Manejo de errores cambiado.
[reseter.git] / AuroNet / AuroNet.cls
3 MultiUse = -1 'True
4 Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
5 DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
6 DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
7 MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
9 Attribute VB_Name = "AuroNet"
10 Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
11 Attribute VB_Creatable = True
12 Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
13 Attribute VB_Exposed = False
14 Option Explicit
15 '<CSCC>
16 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 ' Componente : AuroNet 0.1
18 ' Projecto : Herramientas AuroWare
20 ' Descripción : Libreria de uso general para la interacción WEB
21 ' Depende de : cSocketMaster, modSocketMaster, modBasico, AuroNetConf
23 ' Modificado :
24 ' 24/06/07 - UserAgent como propiedad
25 ' 24/06/07 - Control de versión
26 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 '</CSCC>
29 Private WithEvents AuroSocket As CSocketMaster
30 Attribute AuroSocket.VB_VarHelpID = -1
31 Private ErrorGeneral As Boolean
32 Private ExitoGeneral As Boolean
33 Private MiTag As String
34 Private pBuffer As String
35 Private URL As String
36 Private Proxy As String
37 Private Proxy_Puerto As Integer
38 Private strHTTP As String
40 Public Function HTML_CONSULTAR() As Boolean
41 '<EhHeader>
43 '</EhHeader>
44 ExitoGeneral = False
45 ErrorGeneral = False
46 Debug.Print Time & "$ CONSULTAR - Inicio | " & URL
47 strHTTP = vbNullString
48 AuroSocket.Connect IIf(Proxy <> "", Proxy, HostDeURL) & pBuffer, IIf(Proxy <> "", Proxy_Puerto, 80)
51 Esperar 0.5
52 Loop Until AuroSocket.State = sckConnected Or AuroSocket.State = sckError Or ErrorGeneral
54 If AuroSocket.State <> sckConnected Then
56 ExitoGeneral = False
57 ErrorGeneral = True
58 Else
60 ExitoGeneral = True
61 ErrorGeneral = False
62 End If
64 AuroSocket.CloseSck
65 Debug.Print Time & "$ CONSULTAR - Fin | " & HTML_CONSULTAR
66 '<EhFooter>
67 Exit Function
69 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.HTML_CONSULTAR"
70 Resume Next
71 '</EhFooter>
72 End Function
74 Public Function Exito()
75 '<EhHeader>
76 On Error GoTo Exito_Err
77 '</EhHeader>
78 Exito = ExitoGeneral
79 '<EhFooter>
80 Exit Function
81 Exito_Err:
82 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Exito"
83 Resume Next
84 '</EhFooter>
85 End Function
87 Public Function HTML_GET(Optional Parametros As String) As String
88 '<EhHeader>
89 On Error GoTo HTML_GET_Err
90 '</EhHeader>
91 Redireccion:
92 Debug.Print "$ GET - Inicio | " & URL & " | " & Now
93 AuroSocket.CloseSck
95 If IsMissing(Parametros) Then pBuffer = vbNullString Else pBuffer = Parametros
96 ErrorGeneral = False
97 ExitoGeneral = False
98 strHTTP = "GET " + IIf(Proxy <> "", URL, URLdeHost) & pBuffer + " HTTP/1.0" + vbCrLf
99 strHTTP = strHTTP + "Accept: " + ACCEPT_TOKEN + vbCrLf
100 strHTTP = strHTTP + "Referer: " + HostDeURL + vbCrLf
101 strHTTP = strHTTP + "User-Agent: " + USERAGENT_TOKEN + vbCrLf
102 strHTTP = strHTTP + "Host: " + HostDeURL + vbCrLf
103 strHTTP = strHTTP + vbCrLf
104 AuroSocket.Connect IIf(Proxy <> "", Proxy, HostDeURL) & pBuffer, IIf(Proxy <> "", Proxy_Puerto, 80)
107 Esperar 0.5
108 Loop Until ExitoGeneral Or ErrorGeneral
110 AuroSocket.CloseSck
111 Dim pRedireccion As Long
112 Dim Redireccion As String
113 Dim Cabeceras As String
114 Cabeceras = ObtenerCabeceras(pBuffer)
115 pRedireccion = InStr(1, Cabeceras, "Location:")
117 If pRedireccion <> 0 Then
118 pRedireccion = pRedireccion + Len("Location:")
119 Redireccion = Trim$(Mid$(Cabeceras, pRedireccion, InStr(pRedireccion, Cabeceras, vbCrLf) - pRedireccion))
121 If URL <> Redireccion Then
122 Direccion = Redireccion
123 Debug.Print Time & "$ GET - Redirección | " & URL
124 GoTo Redireccion
125 End If
126 End If
128 HTML_GET = ObtenerHTML(pBuffer)
129 Debug.Print "$SOCKET HTML leido | " & Len(HTML_GET) & " | " & Now
131 If Len(pBuffer) <> 0 And ExitoGeneral = True And ErrorGeneral = False Then
132 ExitoGeneral = True
133 Else
134 ErrorGeneral = True
135 End If
137 '<EhFooter>
138 Exit Function
139 HTML_GET_Err:
140 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.HTML_GET"
141 Resume Next
142 '</EhFooter>
143 End Function
145 Public Function IpLocal()
146 '<EhHeader>
147 On Error GoTo IpLocal_Err
148 '</EhHeader>
149 IpLocal = AuroSocket.LocalIP
150 '<EhFooter>
151 Exit Function
152 IpLocal_Err:
153 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.IpLocal"
154 Resume Next
155 '</EhFooter>
156 End Function
158 Private Function HostDeURL() As String
159 '<EhHeader>
160 On Error GoTo HostDeURL_Err
161 '</EhHeader>
162 HostDeURL = Replace$(Trim$(URL), "http://", vbNullString)
163 Dim Init As Integer
164 Init = InStr(1, HostDeURL, "/", vbTextCompare)
166 If Init <> 0 Then HostDeURL = Left$(HostDeURL, Init - 1)
167 '<EhFooter>
168 Exit Function
169 HostDeURL_Err:
170 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.HostDeURL"
171 Resume Next
172 '</EhFooter>
173 End Function
175 Private Function URLdeHost() As String
176 '<EhHeader>
177 On Error GoTo URLdeHost_Err
178 '</EhHeader>
179 URLdeHost = Replace$(Trim$(URL), "http://", vbNullString)
180 Dim Init As Integer
181 Init = InStr(1, URLdeHost, "/", vbTextCompare)
183 If Init <> 0 Then URLdeHost = Mid$(URLdeHost, Init)
184 '<EhFooter>
185 Exit Function
186 URLdeHost_Err:
187 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.URLdeHost"
188 Resume Next
189 '</EhFooter>
190 End Function
192 Private Sub AuroSocket_CloseSck()
193 '<EhHeader>
194 On Error GoTo AuroSocket_CloseSck_Err
195 '</EhHeader>
196 Debug.Print "$SOCKET - Cerrado" & " | " & Now
197 ExitoGeneral = True
198 '<EhFooter>
199 Exit Sub
200 AuroSocket_CloseSck_Err:
201 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.AuroSocket_CloseSck"
202 Resume Next
203 '</EhFooter>
204 End Sub
206 Private Sub AuroSocket_Connect()
207 '<EhHeader>
208 On Error GoTo AuroSocket_Connect_Err
209 '</EhHeader>
210 AuroSocket.SendData strHTTP
211 Debug.Print "$SOCKET - Datos enviados" & " | " & Now
212 '<EhFooter>
213 Exit Sub
214 AuroSocket_Connect_Err:
215 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.AuroSocket_Connect"
216 Resume Next
217 '</EhFooter>
218 End Sub
220 Private Sub AuroSocket_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
221 '<EhHeader>
222 On Error GoTo AuroSocket_DataArrival_Err
223 '</EhHeader>
224 Dim Pedazo As String
225 AuroSocket.GetData Pedazo
226 pBuffer = pBuffer & Pedazo
227 Debug.Print "$SOCKET - Respuesta recibida | " & AuroSocket.State & " | " & bytesTotal & " | " & Now
228 '<EhFooter>
229 Exit Sub
230 AuroSocket_DataArrival_Err:
231 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.AuroSocket_DataArrival"
232 Resume Next
233 '</EhFooter>
234 End Sub
236 Private Sub AuroSocket_Error(ByVal Number As Integer, _
237 Description As String, _
238 ByVal sCode As Long, _
239 ByVal Source As String, _
240 ByVal HelpFile As String, _
241 ByVal HelpContext As Long, _
242 CancelDisplay As Boolean)
243 '<EhHeader>
244 On Error GoTo AuroSocket_Error_Err
245 '</EhHeader>
246 Debug.Print "$SOCKET - ERROR!!!" & " | " & Now
247 ErrorGeneral = True
248 '<EhFooter>
249 Exit Sub
250 AuroSocket_Error_Err:
251 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.AuroSocket_Error"
252 Resume Next
253 '</EhFooter>
254 End Sub
256 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
257 '<EhHeader>
258 On Error GoTo Class_Initialize_Err
259 '</EhHeader>
260 USERAGENT_TOKEN = "Auronet " & AuroNetVer
261 Set AuroSocket = New CSocketMaster
262 '<EhFooter>
263 Exit Sub
264 Class_Initialize_Err:
265 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Class_Initialize"
266 Resume Next
267 '</EhFooter>
268 End Sub
270 Private Sub Class_Terminate()
271 '<EhHeader>
272 On Error Resume Next
273 '</EhHeader>
274 Set AuroSocket = Nothing
275 End Sub
277 Public Property Get Direccion() As Variant
278 '<EhHeader>
279 On Error GoTo Direccion_Err
280 '</EhHeader>
281 Direccion = URL
282 '<EhFooter>
283 Exit Property
284 Direccion_Err:
285 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Direccion"
286 Resume Next
287 '</EhFooter>
288 End Property
290 Public Property Let Direccion(ByVal pDato As Variant)
291 '<EhHeader>
292 On Error GoTo Direccion_Err
293 '</EhHeader>
294 URL = pDato
295 pDato = Replace$(pDato, "http://", "")
297 If InStr(1, pDato, "/") = 0 Then URL = URL & "/"
298 '<EhFooter>
299 Exit Property
300 Direccion_Err:
301 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Direccion"
302 Resume Next
303 '</EhFooter>
304 End Property
306 Public Property Get error() As Variant
307 '<EhHeader>
308 On Error GoTo error_Err
309 '</EhHeader>
310 error = ErrorGeneral
311 '<EhFooter>
312 Exit Property
313 error_Err:
314 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.error"
315 Resume Next
316 '</EhFooter>
317 End Property
319 Public Property Let error(ByVal Estado As Variant)
320 '<EhHeader>
321 On Error GoTo error_Err
322 '</EhHeader>
323 ErrorGeneral = Estado
324 '<EhFooter>
325 Exit Property
326 error_Err:
327 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.error"
328 Resume Next
329 '</EhFooter>
330 End Property
332 Public Property Get Tag() As Variant
333 '<EhHeader>
334 On Error GoTo Tag_Err
335 '</EhHeader>
336 Tag = MiTag
337 '<EhFooter>
338 Exit Property
339 Tag_Err:
340 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Tag"
341 Resume Next
342 '</EhFooter>
343 End Property
345 Public Property Let Tag(ByVal Tag As Variant)
346 '<EhHeader>
347 On Error GoTo Tag_Err
348 '</EhHeader>
349 MiTag = Tag
350 '<EhFooter>
351 Exit Property
352 Tag_Err:
353 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Tag"
354 Resume Next
355 '</EhFooter>
356 End Property
358 Public Property Get Agente() As Variant
359 '<EhHeader>
360 On Error GoTo Agente_Err
361 '</EhHeader>
363 '<EhFooter>
364 Exit Property
365 Agente_Err:
366 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Agente"
367 Resume Next
368 '</EhFooter>
369 End Property
371 Public Property Let Agente(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)
372 '<EhHeader>
373 On Error GoTo Agente_Err
374 '</EhHeader>
375 USERAGENT_TOKEN = CStr(vNewValue)
376 '<EhFooter>
377 Exit Property
378 Agente_Err:
379 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Agente"
380 Resume Next
381 '</EhFooter>
382 End Property
384 Private Function ObtenerCabeceras(HTML As String) As String
385 '<EhHeader>
386 On Error GoTo ObtenerCabeceras_Err
387 '</EhHeader>
388 Dim Prueba As Long
389 Prueba = InStr(1, HTML, vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
391 If Prueba <> 0 Then ObtenerCabeceras = Left$(HTML, Prueba)
392 '<EhFooter>
393 Exit Function
394 ObtenerCabeceras_Err:
395 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.ObtenerCabeceras"
396 Resume Next
397 '</EhFooter>
398 End Function
400 Private Function ObtenerHTML(HTML As String) As String
401 '<EhHeader>
402 On Error GoTo ObtenerHTML_Err
403 '</EhHeader>
404 Dim Prueba As Long
405 Prueba = InStr(1, HTML, vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
407 If Prueba <> 0 Then ObtenerHTML = Mid$(HTML, Prueba + 4)
408 '<EhFooter>
409 Exit Function
410 ObtenerHTML_Err:
411 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.ObtenerHTML"
412 Resume Next
413 '</EhFooter>
414 End Function
416 Public Property Get Usar_Proxy() As Variant
417 '<EhHeader>
418 On Error GoTo Usar_Proxy_Err
419 '</EhHeader>
420 Usar_Proxy = Direccion
421 '<EhFooter>
422 Exit Property
423 Usar_Proxy_Err:
424 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Usar_Proxy"
425 Resume Next
426 '</EhFooter>
427 End Property
429 Public Property Let Usar_Proxy(ByVal Direccion As Variant)
430 '<EhHeader>
431 On Error GoTo Usar_Proxy_Err
432 '</EhHeader>
433 Proxy = CStr(Direccion)
434 '<EhFooter>
435 Exit Property
436 Usar_Proxy_Err:
437 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Usar_Proxy"
438 Resume Next
439 '</EhFooter>
440 End Property
442 Public Property Get Usar_Proxy_Puerto() As Variant
443 '<EhHeader>
444 On Error GoTo Usar_Proxy_Puerto_Err
445 '</EhHeader>
446 Usar_Proxy_Puerto = CStr(Proxy_Puerto)
447 '<EhFooter>
448 Exit Property
449 Usar_Proxy_Puerto_Err:
450 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Usar_Proxy_Puerto"
451 Resume Next
452 '</EhFooter>
453 End Property
455 Public Property Let Usar_Proxy_Puerto(ByVal puerto As Variant)
456 '<EhHeader>
457 On Error GoTo Usar_Proxy_Puerto_Err
458 '</EhHeader>
459 Proxy_Puerto = CInt(puerto)
460 '<EhFooter>
461 Exit Property
462 Usar_Proxy_Puerto_Err:
463 Controlar_Error Erl, Err.Description, "Reseter.AuroNet.Usar_Proxy_Puerto"
464 Resume Next
465 '</EhFooter>
466 End Property