Forbid empty DNS names
[regano.git] / t / db_api_06_antiskid.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use Test::More tests => 2 + 3 + 3;
5 use DBI;
6 use strict;
7 use warnings;
9 my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:db=regano', undef, undef,
10 {AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1})
11 or BAIL_OUT $DBI::errstr;
15 my ($TRUE, $FALSE) = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{SELECT TRUE, FALSE});
17 my %SESSIONS;
19 my $sth = $dbh->prepare
20 (q{WITH open_sessions AS
21 (SELECT s.*, dense_rank() OVER (PARTITION BY s.user_id
22 ORDER BY s.activity DESC)
23 FROM regano.sessions AS s)
24 SELECT, u.username, regano_api.session_check(
25 FROM open_sessions AS s JOIN regano.users AS u
26 ON s.user_id =
27 WHERE dense_rank = 1});
28 $sth->execute;
29 my ($id, $username, $check);
30 $sth->bind_columns(\($id, $username, $check));
31 while ($sth->fetch) {
32 $SESSIONS{$username} = $id if $check;
36 BAIL_OUT('No sessions in DB') unless scalar keys %SESSIONS;
40 # clean up after a previous test run
41 $dbh->do(q{TRUNCATE regano.antiskid_block});
42 $dbh->do(q{TRUNCATE regano.antiskid_tally});
44 my $act_st = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT regano_api.antiskid_check(?, ?)});
45 my $achk_st = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT regano_api.antiskid_session_check(?, ?)});
46 my $schk_st = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT regano_api.session_check(?)});
48 sub act ($$) {$dbh->selectrow_array($act_st, {}, @_)}
49 sub achk ($$) {$dbh->selectrow_array($achk_st, {}, @_)}
50 sub schk ($) {$dbh->selectrow_array($schk_st, {}, @_)}
52 my $good_addr = '';
53 my $evil_addr = '';
55 ok(achk($SESSIONS{test1}, $good_addr),
56 q{Good client as 'test1' before actions});
57 ok(achk($SESSIONS{test2}, $evil_addr),
58 q{Evil client as 'test2' before actions});
60 ok(act(q{newuser}, $good_addr),
61 q{Good client makes user account});
62 ok(act(q{newuser}, $evil_addr),
63 q{Evil client makes user account});
64 ok(!act(q{newuser}, $evil_addr),
65 q{Evil client attempts to make second user account});
67 ok(achk($SESSIONS{test1}, $good_addr),
68 q{Good client as 'test1' after actions});
69 ok(!achk($SESSIONS{test2}, $evil_addr),
70 q{Evil client blocked after actions});
71 ok(schk($SESSIONS{test2}) && !achk($SESSIONS{test1}, $evil_addr),
72 q{Evil client still blocked with stolen session});
76 $dbh->disconnect;
78 __END__