initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / controls / midi / KolDelphmcb.pas
4 purpose: Midi Callback
5 Author: KOL translation and > 64 sysex buffering: Thaddy de Koning
6 Original Author: David Churcher
7 Copyright: released to the public domain
8 Remarks: Well known Great components.
9 Do not confuse this with my project JEDI midi translation for KOL
11 { $Header: /MidiComp/DELPHMCB.PAS 2 10/06/97 7:33 Davec $ }
13 {MIDI callback for Delphi, was DLL for Delphi 1}
17 interface
19 uses Kol, windows, MMsystem, KolCircbuf, KolMidiDefs, KolMidiCons;
21 procedure midiHandler(
22 hMidiIn: HMidiIn;
23 wMsg: UINT;
24 dwInstance: DWORD;
25 dwParam1: DWORD;
26 dwParam2: DWORD); stdcall ;//export;
27 function CircbufPutEvent(PBuffer: PCircularBuffer; PTheEvent: PMidiBufferItem): Boolean; stdcall; //export;
29 implementation
31 { Add an event to the circular input buffer. }
32 function CircbufPutEvent(PBuffer: PCircularBuffer; PTheEvent: PMidiBufferItem): Boolean;
33 begin
34 If (PBuffer^.EventCount < PBuffer^.Capacity) Then
35 begin
36 Inc(Pbuffer^.EventCount);
38 { Todo: better way of copying this record }
39 with PBuffer^.PNextput^ do
40 begin
41 Timestamp := PTheEvent^.Timestamp;
42 Data := PTheEvent^.Data;
43 Sysex := PTheEvent^.Sysex;
44 end;
46 { Move to next put location, with wrap }
47 Inc(Pbuffer^.PNextPut);
48 If (PBuffer^.PNextPut = PBuffer^.PEnd) then
49 PBuffer^.PNextPut := PBuffer^.PStart;
51 CircbufPutEvent := True;
52 end
53 else
54 CircbufPutEvent := False;
55 end;
57 { This is the callback function specified when the MIDI device was opened
58 by midiInOpen. It's called at interrupt time when MIDI input is seen
59 by the MIDI device driver(s). See the docs for midiInOpen for restrictions
60 on the Windows functions that can be called in this interrupt. }
61 procedure midiHandler(
62 hMidiIn: HMidiIn;
63 wMsg: UINT;
64 dwInstance: DWORD;
65 dwParam1: DWORD;
66 dwParam2: DWORD);
68 var
69 thisEvent: TMidiBufferItem;
70 thisCtlInfo: PMidiCtlInfo;
71 thisBuffer: PCircularBuffer;
73 Begin
74 case wMsg of
76 mim_Open: {nothing};
78 mim_Error: {TODO: handle (message to trigger exception?) };
80 mim_Data, mim_Longdata, mim_Longerror:
81 { Note: mim_Longerror included because there's a bug in the Maui
82 input driver that sends MIM_LONGERROR for subsequent buffers when
83 the input buffer is smaller than the sysex block being received }
85 begin
86 { TODO: Make filtered messages customisable, I'm sure someone wants to
87 do something with MTC! }
88 if (dwParam1 <> MIDI_ACTIVESENSING) and
89 (dwParam1 <> MIDI_TIMINGCLOCK) then
90 begin
92 { The device driver passes us the instance data pointer we
93 specified for midiInOpen. Use this to get the buffer address
94 and window handle for the MIDI control }
95 thisCtlInfo := PMidiCtlInfo(dwInstance);
96 thisBuffer := thisCtlInfo^.PBuffer;
98 { Screen out short messages if we've been asked to }
99 if ((wMsg <> mim_Data) or (thisCtlInfo^.SysexOnly = False))
100 and (thisCtlInfo <> Nil) and (thisBuffer <> Nil) then
101 begin
102 with thisEvent do
103 begin
104 timestamp := dwParam2;
105 if (wMsg = mim_Longdata) or
106 (wMsg = mim_Longerror) then
107 begin
108 data := 0;
109 sysex := PMidiHdr(dwParam1);
111 else
112 begin
113 data := dwParam1;
114 sysex := Nil;
115 end;
116 end;
117 if CircbufPutEvent( thisBuffer, @thisEvent ) then
118 { Send a message to the control to say input's arrived }
119 PostMessage(thisCtlInfo^.hWindow, mim_Data, 0, 0)
120 else
121 { Buffer overflow }
122 PostMessage(thisCtlInfo^.hWindow, mim_Overflow, 0, 0);
123 end;
124 end;
125 end;
127 mom_Done: { Sysex output complete, dwParam1 is pointer to MIDIHDR }
128 begin
129 { Notify the control that its sysex output is finished.
130 The control should call midiOutUnprepareHeader before freeing the buffer }
131 PostMessage(PMidiCtlInfo(dwInstance)^.hWindow, mom_Done, 0, dwParam1);
132 end;
134 end; { Case }
135 end;
137 end.