2 rem Author: Rene' Jager
3 rem Update: June 11, 1993
4 rem Info: utility for making Gnu C MAKE-file
5 rem or making one of the RICE examples:
7 rem %2 : source file extension
8 rem %3-%9 : extra compiler options
10 echo %1.exe: %1 > makefile
11 echo aout2exe %1 >> makefile
12 echo if exist %1 del %1 >> makefile
16 echo %1: %1.o >> makefile
17 echo gcc -o %1 %1.o ../lib/rice.a -lpc -lm >> makefile
21 echo %1.o: %1.%2 >> makefile
22 if X%1X==Xsimple3xX echo copy simple3x.lnk rice.lnk >> makefile
23 if X%1X==Xsimple3xX echo copy simple3x.cod rice.cod >> makefile
24 echo gcc -c -I../include %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %1.%2 >> makefile
25 if X%1X==Xsimple3xX echo del rice.lnk >> makefile
26 if X%1X==Xsimple3xX echo del rice.cod >> makefile