working again
[rmh3093.git] / motsim / out
1 diff --git a/motsim/ b/motsim/
2 index 855ef2a..c2b69de 100644
3 --- a/motsim/
4 +++ b/motsim/
5 @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class ControlPanel extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
6                 options_panel.add(trials_spinner);
7                 targets_label = new JLabel("Number of targets: ");
8                 targets_spinner = 
9 -                       new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(22, 1, 50, 1));
10 +                       new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(4, 1, 50, 1));
11                 targets_spinner.setFocusable(false);
12                 options_panel.add(targets_label);
13                 options_panel.add(targets_spinner);
14 diff --git a/motsim/ b/motsim/
15 index fc9db80..2fb30a8 100755
16 --- a/motsim/
17 +++ b/motsim/
18 @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
19  import java.util.ArrayList;
20  import java.util.Random;
22 -public class Controller {
23 +public class Controller implements Runnable {
25         Model model;
26         View view;
27 @@ -130,64 +130,72 @@ public class Controller {
28          * @author rmh3093
29          *
30          */
31 -       class TrialThread implements Runnable {
32 -               
33 -               int trials = 0;
35 -               public void run() {
36 -                       while (true) {
37 -                               // First move the targets around the screen
38 -                               while (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.MOVE) {
39 -                                       if (model.duration < model.maxduration) {
40 -                                               moveTargets();
41 -                                       } else {
42 -                                               model.stage = Model.TrialStage.CHOOSE;
43 -                                       }
44 -                               }
45 -                               // After trial duration mask targets and pick a random target
46 -                               if (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.CHOOSE) { 
47 -                                       view.trial.repaint();
48 -                              = rand.nextInt(model.targets.size());
49 -                                       model.stage = Model.TrialStage.FIND;
50 +       public void run() {
51 +               while (true) {
53 +                       switch(model.stage) {
55 +                       case START_TRIAL:
56 +                               view.startTrial();
58 +                       case MOVE_TARGETS:
59 +                               if (model.duration < model.maxduration) {
60 +                                       moveTargets();
61 +                                       break;
62                                 }
63 -                               // Search for target
64 +                               else
65 +                                       model.stage = Model.TrialStage.CHOOSE_TARGET;
67 +                       case CHOOSE_TARGET:
68 +                               view.trial.repaint();
69 +                      = rand.nextInt(model.targets.size());
70 +                               model.stage = Model.TrialStage.START_SEARCH;
72 +                       case START_SEARCH:
73                                 model.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
74 -                               while (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.FIND) {
75 -                                       synchronized (model.trialThread) {
76 -                                               try {
77 -                                                       model.trialThread.wait();
78 -                                               } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
79 -                                               }
80 +                               model.stage = Model.TrialStage.FIND_TARGET;
82 +                       case FIND_TARGET:
83 +                               synchronized (model.trialThread) {
84 +                                       try {
85 +                                               model.trialThread.wait();
86 +                                       } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
87                                         }
88 -                                       view.trial.repaint();
89                                 }
90 -                               trials++;
91 -                               if (trials >= model.trialCount)
92 -                                       view.trial.stopTrial();
93 -                               // Trial is over, wait
94 -                               model.waiting = true;
95 +                               view.trial.repaint();
96 +                               break;
98 +                       case STOP_SEARCH:
99 +                               model.stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
100 +                               model.stage = Model.TrialStage.TRIAL_CLEANUP;
102 +                       case TRIAL_CLEANUP:
103 +                               model.trialCount++;
104 +                               if (model.trialCount < model.maxTrials) {
105 +                                       model.stage = Model.TrialStage.START_TRIAL;
106 +                               } else {
107 +                                       model.stage = Model.TrialStage.END;
108 +                                       view.trial.dispose();
109 +                               }
111 +                       case END:
112 +                               System.out.println(model.stopTime - model.startTime);
113 +                               model.stage = Model.TrialStage.WAIT;
115 +                       case WAIT:
116                                 synchronized (model.trialThread) {
117                                         try {
118                                                 model.trialThread.wait();
119                                         } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
120                                         }
121                                 }
122 -                               model.waiting = false;
123 +                               break;
124                         }
125 -               }
127 +               }
128         }
130         void startTrials() {
131 -               /* Store participant information */
132 -               model.participant = new Participant(
133 -                               view.cp.sx_name_textfield.getText(),
134 -                               view.cp.sx_email_textfield.getText(),
135 -                               view.cp.genders[view.cp.gender_combobox.getSelectedIndex()],
136 -                               view.cp.handedness[view.cp.handedness_combobox.getSelectedIndex()],
137 -                     [view.cp.vision_combobox.getSelectedIndex()],
138 -                               Integer.valueOf(view.cp.sx_age_textfield.getText())
139 -                               );
140                 /* Initialize trial values */
141                 model.maxduration = 1000 * (Integer)view.cp.duration_spinner.getValue();
142                 model.entropy = view.cp.entropy_combobox.getSelectedItem().toString();
143 @@ -222,15 +230,7 @@ public class Controller {
144                         if (t.y < t.bounds.getHeight())
145                                 t.y = t.bounds.getHeight() + 1;
146                 }
147 -               model.stage = Model.TrialStage.MOVE;
148 -               if (model.trialThread == null) {
149 -                       model.trialThread = new Thread(new TrialThread());
150 -                       model.trialThread.start();
151 -               } else {
152 -                       synchronized (model.trialThread) {
153 -                               model.trialThread.notifyAll();
154 -                       }
155 -               }
156 +               model.stage = Model.TrialStage.MOVE_TARGETS;
157         }
160 diff --git a/motsim/ b/motsim/
161 index 7580c0c..5df9efd 100644
162 --- a/motsim/
163 +++ b/motsim/
164 @@ -29,14 +29,34 @@ ActionListener {
165         }
167         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
168 -               if (e.getActionCommand()=="cp-start" || 
169 -                               e.getActionCommand()=="sx-start") {
170 -                       if ((view.cp.collectdata_checkbox.getSelectedObjects()!=null) &&
171 -                                       !(view.cp.sx_panel.isVisible())) {
172 -                               view.collectDemographics();
173 -                       } else {
174 -                               view.cp.sx_panel.setVisible(false);
175 -                               controller.startTrials();
176 +               
177 +               if (e.getActionCommand()=="cp-start") {
178 +                       model.maxduration = 
179 +                               1000 * (Integer)view.cp.duration_spinner.getValue();
180 +                       model.entropy = 
181 +                               view.cp.entropy_combobox.getSelectedItem().toString();
182 +                       model.fontsize = (Integer)view.cp.fontsize_spinner.getValue();
183 +                       model.maxTrials = (Integer)view.cp.trials_spinner.getValue();
184 +                       if (view.cp.collectdata_checkbox.isSelected()) {
185 +                               view.cp.config_panel.setVisible(false);
186 +                               view.cp.sx_panel.setVisible(true);
187 +                               view.cp.pack();
188 +                       }
189 +               } else if (e.getActionCommand()=="sx-start") {
190 +                       model.participant = new Participant(
191 +                                       view.cp.sx_name_textfield.getText(),
192 +                                       view.cp.sx_email_textfield.getText(),
193 +                                       (String)view.cp.gender_combobox.getSelectedItem(),
194 +                                       (String)view.cp.handedness_combobox.getSelectedItem(),
195 +                                       (String)view.cp.vision_combobox.getSelectedItem(),
196 +                                       Integer.valueOf(view.cp.sx_age_textfield.getText())
197 +                       );
198 +               }
199 +               if ((e.getActionCommand()=="sx-start") || 
200 +                               (e.getActionCommand()=="cp-start")) {
201 +                       model.stage = Model.TrialStage.START_TRIAL;
202 +                       synchronized (model.trialThread) {
203 +                               model.trialThread.notifyAll();
204                         }
205                 } else if (e.getActionCommand()=="simmode") {
206                         if (view.cp.simmode_combobox.getSelectedItem().toString() == 
207 @@ -46,6 +66,7 @@ ActionListener {
208                                 view.cp.trials_spinner.setEnabled(false);
209                         }       
210                 }
211 +               
212         }
214         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
215 @@ -58,7 +79,7 @@ ActionListener {
216         }
218         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
219 -               if (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.FIND) {
220 +               if (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.FIND_TARGET) {
221                         model.mouse_x_clk = e.getX();
222                         model.mouse_y_clk = e.getY();
223                         synchronized (model.trialThread) {
224 @@ -83,7 +104,7 @@ ActionListener {
225         }
227         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
228 -               if (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.FIND) {
229 +               if (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.FIND_TARGET) {
230                         model.mouse_x = e.getX();
231                         model.mouse_y = e.getY();
232                         synchronized (model.trialThread) {
233 @@ -102,8 +123,11 @@ ActionListener {
234         }
236         public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {
237 -               view.trial.stopTrial();
238 -               //;
239 +               model.stage = Model.TrialStage.WAIT;
240 +               synchronized (model.trialThread) {
241 +                       model.trialThread.notifyAll();
242 +               }
243 +               view.trial.dispose();
244         }
246         public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {
247 diff --git a/motsim/ b/motsim/
248 index d8ea078..33af943 100755
249 --- a/motsim/
250 +++ b/motsim/
251 @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ public class MOTSIM {
252                 View view = new View(model);
253                 Controller controller = new Controller(model, view);
254                 new EventHandler(model, view, controller);
255 +               model.trialThread = new Thread(controller);
256 +               model.trialThread.start();
257                 view.startControlPanel();
258                 view.cp.setVisible(true);
259         }
260 diff --git a/motsim/ b/motsim/
261 index 01eeee2..6233cfb 100755
262 --- a/motsim/
263 +++ b/motsim/
264 @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
265   */
267  import java.awt.Color;
268 -import java.awt.DisplayMode;
269  import java.awt.Font;
270  import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
271  import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
272 @@ -43,23 +42,34 @@ public class Model {
273         /* Graphic Environment Information */
274         GraphicsEnvironment ge;
275         GraphicsDevice gd;
276 -       DisplayMode display_mode_default;
277 -       DisplayMode display_mode_preferred;
278 -       DisplayMode[] display_mode_available;   
279 -       
281         ArrayList<Target> targets;
283         /*
284          * Use this enum to indicate which stage of the experiment we are in
285          */
286         public enum TrialStage {
287 -               INIT, INFO, BIAS, CHOOSE, MOVE, FIND, TLX, END
288 +               WAIT,
289 +               DEMOGRAPHICS,
290 +               TLX_BIAS,
291 +               SETUP_DISPLAY,
292 +               GENERATE_TARGETS,
293 +               START_TRIAL,
294 +               MOVE_TARGETS,
295 +               CHOOSE_TARGET,
296 +               START_SEARCH,
297 +               FIND_TARGET,
298 +               STOP_SEARCH,
299 +               TRIAL_CLEANUP,
300 +               TLX,
301 +               END
302         }
303 -       TrialStage stage = TrialStage.INIT;
304 +       TrialStage stage = TrialStage.WAIT;
306         /* Represents basic experiment information */
307         Participant participant = null;
308         int trialCount = 0;
309 +       int maxTrials = 1;
310         double startTime = 0;
311         double stopTime = 0;    
313 @@ -68,6 +78,7 @@ public class Model {
315         /* GUI Information */
316         String borderstyle;
317 +       int fontsize = -1;
318         Font target_font;
319         Font query_font;
320         int query_font_size = 18;
321 @@ -87,7 +98,5 @@ public class Model {
322         int mouse_x = -1;
323         int mouse_y = -1;
324         int mouse_x_clk = -1;
325 -       int mouse_y_clk = -1;
326 -       boolean waiting = false;
327 -       
328 +       int mouse_y_clk = -1;   
330 diff --git a/motsim/ b/motsim/
331 index d6988c7..6767b2e 100644
332 --- a/motsim/
333 +++ b/motsim/
336  import java.awt.Color;
337  import java.awt.Dimension;
338 +import java.awt.Font;
339  import java.awt.Graphics;
340  import java.awt.Graphics2D;
341  import java.awt.Image;
342 @@ -65,13 +66,21 @@ class Trial extends JFrame {
343                 setLocationRelativeTo(null);
344                 setUndecorated(true);
345       ;
346 -               //;
347                 setBackground(;
348                 offscreen = createImage(screen_size.width, screen_size.height);
349                 bufferGraphics = (Graphics2D)offscreen.getGraphics();
350                 frc = bufferGraphics.getFontRenderContext();
351 +               
352 +               // Set starting values
353                 model.startTime = 0;
354                 model.stopTime = 0;
355 +               model.duration = 0;
356 +               model.target_font = new Font(getFont().getName(), getFont().getStyle(),
357 +                               model.fontsize);
358 +               model.query_font = new Font(getFont().getName(), getFont().getStyle(), 
359 +                               model.query_font_size);
360 +               bufferGraphics.setFont(model.target_font);
361 +               mh = model.query_font.getSize() + model.query_font_size;
362         }
364         private void drawTarget(Target t, boolean isMasked) {
365 @@ -86,6 +95,31 @@ class Trial extends JFrame {
366                 t.bounds = tl.getBounds();
367                 tl.draw(bufferGraphics, (float)t.x, (float)t.y);
368         }
370 +       private void drawFrame() {
371 +               bufferGraphics.setColor(model.target_color);
372 +               bufferGraphics.drawRect(0, 0, screen_size.width-1, 
373 +                               screen_size.height-1);
374 +               bufferGraphics.drawRect(0, screen_size.height-1-mh, 
375 +                               screen_size.width-1, screen_size.height-1);
376 +       }
378 +       private void drawQuery() {
379 +               bufferGraphics.setColor(model.query_color);
380 +               TextLayout tl = new TextLayout("Click on target: " + "\"" + 
381 +                               model.targets.get( + "\"", 
382 +                               model.query_font, frc);
383 +               tl.draw(bufferGraphics, 
384 +                               (int)Math.round(
385 +                                               screen_size.width / 2 - tl.getBounds().getCenterX()
386 +                               ),
387 +                               (int)Math.round(
388 +                                               screen_size.height - mh / 2 +
389 +                                               tl.getBounds().getCenterY() / 2
390 +                               )
391 +               );
392 +               bufferGraphics.setColor(model.target_color);
393 +       }
395         private void processTargets() {
397 @@ -96,7 +130,7 @@ class Trial extends JFrame {
399                         t = model.targets.get(i);
401 -                       if (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.FIND) {
402 +                       if (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.FIND_TARGET) {
403                                 if ((model.mouse_x>=t.x) &&
404                                                 (model.mouse_x<=(t.x+t.bounds.getWidth())) &&
405                                                 (model.mouse_y>=(t.y-t.bounds.getHeight())) &&
406 @@ -111,9 +145,11 @@ class Trial extends JFrame {
407                                         (model.mouse_y_clk>=(t.y-t.bounds.getHeight())) &&
408                                         (model.mouse_y_clk<=t.y) ) {
409                                 if (model.targets.get( {
410 -                                       model.stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
411 -                                       stopTrial();
412 -                                       //System.out.println(model.stopTime - model.startTime);
413 +                                       model.stage= Model.TrialStage.STOP_SEARCH;
414 +                                       synchronized (model.trialThread) {
415 +                                               model.trialThread.notifyAll();
416 +                                       }
417 +                                       break;
418                                 }
419                         }
421 @@ -123,37 +159,12 @@ class Trial extends JFrame {
423         }
425 -       public void drawFrame() {
426 -               bufferGraphics.setColor(model.target_color);
427 -               bufferGraphics.drawRect(0, 0, screen_size.width-1, 
428 -                               screen_size.height-1);
429 -               bufferGraphics.drawRect(0, screen_size.height-1-mh, 
430 -                               screen_size.width-1, screen_size.height-1);
431 -       }
433 -       public void drawQuery() {
434 -               bufferGraphics.setColor(model.query_color);
435 -               TextLayout tl = new TextLayout("Click on target: " + "\"" + 
436 -                               model.targets.get( + "\"", 
437 -                               model.query_font, frc);
438 -               tl.draw(bufferGraphics, 
439 -                               (int)Math.round(
440 -                                               screen_size.width / 2 - tl.getBounds().getCenterX()
441 -                               ),
442 -                               (int)Math.round(
443 -                                               screen_size.height - mh / 2 +
444 -                                               tl.getBounds().getCenterY() / 2
445 -                               )
446 -               );
447 -               bufferGraphics.setColor(model.target_color);
448 -       }
450         public void paint(Graphics g) {
451                 Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
452                 bufferGraphics.clearRect(0, 0, screen_size.width, 
453                                 screen_size.height);
454                 drawFrame();
455 -               if (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.FIND)
456 +               if (model.stage == Model.TrialStage.FIND_TARGET)
457                         drawQuery();
458                 processTargets();
459                 g2.drawImage(offscreen, 0, 0, this);
460 @@ -163,14 +174,4 @@ class Trial extends JFrame {
461                 paint(g);
462         }
464 -       protected void stopTrial() {
465 -               model.stage = Model.TrialStage.END;
466 -               dispose();
467 -               if (!model.waiting) {
468 -                       synchronized (model.trialThread) {
469 -                               model.trialThread.notifyAll();
470 -                       }
471 -               }
472 -       }
475 diff --git a/motsim/ b/motsim/
476 index 68a442b..235a6b8 100755
477 --- a/motsim/
478 +++ b/motsim/
479 @@ -47,17 +47,8 @@ public class View {
480         public View(Model model) {
481                 this.model = model;
482                 screen_size = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
483 -               //int dpi = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution();
484        = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
485        =;
486 -               /*model.display_mode_default =;
487 -               model.display_mode_available =;
488 -               for (DisplayMode dm : model.display_mode_available) {
489 -                       if ((dm.getWidth() == 800) && (dm.getHeight() == 600)) {
490 -                               model.display_mode_preferred = dm;
491 -                               break;
492 -                       }
493 -               }*/
494         }
496         public void setEventHandler(EventHandler evh) {
497 @@ -66,18 +57,10 @@ public class View {
499         public void startControlPanel() {       
500                 cp = new ControlPanel(evh);
501 -               //cp.fontsize_spinner.setValue(cp.getFont().getSize());
502         }
504         public void startTrial() {
505                 trial = new Trial(model, screen_size, evh);
506         }
508 -       public void collectDemographics() {
509 -               //new DemographicsPanel();
510 -               cp.config_panel.setVisible(false);
511 -               cp.sx_panel.setVisible(true);
512 -               cp.pack();
513 -       }