description | my resume |
owner | |
last change | Thu, 26 Dec 2019 18:18:56 +0000 (26 13:18 -0500) |
URL | git:// |
| |
push URL | ssh:// |
| (learn more) |
bundle info | downloadable bundles |
content tags
# -*- org-src-preserve-indentation: t -*-
#+TITLE: James' Résumé publishing tool
#+AUTHOR: James Richardson
* My Résumé
:ID: 9eef74e1-83b4-4621-a121-426b817276b6
This my resume in [[][org-mode]]. Actually it is the readme about my
résumé. It started out as my résumé and readme, but I moved the résumé [[][here]]
** Why? (or should this be why not?)
:ID: e1518b97-f95d-452d-9e8c-3756f80562ff
This is my attempt to be really geeky and have an +markdown+ org-mode
resume. I was using [[][markdown]] with [[][pandoc]], which worked nicely for
generating markdown -> LaTeX -> pdf. I seem to be moving everything
else[fn:1] to org-mode, though the resume would be a good fit.
org-mode gives me this:
1. ability to publish to html, pdf, odf, and a plethora of other
2. hook into my agenda
3. everything else org-mode offers.
* project publish
:ID: 8b527b65-7462-4328-b97b-537811cfdab1
Define the project here, such that this file can be loaded into
=emacs= and cause the website to be updated automatically. This means,
also, that the project shouldn't be defined in my normal =emacs=,
otherwise they probably won't stay in sync.
#+name: setup
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :noweb yes
(require 'ox-html)
(setq this-directory (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))
;;(setq pub-directory "/")
(setq pub-directory "~/public_html/")
(setq org-publish-timestamp-directory (concat (or (when (boundp 'temporary-file-directory) temporary-file-directory)
(setq org-html-htmlize-output-type 'css)
(unless (boundp 'org-publish-project-alist)
(setq org-publish-project-alist nil))
:base-directory ,this-directory
:base-extension "org"
:publishing-directory ,(expand-file-name pub-directory)
:publishing-function (org-html-publish-to-html org-latex-publish-to-pdf)
:recursvie t
:headline-levels 6
:auto-preamble nil
:auto-sitemap nil
:makeindex nil
:html-head-include-default-style nil
:html-head-include-scripts nil
:html-head-extra "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" title=\"Default\" href=\"/css/stylesheet.css\" type=\"text/css\" />
<script src=\"/js/org.js\"></script>
<link rel=author href=\"\" />"
:completion-function (jr-resume-content-rename-resume-to-index)
'("resume" :components ("resume-content")))
(defun jr-resume-content-rename-resume-to-index ()
"Rename resume.html to index.html after publish."
(let* ((pub-dir (file-name-as-directory (plist-get project-plist :publishing-directory))))
(princ (file-name-as-directory (plist-get project-plist :publishing-directory)))
(princ project-plist)
(princ "james")
(let ((default-directory pub-dir))
(rename-file (expand-file-name "resume.html" pub-dir) (expand-file-name "index.html") t))))
* Tools
:ID: 5b53908a-bc3c-4637-9676-bade5966668f
I would like to make this thing as stand alone as possible, but the
proper incantation escapes me. I have a script in =$HOME/bin= that
will take care of the bootstrap, which consists of the following:
+ if =$TMP/resume= doesn't exist, execute =cd $TMP;git checkout git://
+ if =$TMP/resume= exists, execute =cd $TMP/resume;git pull=
+ execute =emacs --batch --no-initfile --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "" nil "makefile")'=
I should then have a =Makefile= that will publish the site.
#+name: makefile
#+begin_src makefile -i :tangle Makefile :padline no :comments yes
BATCH=$(EMACS) --batch --no-init-file --directory ~/src/org-mode/lisp \
--eval '(setq safe-local-variable-values (quote ((org-confirm-babel-evaluate) (org-src-preserve-indentation .t))))' \
--eval "(require 'org)" \
--eval "(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)" \
--eval "(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages \
'((emacs-lisp . t) \
(sh . t) \
(makefile . t)))" \
--eval '(org-babel-load-file "")'
all: Makefile resume
resume: $(FILES)
$(BATCH) --visit "$<" --eval '(org-publish "resume")'
$(BATCH) --visit "$<" --eval "(princ 'this-directory)"
$(BATCH) --visit "$<" --funcall org-babel-tangle
* Footnotes
:ID: 42743822-6c5a-4037-9d66-493c63160279
[fn:1] [[][HomePage]], todo/planning, even emacs initialization.