initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / KOLIndy / myindy / IdSocketHandle.pas
1 // 27-nov-2002
2 unit IdSocketHandle;
4 interface
6 uses KOL { ,
7 Classes }{ ,
8 IdException},KOLClasses,
9 IdGlobal,
10 IdStack, IdStackConsts;
12 type
14 { TIdSocketHandle = object(TObj)
15 end;}
16 PIdSocketHandle=^TIdSocketHandle;
17 PIdSocketHandles=^TIdSocketHandles;
19 TIdSocketHandles = object(TOwnedCollection)
20 protected
21 FDefaultPort: integer;
23 function GetItem(Index: Integer):PIdSocketHandle; //TIdSocketHandle;
24 procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: {TIdSocketHandle}PIdSocketHandle);
25 public
26 { constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); }// reintroduce;
27 function Add: PIdSocketHandle{TIdSocketHandle};// reintroduce;
28 function BindingByHandle(const AHandle: TIdStackSocketHandle):
29 { TIdSocketHandle}PIdSocketHandle;
30 property Items[Index: Integer]: PIdSocketHandle{TIdSocketHandle} read GetItem write SetItem;
31 default;
33 property DefaultPort: integer read FDefaultPort write FDefaultPort;
34 end;
35 //PdSocketHandle=^IdSocketHandle;
36 //function NewIdSocketHandles(AOwner: PControl):PIdSocketHandles;
37 // type
39 TIdSocketHandle = object(TCollectionItem)
40 protected
41 // FACollection:PCollection;
42 FHandle: TIdStackSocketHandle;
43 FHandleAllocated: Boolean;
44 FIP, FPeerIP: string;
45 FPort, FPeerPort: integer;
46 public
47 procedure Init; virtual;
48 procedure Accept(ASocket: TIdStackSocketHandle);
49 procedure AllocateSocket(const ASocketType: Integer = Id_SOCK_STREAM;
50 const AProtocol: Integer = Id_IPPROTO_IP);
52 procedure Assign(Source: PObj{TPersistent});// override;
53 procedure Bind;
54 procedure CloseSocket(const AResetLocal: boolean = True); virtual;
55 function Connect(const AFamily: Integer = Id_PF_INET): Integer; virtual;
56 { constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection); override;
57 } destructor Destroy;
58 virtual; procedure Listen(const anQueueCount: integer = 5);
59 function Readable(AMSec: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault): boolean;
60 function Recv(var ABuf; ALen, AFlags: Integer): Integer;
61 function RecvFrom(var ABuffer; const ALength, AFlags: Integer; var VIP:
62 string;
63 var VPort: Integer): Integer; virtual;
64 procedure Reset(const AResetLocal: boolean = True);
65 function Send(var Buf; len, flags: Integer): Integer;
66 procedure SendTo(const AIP: string; const APort: Integer; var ABuffer;
67 const ABufferSize: Integer);
68 procedure SetPeer(const asIP: string; anPort: integer);
69 procedure SetSockOpt(level, optname: Integer; optval: PChar; optlen:
70 Integer);
71 procedure UpdateBindingLocal;
72 procedure UpdateBindingPeer;
74 property HandleAllocated: Boolean read FHandleAllocated;
75 property Handle: TIdStackSocketHandle read FHandle;
76 property PeerIP: string read FPeerIP;
77 property PeerPort: integer read FPeerPort;
78 { published }
79 property IP: string read FIP write FIP;
80 property Port: integer read FPort write FPort;
81 end;
82 //PSocketHandle=^dSocketHandle;
83 function NewIdSocketHandles(AOwner: PControl):PIdSocketHandles;
84 function NewIdSocketHandle(ACollection: PCollection):PIdSocketHandle;
85 { type MyStupid86104=DWord;
86 EIdSocketHandleError = object(EIdException);
87 PocketHandle=^SocketHandle; type MyStupid20258=DWord;
88 EIdPackageSizeTooBig = object(EIdSocketHandleError);
89 PcketHandle=^ocketHandle; type MyStupid27292=DWord;
90 EIdNotAllBytesSent = object(EIdSocketHandleError);
91 PketHandle=^cketHandle; type MyStupid67165=DWord;
92 EIdCouldNotBindSocket = object(EIdSocketHandleError);
93 PetHandle=^ketHandle; type MyStupid31869=DWord;}
94 implementation
96 uses
97 IdAntiFreezeBase,
98 IdComponent,
99 IdResourceStrings;
101 procedure TIdSocketHandle.AllocateSocket(const ASocketType: Integer =
103 const AProtocol: Integer = Id_IPPROTO_IP);
104 begin
106 CloseSocket;
107 FHandle := GStack.CreateSocketHandle(ASocketType, AProtocol);
108 FHandleAllocated := True;
109 end;
111 procedure TIdSocketHandle.CloseSocket(const AResetLocal: boolean = True);
112 begin
113 if HandleAllocated then
114 begin
115 FHandleAllocated := False;
116 GStack.WSShutdown(Handle, Id_SD_Send);
117 GStack.WSCloseSocket(Handle);
118 Reset(AResetLocal);
119 end;
120 end;
122 function TIdSocketHandle.Connect(const AFamily: Integer = Id_PF_INET): Integer;
123 begin
124 result := GStack.WSConnect(Handle, AFamily, PeerIP, PeerPort);
125 if result <> Id_Socket_Error then
126 begin
127 UpdateBindingLocal;
128 UpdateBindingPeer;
129 end;
130 end;
132 destructor TIdSocketHandle.Destroy;
133 begin
134 CloseSocket;
135 inherited;
136 end;
138 function TIdSocketHandle.Recv(var ABuf; ALen, AFlags: Integer): Integer;
139 begin
140 result := GStack.WSRecv(Handle, ABuf, ALen, AFlags);
141 end;
143 function TIdSocketHandle.Send(var Buf; len, flags: Integer): Integer;
144 begin
145 result := GStack.WSSend(Handle, Buf, len, flags);
146 end;
148 procedure TIdSocketHandle.SetSockOpt(level, optname: Integer; optval: PChar;
149 optlen: Integer);
150 begin
151 GStack.CheckForSocketError(GStack.WSSetSockOpt(Handle, level, optname, optval,
152 optlen));
153 end;
155 procedure TIdSocketHandle.SendTo(const AIP: string; const APort: Integer; var
156 ABuffer;
157 const ABufferSize: Integer);
159 BytesOut: Integer;
160 begin
161 BytesOut := GStack.WSSendTo(Handle, ABuffer, ABufferSize, 0, AIP, APort);
162 if BytesOut = Id_SOCKET_ERROR then
163 begin
164 if GStack.WSGetLastError() = Id_WSAEMSGSIZE then
165 begin
166 // raise EIdPackageSizeTooBig.Create(RSPackageSizeTooBig);
168 else
169 begin
170 GStack.CheckForSocketError;
171 end;
173 else
174 if BytesOut <> ABufferSize then
175 begin
176 // raise EIdNotAllBytesSent.Create(RSNotAllBytesSent);
177 end;
178 end;
180 function TIdSocketHandle.RecvFrom(var ABuffer; const ALength, AFlags: Integer;
181 var VIP: string;
182 var VPort: Integer): Integer;
183 begin
184 result := GStack.WSRecvFrom(Handle, ABuffer, ALength, AFlags, VIP, VPort);
185 end;
187 procedure TIdSocketHandle.Bind;
188 begin
189 if GStack.CheckForSocketError(GStack.WSBind(Handle, Id_PF_INET, IP, Port),
190 [Id_WSAEADDRINUSE]) then
191 begin
192 // raise EIdCouldNotBindSocket.Create(RSCouldNotBindSocket);
193 end;
194 UpdateBindingLocal;
195 end;
197 procedure TIdSocketHandle.SetPeer(const asIP: string; anPort: integer);
198 begin
199 FPeerIP := asIP;
200 FPeerPort := anPort;
201 end;
203 procedure TIdSocketHandle.Listen(const anQueueCount: integer);
204 begin
205 GStack.CheckForSocketError(GStack.WSListen(Handle, anQueueCount));
206 end;
208 procedure TIdSocketHandle.Accept(ASocket: TIdStackSocketHandle);
210 LAcceptedSocket: TIdStackSocketHandle;
211 begin
212 LAcceptedSocket := GStack.WSAccept(ASocket, FIP, FPort);
213 GStack.CheckForSocketError(LAcceptedSocket);
214 FHandle := LAcceptedSocket;
215 FHandleAllocated := True;
216 UpdateBindingLocal;
217 UpdateBindingPeer;
218 end;
220 //constructor TIdSocketHandle.Create(ACollection: TCollection);
221 function NewIdSocketHandle(ACollection: PCollection):PIdSocketHandle;
222 begin
223 // inherited;
224 New( Result, Create );
225 with Result^ do
226 FACollection:=ACollection;
227 Result.Init;
228 {with Result^ do
229 begin
230 Reset;
231 if assigned(ACollection) then
232 begin
233 // Port := TIdSocketHandles(ACollection).DefaultPort;
234 end;
235 end; }
236 end;
238 procedure TIdSocketHandle.Init;
239 begin
240 inherited;
241 // with Result^ do
242 begin
243 Reset;
244 if assigned(FACollection) then
245 begin
246 Port := PIdSocketHandles(FACollection).DefaultPort;
247 end;
248 end;
249 end;
251 function TIdSocketHandle.Readable(AMSec: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault): boolean;
253 ReadList: PList;//TList;
254 begin
255 if not FHandleAllocated then
256 begin
257 // raise EIdConnClosedGracefully.Create(RSConnectionClosedGracefully);
258 end;
260 if GAntiFreeze <> nil then
261 begin
262 if GAntiFreeze.Active then
263 begin
264 if AMSec = IdTimeoutInfinite then
265 begin
266 repeat
267 result := Readable(GAntiFreeze.IdleTimeOut);
268 until result;
269 exit;
271 else
272 if AMSec > GAntiFreeze.IdleTimeOut then
273 begin
274 result := Readable(AMSec - GAntiFreeze.IdleTimeOut);
275 if result then
276 begin
277 exit;
279 else
280 begin
281 AMSec := GAntiFreeze.IdleTimeOut;
282 end;
283 end;
284 end;
285 end;
286 ReadList:=NewList;
287 // ReadList := TList.Create;
289 ReadList.Add(Pointer(Handle));
290 Result := GStack.WSSelect(ReadList, nil, nil, AMSec) = 1;
291 // TIdAntiFreezeBase.DoProcess(result = false);
292 finally;
293 end;
294 end;
296 procedure TIdSocketHandle.Assign(Source: PObj);
298 LSource: PIdSocketHandle;//TIdSocketHandle;
299 begin
300 { if ClassType <> Source.ClassType then
301 begin
302 inherited
304 else}
305 begin
306 LSource := PIdSocketHandle(Source);//TIdSocketHandle(Source);
307 IP := LSource.IP;
308 Port := LSource.Port;
309 FPeerIP := LSource.PeerIP;
310 FPeerPort := LSource.PeerPort;
311 end;
312 end;
314 procedure TIdSocketHandle.UpdateBindingLocal;
316 LFamily: integer;
317 begin
318 GStack.WSGetSockName(Handle, LFamily, FIP, FPort);
319 end;
321 procedure TIdSocketHandle.UpdateBindingPeer;
323 LFamily: integer;
324 begin
325 GStack.WSGetPeerName(Handle, LFamily, FPeerIP, FPeerPort);
326 end;
328 procedure TIdSocketHandle.Reset(const AResetLocal: boolean = True);
329 begin
330 FHandleAllocated := False;
331 FHandle := Id_INVALID_SOCKET;
332 if AResetLocal then
333 begin
334 FIP := '';
335 FPort := 0;
336 end;
337 FPeerIP := '';
338 FPeerPort := 0;
339 end;
341 function TIdSocketHandles.Add: PIdSocketHandle;
342 begin
343 result := NewIdSocketHandle(@Self);//PIdSocketHandle(inherited Add);// PIdSocketHandle(Add);// as //TIdSocketHandle;
344 result.Port := DefaultPort;
345 end;
347 function TIdSocketHandles.BindingByHandle(const AHandle: TIdStackSocketHandle):
348 PIdSocketHandle;
350 i: integer;
351 begin
352 Result := nil;
353 i := Count - 1;
354 while (i >= 0) and (Items[i].Handle <> AHandle) do
355 begin
356 dec(i);
357 end;
358 if i >= 0 then
359 begin
360 Result := Items[i];
361 end;
362 end;
364 //constructor TIdSocketHandles.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
365 function NewIdSocketHandles(AOwner: PControl):PIdSocketHandles;
366 begin
367 New( Result, Create );
368 Result.Init;
369 /// inherited Create(AOwner, TIdSocketHandle);
370 end;
372 function TIdSocketHandles.GetItem(Index: Integer): PIdSocketHandle;
373 begin
374 result := PIdSocketHandle{TIdSocketHandle}(inherited Items[index]);
375 end;
377 procedure TIdSocketHandles.SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value:
378 PIdSocketHandle);
379 begin
380 inherited SetItem(Index, Value);
381 end;
383 end.