Add debian-live config for building CDs.
[redo.git] / config / includes.chroot / etc / skel / .icewm / themes / asura / gtk2 / Shiki-Asura / gtk-2.0 / panel.rc
1 ################################################
3 ################################################
5 # Note: Uncommenting means to delete the "#" at the beginning of a line. Commenting out means to add a "#" at the beginning of a line. The "#" tells the theme wether to ignore the line or not.
7 style "theme-panel"
9         bg_pixmap[NORMAL]       = "/Panels/panel-bg-dark.png" # Disable for normal panel backgrounds.
11         bg[SELECTED]    = shade (0.85, @selected_bg_color) # Makes selected items dark.
12         bg[NORMAL]      = "#3c3c3c" # Makes panel background dark.
13         bg[PRELIGHT]    = shade (0.85, @selected_bg_color) # Makes panel button prelight dark.
14         bg[ACTIVE]      = shade (0.60, @bg_color) # Makes active buttons dark.
15         bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#3C3C3C"
16         fg[NORMAL]      = "#E6E6E6" # Makes panel text light.
17         fg[PRELIGHT]    = @selected_fg_color  # Makes prelighted text colored.
18         fg[SELECTED]    = @selected_fg_color  # Makes prelighted text colored.
19         fg[ACTIVE]      = @selected_fg_color  # Makes active text colored.
20         fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#666666" # Color for insensitive text.
21         text[NORMAL]    = "#E6E6E6"
22         text[PRELIGHT]  = @selected_fg_color  # Makes prelighted text colored.
23         text[SELECTED]  = @selected_fg_color  # Makes prelighted text colored.
24         text[ACTIVE]    = @selected_fg_color  # Makes active text colored.
25         text[INSENSITIVE]       = "#666666"
27         engine "murrine" {
28                 roundness = 0 # This sets the roundness of panel items.
29         }
32 style "theme-panel-light"
34         fg[NORMAL]      = @fg_color
37 # Panel settings. Do not change.
38 widget "*PanelWidget*"          style "theme-panel"
39 widget "*PanelApplet*"          style "theme-panel"
40 widget "*fast-user-switch*"     style "theme-panel"
41 widget "*gdm-user-switch*"      style "theme-panel"
42 widget "*CPUFreq*Applet*"       style "theme-panel"
43 widget "*indicator-applet*"     style "theme-panel"
44 class "PanelApp*"               style "theme-panel"
45 class "PanelToplevel*"          style "theme-panel"
46 widget_class "*PanelToplevel*"  style "theme-panel"
47 #widget_class "*Mail*"          style "theme-panel" # Disabled to fix Evolution bug.
48 #class "*Panel*"                style "theme-panel" # Disabled to fix bug.
49 widget_class "*notif*"          style "theme-panel"
50 widget_class "*Notif*"          style "theme-panel"
51 widget_class "*Tray*"           style "theme-panel" 
52 widget_class "*tray*"           style "theme-panel"
53 widget_class "*computertemp*"   style "theme-panel"
54 widget_class "*Applet*Tomboy*"  style "theme-panel"
55 widget_class "*Applet*Netstatus*"       style "theme-panel"
57 # Fixes for tooltip text in some apps.
58 widget_class "*Notif*Beagle*"   style "theme-panel-light"
59 widget_class "*Notif*Brasero*"  style "theme-panel-light"
61 # XFCE panel theming.
62 widget "*Xfce*Panel*"           style "theme-panel"
63 class "*Xfce*Panel*"            style "theme-panel"