Peg is rarer and bigger.
[rocks.git] / rocks / pegmatite.lua
1 --
2 -- Pegmatite vein
3 --
5 local CommonRarity=45
7 minetest.register_node( "rocks:pegmatite", {
8 description = S("Pegmatite"),
9 tiles = { "rocks_Pegmatite.png" },
10 groups = {cracky=3, stone=1},
11 is_ground_content = true, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
14 -- ores have to be redefined for pegmatite background
16 -- Lepidolite Li Medium Pegmatite (2.5%)
17 -- Cassiterite Sn Strong Granite, Pegmatite (1.5%)
18 -- Pollucite Cs Strong Pegmatite (0.1%)
19 -- Scheelite W Medium SEDEX, Pegmatite (2%), Skarn
20 -- Spodumene Li Strong Pegmatite (7%)
21 -- Tantalite Ta Strong Pegmatite (2%)
22 -- Wolframite W Medium Pegmatite (1%)
23 -- Spodumene 7%
24 -- Muscovite (mica) 7%
25 -- Kyanite 5%
27 -- pegmatites are only 1 kind
28 rocks.register_vein("rocks:pegmatite",{
29 wherein={ "rocks:granite" },
30 miny=-160, maxy=20,
31 radius={ average=18, amplitude=0.3, frequency=16 },
32 density=80, rarity=CommonRarity,
33 ores={