = $REDDIT_DOMAIN/" $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2/development.update
225 sudo -u $REDDIT_USER make ini
227 if [ ! -L run.ini ]; then
228 sudo -u $REDDIT_USER ln -nsf development.ini run.ini
231 popd
233 ###############################################################################
234 # some useful helper scripts
235 ###############################################################################
236 function helper-script() {
237 cat > $1
238 chmod 755 $1
241 helper-script /usr/local/bin/reddit-run <<REDDITRUN
242 #!/bin/bash
243 exec paster --plugin=r2 run $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2/run.ini "\$@"
246 helper-script /usr/local/bin/reddit-shell <<REDDITSHELL
247 #!/bin/bash
248 exec paster --plugin=r2 shell $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2/run.ini
251 helper-script /usr/local/bin/reddit-start <<REDDITSTART
252 #!/bin/bash
253 initctl emit reddit-start
256 helper-script /usr/local/bin/reddit-stop <<REDDITSTOP
257 #!/bin/bash
258 initctl emit reddit-stop
261 helper-script /usr/local/bin/reddit-restart <<REDDITRESTART
262 #!/bin/bash
263 initctl emit reddit-restart TARGET=${1:-all}
266 helper-script /usr/local/bin/reddit-flush <<REDDITFLUSH
267 #!/bin/bash
268 echo flush_all | nc localhost 11211
271 helper-script /usr/local/bin/reddit-serve <<REDDITSERVE
272 #!/bin/bash
273 exec paster serve --reload $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2/run.ini
276 ###############################################################################
277 # pixel and click server
278 ###############################################################################
279 mkdir -p /var/opt/reddit/
280 chown $REDDIT_USER:$REDDIT_GROUP /var/opt/reddit/
282 mkdir -p /srv/www/pixel
283 chown $REDDIT_USER:$REDDIT_GROUP /srv/www/pixel
284 cp $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2/r2/public/static/pixel.png /srv/www/pixel
286 if [ ! -f /etc/gunicorn.d/click.conf ]; then
287 cat > /etc/gunicorn.d/click.conf <<CLICK
288 CONFIG = {
289 "mode": "wsgi",
290 "working_dir": "$REDDIT_SRC/reddit/scripts",
291 "user": "$REDDIT_USER",
292 "group": "$REDDIT_USER",
293 "args": (
294 "--bind=unix:/var/opt/reddit/click.sock",
295 "--workers=1",
296 "tracker:application",
302 service gunicorn start
304 ###############################################################################
305 # nginx
306 ###############################################################################
308 mkdir -p /srv/www/media
309 chown $REDDIT_USER:$REDDIT_GROUP /srv/www/media
311 cat > /etc/nginx/sites-available/reddit-media <<MEDIA
312 server {
313 listen 9000;
315 expires max;
317 location /media/ {
318 alias /srv/www/media/;
323 cat > /etc/nginx/sites-available/reddit-pixel <<PIXEL
324 upstream click_server {
325 server unix:/var/opt/reddit/click.sock fail_timeout=0;
328 server {
329 listen 8082;
331 log_format directlog '\$remote_addr - \$remote_user [\$time_local] '
332 '"\$request_method \$request_uri \$server_protocol" \$status \$body_bytes_sent '
333 '"\$http_referer" "\$http_user_agent"';
334 access_log /var/log/nginx/traffic/traffic.log directlog;
336 location / {
338 rewrite ^/pixel/of_ /pixel.png;
340 add_header Last-Modified "";
341 add_header Pragma "no-cache";
343 expires -1;
344 root /srv/www/pixel/;
347 location /click {
348 proxy_pass http://click_server;
353 cat > /etc/nginx/sites-available/reddit-ssl <<SSL
354 map \$http_upgrade \$connection_upgrade {
355 default upgrade;
356 '' close;
359 server {
360 listen 443;
362 ssl on;
363 ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem;
364 ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key;
366 ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
367 ssl_ciphers EECDH+AES128:RSA+AES128:EECDH+AES256:RSA+AES256:EECDH+3DES:RSA+3DES:!MD5;
368 ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
370 ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
372 location / {
373 proxy_pass;
374 proxy_set_header Host \$http_host;
375 proxy_http_version 1.1;
376 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$remote_addr;
377 proxy_pass_header Server;
379 # allow websockets through if desired
380 proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade;
381 proxy_set_header Connection \$connection_upgrade;
386 # remove the default nginx site that may conflict with haproxy
387 rm -rf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
388 # put our config in place
389 ln -nsf /etc/nginx/sites-available/reddit-media /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
390 ln -nsf /etc/nginx/sites-available/reddit-pixel /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
391 ln -nsf /etc/nginx/sites-available/reddit-ssl /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
393 # make the pixel log directory
394 mkdir -p /var/log/nginx/traffic
396 # link the ini file for the Flask click tracker
397 ln -nsf $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2/development.ini $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/scripts/production.ini
399 service nginx restart
401 ###############################################################################
402 # haproxy
403 ###############################################################################
404 if [ -e /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ]; then
405 BACKUP_HAPROXY=$(mktemp /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg.XXX)
406 echo "Backing up /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg to $BACKUP_HAPROXY"
407 cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg > $BACKUP_HAPROXY
410 # make sure haproxy is enabled
411 cat > /etc/default/haproxy <<DEFAULT
415 # configure haproxy
416 cat > /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg <<HAPROXY
417 global
418 maxconn 350
420 frontend frontend
421 mode http
423 bind
424 bind
426 timeout client 24h
427 option forwardfor except
428 option httpclose
430 # make sure that requests have x-forwarded-proto: https iff tls
431 reqidel ^X-Forwarded-Proto:.*
432 acl is-ssl dst_port 8080
433 reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https if is-ssl
435 # send websockets to the websocket service
436 acl is-websocket hdr(Upgrade) -i WebSocket
437 use_backend websockets if is-websocket
439 # send media stuff to the local nginx
440 acl is-media path_beg /media/
441 use_backend media if is-media
443 # send pixel stuff to local nginx
444 acl is-pixel path_beg /pixel/
445 acl is-click path_beg /click
446 use_backend pixel if is-pixel || is-click
448 default_backend reddit
450 backend reddit
451 mode http
452 timeout connect 4000
453 timeout server 30000
454 timeout queue 60000
455 balance roundrobin
457 server app01-8001 localhost:8001 maxconn 30
459 backend websockets
460 mode http
461 timeout connect 4s
462 timeout server 24h
463 balance roundrobin
465 server websockets localhost:9001 maxconn 250
467 backend media
468 mode http
469 timeout connect 4000
470 timeout server 30000
471 timeout queue 60000
472 balance roundrobin
474 server nginx localhost:9000 maxconn 20
476 backend pixel
477 mode http
478 timeout connect 4000
479 timeout server 30000
480 timeout queue 60000
481 balance roundrobin
483 server nginx localhost:8082 maxconn 20
486 # this will start it even if currently stopped
487 service haproxy restart
489 ###############################################################################
490 # websocket service
491 ###############################################################################
493 if [ ! -f /etc/init/reddit-websockets.conf ]; then
494 cat > /etc/init/reddit-websockets.conf << UPSTART_WEBSOCKETS
495 description "websockets service"
497 stop on runlevel [!2345] or reddit-restart all or reddit-restart websockets
498 start on runlevel [2345] or reddit-restart all or reddit-restart websockets
500 respawn
501 respawn limit 10 5
502 kill timeout 15
504 limit nofile 65535 65535
506 exec baseplate-serve2 --bind localhost:9001 $REDDIT_SRC/websockets/example.ini
510 service reddit-websockets restart
512 ###############################################################################
513 # activity service
514 ###############################################################################
516 if [ ! -f /etc/init/reddit-activity.conf ]; then
517 cat > /etc/init/reddit-activity.conf << UPSTART_ACTIVITY
518 description "activity service"
520 stop on runlevel [!2345] or reddit-restart all or reddit-restart activity
521 start on runlevel [2345] or reddit-restart all or reddit-restart activity
523 respawn
524 respawn limit 10 5
525 kill timeout 15
527 exec baseplate-serve2 --bind localhost:9002 $REDDIT_SRC/activity/example.ini
531 service reddit-activity restart
533 ###############################################################################
534 # geoip service
535 ###############################################################################
536 if [ ! -f /etc/gunicorn.d/geoip.conf ]; then
537 cat > /etc/gunicorn.d/geoip.conf <<GEOIP
538 CONFIG = {
539 "mode": "wsgi",
540 "working_dir": "$REDDIT_SRC/reddit/scripts",
541 "user": "$REDDIT_USER",
542 "group": "$REDDIT_USER",
543 "args": (
544 "--bind=",
545 "--workers=1",
546 "--limit-request-line=8190",
547 "geoip_service:application",
553 service gunicorn start
555 ###############################################################################
556 # Job Environment
557 ###############################################################################
560 if [ ! -f /etc/default/reddit ]; then
561 cat > /etc/default/reddit <<DEFAULT
562 export REDDIT_ROOT=$REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2
563 export REDDIT_INI=$REDDIT_SRC/reddit/r2/run.ini
567 alias wrap-job=$REDDIT_SRC/reddit/scripts/wrap-job
568 alias manage-consumers=$REDDIT_SRC/reddit/scripts/manage-consumers
572 ###############################################################################
573 # Queue Processors
574 ###############################################################################
577 function set_consumer_count {
578 if [ ! -f $CONSUMER_CONFIG_ROOT/$1 ]; then
579 echo $2 > $CONSUMER_CONFIG_ROOT/$1
583 set_consumer_count search_q 0
584 set_consumer_count del_account_q 1
585 set_consumer_count scraper_q 1
586 set_consumer_count markread_q 1
587 set_consumer_count commentstree_q 1
588 set_consumer_count newcomments_q 1
589 set_consumer_count vote_link_q 1
590 set_consumer_count vote_comment_q 1
591 set_consumer_count automoderator_q 0
592 set_consumer_count butler_q 1
593 set_consumer_count author_query_q 1
594 set_consumer_count subreddit_query_q 1
595 set_consumer_count domain_query_q 1
599 ###############################################################################
600 # Complete plugin setup, if setup.sh exists
601 ###############################################################################
602 for plugin in $REDDIT_AVAILABLE_PLUGINS; do
603 if [ -x $REDDIT_SRC/$plugin/setup.sh ]; then
604 echo "Found setup.sh for $plugin; running setup script"
605 $REDDIT_SRC/$plugin/setup.sh $REDDIT_SRC $REDDIT_USER
607 done
609 ###############################################################################
610 # Start everything up
611 ###############################################################################
613 # the initial database setup should be done by one process rather than a bunch
614 # vying with eachother to get there first
615 reddit-run -c 'print "ok done"'
617 # ok, now start everything else up
618 initctl emit reddit-stop
619 initctl emit reddit-start
621 ###############################################################################
622 # Cron Jobs
623 ###############################################################################
624 if [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/reddit ]; then
625 cat > /etc/cron.d/reddit <<CRON
626 0 3 * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-update_sr_names
627 30 16 * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-update_reddits
628 0 * * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-update_promos
629 */5 * * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-clean_up_hardcache
630 */2 * * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-broken_things
631 */2 * * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-rising
632 0 * * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-trylater
634 # liveupdate
635 * * * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-liveupdate_activity
637 # jobs that recalculate time-limited listings (e.g. top this year)
638 PGPASSWORD=password
639 */15 * * * * $REDDIT_USER $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/scripts/compute_time_listings link year "['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year']"
640 */15 * * * * $REDDIT_USER $REDDIT_SRC/reddit/scripts/compute_time_listings comment year "['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year']"
642 # disabled by default, uncomment if you need these jobs
643 #* * * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-email
644 #0 0 * * * root /sbin/start --quiet reddit-job-update_gold_users
645 CRON
648 ###############################################################################
649 # Finished with install script
650 ###############################################################################
651 # print this out here. if vagrant's involved, it's gonna do more steps
652 # afterwards and then re-run this script but that's ok.
653 $RUNDIR/done.sh