4 Persistable =
0 'NotPersistable
5 DataBindingBehavior =
0 'vbNone
6 DataSourceBehavior =
0 'vbNone
7 MTSTransactionMode =
0 'NotAnMTSObject
9 Attribute VB_Name = "CSocketMaster"
10 Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
11 Attribute VB_Creatable = True
12 Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
13 Attribute VB_Exposed = False
14 '********************************************************************************
16 'Name.......... CSocketMaster
17 'File.......... CSocketMaster.cls
19 'Dependencies.. Requires modSocketMaster.bas code module
20 'Description... Winsock api implementation class
21 'Author........ Emiliano Scavuzzo <anshoku@yahoo.com>
22 'Date.......... June,
23 'Copyright (c)
2004 by Emiliano Scavuzzo
26 'Based on CSocket by Oleg Gdalevich
27 'Subclassing based on WinSubHook2 by Paul Caton <Paul_Caton@hotmail.com>
29 '********************************************************************************
31 '==============================================================================
33 '==============================================================================
34 Private Declare Function api_socket _
36 Alias "socket" (ByVal af As Long, _
37 ByVal s_type As Long, _
38 ByVal Protocol As Long) As Long
39 Private Declare Function api_GlobalLock _
41 Alias "GlobalLock" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
42 Private Declare Function api_GlobalUnlock _
44 Alias "GlobalUnlock" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
45 Private Declare Function api_htons _
47 Alias "htons" (ByVal hostshort As Integer) As Integer
48 Private Declare Function api_ntohs _
50 Alias "ntohs" (ByVal netshort As Integer) As Integer
51 Private Declare Function api_connect _
53 Alias "connect" (ByVal s As Long, _
54 ByRef name As sockaddr_in, _
55 ByVal namelen As Long) As Long
56 Private Declare Function api_gethostname _
58 Alias "gethostname" (ByVal host_name As String, _
59 ByVal namelen As Long) As Long
60 Private Declare Function api_gethostbyname _
62 Alias "gethostbyname" (ByVal host_name As String) As Long
63 Private Declare Function api_bind _
65 Alias "bind" (ByVal s As Long, _
66 ByRef name As sockaddr_in, _
67 ByVal namelen As Long) As Long
68 Private Declare Function api_getsockname _
70 Alias "getsockname" (ByVal s As Long, _
71 ByRef name As sockaddr_in, _
72 ByRef namelen As Long) As Long
73 Private Declare Function api_getpeername _
75 Alias "getpeername" (ByVal s As Long, _
76 ByRef name As sockaddr_in, _
77 ByRef namelen As Long) As Long
78 Private Declare Function api_inet_addr _
80 Alias "inet_addr" (ByVal cp As String) As Long
81 Private Declare Function api_send _
83 Alias "send" (ByVal s As Long, _
85 ByVal buflen As Long, _
86 ByVal flags As Long) As Long
87 Private Declare Function api_sendto _
89 Alias "sendto" (ByVal s As Long, _
91 ByVal buflen As Long, _
92 ByVal flags As Long, _
93 ByRef toaddr As sockaddr_in, _
94 ByVal tolen As Long) As Long
95 Private Declare Function api_getsockopt _
97 Alias "getsockopt" (ByVal s As Long, _
98 ByVal level As Long, _
99 ByVal optname As Long, _
101 optlen As Long) As Long
102 Private Declare Function api_setsockopt _
104 Alias "setsockopt" (ByVal s As Long, _
105 ByVal level As Long, _
106 ByVal optname As Long, _
108 ByVal optlen As Long) As Long
109 Private Declare Function api_recv _
111 Alias "recv" (ByVal s As Long, _
113 ByVal buflen As Long, _
114 ByVal flags As Long) As Long
115 Private Declare Function api_recvfrom _
117 Alias "recvfrom" (ByVal s As Long, _
119 ByVal buflen As Long, _
120 ByVal flags As Long, _
121 ByRef from As sockaddr_in, _
122 ByRef fromlen As Long) As Long
123 Private Declare Function api_WSACancelAsyncRequest _
125 Alias "WSACancelAsyncRequest" (ByVal hAsyncTaskHandle As Long) As Long
126 Private Declare Function api_listen _
128 Alias "listen" (ByVal s As Long, _
129 ByVal backlog As Long) As Long
130 Private Declare Function api_accept _
132 Alias "accept" (ByVal s As Long, _
133 ByRef addr As sockaddr_in, _
134 ByRef addrlen As Long) As Long
135 Private Declare Function api_inet_ntoa _
137 Alias "inet_ntoa" (ByVal inn As Long) As Long
138 Private Declare Function api_ioctlsocket _
140 Alias "ioctlsocket" (ByVal s As Long, _
142 ByRef argp As Long) As Long
143 Private Declare Function api_closesocket _
145 Alias "closesocket" (ByVal s As Long) As Long
146 'Private Declare Function api_gethostbyaddr Lib "ws2_32.dll" Alias "gethostbyaddr" (addr As Long, ByVal addr_len As Long, ByVal addr_type As Long) As Long
147 '==============================================================================
149 '==============================================================================
150 Public Enum SockState
162 Private Const SOMAXCONN As Long =
163 Public Enum ProtocolConstants
167 Private Const MSG_PEEK As Long = &H2
168 '==============================================================================
170 '==============================================================================
171 Public Event CloseSck()
172 Public Event Connect()
173 Public Event ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)
174 Public Event DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
175 Public Event Error(ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal sCode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean)
176 Public Event SendComplete()
177 Public Event SendProgress(ByVal bytesSent As Long, ByVal bytesRemaining As Long)
178 '==============================================================================
180 '==============================================================================
181 Private m_lngSocketHandle As Long 'socket handle
182 Private m_enmState As SockState 'socket state
183 Private m_strTag As String 'tag
184 Private m_strRemoteHost As String 'remote host
185 Private m_lngRemotePort As Long 'remote port
186 Private m_strRemoteHostIP As String 'remote host ip
187 Private m_lngLocalPort As Long 'local port
188 Private m_lngLocalPortBind As Long 'temporary local port
189 Private m_strLocalIP As String 'local IP
190 Private m_enmProtocol As ProtocolConstants 'protocol used (TCP / UDP)
191 Private m_lngMemoryPointer As Long 'memory pointer used as buffer when resolving host
192 Private m_lngMemoryHandle As Long 'buffer memory handle
193 Private m_lngSendBufferLen As Long 'winsock buffer size for sends
194 Private m_lngRecvBufferLen As Long 'winsock buffer size for receives
195 Private m_strSendBuffer As String 'local incoming buffer
196 Private m_strRecvBuffer As String 'local outgoing buffer
197 Private m_blnAcceptClass As Boolean 'if True then this is an Accept socket class
198 Private m_colWaitingResolutions As Collection 'hosts waiting to be resolved by the system
201 'This sub MUST be the first on the class. DO NOT attempt
202 'to change it's location or the code will CRASH.
203 'This sub receives system messages from our WndProc.
204 Public Sub WndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, _
205 ByVal uMsg As Long, _
206 ByVal wParam As Long, _
207 ByVal lParam As Long)
209 On Error GoTo WndProc_Err
215 4 PostResolution wParam, HiWord(lParam)
218 8 PostSocket LoWord(lParam), HiWord(lParam)
224 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.WndProc.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
229 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
230 'socket's handle default value
232 On Error GoTo Class_Initialize_Err
234 2 m_lngSocketHandle = INVALID_SOCKET
235 'initiate resolution collection
236 4 Set m_colWaitingResolutions = New Collection
237 'initiate processes and winsock service
238 6 modSocketMaster.InitiateProcesses
241 Class_Initialize_Err:
242 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.Class_Initialize.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
247 Private Sub Class_Terminate()
248 'clean hostname resolution system
252 CleanResolutionSystem
254 'destroy socket if it exists
255 If Not m_blnAcceptClass Then DestroySocket
256 'clean processes and finish winsock service
257 modSocketMaster.FinalizeProcesses
258 'clean resolution collection
259 Set m_colWaitingResolutions = Nothing
262 '==============================================================================
264 '==============================================================================
265 Public Property Get RemotePort() As Long
267 On Error GoTo RemotePort_Err
269 2 RemotePort = m_lngRemotePort
273 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.RemotePort.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
278 Public Property Let RemotePort(ByVal lngPort As Long)
280 On Error GoTo RemotePort_Err
283 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol And m_enmState <> sckClosed Then
284 4 Err.Raise sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.RemotePort", "Invalid operation at current state"
287 6 If lngPort <
0 Or lngPort >
65535 Then
288 8 Err.Raise sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.RemotePort", "The argument passed to a function was not in the correct format or in the specified range."
290 10 m_lngRemotePort = lngPort
296 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.RemotePort.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
301 Public Property Get RemoteHost() As String
303 On Error GoTo RemoteHost_Err
305 2 RemoteHost = m_strRemoteHost
309 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.RemoteHost.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
314 Public Property Let RemoteHost(ByVal strHost As String)
316 On Error GoTo RemoteHost_Err
319 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol And m_enmState <> sckClosed Then
320 4 Err.Raise sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.RemoteHost", "Invalid operation at current state"
323 6 m_strRemoteHost = strHost
327 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.RemoteHost.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
332 Public Property Get RemoteHostIP() As String
334 On Error GoTo RemoteHostIP_Err
336 2 RemoteHostIP = m_strRemoteHostIP
340 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.RemoteHostIP.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
345 Public Property Get LocalPort() As Long
347 On Error GoTo LocalPort_Err
350 2 If m_lngLocalPortBind =
0 Then
351 4 LocalPort = m_lngLocalPort
353 6 LocalPort = m_lngLocalPortBind
359 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.LocalPort.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
364 Public Property Let LocalPort(ByVal lngPort As Long)
366 On Error GoTo LocalPort_Err
369 2 If m_enmState <> sckClosed Then
370 4 Err.Raise sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.LocalPort", "Invalid operation at current state"
373 6 If lngPort <
0 Or lngPort >
65535 Then
374 8 Err.Raise sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.LocalPort", "The argument passed to a function was not in the correct format or in the specified range."
376 10 m_lngLocalPort = lngPort
382 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.LocalPort.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
387 Public Property Get State() As SockState
389 On Error GoTo State_Err
395 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.State.Ref
2008 :
24 a.m."
400 Public Property Get LocalHostName() As String
402 On Error GoTo LocalHostName_Err
404 2 LocalHostName = GetLocalHostName
408 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.LocalHostName.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
413 Public Property Get LocalIP() As String
415 On Error GoTo LocalIP_Err
418 2 If m_enmState = sckConnected Then
419 4 LocalIP = m_strLocalIP
421 6 LocalIP = GetLocalIP
427 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.LocalIP.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
432 Public Property Get BytesReceived() As Long
434 On Error GoTo BytesReceived_Err
437 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
438 4 BytesReceived = Len(m_strRecvBuffer)
440 6 BytesReceived = GetBufferLenUDP
446 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.BytesReceived.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
451 Public Property Get SocketHandle() As Long
453 On Error GoTo SocketHandle_Err
455 2 SocketHandle = m_lngSocketHandle
459 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.SocketHandle.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
464 Public Property Get Tag() As String
466 On Error GoTo Tag_Err
472 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.Tag.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
477 Public Property Let Tag(ByVal strTag As String)
479 On Error GoTo Tag_Err
485 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.Tag.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
490 Public Property Get Protocol() As ProtocolConstants
492 On Error GoTo Protocol_Err
494 2 Protocol = m_enmProtocol
498 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.Protocol.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
503 Public Property Let Protocol(ByVal enmProtocol As ProtocolConstants)
505 On Error GoTo Protocol_Err
508 2 If m_enmState <> sckClosed Then
509 4 Err.Raise sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.Protocol", "Invalid operation at current state"
511 6 m_enmProtocol = enmProtocol
517 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.Protocol.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
522 'Destroys the socket if it exists and unregisters it
524 Private Sub DestroySocket()
526 On Error GoTo DestroySocket_Err
529 2 If Not m_lngSocketHandle = INVALID_SOCKET Then
530 Dim lngResult As Long
531 4 lngResult = api_closesocket(m_lngSocketHandle)
533 6 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
534 8 m_enmState = sckError
535 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
536 10 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
537 12 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.DestroySocket", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
539 14 modSocketMaster.UnregisterSocket m_lngSocketHandle
540 16 m_lngSocketHandle = INVALID_SOCKET
547 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.DestroySocket.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
552 Public Sub CloseSck()
554 On Error GoTo CloseSck_Err
557 2 If m_lngSocketHandle = INVALID_SOCKET Then Exit Sub
558 4 m_enmState = sckClosing
559 6 CleanResolutionSystem
561 10 m_lngLocalPortBind =
562 12 m_strRemoteHostIP = ""
563 14 m_strRecvBuffer = ""
564 16 m_strSendBuffer = ""
565 18 m_lngSendBufferLen =
566 20 m_lngRecvBufferLen =
567 22 m_enmState = sckClosed
571 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.CloseSck.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
576 'Tries to create a socket if there isn't one yet and registers
577 'it to the control list.
578 'Returns TRUE if it has success
579 Private Function SocketExists() As Boolean
581 On Error GoTo SocketExists_Err
583 2 SocketExists = True
584 Dim lngResult As Long
585 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
587 'check if there is a socket already
588 4 If m_lngSocketHandle = INVALID_SOCKET Then
590 'decide what kind of socket we are creating, TCP or UDP
591 6 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
592 8 lngResult = api_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)
594 10 lngResult = api_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)
597 12 If lngResult = INVALID_SOCKET Then
598 14 m_enmState = sckError
599 16 SocketExists = False
600 18 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
601 Dim blnCancelDisplay As Boolean
602 20 blnCancelDisplay = True
603 22 RaiseEvent Error(lngErrorCode, GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode),
0, "CSocketMaster.SocketExists", "",
0, blnCancelDisplay)
605 24 If blnCancelDisplay = False Then MsgBox GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), vbOKOnly, "CSocketMaster.SocketExists"
607 26 m_lngSocketHandle = lngResult
608 'set and get some socket options
610 30 SocketExists = modSocketMaster.RegisterSocket(m_lngSocketHandle, ObjPtr(Me), True)
617 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.SocketExists.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
622 'Tries to connect to RemoteHost if it was passed, or uses
623 'm_strRemoteHost instead. If it is a hostname tries to
625 Public Sub Connect(Optional RemoteHost As Variant, _
626 Optional RemotePort As Variant)
628 On Error GoTo Connect_Err
631 2 If m_enmState <> sckClosed Then
632 4 Err.Raise sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.Connect", "Invalid operation at current state"
635 6 If Not IsMissing(RemoteHost) Then
636 8 m_strRemoteHost = CStr(RemoteHost)
639 'for some reason we get a GPF if we try to
640 'resolve a null string, so we replace it with
642 10 If m_strRemoteHost = vbNullString Then
643 12 m_strRemoteHost = ""
646 'check if RemotePort is a number between
1 and
647 14 If Not IsMissing(RemotePort) Then
648 16 If IsNumeric(RemotePort) Then
649 18 If CLng(RemotePort) >
65535 Or CLng(RemotePort) <
1 Then
650 20 Err.Raise sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.Connect", "The argument passed to a function was not in the correct format or in the specified range."
652 22 m_lngRemotePort = CLng(RemotePort)
656 24 Err.Raise sckUnsupported, "CSocketMaster.Connect", "Unsupported variant type."
660 'create a socket if there isn't one yet
661 26 If Not SocketExists Then Exit Sub
663 'Here we bind the socket
664 28 If Not BindInternal Then Exit Sub
666 'If we are using UDP we just exit silently.
667 'Remember UDP is a connectionless protocol.
668 30 If m_enmProtocol = sckUDPProtocol Then
669 32 m_enmState = sckOpen
673 'try to get a
32 bits long that is used to identify a host
674 Dim lngAddress As Long
675 34 lngAddress = ResolveIfHostname(m_strRemoteHost)
677 'We've got two options here:
678 '
1) m_strRemoteHost was an IP, so a resolution wasn't
679 ' necessary, and now lngAddress is a
32 bits long and
680 ' we proceed to connect.
681 '
2) m_strRemoteHost was a hostname, so a resolution was
682 ' necessary and it's taking place right now. We leave
684 36 If lngAddress <> vbNull Then
685 '
136 registrar "~SOCK: Conectando directamente por IP",
686 38 ConnectToIP lngAddress,
692 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.Connect.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
697 'When the system resolves a hostname in asynchronous way we
698 'call this function to decide what to do with the result.
699 Private Sub PostResolution(ByVal lngAsynHandle As Long, _
700 ByVal lngErrorCode As Long)
701 'erase that record from the collection since we won't need it any longer
703 On Error GoTo PostResolution_Err
705 2 m_colWaitingResolutions.Remove "R" & lngAsynHandle
706 4 UnregisterResolution lngAsynHandle
708 6 If m_enmState <> sckResolvingHost Then Exit Sub
709 8 If lngErrorCode =
0 Then 'if there weren't errors trying to resolve the hostname
710 10 m_enmState = sckHostResolved
711 Dim udtHostent As HOSTENT
712 Dim lngPtrToIP As Long
713 Dim arrIpAddress(
1 To
4) As Byte
714 Dim lngRemoteHostAddress As Long
716 Dim strIpAddress As String
717 12 api_CopyMemory udtHostent, ByVal m_lngMemoryPointer, LenB(udtHostent)
718 14 api_CopyMemory lngPtrToIP, ByVal udtHostent.hAddrList,
719 16 api_CopyMemory arrIpAddress(
1), ByVal lngPtrToIP,
720 18 api_CopyMemory lngRemoteHostAddress, ByVal lngPtrToIP,
721 'free memory, won't need it any longer
724 'We turn the
32 bits long into a readable string.
725 'Note: we don't need this string. I put this here just
726 'in case you need it.
727 22 For Count =
1 To
728 24 strIpAddress = strIpAddress & arrIpAddress(Count) & "."
731 26 strIpAddress = Left$(strIpAddress, Len(strIpAddress) -
732 28 ConnectToIP lngRemoteHostAddress,
733 Else 'there were errors trying to resolve the hostname
736 32 ConnectToIP vbNull, lngErrorCode
742 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.PostResolution.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
747 'This procedure is called by the WindowProc callback function.
748 'The lngEventID argument is an ID of the network event
749 'occurred for the socket. The lngErrorCode argument contains
750 'an error code only if an error was occurred during an
751 'asynchronous execution.
752 Private Sub PostSocket(ByVal lngEventID As Long, _
753 ByVal lngErrorCode As Long)
755 On Error GoTo PostSocket_Err
757 Dim blnCancelDisplay As Boolean
759 'handle any possible error
760 2 If lngErrorCode <>
0 Then
761 4 m_enmState = sckError
762 6 Registrar "~SOCK: Estado -> sckError",
763 8 blnCancelDisplay = True
764 10 RaiseEvent Error(lngErrorCode, GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode),
0, "CSocketMaster.PostSocket", "",
0, blnCancelDisplay)
766 12 If blnCancelDisplay = False Then MsgBox GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), vbOKOnly, "CSocketMaster.PostSocket"
770 Dim udtSockAddr As sockaddr_in
771 Dim lngResult As Long
772 Dim lngBytesReceived As Long
774 14 Select Case lngEventID
776 '======================================================================
779 'Arrival of this message means that the connection initiated by the call
780 'of the connect Winsock API function was successfully established.
781 'registrar "~SOCK:" & "FD_CONNECT " & m_lngSocketHandle,
782 16 If m_enmState <> sckConnecting Then
783 18 Registrar "~SOCK:" & "Advertencia: Omitiendo FD_CONNECT",
787 'Get the local parameters
788 20 GetLocalInfo m_lngSocketHandle, m_lngLocalPortBind, m_strLocalIP
789 'Get the connection local end-point parameters
790 22 GetRemoteInfo m_lngSocketHandle, m_lngRemotePort, m_strRemoteHostIP, m_strRemoteHost
791 24 m_enmState = sckConnected
792 26 Registrar "~SOCK: Estado -> sckConnected",
793 28 RaiseEvent Connect
795 '======================================================================
798 'This message means that the socket in a write-able
799 'state, that is, buffer for outgoing data of the transport
800 'service is empty and ready to receive data to send through
802 'registrar "~SOCK:" & "FD_WRITE " & m_lngSocketHandle,
803 32 If m_enmState <> sckConnected Then
804 34 Registrar "~SOCK:" & "Advertencia: Omitiendo FD_WRITE",
808 36 If Len(m_strSendBuffer) >
0 Then
812 '======================================================================
815 'Some data has arrived for this socket.
816 'registrar "~SOCK:" & "FD_READ " & m_lngSocketHandle,
817 42 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
818 44 If m_enmState <> sckConnected Then
819 46 Registrar "~SOCK:" & "Advertencia: Omitiendo FD_READ",
823 'Call the RecvDataToBuffer function that move arrived data
824 'from the Winsock buffer to the local one and returns number
826 48 lngBytesReceived = RecvDataToBuffer
828 50 If lngBytesReceived >
0 Then
829 52 RaiseEvent DataArrival(Len(m_strRecvBuffer))
834 54 If m_enmState <> sckOpen Then
835 56 Registrar "~SOCK:" & "Advertencia: Omitiendo FD_READ",
839 'If we use UDP we don't remove data from winsock buffer.
840 'We just let the user know the amount received so
841 'he/she can decide what to do.
842 58 lngBytesReceived = GetBufferLenUDP
844 60 If lngBytesReceived >
0 Then
845 62 RaiseEvent DataArrival(lngBytesReceived)
848 'Now the buffer is emptied no matter what the user
849 'dicided to do with the received data
853 '======================================================================
856 'When the socket is in a listening state, arrival of this message
857 'means that a connection request was received. Call the accept
858 'Winsock API function in oreder to create a new socket for the
859 'requested connection.
860 'registrar "~SOCK:" & "FD_ACCEPT " & m_lngSocketHandle,
861 68 If m_enmState <> sckListening Then
862 70 Registrar "~SOCK:" & "Advertencia: Omitiendo FD_ACCEPT",
866 72 lngResult = api_accept(m_lngSocketHandle, udtSockAddr, LenB(udtSockAddr))
868 74 If lngResult = INVALID_SOCKET Then
869 76 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
870 78 m_enmState = sckError
871 80 blnCancelDisplay = True
872 82 RaiseEvent Error(lngErrorCode, GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode),
0, "CSocketMaster.PostSocket", "",
0, blnCancelDisplay)
874 84 If blnCancelDisplay = False Then MsgBox GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), vbOKOnly, "CSocketMaster.PostSocket"
876 'We assign a temporal instance of CSocketMaster to
877 'handle this new socket until user accepts (or not)
879 86 modSocketMaster.RegisterAccept lngResult
880 'We change remote info before firing ConnectionRequest
881 'event so the user can see which host is trying to
883 Dim lngTempRP As Long
884 Dim strTempRHIP As String
885 Dim strTempRH As String
886 88 lngTempRP = m_lngRemotePort
887 90 strTempRHIP = m_strRemoteHostIP
888 92 strTempRH = m_strRemoteHost
889 94 GetRemoteInfo lngResult, m_lngRemotePort, m_strRemoteHostIP, m_strRemoteHost
890 96 Registrar "~SOCK: Socket aceptado -> " & lngResult,
891 98 RaiseEvent ConnectionRequest(lngResult)
893 'we return original info
894 100 If m_enmState = sckListening Then
895 102 m_lngRemotePort = lngTempRP
896 104 m_strRemoteHostIP = strTempRHIP
897 106 m_strRemoteHost = strTempRH
900 'This is very important. If the connection wasn't accepted
901 'we must close the socket.
902 108 If IsAcceptRegistered(lngResult) Then
903 110 api_closesocket lngResult
904 112 modSocketMaster.UnregisterSocket lngResult
905 114 modSocketMaster.UnregisterAccept lngResult
906 116 Registrar "~SOCK: Socket aceptado cerrado -> " & lngResult,
910 '======================================================================
913 'This message means that the remote host is closing the conection
914 'registrar "~SOCK:" & "FD_CLOSE " & m_lngSocketHandle,
915 120 If m_enmState <> sckConnected Then
916 122 Registrar "~SOCK: Advertencia: Omitiendo FD_CLOSE",
920 124 m_enmState = sckClosing
921 126 Registrar "~SOCK: Estado -> sckClosing",
922 128 RaiseEvent CloseSck
928 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.PostSocket.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
933 'Connect to a given
32 bits long ip
934 Private Sub ConnectToIP(ByVal lngRemoteHostAddress As Long, _
935 ByVal lngErrorCode As Long)
937 On Error GoTo ConnectToIP_Err
939 Dim blnCancelDisplay As Boolean
941 'Check and handle errors
942 2 If lngErrorCode <>
0 Then
943 4 m_enmState = sckError
944 6 blnCancelDisplay = True
945 8 RaiseEvent Error(lngErrorCode, GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode),
0, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP", "",
0, blnCancelDisplay)
947 10 If blnCancelDisplay = False Then MsgBox GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), vbOKOnly, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP"
951 12 Registrar "~SOCK: Conectando a: " + m_strRemoteHost + " " + m_strRemoteHostIP,
952 14 m_enmState = sckConnecting
953 16 Registrar "~SOCK: Estado -> sckConnecting",
954 Dim udtSockAddr As sockaddr_in
955 Dim lngResult As Long
957 'Build the sockaddr_in structure to pass it to the connect
958 'Winsock API function as an address of the remote host.
960 20 .sin_addr = lngRemoteHostAddress
961 22 .sin_family = AF_INET
962 24 .sin_port = api_htons(modSocketMaster.UnsignedToInteger(m_lngRemotePort))
965 'Call the connect Winsock API function in order to establish connection.
966 26 lngResult = api_connect(m_lngSocketHandle, udtSockAddr, LenB(udtSockAddr))
968 'Check and handle errors
969 28 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
970 30 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
972 32 If lngErrorCode <> WSAEWOULDBLOCK Then
973 34 If lngErrorCode = WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL Then
974 36 Err.Raise WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP", GetErrorDescription(WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL)
976 38 m_enmState = sckError
977 40 blnCancelDisplay = True
978 42 RaiseEvent Error(lngErrorCode, GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode),
0, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP", "",
0, blnCancelDisplay)
980 44 If blnCancelDisplay = False Then MsgBox GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), vbOKOnly, "CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP"
988 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.ConnectToIP.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
992 'Public Sub Bind(Optional LocalPort As Variant, _
993 ' Optional LocalIP As Variant)
995 ' On Error GoTo Bind_Err
998 '
100 If m_enmState <> sckClosed Then
999 '
102 Err.Raise sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.Bind", "Operación invalida en el estado actual"
1002 ''
104 If BindInternal(LocalPort, LocalIP) Then
1004 '
104 If BindInternal(LocalPort, LocalIP) Then
1005 '
106 m_enmState = sckOpen
1013 ' Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "XMR.CSocketMaster.Bind"
1018 'This function binds a socket to a local port and IP.
1019 'Retunrs TRUE if it has success.
1020 Private Function BindInternal(Optional ByVal varLocalPort As Variant, _
1021 Optional ByVal varLocalIP As Variant) As Boolean
1023 On Error GoTo BindInternal_Err
1026 2 If m_enmState = sckOpen Then
1027 4 BindInternal = True
1031 Dim lngLocalPortInternal As Long
1032 Dim strLocalHostInternal As String
1034 Dim lngAddressInternal As Long
1035 Dim lngResult As Long
1036 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
1037 6 BindInternal = False
1039 'Check if varLocalPort is a number between
0 and
1040 8 If Not IsMissing(varLocalPort) Then
1041 10 If IsNumeric(varLocalPort) Then
1042 12 If varLocalPort <
0 Or varLocalPort >
65535 Then
1043 14 BindInternal = False
1044 16 Err.Raise sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.BindInternal", "El argumento pasado a la función no era correcto o no era en el rango especificado"
1046 18 lngLocalPortInternal = CLng(varLocalPort)
1050 20 BindInternal = False
1051 22 Err.Raise sckUnsupported, "CSocketMaster.BindInternal", "Tipos variantes no soportados"
1055 24 lngLocalPortInternal = m_lngLocalPort
1058 26 If IsMissing(varLocalIP) Then varLocalIP = ""
1059 28 strLocalHostInternal = CStr(varLocalIP)
1060 'registrar "~SOCK:" & "@Wine => varLocalIP: " & CStr(varLocalIP) & " | strLocalHostInternal: " & CStr(strLocalHostInternal) & " | strIP: " & strIP,
1061 'get a
32 bits long IP
1062 30 lngAddressInternal = ResolveIfHostnameSync(strLocalHostInternal, strIP, lngResult)
1064 'registrar "~SOCK:" & "@Wine => lngResult: " & lngResult,
1065 32 If lngResult <>
0 Then Err.Raise sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.BindInternal", "Argumento inválido"
1067 'create a socket if there isn't one yet
1068 34 If Not SocketExists Then Exit Function
1069 Dim udtSockAddr As sockaddr_in
1072 38 .sin_addr = lngAddressInternal
1073 40 .sin_family = AF_INET
1074 42 .sin_port = api_htons(modSocketMaster.UnsignedToInteger(lngLocalPortInternal))
1078 44 lngResult = api_bind(m_lngSocketHandle, udtSockAddr, LenB(udtSockAddr))
1080 46 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1081 48 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1082 50 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.BindInternal", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1085 52 If lngLocalPortInternal <>
0 Then
1086 '
160 registrar "~SOCK: Servidor enlazado -> " & strLocalHostInternal & " | Puerto -> " & lngLocalPortInternal,
1087 54 m_lngLocalPort = lngLocalPortInternal
1089 56 lngResult = GetLocalPort(m_lngSocketHandle)
1091 58 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1092 60 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1093 62 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.BindInternal", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1095 'registrar "~SOCK: Servidor enlazado -> " & strLocalHostInternal & " | Puerto -> " & lngLocalPortInternal,
1096 64 m_lngLocalPortBind = lngResult
1100 66 BindInternal = True
1106 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.BindInternal.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1111 'Allocate some memory for HOSTEN structure and returns
1112 'a pointer to this buffer if no error occurs.
1113 'Returns
0 if it fails.
1114 Private Function AllocateMemory() As Long
1116 On Error GoTo AllocateMemory_Err
1118 2 m_lngMemoryHandle = api_GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT)
1120 4 If m_lngMemoryHandle <>
0 Then
1121 6 m_lngMemoryPointer = api_GlobalLock(m_lngMemoryHandle)
1123 8 If m_lngMemoryPointer <>
0 Then
1124 10 api_GlobalUnlock (m_lngMemoryHandle)
1125 12 AllocateMemory = m_lngMemoryPointer
1127 14 api_GlobalFree (m_lngMemoryHandle)
1128 16 AllocateMemory = m_lngMemoryPointer '
1132 18 AllocateMemory = m_lngMemoryHandle '
1138 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.AllocateMemory.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1143 'Free memory allocated by AllocateMemory
1144 Private Sub FreeMemory()
1146 On Error GoTo FreeMemory_Err
1149 2 If m_lngMemoryHandle <>
0 Then
1150 4 m_lngMemoryPointer =
1151 6 api_GlobalFree m_lngMemoryHandle
1152 8 m_lngMemoryHandle =
1153 'registrar "~SOCK: Liberada memoria de resolución",
1159 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.FreeMemory.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1164 Private Function GetLocalHostName() As String
1166 On Error GoTo GetLocalHostName_Err
1168 Dim strHostNameBuf As String * LOCAL_HOST_BUFF
1169 Dim lngResult As Long
1170 2 lngResult = api_gethostname(strHostNameBuf, LOCAL_HOST_BUFF)
1172 4 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1173 6 GetLocalHostName = vbNullString
1174 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
1175 8 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1176 10 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.GetLocalHostName", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1178 12 GetLocalHostName = Left$(strHostNameBuf, InStr(
1, strHostNameBuf, vbNullChar) -
1183 GetLocalHostName_Err:
1184 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.GetLocalHostName.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1189 'Get local IP when the socket isn't connected yet
1190 Private Function GetLocalIP() As String
1192 On Error GoTo GetLocalIP_Err
1194 Dim lngResult As Long
1195 Dim lngPtrToIP As Long
1196 Dim strLocalHost As String
1197 Dim arrIpAddress(
1 To
4) As Byte
1198 Dim Count As Integer
1199 Dim udtHostent As HOSTENT
1200 Dim strIpAddress As String
1201 2 strLocalHost = GetLocalHostName
1202 4 lngResult = api_gethostbyname(strLocalHost)
1204 6 If lngResult =
0 Then
1205 8 GetLocalIP = vbNullString
1206 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
1207 10 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1208 12 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.GetLocalIP", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1210 14 api_CopyMemory udtHostent, ByVal lngResult, LenB(udtHostent)
1211 16 api_CopyMemory lngPtrToIP, ByVal udtHostent.hAddrList,
1212 18 api_CopyMemory arrIpAddress(
1), ByVal lngPtrToIP,
1214 20 For Count =
1 To
1215 22 strIpAddress = strIpAddress & arrIpAddress(Count) & "."
1218 24 strIpAddress = Left$(strIpAddress, Len(strIpAddress) -
1219 26 GetLocalIP = strIpAddress
1225 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.GetLocalIP.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1230 'If Host is an IP doesn't resolve anything and returns a
1232 'If Host isn't an IP then returns vbNull, tries to resolve it
1233 'in asynchronous way.
1234 Private Function ResolveIfHostname(ByVal Host As String) As Long
1236 On Error GoTo ResolveIfHostname_Err
1238 Dim lngAddress As Long
1239 2 lngAddress = api_inet_addr(Host)
1241 4 If lngAddress = INADDR_NONE Then 'if Host isn't an IP
1242 6 ResolveIfHostname = vbNull
1243 8 m_enmState = sckResolvingHost
1245 10 If AllocateMemory Then
1246 Dim lngAsynHandle As Long
1247 12 lngAsynHandle = modSocketMaster.ResolveHost(Host, m_lngMemoryPointer, ObjPtr(Me))
1249 14 If lngAsynHandle =
0 Then
1251 18 m_enmState = sckError
1252 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
1253 20 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1254 Dim blnCancelDisplay As Boolean
1255 22 blnCancelDisplay = True
1256 24 RaiseEvent Error(lngErrorCode, GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode),
0, "CSocketMaster.ResolveIfHostname", "",
0, blnCancelDisplay)
1258 26 If blnCancelDisplay = False Then MsgBox GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), vbOKOnly, "CSocketMaster.ResolveIfHostname"
1260 28 m_colWaitingResolutions.Add lngAsynHandle, "R" & lngAsynHandle
1261 30 Registrar "~SOCK: Resolviendo servidor -> " & Host & " - con control ASYNC: " & lngAsynHandle,
1265 32 m_enmState = sckError
1266 34 Registrar "~SOCK: Error asignando memoria",
1267 36 Err.Raise sckOutOfMemory, "CSocketMaster.ResolveIfHostname", "Sin memoria"
1270 Else 'if Host is an IP doen't need to resolve anything
1271 38 ResolveIfHostname = lngAddress
1276 ResolveIfHostname_Err:
1277 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.ResolveIfHostname.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1282 'Resolves a host (if necessary) in synchronous way
1283 'If succeeds returns a
32 bits long IP,
1284 'strHostIP = readable IP string and lngErrorCode =
1285 'If fails returns vbNull,
1286 'strHostIP = vbNullString and lngErrorCode <>
1287 Private Function ResolveIfHostnameSync(ByVal Host As String, _
1288 ByRef strHostIP As String, _
1289 ByRef lngErrorCode As Long) As Long
1291 On Error GoTo ResolveIfHostnameSync_Err
1293 Dim lngPtrToHOSTENT As Long
1294 Dim udtHostent As HOSTENT
1295 Dim lngAddress As Long
1296 Dim lngPtrToIP As Long
1297 Dim arrIpAddress(
1 To
4) As Byte
1298 Dim Count As Integer
1299 2 lngAddress = api_inet_addr(Host)
1301 4 If lngAddress = INADDR_NONE Then 'if Host isn't an IP
1302 6 lngPtrToHOSTENT = api_gethostbyname(Host)
1304 8 If lngPtrToHOSTENT =
0 Then
1305 10 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1306 12 strHostIP = vbNullString
1307 14 ResolveIfHostnameSync = vbNull
1309 16 api_CopyMemory udtHostent, ByVal lngPtrToHOSTENT, LenB(udtHostent)
1310 18 api_CopyMemory lngPtrToIP, ByVal udtHostent.hAddrList,
1311 20 api_CopyMemory arrIpAddress(
1), ByVal lngPtrToIP,
1312 22 api_CopyMemory lngAddress, ByVal lngPtrToIP,
1314 24 For Count =
1 To
1315 26 strHostIP = strHostIP & arrIpAddress(Count) & "."
1318 28 strHostIP = Left$(strHostIP, Len(strHostIP) -
1320 32 ResolveIfHostnameSync = lngAddress
1323 Else 'if Host is an IP doen't need to resolve anything
1326 38 ResolveIfHostnameSync = lngAddress
1331 ResolveIfHostnameSync_Err:
1332 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.ResolveIfHostnameSync.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1337 'Returns local port from a connected or bound socket.
1338 'Returns SOCKET_ERROR if fails.
1339 Private Function GetLocalPort(ByVal lngSocket As Long) As Long
1341 On Error GoTo GetLocalPort_Err
1343 Dim udtSockAddr As sockaddr_in
1344 Dim lngResult As Long
1345 2 lngResult = api_getsockname(lngSocket, udtSockAddr, LenB(udtSockAddr))
1347 4 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1348 6 GetLocalPort = SOCKET_ERROR
1350 8 GetLocalPort = modSocketMaster.IntegerToUnsigned(api_ntohs(udtSockAddr.sin_port))
1356 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.GetLocalPort.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1361 Public Sub SendData(data As Variant)
1363 On Error GoTo SendData_Err
1365 Dim arrData() As Byte 'We store the data here before send it
1367 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
1368 4 If m_enmState <> sckConnected Then
1369 6 Err.Raise sckBadState, "CSocketMaster.SendData", "Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request"
1373 Else 'If we use UDP we create a socket if there isn't one yet
1375 8 If Not SocketExists Then Exit Sub
1376 10 If Not BindInternal Then Exit Sub
1377 12 m_enmState = sckOpen
1380 'We need to convert data variant into a byte array
1381 14 Select Case varType(data)
1384 Dim strdata As String
1385 16 strdata = CStr(data)
1387 18 If Len(strdata) =
0 Then Exit Sub
1388 20 ReDim arrData(Len(strdata) -
1389 22 arrData() = StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)
1391 24 Case vbArray + vbByte
1392 Dim strArray As String
1393 26 strArray = StrConv(data, vbUnicode)
1395 28 If Len(strArray) =
0 Then Exit Sub
1396 30 arrData() = StrConv(strArray, vbFromUnicode)
1399 Dim blnData As Boolean
1400 34 blnData = CBool(data)
1401 36 ReDim arrData(LenB(blnData) -
1402 38 api_CopyMemory arrData(
0), blnData, LenB(blnData)
1406 42 bytData = CByte(data)
1407 44 ReDim arrData(LenB(bytData) -
1408 46 api_CopyMemory arrData(
0), bytData, LenB(bytData)
1411 Dim curData As Currency
1412 50 curData = CCur(data)
1413 52 ReDim arrData(LenB(curData) -
1414 54 api_CopyMemory arrData(
0), curData, LenB(curData)
1418 58 datData = CDate(data)
1419 60 ReDim arrData(LenB(datData) -
1420 62 api_CopyMemory arrData(
0), datData, LenB(datData)
1423 Dim dblData As Double
1424 66 dblData = CDbl(data)
1425 68 ReDim arrData(LenB(dblData) -
1426 70 api_CopyMemory arrData(
0), dblData, LenB(dblData)
1429 Dim intData As Integer
1430 74 intData = CInt(data)
1431 76 ReDim arrData(LenB(intData) -
1432 78 api_CopyMemory arrData(
0), intData, LenB(intData)
1436 82 lngData = CLng(data)
1437 84 ReDim arrData(LenB(lngData) -
1438 86 api_CopyMemory arrData(
0), lngData, LenB(lngData)
1441 Dim sngData As Single
1442 90 sngData = CSng(data)
1443 92 ReDim arrData(LenB(sngData) -
1444 94 api_CopyMemory arrData(
0), sngData, LenB(sngData)
1447 98 Err.Raise sckUnsupported, "CSocketMaster.SendData", "Unsupported variant type."
1450 'if there's already something in the buffer that means we are
1451 'already sending data, so we put the new data in the buffer
1453 100 If Len(m_strSendBuffer) >
0 Then
1454 102 m_strSendBuffer = m_strSendBuffer + StrConv(arrData(), vbUnicode)
1457 104 m_strSendBuffer = m_strSendBuffer + StrConv(arrData(), vbUnicode)
1461 106 SendBufferedData
1465 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.SendData.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1470 'Check which protocol we are using to decide which
1471 'function should handle the data sending.
1472 Private Sub SendBufferedData()
1474 On Error GoTo SendBufferedData_Err
1477 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
1478 4 SendBufferedDataTCP
1480 6 SendBufferedDataUDP
1485 SendBufferedData_Err:
1486 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.SendBufferedData.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1491 'Send buffered data if we are using UDP protocol.
1492 Private Sub SendBufferedDataUDP()
1494 On Error GoTo SendBufferedDataUDP_Err
1496 Dim lngAddress As Long
1497 Dim udtSockAddr As sockaddr_in
1498 Dim arrData() As Byte
1499 Dim lngBufferLength As Long
1500 Dim lngResult As Long
1501 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
1502 Dim strTemp As String
1503 2 lngAddress = ResolveIfHostnameSync(m_strRemoteHost, strTemp, lngErrorCode)
1505 4 If lngErrorCode <>
0 Then
1506 6 m_strSendBuffer = ""
1508 8 If lngErrorCode = WSAEAFNOSUPPORT Then
1509 10 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataUDP", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1511 12 Err.Raise sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataUDP", "Invalid argument"
1516 16 .sin_addr = lngAddress
1517 18 .sin_family = AF_INET
1518 20 .sin_port = api_htons(modSocketMaster.UnsignedToInteger(m_lngRemotePort))
1521 22 lngBufferLength = Len(m_strSendBuffer)
1522 24 arrData() = StrConv(m_strSendBuffer, vbFromUnicode)
1523 26 m_strSendBuffer = ""
1524 28 lngResult = api_sendto(m_lngSocketHandle, arrData(
0), lngBufferLength,
0&, udtSockAddr, LenB(udtSockAddr))
1526 30 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1527 32 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1528 34 m_enmState = sckError
1529 Dim blnCancelDisplay As Boolean
1530 36 blnCancelDisplay = True
1531 38 RaiseEvent Error(lngErrorCode, GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode),
0, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataUDP", "",
0, blnCancelDisplay)
1533 40 If blnCancelDisplay = False Then MsgBox GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), vbOKOnly, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataUDP"
1538 SendBufferedDataUDP_Err:
1539 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataUDP.Ref
2008 :
23 a.m."
1544 'Send buffered data if we are using TCP protocol.
1545 Private Sub SendBufferedDataTCP()
1547 On Error GoTo SendBufferedDataTCP_Err
1549 Dim arrData() As Byte
1550 Dim lngBufferLength As Long
1551 Dim lngResult As Long
1552 Dim lngTotalSent As Long
1554 2 Do Until lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Or Len(m_strSendBuffer) =
1555 4 lngBufferLength = Len(m_strSendBuffer)
1557 6 If lngBufferLength > m_lngSendBufferLen Then
1558 8 lngBufferLength = m_lngSendBufferLen
1559 10 arrData() = StrConv(Left$(m_strSendBuffer, m_lngSendBufferLen), vbFromUnicode)
1561 12 arrData() = StrConv(m_strSendBuffer, vbFromUnicode)
1564 14 lngResult = api_send(m_lngSocketHandle, arrData(
0), lngBufferLength,
1566 16 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1567 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
1568 18 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1570 20 If lngErrorCode = WSAEWOULDBLOCK Then
1571 22 Registrar "~SOCK:" & "Advertencia: Buffer de envío lleno, esperando...",
1573 24 If lngTotalSent >
0 Then RaiseEvent SendProgress(lngTotalSent, Len(m_strSendBuffer))
1575 26 m_enmState = sckError
1576 Dim blnCancelDisplay As Boolean
1577 28 blnCancelDisplay = True
1578 30 RaiseEvent Error(lngErrorCode, GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode),
0, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedData", "",
0, blnCancelDisplay)
1580 32 If blnCancelDisplay = False Then MsgBox GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode), vbOKOnly, "CSocketMaster.SendBufferedData"
1584 34 Registrar "~SOCK: Bytes enviados => " & lngResult,
1585 36 lngTotalSent = lngTotalSent + lngResult
1587 38 If Len(m_strSendBuffer) > lngResult Then
1588 40 m_strSendBuffer = Mid$(m_strSendBuffer, lngResult +
1590 42 Registrar "~SOCK: Envío terminado",
1591 44 m_strSendBuffer = ""
1593 46 lngTemp = lngTotalSent
1595 50 RaiseEvent SendProgress(lngTemp,
1596 52 RaiseEvent SendComplete
1604 SendBufferedDataTCP_Err:
1605 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.SendBufferedDataTCP.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
1610 'This function retrieves data from the Winsock buffer
1611 'into the class local buffer. The function returns number
1612 'of bytes retrieved (received).
1613 Private Function RecvDataToBuffer() As Long
1615 On Error GoTo RecvDataToBuffer_Err
1617 Dim arrBuffer() As Byte
1618 Dim lngBytesReceived As Long
1619 Dim strBuffTemporal As String
1620 2 ReDim arrBuffer(m_lngRecvBufferLen -
1621 4 lngBytesReceived = api_recv(m_lngSocketHandle, arrBuffer(
0), m_lngRecvBufferLen,
1623 6 If lngBytesReceived = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1624 8 m_enmState = sckError
1625 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
1626 10 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1627 12 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.RecvDataToBuffer", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1628 14 ElseIf lngBytesReceived >
0 Then
1629 16 strBuffTemporal = StrConv(arrBuffer(), vbUnicode)
1630 18 m_strRecvBuffer = m_strRecvBuffer & Left$(strBuffTemporal, lngBytesReceived)
1631 20 RecvDataToBuffer = lngBytesReceived
1636 RecvDataToBuffer_Err:
1637 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.RecvDataToBuffer.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
1642 'Retrieves some socket options.
1643 'If it is an UDP socket also sets SO_BROADCAST option.
1644 Private Sub ProcessOptions()
1646 On Error GoTo ProcessOptions_Err
1648 Dim lngResult As Long
1649 Dim lngBuffer As Long
1650 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
1652 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
1653 4 lngResult = api_getsockopt(m_lngSocketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, lngBuffer, LenB(lngBuffer))
1655 6 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1656 8 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1657 10 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.ProcessOptions", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1659 12 m_lngRecvBufferLen = lngBuffer
1662 14 lngResult = api_getsockopt(m_lngSocketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, lngBuffer, LenB(lngBuffer))
1664 16 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1665 18 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1666 20 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.ProcessOptions", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1668 22 m_lngSendBufferLen = lngBuffer
1673 26 lngResult = api_setsockopt(m_lngSocketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, lngBuffer, LenB(lngBuffer))
1674 28 lngResult = api_getsockopt(m_lngSocketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE, lngBuffer, LenB(lngBuffer))
1676 30 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1677 32 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
1678 34 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.ProcessOptions", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1680 36 m_lngRecvBufferLen = lngBuffer
1681 38 m_lngSendBufferLen = lngBuffer
1685 'registrar "~SOCK:" & "Tamaño de buffer para envíar: " & m_lngRecvBufferLen,
1686 'registrar "~SOCK:" & "Tamaño de buffer para recibir: " & m_lngSendBufferLen,
1690 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.ProcessOptions.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
1695 Public Sub GetData(ByRef data As Variant, _
1696 Optional varType As Variant, _
1697 Optional maxLen As Variant)
1699 On Error GoTo GetData_Err
1702 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
1703 4 If m_enmState <> sckConnected And Not m_blnAcceptClass Then
1704 6 Err.Raise sckBadState, "CSocketMaster.GetData", "Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request"
1710 8 If m_enmState <> sckOpen Then
1711 10 Err.Raise sckBadState, "CSocketMaster.GetData", "Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request"
1715 12 If GetBufferLenUDP =
0 Then Exit Sub
1718 14 If Not IsMissing(maxLen) Then
1719 16 If IsNumeric(maxLen) Then
1720 18 If CLng(maxLen) <
0 Then
1721 20 Err.Raise sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.GetData", "The argument passed to a function was not in the correct format or in the specified range."
1726 22 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
1727 24 maxLen = Len(m_strRecvBuffer)
1729 26 maxLen = GetBufferLenUDP
1734 Dim lngBytesRecibidos As Long
1735 28 lngBytesRecibidos = RecvData(data, False, varType, maxLen)
1736 30 Registrar "~SOCK: Bytes Obtenidos del buffer: " & lngBytesRecibidos,
1740 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.GetData.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
1745 Public Sub PeekData(ByRef data As Variant, _
1746 Optional varType As Variant, _
1747 Optional maxLen As Variant)
1749 On Error GoTo PeekData_Err
1752 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
1753 4 If m_enmState <> sckConnected Then
1754 6 Err.Raise sckBadState, "CSocketMaster.PeekData", "Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request"
1760 8 If m_enmState <> sckOpen Then
1761 10 Err.Raise sckBadState, "CSocketMaster.PeekData", "Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request"
1765 12 If GetBufferLenUDP =
0 Then Exit Sub
1768 14 If Not IsMissing(maxLen) Then
1769 16 If IsNumeric(maxLen) Then
1770 18 If CLng(maxLen) <
0 Then
1771 20 Err.Raise sckInvalidArg, "CSocketMaster.PeekData", "The argument passed to a function was not in the correct format or in the specified range."
1776 22 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
1777 24 maxLen = Len(m_strRecvBuffer)
1779 26 maxLen = GetBufferLenUDP
1784 Dim lngBytesRecibidos As Long
1785 28 lngBytesRecibidos = RecvData(data, True, varType, maxLen)
1786 30 Registrar "~SOCK: Bytes obtenidos del buffer: " & lngBytesRecibidos,
1790 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.PeekData.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
1795 'This function is to retrieve data from the buffer. If we are using TCP
1796 'then the data is retrieved from a local buffer (m_strRecvBuffer). If we
1797 'are using UDP the data is retrieved from winsock buffer.
1798 'It can be called by two public methods of the class - GetData and PeekData.
1799 'Behavior of the function is defined by the blnPeek argument. If a value of
1800 'that argument is TRUE, the function returns number of bytes in the
1801 'buffer, and copy data from that buffer into the data argument.
1802 'If a value of the blnPeek is FALSE, then this function returns number of
1803 'bytes received, and move data from the buffer into the data
1804 'argument. MOVE means that data will be removed from the buffer.
1805 Private Function RecvData(ByRef data As Variant, _
1806 ByVal blnPeek As Boolean, _
1807 Optional varClass As Variant, _
1808 Optional maxLen As Variant) As Long
1810 On Error GoTo RecvData_Err
1812 Dim blnMaxLenMiss As Boolean
1813 Dim blnClassMiss As Boolean
1814 'Dim strRecvData As String
1815 Dim lngBufferLen As Long
1816 Dim arrBuffer() As Byte
1817 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
1819 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
1820 4 lngBufferLen = Len(m_strRecvBuffer)
1822 6 lngBufferLen = GetBufferLenUDP
1825 8 blnMaxLenMiss = IsMissing(maxLen)
1826 10 blnClassMiss = IsMissing(varClass)
1828 'Select type of data
1829 12 If varType(data) = vbEmpty Then
1830 14 If blnClassMiss Then varClass = vbArray + vbByte
1832 16 varClass = varType(data)
1835 'As stated on Winsock control documentation if the
1836 'data type passed is string or byte array type then
1837 'we must take into account maxLen argument.
1838 'If it is another type maxLen is ignored.
1839 18 If varClass = vbString Or varClass = vbArray + vbByte Then
1840 20 If blnMaxLenMiss Then 'if maxLen argument is missing
1841 22 If lngBufferLen =
0 Then
1843 26 arrBuffer = StrConv("", vbFromUnicode)
1847 30 RecvData = lngBufferLen
1848 32 BuildArray lngBufferLen, blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1851 Else 'if maxLen argument is not missing
1853 34 If maxLen =
0 Or lngBufferLen =
0 Then
1855 38 arrBuffer = StrConv("", vbFromUnicode)
1858 42 If m_enmProtocol = sckUDPProtocol Then
1860 46 Err.Raise WSAEMSGSIZE, "CSocketMaster.RecvData", GetErrorDescription(WSAEMSGSIZE)
1864 48 ElseIf maxLen > lngBufferLen Then
1865 50 RecvData = lngBufferLen
1866 52 BuildArray lngBufferLen, blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1868 54 RecvData = CLng(maxLen)
1869 56 BuildArray CLng(maxLen), blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1874 58 Select Case varClass
1877 Dim strdata As String
1878 60 strdata = StrConv(arrBuffer(), vbUnicode)
1881 64 Case vbArray + vbByte
1885 Dim blnData As Boolean
1887 70 If LenB(blnData) > lngBufferLen Then Exit Function
1888 72 BuildArray LenB(blnData), blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1889 74 RecvData = LenB(blnData)
1890 76 api_CopyMemory blnData, arrBuffer(
0), LenB(blnData)
1896 82 If LenB(bytData) > lngBufferLen Then Exit Function
1897 84 BuildArray LenB(bytData), blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1898 86 RecvData = LenB(bytData)
1899 88 api_CopyMemory bytData, arrBuffer(
0), LenB(bytData)
1903 Dim curData As Currency
1905 94 If LenB(curData) > lngBufferLen Then Exit Function
1906 96 BuildArray LenB(curData), blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1907 98 RecvData = LenB(curData)
1908 100 api_CopyMemory curData, arrBuffer(
0), LenB(curData)
1914 106 If LenB(datData) > lngBufferLen Then Exit Function
1915 108 BuildArray LenB(datData), blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1916 110 RecvData = LenB(datData)
1917 112 api_CopyMemory datData, arrBuffer(
0), LenB(datData)
1921 Dim dblData As Double
1923 118 If LenB(dblData) > lngBufferLen Then Exit Function
1924 120 BuildArray LenB(dblData), blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1925 122 RecvData = LenB(dblData)
1926 124 api_CopyMemory dblData, arrBuffer(
0), LenB(dblData)
1930 Dim intData As Integer
1932 130 If LenB(intData) > lngBufferLen Then Exit Function
1933 132 BuildArray LenB(intData), blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1934 134 RecvData = LenB(intData)
1935 136 api_CopyMemory intData, arrBuffer(
0), LenB(intData)
1941 142 If LenB(lngData) > lngBufferLen Then Exit Function
1942 144 BuildArray LenB(lngData), blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1943 146 RecvData = LenB(lngData)
1944 148 api_CopyMemory lngData, arrBuffer(
0), LenB(lngData)
1948 Dim sngData As Single
1950 154 If LenB(sngData) > lngBufferLen Then Exit Function
1951 156 BuildArray LenB(sngData), blnPeek, lngErrorCode, arrBuffer
1952 158 RecvData = LenB(sngData)
1953 160 api_CopyMemory sngData, arrBuffer(
0), LenB(sngData)
1957 166 Err.Raise sckUnsupported, "CSocketMaster.RecvData", "Unsupported variant type."
1960 'if BuildArray returns an error is handled here
1961 168 If lngErrorCode <>
0 Then
1962 170 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.RecvData", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
1968 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.RecvData.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
1973 'Returns a byte array of Size bytes filled with incoming buffer data.
1974 Private Sub BuildArray(ByVal Size As Long, _
1975 ByVal blnPeek As Boolean, _
1976 ByRef lngErrorCode As Long, _
1977 ByRef bytArray() As Byte)
1979 On Error GoTo BuildArray_Err
1981 Dim strdata As String
1983 2 If m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol Then
1984 4 strdata = Left$(m_strRecvBuffer, CLng(Size))
1986 6 If strdata <> vbNullString Then bytArray = StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)
1987 8 If Not blnPeek Then m_strRecvBuffer = Mid$(m_strRecvBuffer, Size +
1989 Dim arrBuffer() As Byte
1990 Dim lngResult As Long
1991 Dim udtSockAddr As sockaddr_in
1992 Dim lngFlags As Long
1994 10 If blnPeek Then lngFlags = MSG_PEEK
1995 12 ReDim arrBuffer(Size -
1996 14 lngResult = api_recvfrom(m_lngSocketHandle, arrBuffer(
0), Size, lngFlags, udtSockAddr, LenB(udtSockAddr))
1998 16 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
1999 18 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
2002 20 bytArray = arrBuffer
2003 22 GetRemoteInfoFromSI udtSockAddr, m_lngRemotePort, m_strRemoteHostIP, m_strRemoteHost
2009 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.BuildArray.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
2014 'Clean resolution system that is in charge of
2015 'asynchronous hostname resolutions.
2016 Private Sub CleanResolutionSystem()
2018 On Error GoTo CleanResolutionSystem_Err
2020 Dim varAsynHandle As Variant
2021 Dim lngResult As Long
2023 'cancel async resolutions if they're still running
2024 2 For Each varAsynHandle In m_colWaitingResolutions
2025 4 lngResult = api_WSACancelAsyncRequest(varAsynHandle)
2027 6 If lngResult =
0 Then
2028 8 modSocketMaster.UnregisterResolution varAsynHandle
2029 10 Set m_colWaitingResolutions = Nothing
2030 12 Set m_colWaitingResolutions = New Collection
2031 'free memory buffer where resolution results are stored
2039 CleanResolutionSystem_Err:
2040 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.CleanResolutionSystem.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
2047 On Error GoTo Listen_Err
2050 2 If m_enmState <> sckClosed And m_enmState <> sckOpen Then
2051 4 Err.Raise sckInvalidOp, "CSocketMaster.Listen", "Invalid operation at current state"
2054 6 If Not SocketExists Then Exit Sub
2055 8 If Not BindInternal Then Exit Sub
2056 Dim lngResult As Long
2057 10 lngResult = api_listen(m_lngSocketHandle, SOMAXCONN)
2059 12 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
2060 Dim lngErrorCode As Long
2061 14 lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
2062 16 Err.Raise lngErrorCode, "CSocketMaster.Listen", GetErrorDescription(lngErrorCode)
2064 18 m_enmState = sckListening
2065 20 Registrar "~SOCK: Estado -> sckListening ",
2071 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.Listen.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
2076 Public Sub Accept(requestID As Long)
2078 On Error GoTo Accept_Err
2081 2 If m_enmState <> sckClosed Then
2082 4 Registrar "~SOCK: Operación inválida en el estado actual",
2085 6 m_lngSocketHandle = requestID
2086 8 m_enmProtocol = sckTCPProtocol
2089 12 If Not modSocketMaster.IsAcceptRegistered(requestID) Then
2090 14 If IsSocketRegistered(requestID) Then
2091 16 m_lngSocketHandle = INVALID_SOCKET
2092 18 m_lngRecvBufferLen =
2093 20 m_lngSendBufferLen =
2094 22 Registrar "~SOCK: Protocolo incorrecto o estado de conexión para la transacción",
2096 24 m_blnAcceptClass = True
2097 26 m_enmState = sckConnected
2098 28 Registrar "~SOCK: Estado -> sckConnected",
2099 30 GetLocalInfo m_lngSocketHandle, m_lngLocalPortBind, m_strLocalIP
2100 32 modSocketMaster.RegisterSocket m_lngSocketHandle, ObjPtr(Me), False
2105 Dim clsSocket As CSocketMaster
2106 34 Set clsSocket = GetAcceptClass(requestID)
2107 36 modSocketMaster.UnregisterAccept requestID
2108 38 GetLocalInfo m_lngSocketHandle, m_lngLocalPortBind, m_strLocalIP
2109 40 GetRemoteInfo m_lngSocketHandle, m_lngRemotePort, m_strRemoteHostIP, m_strRemoteHost
2110 42 m_enmState = sckConnected
2111 44 Registrar "~SOCK: Estado -> sckConnected",
2113 46 If clsSocket.BytesReceived >
0 Then
2114 48 clsSocket.GetData m_strRecvBuffer
2117 50 modSocketMaster.Subclass_ChangeOwner requestID, ObjPtr(Me)
2119 52 If Len(m_strRecvBuffer) >
0 Then RaiseEvent DataArrival(Len(m_strRecvBuffer))
2120 54 If clsSocket.State = sckClosing Then
2121 56 m_enmState = sckClosing
2122 58 Registrar "~SOCK: Estado -> sckClosing",
2123 60 RaiseEvent CloseSck
2126 62 Set clsSocket = Nothing
2130 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.Accept.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
2135 'Retrieves local info from a connected socket.
2136 'If succeeds returns TRUE and loads the arguments.
2137 'If fails returns FALSE and arguments are not loaded.
2138 Private Function GetLocalInfo(ByVal lngSocket As Long, _
2139 ByRef lngLocalPort As Long, _
2140 ByRef strLocalIP As String) As Boolean
2142 On Error GoTo GetLocalInfo_Err
2144 2 GetLocalInfo = False
2145 Dim lngResult As Long
2146 Dim udtSockAddr As sockaddr_in
2147 4 lngResult = api_getsockname(lngSocket, udtSockAddr, LenB(udtSockAddr))
2149 6 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
2153 12 GetLocalInfo = True
2154 14 lngLocalPort = IntegerToUnsigned(api_ntohs(udtSockAddr.sin_port))
2155 16 strLocalIP = StringFromPointer(api_inet_ntoa(udtSockAddr.sin_addr))
2161 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.GetLocalInfo.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
2166 'Retrieves remote info from a connected socket.
2167 'If succeeds returns TRUE and loads the arguments.
2168 'If fails returns FALSE and arguments are not loaded.
2169 Private Function GetRemoteInfo(ByVal lngSocket As Long, _
2170 ByRef lngRemotePort As Long, _
2171 ByRef strRemoteHostIP As String, _
2172 ByRef strRemoteHost As String) As Boolean
2174 On Error GoTo GetRemoteInfo_Err
2176 2 GetRemoteInfo = False
2177 Dim lngResult As Long
2178 Dim udtSockAddr As sockaddr_in
2179 4 lngResult = api_getpeername(lngSocket, udtSockAddr, LenB(udtSockAddr))
2181 6 If lngResult =
0 Then
2182 8 GetRemoteInfo = True
2183 10 GetRemoteInfoFromSI udtSockAddr, lngRemotePort, strRemoteHostIP, strRemoteHost
2185 12 lngRemotePort =
2186 14 strRemoteHostIP = ""
2187 16 strRemoteHost = ""
2193 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.GetRemoteInfo.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
2198 'Gets remote info from a sockaddr_in structure.
2199 Private Sub GetRemoteInfoFromSI(ByRef udtSockAddr As sockaddr_in, _
2200 ByRef lngRemotePort As Long, _
2201 ByRef strRemoteHostIP As String, _
2202 ByRef strRemoteHost As String)
2203 'Dim lngResult As Long
2204 'Dim udtHostent As HOSTENT
2206 On Error GoTo GetRemoteInfoFromSI_Err
2208 2 lngRemotePort = IntegerToUnsigned(api_ntohs(udtSockAddr.sin_port))
2209 4 strRemoteHostIP = StringFromPointer(api_inet_ntoa(udtSockAddr.sin_addr))
2210 'lngResult = api_gethostbyaddr(udtSockAddr.sin_addr,
4&, AF_INET)
2211 'If lngResult <>
0 Then
2212 ' api_CopyMemory udtHostent, ByVal lngResult, LenB(udtHostent)
2213 ' strRemoteHost = StringFromPointer(udtHostent.hName)
2215 6 strRemoteHost = ""
2219 GetRemoteInfoFromSI_Err:
2220 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.GetRemoteInfoFromSI.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
2225 'Returns winsock incoming buffer length from an UDP socket.
2226 Private Function GetBufferLenUDP() As Long
2228 On Error GoTo GetBufferLenUDP_Err
2230 Dim lngResult As Long
2231 Dim lngBuffer As Long
2232 2 lngResult = api_ioctlsocket(m_lngSocketHandle, FIONREAD, lngBuffer)
2234 4 If lngResult = SOCKET_ERROR Then
2235 6 GetBufferLenUDP =
2237 8 GetBufferLenUDP = lngBuffer
2242 GetBufferLenUDP_Err:
2243 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.GetBufferLenUDP.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."
2248 'Empty winsock incoming buffer from an UDP socket.
2249 Private Sub EmptyBuffer()
2251 On Error GoTo EmptyBuffer_Err
2254 2 api_recv m_lngSocketHandle, B, Len(B),
2258 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.CSocketMaster.EmptyBuffer.Ref
2008 :
22 a.m."