initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / FileGuard / MultiDirsChange.pas
1 unit MultiDirsChange;
3 interface
5 uses Windows, KOL;
7 const
10 type
11 TOnDirectoryChange = procedure( Sender: PObj; const Path: String ) of object;
13 PMultiDirsChange = ^TMultiDirsChange;
14 TMultiDirsChange = object( TObj )
15 protected
16 FOnChange: TOnDirectoryChange;
17 FThread: PThread;
18 function GetPaths( Index: Integer ): String;
19 procedure SetPaths( Index: Integer; const Value: String);
20 protected
21 FPaths: array[ 0..MaxDirsChange-1 ] of String;
22 FHandles: array[ 0..MaxDirsChange-1 ] of THandle;
23 FDelHandles: PList;
24 FFilter: DWORD;
25 FDeactivate: Boolean;
26 procedure Init; virtual;
27 function ExecuteThread( Sender: PThread ): Integer;
28 procedure CloseQuied;
29 procedure FolderChanged( Sender: PThread; P: Pointer );
30 public
31 property Paths[ Idx: Integer ]: String read GetPaths write SetPaths;
32 destructor Destroy; virtual;
33 function Active: Boolean;
34 function PathsMonitored: Integer;
35 procedure Clear;
36 end;
38 function NewMultiDirChange( OnChange: TOnDirectoryChange; Filter: DWORD ): PMultiDirsChange;
40 type
41 PAnyDirsChange = ^TAnyDirsChange;
42 TAnyDirsChange = object( TObj )
43 protected
44 FDirs: PStrListEx;
45 FNotifiers: PList;
46 FOnChange: TOnDirectoryChange;
47 FFilter: DWORD;
48 function GetCount: Integer;
49 function GetPaths(Idx: Integer): String;
50 procedure FolderChanged( Sender: PObj; const Path: String );
51 procedure Init; virtual;
52 public
53 destructor Destroy; virtual;
54 property Paths[ Idx: Integer ]: String read GetPaths;
55 property Count: Integer read GetCount;
56 procedure Add( const Path: String );
57 procedure Remove( const Path: String ); overload;
58 procedure Remove( Idx: Integer ); overload;
59 procedure Clear;
60 end;
62 function NewAnyDirsChange( OnChange: TOnDirectoryChange; Filter: DWORD ): PAnyDirsChange;
64 implementation
66 function NewMultiDirChange( OnChange: TOnDirectoryChange; Filter: DWORD ): PMultiDirsChange;
67 begin
68 new( Result, Create );
69 Result.FOnChange := OnChange;
70 if Filter = 0 then
74 Result.FFilter := Filter;
75 end;
77 function NewAnyDirsChange( OnChange: TOnDirectoryChange; Filter: DWORD ): PAnyDirsChange;
78 begin
79 new( Result, Create );
80 Result.FOnChange := OnChange;
81 if Filter = 0 then
85 Result.FFilter := Filter;
86 end;
88 { TMultiDirsChange }
90 function TMultiDirsChange.Active: Boolean;
91 begin
92 Result := FThread <> nil;
93 end;
95 procedure TMultiDirsChange.Clear;
96 begin
98 end;
100 procedure TMultiDirsChange.CloseQuied;
101 begin
102 while FDelHandles.Count > 0 do
103 begin
104 FindCloseChangeNotification( THandle( FDelHandles.Items[ 0 ] ) );
105 FDelHandles.Delete( 0 );
106 end;
107 end;
109 destructor TMultiDirsChange.Destroy;
110 begin
111 FThread.Free;
112 Clear;
113 CloseQuied;
114 FDelHandles.Free;
115 inherited;
116 end;
118 function TMultiDirsChange.ExecuteThread( Sender: PThread ): Integer;
119 var WaitHandles: array[ 0..MaxDirsChange-1 ] of THandle;
120 N, I: Integer;
121 R: Integer;
122 begin
123 Result := 0;
124 while (PathsMonitored > 0) and (Applet <> nil) and not AppletTerminated do
125 begin
126 N := 0;
127 for I := 0 to High( FPaths ) do
128 begin
129 if FHandles[ I ] <> 0 then
130 begin
131 WaitHandles[ N ] := FHandles[ I ];
132 Inc( N );
133 end;
134 end;
135 if N > 0 then
136 begin
137 R := WaitForMultipleObjects( N, @ WaitHandles[ 0 ], FALSE, 100 );
138 if (R >= WAIT_OBJECT_0) and (R < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + N) then
139 begin
140 for I := 0 to High( FHandles ) do
141 if FHandles[ I ] = WaitHandles[ R - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ] then
142 begin
143 if (Applet <> nil) and not AppletTerminated then
144 begin
145 if Assigned( FOnChange ) then
146 Sender.SynchronizeEx( FolderChanged, @ I );
147 FindNextChangeNotification( FHandles[ I ] );
149 else Exit;
150 break;
151 end;
152 end;
154 else Sleep( 100 );
155 CloseQuied;
156 end;
157 end;
159 procedure TMultiDirsChange.FolderChanged(Sender: PThread; P: Pointer);
160 var I: Integer;
161 begin
162 I := PInteger( P )^;
163 if (I >= 0) and (I < MaxDirsChange) and Assigned( FOnChange ) then
164 FOnChange( @ Self, FPaths[ I ] );
165 end;
167 function TMultiDirsChange.GetPaths( Index: Integer ): String;
168 begin
169 Result := FPaths[ Index ];
170 end;
172 procedure TMultiDirsChange.Init;
173 begin
174 FDelHandles := NewList;
175 end;
177 function TMultiDirsChange.PathsMonitored: Integer;
178 var I: Integer;
179 begin
180 Result := 0;
181 for I := 0 to High( FPaths ) do
182 if FPaths[ I ] <> '' then Inc(Result);
183 end;
185 procedure TMultiDirsChange.SetPaths( Index: Integer; const Value: String);
186 begin
187 FPaths[ Index ] := Value;
188 if FHandles[ Index ] <> 0 then
189 FDelHandles.Add( Pointer( FHandles[ Index ] ) );
190 FHandles[ Index ] := 0;
191 if Value <> '' then
192 begin
193 FHandles[ Index ] := FindFirstChangeNotification( PChar( FPaths[ Index ] ),
194 FALSE, FFilter );
195 end;
196 if (FThread <> nil) and FThread.Terminated then
197 Free_And_Nil( FThread );
198 if (FThread = nil) and (PathsMonitored > 0) then
199 begin
200 FThread := NewThread;
201 FThread.OnExecute := ExecuteThread;
202 FThread.Resume;
203 end;
204 end;
206 { TAnyDirsChange }
208 procedure TAnyDirsChange.Add(const Path: String);
209 var I, J, E: Integer;
210 D, D0: PMultiDirsChange;
211 begin
212 D0 := nil;
213 E := -1;
214 for I := 0 to FNotifiers.Count-1 do
215 begin
216 D := FNotifiers.Items[ I ];
217 for J := 0 to MaxDirsChange-1 do
218 if AnsiEq( D.Paths[ J ], Path ) then
219 Exit // íå íàäî äîáàâëÿòü - óæå åñòü òàêàÿ
220 else
221 if (D0 = nil) and (D.Paths[ J ] = '') then
222 begin
223 D0 := D; E := J;
224 end;
225 end;
226 if D0 = nil then
227 begin
228 E := 0;
229 D0 := NewMultiDirChange( FolderChanged, FFilter );
230 FNotifiers.Add( D0 );
231 end;
232 FDirs.AddObject( Path, DWORD( D0 ) );
233 D0.Paths[ E ] := Path;
234 end;
236 function TAnyDirsChange.GetCount: Integer;
237 begin
238 Result := FDirs.Count;
239 end;
241 function TAnyDirsChange.GetPaths(Idx: Integer): String;
242 begin
243 Result := FDirs.Items[ Idx ];
244 end;
246 procedure TAnyDirsChange.Remove(const Path: String);
247 var I: Integer;
248 begin
249 I := FDirs.IndexOf( Path );
250 if I >= 0 then
251 Remove( I );
252 end;
254 procedure TAnyDirsChange.Init;
255 begin
256 FDirs := NewStrListEx;
257 FNotifiers := NewList;
258 end;
260 procedure TAnyDirsChange.Remove(Idx: Integer);
261 var D: PMultiDirsChange;
262 I: Integer;
263 begin
264 D := Pointer( FDirs.Objects[ Idx ] );
265 for I := 0 to MaxDirsChange-1 do
266 if AnsiEq( D.Paths[ I ], FDirs.Items[ Idx ] ) then
267 begin
268 D.Paths[ I ] := '';
269 break;
270 end;
271 end;
273 destructor TAnyDirsChange.Destroy;
274 begin
275 FDirs.Free;
276 FNotifiers.ReleaseObjects;
277 inherited;
278 end;
280 procedure TAnyDirsChange.FolderChanged(Sender: PObj; const Path: String);
281 var I: Integer;
282 found: Boolean;
283 begin
284 found := FALSE;
285 for I := 0 to FDirs.Count-1 do
286 if AnsiEq( FDirs.Items[ I ], Path ) then
287 begin
288 found := TRUE; break;
289 end;
290 if not found then Exit;
291 if Assigned( FOnChange ) then
292 FOnChange( @ Self, Path );
293 end;
295 procedure TAnyDirsChange.Clear;
296 var I: Integer;
297 D: PMultiDirsChange;
298 begin
299 for I := 0 to FNotifiers.Count-1 do
300 begin
301 D := FNotifiers.Items[ I ];
302 D.Clear;
303 end;
304 end;
306 end.