1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; Simple storage of configuration values.
3 ;; we could have multiple configuration maps
4 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
6 (rl3 aws configuration)
8 (export s3-configuration
16 (define aws-configuration-map
17 `("AWS Configuration" . ,(quasiquote (( host . "ecs.amazonaws.com")
18 (credentials-path . "/home/ray/awsaccount.txt")))))
20 (define s3-configuration-map
21 `("S3 Configuration" . ,(quasiquote ((host . "s3.amazonaws.com")
22 ; Path to file containing AWS id and keys
23 (credentials-path . "/home/ray/awsaccount.txt")
24 ; S3 bucket for storage of books
26 ; Common library for uploaded ebooks
27 (library . "library")))))
29 (define (configuration-value configuration property)
30 (let ((prop (assoc property (cdr configuration))))
33 (error 'get-property-value "Configuration: '~a' does not have property '~a'." (car configuration) property))))
35 (define (s3-configuration prop)
36 (configuration-value s3-configuration-map prop))
38 (define (aws-configuration prop)
39 (configuration-value aws-configuration-map prop))