1 -- Regano database table definitions
3 -- Uses PostgreSQL extensions.
5 -- Regano is a domain registration system for OpenNIC TLDs written in
6 -- Perl. This file is part of Regano.
8 -- Regano may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Of
9 -- particular importance, note that while regano is distributed in the
10 -- hope that it will be useful, there is NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND
14 -- The type definitions in db_types.sql must already be installed.
16 -- Internal configuration options
17 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.config (
22 CHECK(number IS NOT NULL OR interval IS NOT NULL OR text IS NOT NULL)
23 ) WITH (fillfactor = 95);
26 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.users (
27 id bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
28 username varchar(64) UNIQUE,
29 password regano.password,
30 -- id of primary contact for this user
31 contact_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
32 -- timestamp of user registration
33 registered timestamp with time zone
35 ) WITH (fillfactor = 90);
38 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.sessions (
40 user_id bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES regano.users (id),
41 start timestamp with time zone
43 activity timestamp with time zone
46 CREATE INDEX ON regano.sessions (start);
48 -- Contact information for users and domains
49 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.contacts (
50 owner_id bigint NOT NULL
51 REFERENCES regano.users (id)
56 email_verified boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
59 PRIMARY KEY(owner_id, id)
60 ) WITH (fillfactor = 90);
61 CREATE INDEX ON regano.contacts (owner_id);
63 ALTER TABLE regano.users ADD CONSTRAINT users_contact_id_fkey
64 FOREIGN KEY (id, contact_id)
65 REFERENCES regano.contacts (owner_id, id)
69 -- Email verifications not yet completed
70 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.contact_verifications (
73 type regano.contact_verification_type NOT NULL,
74 user_id bigint NOT NULL,
75 contact_id integer NOT NULL,
76 email_sent boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
77 start timestamp with time zone
79 UNIQUE (user_id, contact_id),
80 FOREIGN KEY (user_id, contact_id)
81 REFERENCES regano.contacts (owner_id, id)
84 CREATE INDEX ON regano.contact_verifications (start);
86 -- Domains under which this instance can process registrations
87 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.bailiwicks (
88 domain_tail text PRIMARY KEY
89 CHECK(domain_tail LIKE '.%.')
92 -- Domains reserved at second-level, just inside every bailiwick
93 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.reserved_domains (
94 domain_name regano.dns_label PRIMARY KEY,
96 CONSTRAINT "Reserved domains must be entered as lowercase"
97 CHECK(lower(domain_name) = domain_name)
100 -- Domains pending (pre-registered, user not yet verified, etc.)
101 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.pending_domains (
102 domain_name regano.dns_label NOT NULL,
103 domain_tail regano.dns_fqdn NOT NULL
104 REFERENCES regano.bailiwicks (domain_tail),
105 PRIMARY KEY(domain_name, domain_tail),
106 -- An unverified user can only have one domain pending.
107 -- A verified user immediately registers domains.
108 -- Pre-registered domains do not have an associated contact.
109 user_id bigint UNIQUE
110 REFERENCES regano.users (id),
111 start timestamp with time zone
114 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pending_domains_domain_name_domain_tail_lower_case_key
115 ON regano.pending_domains (lower(domain_name), lower(domain_tail));
116 CREATE INDEX ON regano.pending_domains (start);
118 -- Domains registered in this instance
119 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.domains (
120 id bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
121 domain_name regano.dns_label NOT NULL,
122 domain_tail regano.dns_fqdn NOT NULL
123 REFERENCES regano.bailiwicks (domain_tail),
124 UNIQUE(domain_name, domain_tail),
125 owner_id bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES regano.users (id),
126 default_ttl regano.dns_interval NOT NULL
127 DEFAULT interval '1 day',
128 registered timestamp with time zone
130 expiration timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
131 last_update timestamp with time zone
134 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX domains_domain_name_domain_tail_lower_case_key
135 ON regano.domains (lower(domain_name), lower(domain_tail));
136 CREATE INDEX domains_external_name_lower_case_idx
137 ON regano.domains (lower(domain_name||domain_tail));
139 -- DNS records hosted by this instance
140 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS regano.domain_records (
141 domain_id bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES regano.domains (id)
143 seq_no bigint NOT NULL CHECK(seq_no >= 0),
144 class regano.dns_record_class NOT NULL DEFAULT 'IN',
145 type regano.dns_record_type NOT NULL,
146 ttl regano.dns_interval,
147 name regano.dns_name NOT NULL CHECK(name NOT LIKE '%.'),
148 -- typed storage for DNS records
149 data_name regano.dns_name,
151 data_RR_SOA regano.dns_RR_SOA,
152 data_RR_A regano.dns_RR_A,
153 data_RR_AAAA regano.dns_RR_AAAA,
154 data_RR_CERT regano.dns_RR_CERT,
155 data_RR_DS regano.dns_RR_DS,
156 data_RR_IPSECKEY regano.dns_RR_IPSECKEY,
157 data_RR_LOC regano.dns_RR_LOC,
158 data_RR_MX regano.dns_RR_MX,
159 data_RR_NAPTR regano.dns_RR_NAPTR,
160 data_RR_RP regano.dns_RR_RP,
161 data_RR_SRV regano.dns_RR_SRV,
162 data_RR_SSHFP regano.dns_RR_SSHFP,
163 data_RR_TLSA regano.dns_RR_TLSA,
165 PRIMARY KEY(domain_id, seq_no),
166 -- constraints to ensure proper usage
167 CONSTRAINT "sequence number 0 is reserved for SOA record"
168 CHECK((seq_no = 0) = (type = 'SOA')),
169 -- - types using "data_name"
170 CONSTRAINT "valid DNS name data"
171 CHECK((type IN ('CNAME', 'DNAME', 'NS', 'PTR'))
172 = (data_name IS NOT NULL)),
173 -- - types using "data_text"
174 CONSTRAINT "valid DNS text data"
175 CHECK((type IN ('SPF', 'TXT')) = (data_text IS NOT NULL)),
176 -- - types using specific fields
177 -- - - Note that PostgreSQL applies IS NOT NULL
178 -- to all fields of a composite type.
179 CONSTRAINT "valid SOA record"
180 CHECK((type = 'SOA') = (data_RR_SOA IS NOT NULL)),
181 CONSTRAINT "valid A record"
182 CHECK((type = 'A') = (data_RR_A IS NOT NULL)),
183 CONSTRAINT "valid AAAA record"
184 CHECK((type = 'AAAA') = (data_RR_AAAA IS NOT NULL)),
185 CONSTRAINT "valid CERT record"
186 CHECK((type = 'CERT') = (data_RR_CERT IS NOT NULL)),
187 CONSTRAINT "valid DS record"
188 CHECK((type = 'DS') = (data_RR_DS IS NOT NULL)),
189 CONSTRAINT "valid LOC record"
190 CHECK((type = 'LOC') = (data_RR_LOC IS NOT NULL)),
191 CONSTRAINT "valid MX record"
192 CHECK((type = 'MX') = (data_RR_MX IS NOT NULL)),
193 CONSTRAINT "valid NAPTR record"
194 CHECK((type = 'NAPTR') = (data_RR_NAPTR IS NOT NULL)),
195 CONSTRAINT "valid RP record"
196 CHECK((type = 'RP') = (data_RR_RP IS NOT NULL)),
197 CONSTRAINT "valid SRV record"
198 CHECK((type = 'SRV') = (data_RR_SRV IS NOT NULL)),
199 CONSTRAINT "valid SSHFP record"
200 CHECK((type = 'SSHFP') = (data_RR_SSHFP IS NOT NULL)),
201 CONSTRAINT "valid TLSA record"
202 CHECK((type = 'TLSA') = (data_RR_TLSA IS NOT NULL)),
203 -- - A and AAAA are validated by type constraints
204 -- - validation for IPSECKEY
205 CONSTRAINT "valid IPSECKEY record"
206 CHECK(type != 'IPSECKEY'
207 OR ((data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_type = '0:None'
208 AND (data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_dns IS NULL
209 AND (data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_inet IS NULL)
210 OR ((data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_type = '1:IPv4'
211 AND (data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_dns IS NULL
212 AND (data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_inet IS NOT NULL
213 AND family((data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_inet) = 4
214 AND masklen((data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_inet) = 32)
215 OR ((data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_type = '2:IPv6'
216 AND (data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_dns IS NULL
217 AND (data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_inet IS NOT NULL
218 AND family((data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_inet) = 6
219 AND masklen((data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_inet) = 128)
220 OR ((data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_type = '3:DNS'
221 AND (data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_dns IS NOT NULL
222 AND (data_RR_IPSECKEY).gateway_inet IS NULL)),
223 -- LOC is validated by a type constraint
224 -- - validation for SPF
225 -- TODO: implement validation of SPF data
226 CONSTRAINT "valid SPF record"
227 CHECK(type != 'SPF' OR data_text IS NOT NULL)
228 ) WITH (fillfactor = 90);
229 CREATE INDEX domain_records_type_idx
230 ON regano.domain_records (type);
233 ALTER TABLE regano.config OWNER TO regano;
234 ALTER TABLE regano.users OWNER TO regano;
235 ALTER TABLE regano.sessions OWNER TO regano;
236 ALTER TABLE regano.contacts OWNER TO regano;
237 ALTER TABLE regano.contact_verifications OWNER TO regano;
238 ALTER TABLE regano.bailiwicks OWNER TO regano;
239 ALTER TABLE regano.reserved_domains OWNER TO regano;
240 ALTER TABLE regano.pending_domains OWNER TO regano;
241 ALTER TABLE regano.domains OWNER TO regano;
242 ALTER TABLE regano.domain_records OWNER TO regano;