initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / controls / enhcombos / KOLFontComboBox.pas
1 unit KOLFontComboBox;
2 {* Font combobox is usefull for selecting font names ,
3 becouse visually express each font (only screen fonts).
4 |<br>
5 If font is TrueType small TT icon is created before font name.
6 |<br>
7 |<br>
8 |<i> Author : Boguslaw Brandys </i>
9 |<br>
10 |<i> Email : </i>
16 interface
17 uses
18 Windows, Messages, KOL;
20 {$R KOLFontComboBox.res}
23 type
26 PFontCombo =^TFontCombo;
27 TKOLFontComboBox = PFontCombo;
28 TFontCombo = object(TObj)
29 {*}
30 private
31 { Private declarations }
32 fControl : PControl;
33 fOnChange: TOnEvent;
34 fAOwner: PControl;
35 fFontName : String;
36 fFontHeight : Integer;
37 fCursor : HCURSOR;
38 TTImage : HICON;
39 procedure DoChange(Obj : PObj);
40 procedure DestroyFontList;
41 procedure MakeFontList;
42 function GetColor : TColor;
43 procedure SetColor(Value : TColor);
44 procedure SetFontHeight(const Value : Integer);
45 procedure SetFontName(const Value : String);
46 procedure SetCursor(const Value : HCURSOR);
47 function DrawOneItem(Sender: PObj; DC: HDC;
48 const Rect: TRect; ItemIdx: Integer; DrawAction: TDrawAction;
49 ItemState: TDrawState): Boolean;
50 protected
51 { Protected declarations }
52 public
53 { Public declarations }
54 destructor Destroy; virtual;
55 {*}
56 function SetAlign(Value: TControlAlign): PFontCombo; overload;
57 {*}
58 function SetPosition(X, Y: integer): PFontCombo; overload;
59 {*}
60 function SetSize(X, Y: integer): PFontCombo; overload;
61 {*}
62 property Color : TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
63 {*}
64 property FontName : String read fFontName write SetFontName;
65 {* Return selected font name , beside when is set combo is positioned to equal font name}
66 property FontHeight : Integer read fFontHeight write SetFontHeight;
67 {* For adjust size of displayed font names}
68 property OnChange: TOnEvent read fOnChange write fOnChange;
69 {* Fired when font is changed}
70 property Cursor : HCURSOR read fCursor write SetCursor;
71 {* To select cursor}
73 end;
76 function NewFontComboBox( AOwner: PControl): PFontCombo;
77 {* Creates new font combobox which is generally an opaque for KOL combobox
78 with additional processing of font's list}
82 implementation
84 //uses objects;
86 type
87 TFontDef = packed record
88 Handle: DWORD;
89 TrueType: Boolean;
90 end;
91 PFontDef = ^TFontDef;
94 function EnumFontsProc(var EnumLogFont: TEnumLogFont;
95 var TextMetric: TNewTextMetric; FontType: Integer; Data: LPARAM): Integer;
96 export; stdcall;
97 var
98 FaceName: string;
99 control : PFontCombo;
100 font : HFONT;
101 i : Integer;
102 //j : LongInt;
103 FD: PFontDef;
104 begin
105 control := PFontCombo(Data);
106 FaceName := String(EnumLogFont.elfLogFont.lfFaceName);
107 with EnumLogFont do begin
108 elfLogFont.lfHeight := -control.fFontHeight;
109 elfLogFont.lfWidth := 0;
110 end;
111 if control.fControl.IndexOf(FaceName) < 0 then
112 begin
113 if EnumLogFont.elflogfont.lfCharSet = SYMBOL_CHARSET then font :=0
114 else
115 font := CreateFontIndirect(EnumLogFont.elfLogFont);
116 i := control.fcontrol.Add(FaceName);
117 //j := LongInt(font);
118 {if (FontType and TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) <> 0 then
119 j := -j;}
120 GetMem( FD, Sizeof( FD^ ) );
121 FD.Handle := font;
122 FD.TrueType := (FontType and TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) <> 0;
123 control.fcontrol.ItemData[i] := DWORD( FD );
124 end;
125 Result := 1;
126 end;
132 function NewFontComboBox;
134 p: PFontCombo;
135 c: PControl;
136 begin
137 c:=NewComboBox(AOwner,[coReadOnly,coSort,coOwnerDrawVariable]);
138 New(p,create);
139 AOwner.Add2AutoFree(p);
140 p.fControl:= c;
141 p.fAOwner:=AOwner;
142 p.fFontHeight := 11;
143 p.fControl.Font.FontName := 'MS Sans Serif';
144 p.fControl.Font.FontHeight := 11;
145 p.TTImage := LoadIcon(hInstance,'TTICON');
146 p.fCursor := LoadCursor(0,IDC_ARROW);
147 p.Color := clWindow;
148 p.fControl.OnDrawItem := p.DrawOneItem;
149 p.MakeFontList;
150 p.fControl.OnChange:=p.DoChange;
151 p.fControl.CurIndex :=0;
152 Result:=p;
153 end;
156 procedure TFontCombo.DoChange(Obj : PObj);
157 begin
158 fFontName := fControl.Items[fControl.CurIndex];
159 if Assigned(fOnChange) then fOnChange(@Self);
160 end;
163 function TFontCombo.SetAlign(Value: TControlAlign): PFontCombo;
164 begin
165 fControl.Align:=Value;
166 Result:=@Self;
167 end;
169 function TFontCombo.SetPosition(X, Y: integer): PFontCombo;
170 begin
171 fControl.Left := X;
172 fControl.Top := Y;
173 Result := @self;
174 end;
176 function TFontCombo.SetSize(X, Y: integer): PFontCombo;
177 begin
178 fControl.Width := X;
179 fControl.Height := Y;
180 Result := @self;
181 end;
184 function TFontCombo.GetColor : TColor;
185 begin
186 Result := fControl.Color;
187 end;
190 procedure TFontCombo.SetColor(Value : TColor);
191 begin
192 fControl.Color := Value;
193 end;
195 procedure TFontCombo.SetFontName(const Value : String);
197 i : Integer;
198 begin
199 i:= fControl.IndexOf(Value);
200 if i > 0 then
201 begin
202 fFontName := Value;
203 fControl.BeginUpdate;
204 fControl.CurIndex := i;
205 fControl.EndUpdate;
207 else
208 begin
209 fFontName := '???';
210 fControl.Text := '???';
211 end;
214 end;
217 procedure TFontCombo.SetFontHeight(const Value : Integer);
218 begin
219 if (Value <> fFontHeight) then
220 begin
221 fFontHeight := Value;
222 MakeFontList;
223 end;
224 end;
226 procedure TFontCombo.SetCursor(const Value : HCURSOR);
227 begin
228 fCursor := Value;
229 fControl.Cursor := Value;
230 end;
233 function TFontCombo.DrawOneItem(Sender: PObj; DC: HDC;
234 const Rect: TRect; ItemIdx: Integer; DrawAction: TDrawAction;
235 ItemState: TDrawState): Boolean;
237 xRect : TRect;
238 xfont : HFONT;
239 //j : LongInt;
240 FD: PFontDef;
241 begin
242 if ItemIdx > -1 then begin
243 //j := Sender.ItemData[ItemIdx];
244 FD := Pointer( PControl(Sender).ItemData[ItemIdx] );
245 xRect := Rect;
246 FillRect(DC,Rect,0);
247 // if j < 0 then
248 if FD.TrueType then
249 begin
250 DrawIcon(DC,Rect.Left+2,Rect.Top+1,TTImage);
251 // j := -j;
252 end;
253 //xfont := HFONT(j);
254 xfont := FD.Handle;
255 xRect.Left := xRect.Left + 20;
256 if xfont <> 0 then SelectObject(DC,xfont)
257 else
258 SelectObject(DC,PControl(Sender).Font.Handle);
259 DrawText(DC,PChar(PControl(Sender).Items[ItemIdx]),Length(PControl(Sender).Items[ItemIdx]),xRect,DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER or DT_NOPREFIX);
260 if (odaSelect in DrawAction) then InvertRect(DC,Rect);
261 end;
262 Result := False;
263 end;
267 procedure TFontCombo.DestroyFontList;
269 i : Integer;
270 xfont : HFONT;
271 //j : LongInt;
272 FD: PFontDef;
273 begin
274 for i:= 0 to fControl.Count -1 do
275 begin
276 //j := fControl.ItemData[i];
277 // if j < 0 then j := -j;
278 FD := Pointer( fControl.ItemData[i] );
279 //xfont := HFONT(j);
280 xfont := FD.Handle;
281 FreeMem( FD );
283 if xfont <> 0 then DeleteObject(xfont);
284 end;
285 fControl.Clear;
286 end;
288 destructor TFontCombo.Destroy;
289 begin
290 fFontName := '';
291 DestroyFontList;
292 /////////////////////////////
293 // CloseHandle(TTImage);
294 //////////////////////////////
295 DestroyIcon( TTImage ); //
296 //////////////////////////////
297 fControl.Free;
298 inherited;
299 end;
305 procedure TFontCombo.MakeFontList;
307 DC : HDC;
308 begin
309 DestroyFontList;
310 DC := GetDC(0);
311 fControl.BeginUpdate;
313 EnumFontFamilies(DC,nil,@EnumFontsProc,LongInt(@Self));
314 finally
315 ReleaseDC(0,DC);
316 fControl.EndUpdate;
317 end;
319 end;
321 end.