initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / controls / stringgrid / KOLStGrd.pas
1 unit KOLStGrd;
3 interface
5 uses Windows, Messages, KOL;
7 const
8 MaxCustomExtents = Maxint div 16;
9 MaxShortInt = High(ShortInt);
11 type
12 PIntArray = ^TIntArray;
13 TIntArray = array[0..MaxCustomExtents] of Integer;
15 PStrListArray = ^TStrListArray;
16 TStrListArray = array of PStrList;
18 // TMyEvent = procedure(Sender: PControl; Str: String; const Error: Boolean; var Retry: Boolean) of object;
20 TScrollStyle = (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssBoth);
22 TGetExtentsFunc = function(Index: Longint): Integer of object;
24 TGridAxisDrawInfo = record
25 EffectiveLineWidth: Integer;
26 FixedBoundary: Integer;
27 GridBoundary: Integer;
28 GridExtent: Integer;
29 LastFullVisibleCell: Longint;
30 FullVisBoundary: Integer;
31 FixedCellCount: Integer;
32 FirstGridCell: Integer;
33 GridCellCount: Integer;
34 GetExtent: TGetExtentsFunc;
35 end;
37 TGridDrawInfo = record
38 Horz, Vert: TGridAxisDrawInfo;
39 end;
41 TGridState = (gsNormal, gsSelecting, gsRowSizing, gsColSizing,
42 gsRowMoving, gsColMoving);
43 TGridMovement = gsRowMoving..gsColMoving;
45 TGridOption = (goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine,
46 goRangeSelect, goDrawFocusSelected, goRowSizing, goColSizing, goRowMoving,
47 goColMoving, goEditing, goTabs, goRowSelect,
48 goAlwaysShowEditor, goThumbTracking);
49 TGridOptions = set of TGridOption;
50 TGridDrawState = set of (gdSelected, gdFocused, gdFixed);
51 TGridScrollDirection = set of (sdLeft, sdRight, sdUp, sdDown);
53 TGridCoord = record
54 X: Longint;
55 Y: Longint;
56 end;
58 TGridRect = record
59 case Integer of
60 0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Longint);
61 1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TGridCoord);
62 end;
64 TEditStyle = (esSimple, esEllipsis, esPickList);
66 TSelectCellEvent = procedure (Sender: PControl; ACol, ARow: Longint;
67 var CanSelect: Boolean) of object;
68 TDrawCellEvent = procedure (Sender: PControl; Cnv: PCanvas; ACol, ARow: Longint;
69 Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState) of object;
71 PStGrd = ^TStGrd;
72 TStGrd = object(TControl)
73 private
74 function GetColWidths(Index: Integer): Integer;
75 function GetGridHeight: Integer;
76 function GetGridWidth: Integer;
77 function GetRowHeights(Index: Integer): Integer;
78 function GetSelection: TGridRect;
79 // function GetTabStops(Index: Integer): Boolean;
80 function GetVisibleColCount: Integer;
81 function GetVisibleRowCount: Integer;
82 procedure SetCol(const Value: Longint);
83 procedure SetColCount(Value: Longint);
84 procedure SetColWidths(Index: Integer; const Value: Integer);
85 procedure SetDefaultColWidth(const Value: Integer);
86 procedure SetDefaultRowHeight(const Value: Integer);
87 procedure SetFixedCols(const Value: Integer);
88 procedure SetFixedRows(const Value: Integer);
89 procedure SetLeftCol(const Value: Longint);
90 procedure SetOptions(Value: TGridOptions);
91 procedure SetRow(const Value: Longint);
92 procedure SetRowCount(Value: Longint);
93 procedure SetRowHeights(Index: Integer; const Value: Integer);
94 procedure SetScrollBars(const Value: TScrollStyle);
95 procedure SetSelection(const Value: TGridRect);
96 // procedure SetTabStops(Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean);
97 procedure SetTopRow(const Value: Longint);
98 function GetCol: Longint;
99 function GetLeftCol: Longint;
100 function GetRow: Longint;
101 function GetTopRow: Longint;
102 function GetColCount: Longint;
103 function GetDefaultColWidth: Integer;
104 function GetDefaultDrawing: Boolean;
105 function GetHitTest: TPoint;
106 procedure SetDefaultDrawing(const Value: Boolean);
107 function GetDefaultRowHeight: Integer;
108 function GetFixedCols: Integer;
109 function GetFixedRows: Integer;
110 function GetOptions: TGridOptions;
111 function GetRowCount: Longint;
112 function GetScrollBars: TScrollStyle;
114 function CalcCoordFromPoint(X, Y: Integer; const DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo): TGridCoord;
115 procedure CalcDrawInfoXY(var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo; UseWidth, UseHeight: Integer);
116 procedure GridRectToScreenRect(GridRect: TGridRect; var ScreenRect: TRect; IncludeLine: Boolean);
117 function IsActiveControl: Boolean;
118 procedure MoveCurrent(ACol, ARow: Longint; _MoveAnchor, _Show: Boolean);
119 procedure ClampInView(const Coord: TGridCoord);
120 function CalcMaxTopLeft(const Coord: TGridCoord; const DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo): TGridCoord;
121 procedure SelectionMoved(const OldSel: TGridRect);
122 procedure InvalidateRect(ARect: TGridRect);
123 procedure ChangeSize(NewColCount, NewRowCount: Longint);
124 procedure MoveAnchor(const NewAnchor: TGridCoord);
125 procedure MoveTopLeft(ALeft, ATop: Longint);
126 procedure DrawSizingLine(const DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
127 procedure DrawMove;
128 procedure MoveAndScroll(Mouse, CellHit: Integer; var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
129 var Axis: TGridAxisDrawInfo; Scrollbar: Integer; const MousePt: TPoint);
130 procedure ModifyScrollBar(ScrollBar, ScrollCode, Pos: Cardinal; UseRightToLeft: Boolean);
131 procedure ScrollDataInfo(DX, DY: Integer; var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
132 procedure UpdateScrollPos;
133 procedure UpdateScrollRange;
134 procedure MoveAdjust(var CellPos: Longint; FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint);
135 procedure CancelMode;
137 procedure WMTimer;
138 procedure WMSetCursor(_HitTest: Word);
139 function GetOnDrawCell: TDrawCellEvent;
140 procedure SetOnDrawCell(const Value: TDrawCellEvent);
141 function GetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer): string;
142 procedure SetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: string);
144 // function GetMyEvent: TMyEvent;
145 // procedure SetMyEvent(const Value: TMyEvent);
147 // procedure OnNewLVData(Sender: PControl; Idx, SubItem: Integer; var Txt: String;
148 // var ImgIdx: Integer; var State: DWORD; var Store: Boolean);
149 // protected
150 procedure CalcDrawInfo(var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
151 procedure CalcFixedInfo(var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
152 procedure CalcSizingState(X, Y: Integer; var State: TGridState; var Index: Longint; var SizingPos, SizingOfs: Integer; var FixedInfo: TGridDrawInfo);// virtual;
153 procedure DrawCell(Cnv: PCanvas; ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState);// virtual;
154 procedure FocusCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; _MoveAnchor: Boolean);
155 procedure InvalidateCell(ACol, ARow: Longint);
156 function BoxRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Longint): TRect;
157 procedure Paint(DC: HDC);
158 procedure KeyDown(var Key: Integer);
159 procedure MouseDown({Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;} X, Y: Integer);
160 procedure MouseMove({Shift: TShiftState;} X, Y: Integer);
161 procedure MouseUp({Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;} X, Y: Integer);
162 procedure WheelDown{(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean};
163 procedure WheelUp{(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean};
164 procedure TimedScroll(Direction: TGridScrollDirection);
165 procedure ScrollData(DX, DY: Integer);
166 function SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Longint): Boolean;
167 procedure MoveColumn(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint);
168 procedure MoveRow(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint);
169 procedure TopLeftMoved(const OldTopLeft: TGridCoord);
170 function GetRows(Index: Integer): pStrList;
171 procedure SetRows(Index: Integer; const Value: pStrList);
172 function GetOnSelectCell: TSelectCellEvent;
173 procedure SetOnSelectCell(const Value: TSelectCellEvent);
174 public
175 // property MyEvent: TMyEvent read GetMyEvent write SetMyEvent;
176 property OnDrawCell: TDrawCellEvent read GetOnDrawCell write SetOnDrawCell;
177 property OnSelectCell: TSelectCellEvent read GetOnSelectCell write SetOnSelectCell;
179 // property OnLVData: Boolean read FNotAvailable;
180 property Col: Longint read GetCol write SetCol;
181 // property Color;
182 property ColCount: Longint read GetColCount write SetColCount;
183 property ColWidths[Index: Longint]: Integer read GetColWidths write SetColWidths;
184 property DefaultColWidth: Integer read GetDefaultColWidth write SetDefaultColWidth;
185 property DefaultDrawing: Boolean read GetDefaultDrawing write SetDefaultDrawing;
186 property DefaultRowHeight: Integer read GetDefaultRowHeight write SetDefaultRowHeight;
187 property FixedCols: Integer read GetFixedCols write SetFixedCols;
188 property FixedRows: Integer read GetFixedRows write SetFixedRows;
189 property GridHeight: Integer read GetGridHeight;
190 property GridWidth: Integer read GetGridWidth;
191 property HitTest: TPoint read GetHitTest;
192 property LeftCol: Longint read GetLeftCol write SetLeftCol;
193 property Options: TGridOptions read GetOptions write SetOptions;
194 property Row: Longint read GetRow write SetRow;
195 property RowCount: Longint read GetRowCount write SetRowCount;
196 property RowHeights[Index: Longint]: Integer read GetRowHeights write SetRowHeights;
197 property Rows[Index: Longint]: pStrList read GetRows write SetRows;
198 property ScrollBars: TScrollStyle read GetScrollBars write SetScrollBars;
199 property Selection: TGridRect read GetSelection write SetSelection;
200 // property TabStops[Index: Longint]: Boolean read GetTabStops write SetTabStops;
201 property TopRow: Longint read GetTopRow write SetTopRow;
202 property VisibleColCount: Integer read GetVisibleColCount;
203 property VisibleRowCount: Integer read GetVisibleRowCount;
205 property Cells[ACol,ARow: Longint]: string read GetCells write SetCells;
206 end;
208 TKOLStGrd = PStGrd;
210 TXorRects = array[0..3] of TRect;
212 const
213 GridLineWidth = 1;
215 function NewStGrd(Sender: PControl;CCount,RCount,FCols,FRows,DefCW,DefRH: Longint; Options: TGridOptions; DefDraw,c3D,hasBrdr: Boolean; sBars: TScrollStyle): PStGrd;
217 function PointInGridRect(Col, Row: Longint; const Rect: TGridRect): Boolean;
218 procedure XorRects(const R1, R2: TRect; var XorRects: TXorRects);
220 implementation
222 uses KOLMath;
224 {$R Cursors.res}
226 const
227 IDC_HSPLIT = PChar(32765);
228 IDC_VSPLIT = PChar(32764);
231 type
232 PStGrdData = ^TStGrdData;
233 TStGrdData = object(TObj)
234 fControl: PControl;
235 //MyEvent: TMyEvent;
236 fOnDrawCell: TDrawCellEvent;
237 fOnSelectCell: TSelectCellEvent;
239 fAnchor: TGridCoord;
240 fColCount: Longint;
241 fColWidths: Pointer;
242 fCtl3D: Boolean;
243 // fTabStops: Pointer;
244 fCurrent: TGridCoord;
245 fDefaultColWidth: Integer;
246 fDefaultRowHeight: Integer;
247 fFixedCols: Integer;
248 fFixedRows: Integer;
249 fOptions: TGridOptions;
250 fRowCount: Longint;
251 fRowHeights: Pointer;
252 fScrollBars: TScrollStyle;
253 fTopLeft: TGridCoord;
254 fSizingIndex: Longint;
255 fSizingPos, fSizingOfs: Integer;
256 fMoveIndex, fMovePos: Longint;
257 fHitTest: TPoint;
258 fColOffset: Integer;
259 fDefaultDrawing: Boolean;
260 fGridState: TGridState;
261 fSaveCellExtents: Boolean;
263 fCells: Pointer;
265 destructor Destroy; virtual;
266 end;
268 { Allocate a section and set all its items to nil. Returns: Pointer to start of
269 section. }
270 function MakeSec(SecIndex: Integer; SectionSize: Word): Pointer;
272 SecP: Pointer;
273 Size: Word;
274 begin
275 Size := SectionSize * SizeOf(Pointer);
276 GetMem(secP, size);
277 FillChar(secP^, size, 0);
278 MakeSec := SecP
279 end;
282 function GridRect(Coord1, Coord2: TGridCoord): TGridRect;
283 begin
284 with Result do
285 begin
286 Left := Coord2.X;
287 if Coord1.X < Coord2.X then Left := Coord1.X;
288 Right := Coord1.X;
289 if Coord1.X < Coord2.X then Right := Coord2.X;
290 Top := Coord2.Y;
291 if Coord1.Y < Coord2.Y then Top := Coord1.Y;
292 Bottom := Coord1.Y;
293 if Coord1.Y < Coord2.Y then Bottom := Coord2.Y;
294 end;
295 end;
297 function PointInGridRect(Col, Row: Longint; const Rect: TGridRect): Boolean;
298 begin
299 Result := (Col >= Rect.Left) and (Col <= Rect.Right) and (Row >= Rect.Top)
300 and (Row <= Rect.Bottom);
301 end;
303 procedure XorRects(const R1, R2: TRect; var XorRects: TXorRects);
305 Intersect, Union: TRect;
307 function PtInRect(X, Y: Integer; const Rect: TRect): Boolean;
308 begin
309 with Rect do Result := (X >= Left) and (X <= Right) and (Y >= Top) and
310 (Y <= Bottom);
311 end;
313 function Includes(const P1: TPoint; var P2: TPoint): Boolean;
314 begin
315 with P1 do
316 begin
317 Result := PtInRect(X, Y, R1) or PtInRect(X, Y, R2);
318 if Result then P2 := P1;
319 end;
320 end;
322 function Build(var R: TRect; const P1, P2, P3: TPoint): Boolean;
323 begin
324 Build := True;
325 with R do
326 if Includes(P1, TopLeft) then
327 begin
328 if not Includes(P3, BottomRight) then BottomRight := P2;
330 else if Includes(P2, TopLeft) then BottomRight := P3
331 else Build := False;
332 end;
334 begin
335 FillChar(XorRects, SizeOf(XorRects), 0);
336 if not Bool(IntersectRect(Intersect, R1, R2)) then
337 begin
338 { Don't intersect so its simple }
339 XorRects[0] := R1;
340 XorRects[1] := R2;
342 else
343 begin
344 UnionRect(Union, R1, R2);
345 if Build(XorRects[0],
346 MakePoint(Union.Left, Union.Top),
347 MakePoint(Union.Left, Intersect.Top),
348 MakePoint(Union.Left, Intersect.Bottom)) then
349 XorRects[0].Right := Intersect.Left;
350 if Build(XorRects[1],
351 MakePoint(Intersect.Left, Union.Top),
352 MakePoint(Intersect.Right, Union.Top),
353 MakePoint(Union.Right, Union.Top)) then
354 XorRects[1].Bottom := Intersect.Top;
355 if Build(XorRects[2],
356 MakePoint(Union.Right, Intersect.Top),
357 MakePoint(Union.Right, Intersect.Bottom),
358 MakePoint(Union.Right, Union.Bottom)) then
359 XorRects[2].Left := Intersect.Right;
360 if Build(XorRects[3],
361 MakePoint(Union.Left, Union.Bottom),
362 MakePoint(Intersect.Left, Union.Bottom),
363 MakePoint(Intersect.Right, Union.Bottom)) then
364 XorRects[3].Top := Intersect.Bottom;
365 end;
366 end;
368 procedure ModifyExtents(var Extents: Pointer; Index, Amount: Longint;
369 Default: Integer);
371 LongSize, OldSize: LongInt;
372 NewSize: Integer;
373 I: Integer;
374 begin
375 if Amount <> 0 then
376 begin
377 if not Assigned(Extents)
378 then OldSize := 0
379 else OldSize := PIntArray(Extents)^[0];
380 if (Index < 0) or (OldSize < Index) then exit;//InvalidOp(SIndexOutOfRange);
381 LongSize := OldSize + Amount;
382 if LongSize < 0
383 then exit//InvalidOp(STooManyDeleted)
384 else if LongSize >= MaxCustomExtents - 1 then exit;//InvalidOp(SGridTooLarge);
385 NewSize := Cardinal(LongSize);
386 if NewSize > 0 then Inc(NewSize);
387 ReallocMem(Extents, NewSize * SizeOf(Integer));
388 if Assigned(Extents) then begin
389 I := Index + 1;
390 while I < NewSize do begin
391 PIntArray(Extents)^[I] := Default;
392 Inc(I);
393 end;
394 PIntArray(Extents)^[0] := NewSize-1;
395 end;
396 end;
397 end;
399 procedure UpdateExtents(var Extents: Pointer; NewSize: Longint;
400 Default: Integer);
402 OldSize: Integer;
403 begin
404 OldSize := 0;
405 if Assigned(Extents) then OldSize := PIntArray(Extents)^[0];
406 ModifyExtents(Extents, OldSize, NewSize - OldSize, Default);
407 end;
409 procedure MoveExtent(var Extents: Pointer; FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint);
411 Extent: Integer;
412 begin
413 if Assigned(Extents) then
414 begin
415 Extent := PIntArray(Extents)^[FromIndex];
416 if FromIndex < ToIndex then
417 Move(PIntArray(Extents)^[FromIndex + 1], PIntArray(Extents)^[FromIndex],
418 (ToIndex - FromIndex) * SizeOf(Integer))
419 else if FromIndex > ToIndex then
420 Move(PIntArray(Extents)^[ToIndex], PIntArray(Extents)^[ToIndex + 1],
421 (FromIndex - ToIndex) * SizeOf(Integer));
422 PIntArray(Extents)^[ToIndex] := Extent;
423 end;
424 end;
426 function CompareExtents(E1, E2: Pointer): Boolean;
428 I: Integer;
429 begin
430 Result := False;
431 if E1 <> nil then
432 begin
433 if E2 <> nil then
434 begin
435 for I := 0 to PIntArray(E1)^[0] do
436 if PIntArray(E1)^[I] <> PIntArray(E2)^[I] then Exit;
437 Result := True;
440 else Result := E2 = nil;
441 end;
443 function LongMulDiv(Mult1, Mult2, Div1: Longint): Longint; stdcall;
444 external 'kernel32.dll' name 'MulDiv';
446 procedure KillMessage(Wnd: HWnd; Msg: Integer);
448 M: TMsg;
449 begin
450 M.Message := 0;
451 if PeekMessage(M, Wnd, Msg, Msg, pm_Remove) and (M.Message = WM_QUIT) then
452 PostQuitMessage(M.wparam);
453 end;
455 {-------------------------}
456 { Destructor ÍÀØÈÕ ÄÀÍÍÛÕ }
457 {-------------------------}
458 destructor TStGrdData.Destroy;
459 var i: Longint;
460 begin
461 // All Strings := '';
462 // Free_And_Nil(All PObj);
463 for i := fColCount-1 downto 0 do
464 PStrListArray(fCells)^[i].Free;
465 SetLength(PStrListArray(fCells)^,0);
466 Dispose(PStrListArray(fCells));
467 fCells := nil;
468 inherited Destroy;
469 FreeMem(fColWidths);
470 FreeMem(fRowHeights);
471 // FreeMem(fTabStops);
472 end;
473 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
475 {--------------------}
477 {--------------------}
478 function WndProcStGrd(Ctl: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean;
480 S: PStGrd;
481 D: PStGrdData;
482 p: TPoint;
483 r: TRect;
484 t_dc: hDC;
486 begin
487 S := PStGrd(Ctl);
488 D := Pointer(S.CustomObj);
489 Result := False;
491 with S^,Msg do case Msg.message of
492 WM_KEYDOWN: KeyDown(wParam);
493 WM_LBUTTONDOWN: begin MouseDown(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam)); SetCapture(Handle); end;
494 WM_LBUTTONUP: begin MouseUp(LoWord(lParam),HiWord(lParam)); ReleaseCapture; end;
495 WM_MOUSEMOVE: begin
496 GetCursorPos(p);
497 GetWindowRect(Handle,r);
498 InflateRect(r,-2,-2);
499 if PtInRect(r,p) then MouseMove(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam));
500 end;
501 WM_SIZE: UpdateScrollRange;
502 WM_GETDLGCODE: begin
504 if goRowSelect in D.fOptions then Exit;
505 if goTabs in D.fOptions then Rslt := Rslt or DLGC_WANTTAB;
506 if goEditing in D.fOptions then Rslt := Rslt or DLGC_WANTCHARS;
507 end;
508 WM_KILLFOCUS: InvalidateRect(Selection);
509 WM_SETFOCUS: InvalidateRect(Selection);
510 WM_NCHITTEST: D.fHitTest := Screen2Client(MakePoint(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam)));
511 WM_TIMER: WMTimer;
512 WM_PAINT: begin
513 t_dc := GetDC(Handle);
514 Paint(t_dc);
515 ReleaseDC(Handle,t_dc);
516 end;
517 WM_VSCROLL: ModifyScrollBar(SB_VERT, LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam), True);
518 WM_HSCROLL: ModifyScrollBar(SB_HORZ, LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam), True);
519 WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if smallint(HIWORD(wParam)) > 0 then WheelUp else WheelDown;
520 WM_SETCURSOR: WMSetCursor(LOWORD(lParam));
521 WM_CANCELMODE: CancelMode;
522 // Åñëè Result := TRUE, òî äàëüøå ñîîáùåíèå êîíòðîëó íå ïåðåäàåòñÿ.
523 end; { case Msg }
524 end;
525 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
527 {-----------------------------}
529 {-----------------------------}
530 function NewStGrd;
531 var D: PStGrdData;
532 i,j: Longint;
533 begin
534 New(D, Create);
537 if (sBars in [ssVertical,ssBoth]) then i := i or WS_VSCROLL;
538 if (sBars in [ssHorizontal,ssBoth]) then i := i or WS_HSCROLL;
540 Result := PStGrd(_NewControl(Sender,'TStGrd',i,false,nil));
542 Result.ExStyle := Result.ExStyle and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
543 Result.Style := Result.Style and not WS_BORDER;
544 if hasBrdr then
545 if c3D then Result.ExStyle := Result.ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
546 else Result.Style := Result.Style or WS_BORDER;
548 Result.CustomObj := D;
549 D.fControl := Result;
551 D.fDefaultColWidth := DefCW;
552 D.fDefaultRowHeight := DefRH;
553 D.fDefaultDrawing := DefDraw;
554 D.fSaveCellExtents := True;
555 D.fColCount := CCount;
556 D.fRowCount := RCount;
557 D.fFixedCols := FCols;
558 D.fFixedRows := FRows;
559 D.fTopLeft.X := D.fFixedCols;
560 D.fTopLeft.Y := D.fFixedRows;
561 D.fCurrent := D.fTopLeft;
562 D.fAnchor := D.fCurrent;
563 D.fOptions := Options;
564 if goRowSelect in D.fOptions then D.fAnchor.X := D.fColCount - 1;
565 D.fScrollBars := sBars;
566 D.fGridState := gsNormal;
567 D.fCtl3D := c3D;
569 New(PStrListArray(D.fCells));//,D.fColCount*D.fRowCount*SizeOf(PAnsiString));
570 SetLength(PStrListArray(D.fCells)^,D.fColCount);
571 for i := 0 to D.fColCount-1 do begin
572 PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i] := NewStrList;//.Create;
573 for j := 0 to D.fRowCount-1 do
574 PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Add('');
575 end;
577 // Result.TabStop := True;
579 // Code
581 { Óñòàíîâêà îáðàáîò÷èêîâ }
582 Result.AttachProc(WndProcStGrd);
584 { Óñòàíîâêà íîâîãî îáðàáîò÷èêà }
585 // Result.SetOnLVData(Result.OnNewLVData);
586 end;
587 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
589 {--------------------}
590 { ÎÁÐÀÁÎÒ×ÈÊ MyEvent }
591 {--------------------}
592 { procedure TStGrd.SetMyEvent;
593 var D: PStGrdData;
594 begin
595 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
596 D.MyEvent := Value;
597 end;
599 function TStGrd.GetMyEvent;
600 var D: PStGrdData;
601 begin
602 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
603 Result := D.MyEvent;
604 end; }
606 { TStGrd }
608 function TStGrd.BoxRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
610 GridRect: TGridRect;
611 begin
612 GridRect.Left := ALeft;
613 GridRect.Right := ARight;
614 GridRect.Top := ATop;
615 GridRect.Bottom := ABottom;
616 GridRectToScreenRect(GridRect, Result, False);
617 end;
619 function TStGrd.CalcCoordFromPoint(X, Y: Integer; const DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo): TGridCoord;
621 function DoCalc(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo; N: Integer): Integer;
623 I, Start, Stop: Longint;
624 Line: Integer;
625 begin
626 with AxisInfo do
627 begin
628 if N < FixedBoundary then
629 begin
630 Start := 0;
631 Stop := FixedCellCount - 1;
632 Line := 0;
634 else
635 begin
636 Start := FirstGridCell;
637 Stop := GridCellCount - 1;
638 Line := FixedBoundary;
639 end;
640 Result := -1;
641 for I := Start to Stop do
642 begin
643 Inc(Line, GetExtent(I) + EffectiveLineWidth);
644 if N < Line then
645 begin
646 Result := I;
647 Exit;
648 end;
649 end;
650 end;
651 end;
653 function DoCalcRightToLeft(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo; N: Integer): Integer;
655 I, Start, Stop: Longint;
656 Line: Integer;
657 begin
658 N := ClientWidth - N;
659 with AxisInfo do
660 begin
661 if N < FixedBoundary then
662 begin
663 Start := 0;
664 Stop := FixedCellCount - 1;
665 Line := ClientWidth;
667 else
668 begin
669 Start := FirstGridCell;
670 Stop := GridCellCount - 1;
671 Line := FixedBoundary;
672 end;
673 Result := -1;
674 for I := Start to Stop do
675 begin
676 Inc(Line, GetExtent(I) + EffectiveLineWidth);
677 if N < Line then
678 begin
679 Result := I;
680 Exit;
681 end;
682 end;
683 end;
684 end;
686 begin
687 // if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
688 Result.X := DoCalc(DrawInfo.Horz, X);
689 // else
690 // Result.X := DoCalcRightToLeft(DrawInfo.Horz, X);
691 Result.Y := DoCalc(DrawInfo.Vert, Y);
692 end;
694 procedure TStGrd.CalcDrawInfo(var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
695 begin
696 CalcDrawInfoXY(DrawInfo, ClientWidth, ClientHeight);
697 end;
699 procedure TStGrd.CalcDrawInfoXY(var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo; UseWidth, UseHeight: Integer);
701 procedure CalcAxis(var AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo; UseExtent: Integer);
702 var I: Integer;
703 begin
704 with AxisInfo do begin
705 GridExtent := UseExtent;
706 GridBoundary := FixedBoundary;
707 FullVisBoundary := FixedBoundary;
708 LastFullVisibleCell := FirstGridCell;
709 for I := FirstGridCell to GridCellCount - 1 do begin
710 Inc(GridBoundary, GetExtent(I) + EffectiveLineWidth);
711 if GridBoundary > GridExtent + EffectiveLineWidth then begin
712 GridBoundary := GridExtent;
713 Break;
714 end;
715 LastFullVisibleCell := I;
716 FullVisBoundary := GridBoundary;
717 end;
718 end;
719 end;
721 begin
722 CalcFixedInfo(DrawInfo);
723 CalcAxis(DrawInfo.Horz, UseWidth);
724 CalcAxis(DrawInfo.Vert, UseHeight);
725 end;
727 procedure TStGrd.CalcFixedInfo(var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
729 procedure CalcFixedAxis(var Axis: TGridAxisDrawInfo; LineOptions: TGridOptions; FixedCount, FirstCell, CellCount: Integer; GetExtentFunc: TGetExtentsFunc);
730 var I: Integer;
731 begin
732 with Axis do begin
733 if LineOptions * Options = []
734 then EffectiveLineWidth := 0
735 else EffectiveLineWidth := GridLineWidth;
737 FixedBoundary := 0;
738 for I := 0 to FixedCount - 1 do
739 Inc(FixedBoundary, GetExtentFunc(I) + EffectiveLineWidth);
741 FixedCellCount := FixedCount;
742 FirstGridCell := FirstCell;
743 GridCellCount := CellCount;
744 GetExtent := GetExtentFunc;
745 end;
746 end;
748 var D: PStGrdData;
749 begin
750 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
751 CalcFixedAxis(DrawInfo.Horz, [goFixedVertLine, goVertLine], D.fFixedCols, D.fTopLeft.X, D.fColCount, GetColWidths);
752 CalcFixedAxis(DrawInfo.Vert, [goFixedHorzLine, goHorzLine], D.fFixedRows, D.fTopLeft.Y, D.fRowCount, GetRowHeights);
753 end;
755 function TStGrd.CalcMaxTopLeft(const Coord: TGridCoord; const DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo): TGridCoord;
757 function CalcMaxCell(const Axis: TGridAxisDrawInfo; Start: Integer): Integer;
759 Line: Integer;
760 I, Extent: Longint;
761 begin
762 Result := Start;
763 with Axis do
764 begin
765 Line := GridExtent + EffectiveLineWidth;
766 for I := Start downto FixedCellCount do
767 begin
768 Extent := GetExtent(I);
769 if Extent > 0 then
770 begin
771 Dec(Line, Extent);
772 Dec(Line, EffectiveLineWidth);
773 if Line < FixedBoundary then
774 begin
775 if (Result = Start) and (GetExtent(Start) <= 0) then
776 Result := I;
777 Break;
778 end;
779 Result := I;
780 end;
781 end;
782 end;
783 end;
785 begin
786 Result.X := CalcMaxCell(DrawInfo.Horz, Coord.X);
787 Result.Y := CalcMaxCell(DrawInfo.Vert, Coord.Y);
788 end;
790 procedure TStGrd.CalcSizingState(X, Y: Integer; var State: TGridState; var Index, SizingPos, SizingOfs: Integer; var FixedInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
792 procedure CalcAxisState(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo; Pos: Integer; NewState: TGridState);
793 var I, Line, Back, Range: Integer;
794 begin
795 // if (NewState = gsColSizing) and UseRightToLeftAlignment then
796 // Pos := ClientWidth - Pos;
797 with AxisInfo do begin
798 Line := FixedBoundary;
799 Range := EffectiveLineWidth;
800 Back := 0;
801 if Range < 7 then begin
802 Range := 7;
803 Back := (Range - EffectiveLineWidth) shr 1;
804 end;
805 for I := FirstGridCell to GridCellCount - 1 do begin
806 Inc(Line, GetExtent(I));
807 if Line > GridBoundary then Break;
808 if (Pos >= Line - Back) and (Pos <= Line - Back + Range) then begin
809 State := NewState;
810 SizingPos := Line;
811 SizingOfs := Line - Pos;
812 Index := I;
813 Exit;
814 end;
815 Inc(Line, EffectiveLineWidth);
816 end;
817 if (GridBoundary = GridExtent) and (Pos >= GridExtent - Back) and (Pos <= GridExtent) then begin
818 State := NewState;
819 SizingPos := GridExtent;
820 SizingOfs := GridExtent - Pos;
821 Index := LastFullVisibleCell + 1;
822 end;
823 end;
824 end;
826 function XOutsideHorzFixedBoundary: Boolean;
827 begin
828 with FixedInfo do
829 // if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
830 Result := X > Horz.FixedBoundary
831 // else
832 // Result := X < ClientWidth - Horz.FixedBoundary;
833 end;
835 function XOutsideOrEqualHorzFixedBoundary: Boolean;
836 begin
837 with FixedInfo do
838 // if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
839 Result := X >= Horz.FixedBoundary
840 // else
841 // Result := X <= ClientWidth - Horz.FixedBoundary;
842 end;
846 EffectiveOptions: TGridOptions;
847 D: PStGrdData;
848 begin
849 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
850 State := gsNormal;
851 Index := -1;
852 EffectiveOptions := D.fOptions;
853 // if csDesigning in ComponentState then
854 // EffectiveOptions := EffectiveOptions + DesignOptionsBoost;
855 if [goColSizing, goRowSizing] * EffectiveOptions <> [] then
856 with FixedInfo do begin
857 Vert.GridExtent := ClientHeight;
858 Horz.GridExtent := ClientWidth;
859 if (XOutsideHorzFixedBoundary) and (goColSizing in EffectiveOptions) then begin
860 if Y >= Vert.FixedBoundary then Exit;
861 CalcAxisState(Horz, X, gsColSizing);
862 end else if (Y > Vert.FixedBoundary) and (goRowSizing in EffectiveOptions) then begin
863 if XOutsideOrEqualHorzFixedBoundary then Exit;
864 CalcAxisState(Vert, Y, gsRowSizing);
865 end;
866 end;
867 end;
869 procedure TStGrd.CancelMode;
871 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
872 D: PStGrdData;
873 begin
874 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
876 case D.fGridState of
877 gsSelecting:
878 KillTimer(Handle, 1);
879 gsRowSizing, gsColSizing:
880 begin
881 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
882 DrawSizingLine(DrawInfo);
883 end;
884 gsColMoving, gsRowMoving:
885 begin
886 DrawMove;
887 KillTimer(Handle, 1);
888 end;
889 end;
890 finally
891 D.fGridState := gsNormal;
892 end;
893 end;
895 procedure TStGrd.ChangeSize(NewColCount, NewRowCount: Integer);
897 OldColCount, OldRowCount: Longint;
898 OldDrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
899 D: PStGrdData;
901 procedure MinRedraw(const OldInfo, NewInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo; Axis: Integer);
903 R: TRect;
904 First: Integer;
905 begin
906 First := Min(OldInfo.LastFullVisibleCell, NewInfo.LastFullVisibleCell);
907 // Get the rectangle around the leftmost or topmost cell in the target range.
908 R := BoxRect(First and not Axis, First and Axis,First and not Axis, First and Axis);
909 R.Bottom := Height;
910 R.Right := Width;
911 Windows.InvalidateRect(Handle, @R, False);
912 end;
914 procedure DoChange;
916 Coord: TGridCoord;
917 NewDrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
918 begin
919 if D.fColWidths <> nil then
920 UpdateExtents(D.fColWidths, D.fColCount, D.fDefaultColWidth);
921 { if D.fTabStops <> nil then
922 UpdateExtents(D.fTabStops, D.fColCount, Integer(True));}
923 if D.fRowHeights <> nil then
924 UpdateExtents(D.fRowHeights, D.fRowCount, D.fDefaultRowHeight);
925 Coord := D.fCurrent;
926 if Row >= D.fRowCount then Coord.Y := D.fRowCount - 1;
927 if Col >= D.fColCount then Coord.X := D.fColCount - 1;
928 if (D.fCurrent.X <> Coord.X) or (D.fCurrent.Y <> Coord.Y) then
929 MoveCurrent(Coord.X, Coord.Y, True, True);
930 if (D.fAnchor.X <> Coord.X) or (D.fAnchor.Y <> Coord.Y) then
931 MoveAnchor(Coord);
932 if //VirtualView or
933 (LeftCol <> OldDrawInfo.Horz.FirstGridCell) or
934 (TopRow <> OldDrawInfo.Vert.FirstGridCell) then
935 Invalidate//Grid
936 else begin
937 CalcDrawInfo(NewDrawInfo);
938 MinRedraw(OldDrawInfo.Horz, NewDrawInfo.Horz, 0);
939 MinRedraw(OldDrawInfo.Vert, NewDrawInfo.Vert, -1);
940 end;
941 UpdateScrollRange;
942 // SizeChanged(OldColCount, OldRowCount);
943 end;
945 begin
946 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
947 CalcDrawInfo(OldDrawInfo);
948 OldColCount := D.fColCount;
949 OldRowCount := D.fRowCount;
950 D.fColCount := NewColCount;
951 D.fRowCount := NewRowCount;
952 if D.fFixedCols > NewColCount then D.fFixedCols := NewColCount - 1;
953 if D.fFixedRows > NewRowCount then D.fFixedRows := NewRowCount - 1;
955 DoChange;
956 except
957 { Could not change size so try to clean up by setting the size back }
958 D.fColCount := OldColCount;
959 D.fRowCount := OldRowCount;
960 DoChange;
961 Invalidate//Grid;
962 // raise;
963 end;
964 end;
966 procedure TStGrd.ClampInView(const Coord: TGridCoord);
968 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
969 MaxTopLeft: TGridCoord;
970 OldTopLeft: TGridCoord;
971 D: PStGrdData;
972 begin
973 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
974 with DrawInfo, Coord do begin
975 if (X > Horz.LastFullVisibleCell) or
976 (Y > Vert.LastFullVisibleCell) or (X < LeftCol) or (Y < TopRow) then begin
977 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
978 OldTopLeft := d.fTopLeft;
979 MaxTopLeft := CalcMaxTopLeft(Coord, DrawInfo);
980 Update;
981 if X < LeftCol then d.fTopLeft.X := X
982 else if X > Horz.LastFullVisibleCell then d.fTopLeft.X := MaxTopLeft.X;
983 if Y < TopRow then d.fTopLeft.Y := Y
984 else if Y > Vert.LastFullVisibleCell then d.fTopLeft.Y := MaxTopLeft.Y;
985 TopLeftMoved(OldTopLeft);
986 end;
987 end;
988 end;
990 procedure TStGrd.DrawCell(Cnv: PCanvas; ACol, ARow: Integer; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState);
991 var D: PStGrdData;
992 begin
993 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
994 if Assigned(D.fOnDrawCell) and (not D.fDefaultDrawing)
995 then D.fOnDrawCell(@Self,Cnv,ACol,ARow,ARect,AState);
996 { else if D.fDefaultDrawing then begin
997 InflateRect(ARect,-2,-2);
998 Cnv.TextRect(ARect,ARect.Left,ARect.Top,Cells[ACol,ARow]);
999 end;}
1000 end;
1002 procedure TStGrd.DrawMove;
1004 OldPen: PGraphicTool;
1005 Pos: Integer;
1006 R: TRect;
1007 D: PStGrdData;
1008 begin
1009 OldPen := NewPen;
1010 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1012 with Canvas^ do begin
1013 OldPen.Assign(Pen);
1015 Pen.PenStyle := psDot;
1016 Pen.PenMode := pmXor;
1017 Pen.Color := $0FFFF00;
1018 Pen.PenWidth := 3;
1019 if D.fGridState = gsRowMoving then begin
1020 R := BoxRect(0, D.fMovePos, 0, D.fMovePos);
1021 if D.fMovePos > D.fMoveIndex then
1022 Pos := R.Bottom else
1023 Pos := R.Top - 1;
1024 MoveTo(0, Pos);
1025 LineTo(ClientWidth, Pos);
1026 end else begin
1027 R := BoxRect(D.fMovePos, 0, D.fMovePos, 0);
1028 if D.fMovePos > D.fMoveIndex
1029 then {if not UseRightToLeftAlignment
1030 then} Pos := R.Right
1031 //else Pos := R.Left
1032 else {if not UseRightToLeftAlignment
1033 then} Pos := R.Left - 1;
1034 //else Pos := R.Right;
1035 MoveTo(Pos, 0);
1036 LineTo(Pos, ClientHeight);
1037 end;
1038 finally
1039 Pen.Assign(OldPen);
1040 end;
1041 end;
1042 finally
1043 OldPen.Free;
1044 end;
1045 end;
1047 procedure TStGrd.DrawSizingLine(const DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
1049 OldPen: PGraphicTool;
1050 D: PStGrdData;
1051 begin
1052 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1053 OldPen := NewPen;
1055 with Canvas^, DrawInfo do begin
1056 OldPen.Assign(Pen);
1057 Pen.PenStyle := psSolid;
1058 Pen.PenMode := pmXor;
1059 Pen.Color := $0FFFF00;
1060 Pen.PenWidth := 1;
1062 if D.fGridState = gsRowSizing then begin
1063 { if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
1064 begin
1065 MoveTo(Horz.GridExtent, FSizingPos);
1066 LineTo(Horz.GridExtent - Horz.GridBoundary, FSizingPos);
1068 else
1069 begin}
1070 MoveTo(0, D.fSizingPos);
1071 LineTo(Horz.GridBoundary, D.fSizingPos);
1072 //end;
1073 end else begin
1074 MoveTo(D.fSizingPos, 0);
1075 LineTo(D.fSizingPos, Vert.GridBoundary);
1076 end;
1077 finally
1078 Pen.Assign(OldPen);
1079 end;
1080 end;
1081 finally
1082 OldPen.Free;
1083 end;
1084 end;
1086 procedure TStGrd.FocusCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; _MoveAnchor: Boolean);
1087 begin
1088 MoveCurrent(ACol, ARow, _MoveAnchor, True);
1089 // Click;
1090 end;
1092 function TStGrd.GetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer): string;
1093 var D: PStGrdData;
1094 begin
1095 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1096 if (ACol < 0) or (ARow < 0) or (ACol > D.fColCount-1) or (ARow > D.fRowCount - 1) then exit;
1097 { if PStrArray(D.fCells)^[ACol,ARow] = nil
1098 then Result := ''
1099 else Result := PStrArray(D.fCells)^[ACol,ARow];}
1100 Result := PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[ACol].Items[ARow];
1101 end;
1103 function TStGrd.GetCol: Longint;
1104 var D: PStGrdData;
1105 begin
1106 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1107 Result := D.fCurrent.X;
1108 end;
1110 function TStGrd.GetColCount: Longint;
1111 var D: PStGrdData;
1112 begin
1113 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1114 Result := D.fColCount;
1115 end;
1117 function TStGrd.GetColWidths(Index: Integer): Integer;
1118 var D: PStGrdData;
1119 begin
1120 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1121 if (D.fColWidths = nil) or (Index >= D.fColCount) then
1122 Result := D.fDefaultColWidth
1123 else
1124 Result := PIntArray(D.fColWidths)^[Index + 1];
1125 end;
1127 function TStGrd.GetDefaultColWidth: Integer;
1128 var D: PStGrdData;
1129 begin
1130 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1131 Result := D.fDefaultColWidth;
1132 end;
1134 function TStGrd.GetDefaultDrawing: Boolean;
1135 var D: PStGrdData;
1136 begin
1137 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1138 Result := D.fDefaultDrawing;
1139 end;
1141 function TStGrd.GetDefaultRowHeight: Integer;
1142 var D: PStGrdData;
1143 begin
1144 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1145 Result := D.fDefaultRowHeight;
1146 end;
1148 function TStGrd.GetFixedCols: Integer;
1149 var D: PStGrdData;
1150 begin
1151 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1152 Result := D.fFixedCols;
1153 end;
1155 function TStGrd.GetFixedRows: Integer;
1156 var D: PStGrdData;
1157 begin
1158 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1159 Result := D.fFixedRows;
1160 end;
1162 function TStGrd.GetGridHeight: Integer;
1164 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1165 begin
1166 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1167 Result := DrawInfo.Vert.GridBoundary;
1168 end;
1170 function TStGrd.GetGridWidth: Integer;
1172 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1173 begin
1174 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1175 Result := DrawInfo.Horz.GridBoundary;
1176 end;
1178 function TStGrd.GetHitTest: TPoint;
1179 var D: PStGrdData;
1180 begin
1181 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1182 Result := D.fHitTest;
1183 end;
1185 function TStGrd.GetLeftCol: Longint;
1186 var D: PStGrdData;
1187 begin
1188 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1189 Result := D.fTopLeft.X;
1190 end;
1192 function TStGrd.GetOnDrawCell: TDrawCellEvent;
1193 var D: PStGrdData;
1194 begin
1195 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1196 Result := D.fOnDrawCell;
1197 end;
1199 function TStGrd.GetOnSelectCell: TSelectCellEvent;
1200 var D: PStGrdData;
1201 begin
1202 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1203 Result := D.fOnSelectCell;
1204 end;
1206 function TStGrd.GetOptions: TGridOptions;
1207 var D: PStGrdData;
1208 begin
1209 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1210 Result := D.fOptions;
1211 end;
1213 function TStGrd.GetRow: Longint;
1214 var D: PStGrdData;
1215 begin
1216 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1217 Result := D.fCurrent.Y;
1218 end;
1220 function TStGrd.GetRowCount: Longint;
1221 var D: PStGrdData;
1222 begin
1223 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1224 Result := D.fRowCount;
1225 end;
1227 function TStGrd.GetRowHeights(Index: Integer): Integer;
1228 var D: PStGrdData;
1229 begin
1230 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1231 if (d.fRowHeights = nil) or (Index >= d.fRowCount)
1232 then Result := D.fDefaultRowHeight
1233 else Result := PIntArray(d.fRowHeights)^[Index + 1];
1234 end;
1236 function TStGrd.GetRows(Index: Integer): pStrList;
1237 var D: PStGrdData;
1238 i: Longint;
1239 begin
1240 Result := NewStrList;
1241 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1242 for i := 0 to D.fColCount-1 do
1243 Result.Add(PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Items[Index])
1244 end;
1246 function TStGrd.GetScrollBars: TScrollStyle;
1247 var D: PStGrdData;
1248 begin
1249 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1250 Result := D.fScrollBars;
1251 end;
1253 function TStGrd.GetSelection: TGridRect;
1254 var D: PStGrdData;
1255 begin
1256 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1257 Result := GridRect(D.fCurrent, D.fAnchor);
1258 end;
1260 function TStGrd.GetTabStops(Index: Integer): Boolean;
1261 var D: PStGrdData;
1262 begin
1263 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1264 if D.fTabStops = nil then Result := True
1265 else Result := Boolean(PIntArray(D.fTabStops)^[Index + 1]);
1266 end;
1268 function TStGrd.GetTopRow: Longint;
1269 var D: PStGrdData;
1270 begin
1271 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1272 Result := D.fTopLeft.Y;
1273 end;
1275 function TStGrd.GetVisibleColCount: Integer;
1277 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1278 begin
1279 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1280 Result := DrawInfo.Horz.LastFullVisibleCell - LeftCol + 1;
1281 end;
1283 function TStGrd.GetVisibleRowCount: Integer;
1285 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1286 begin
1287 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1288 Result := DrawInfo.Vert.LastFullVisibleCell - TopRow + 1;
1289 end;
1291 procedure TStGrd.GridRectToScreenRect(GridRect: TGridRect; var ScreenRect: TRect; IncludeLine: Boolean);
1293 function LinePos(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo; Line: Integer): Integer;
1295 Start, I: Longint;
1296 begin
1297 with AxisInfo do begin
1298 Result := 0;
1299 if Line < FixedCellCount
1300 then Start := 0
1301 else begin
1302 if Line >= FirstGridCell then
1303 Result := FixedBoundary;
1304 Start := FirstGridCell;
1305 end;
1306 for I := Start to Line - 1 do begin
1307 Inc(Result, GetExtent(I) + EffectiveLineWidth);
1308 if Result > GridExtent then begin
1309 Result := 0;
1310 Exit;
1311 end;
1312 end;
1313 end;
1314 end;
1316 function CalcAxis(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo;
1317 GridRectMin, GridRectMax: Integer;
1318 var ScreenRectMin, ScreenRectMax: Integer): Boolean;
1319 begin
1320 Result := False;
1321 with AxisInfo do begin
1322 if (GridRectMin >= FixedCellCount) and (GridRectMin < FirstGridCell) then
1323 if GridRectMax < FirstGridCell then begin
1324 FillChar(ScreenRect, SizeOf(ScreenRect), 0); { erase partial results }
1325 Exit;
1326 end else
1327 GridRectMin := FirstGridCell;
1328 if GridRectMax > LastFullVisibleCell then begin
1329 GridRectMax := LastFullVisibleCell;
1330 if GridRectMax < GridCellCount - 1 then Inc(GridRectMax);
1331 if LinePos(AxisInfo, GridRectMax) = 0 then
1332 Dec(GridRectMax);
1333 end;
1335 ScreenRectMin := LinePos(AxisInfo, GridRectMin);
1336 ScreenRectMax := LinePos(AxisInfo, GridRectMax);
1337 if ScreenRectMax = 0
1338 then ScreenRectMax := ScreenRectMin + GetExtent(GridRectMin)
1339 else Inc(ScreenRectMax, GetExtent(GridRectMax));
1340 if ScreenRectMax > GridExtent then ScreenRectMax := GridExtent;
1341 if IncludeLine then Inc(ScreenRectMax, EffectiveLineWidth);
1342 end;
1343 Result := True;
1344 end;
1347 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1348 // Hold: Integer;
1349 begin
1350 FillChar(ScreenRect, SizeOf(ScreenRect), 0);
1351 if (GridRect.Left > GridRect.Right) or (GridRect.Top > GridRect.Bottom) then Exit;
1352 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1353 with DrawInfo do begin
1354 if GridRect.Left > Horz.LastFullVisibleCell + 1 then Exit;
1355 if GridRect.Top > Vert.LastFullVisibleCell + 1 then Exit;
1357 if CalcAxis(Horz, GridRect.Left, GridRect.Right, ScreenRect.Left, ScreenRect.Right) then
1358 CalcAxis(Vert, GridRect.Top, GridRect.Bottom, ScreenRect.Top, ScreenRect.Bottom);
1359 end;
1361 { if UseRightToLeftAlignment and (Canvas.CanvasOrientation = coLeftToRight) then
1362 begin
1363 Hold := ScreenRect.Left;
1364 ScreenRect.Left := ClientWidth - ScreenRect.Right;
1365 ScreenRect.Right := ClientWidth - Hold;
1366 end;}
1367 end;
1369 procedure TStGrd.InvalidateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer);
1371 Rect: TGridRect;
1372 begin
1373 Rect.Top := ARow;
1374 Rect.Left := ACol;
1375 Rect.Bottom := ARow;
1376 Rect.Right := ACol;
1377 InvalidateRect(Rect);
1378 end;
1380 procedure TStGrd.InvalidateRect(ARect: TGridRect);
1382 InvalidRect: TRect;
1383 begin
1384 GridRectToScreenRect(ARect, InvalidRect, True);
1385 Windows.InvalidateRect(Handle, @InvalidRect, False);
1386 end;
1388 function TStGrd.IsActiveControl: Boolean;
1390 H: Hwnd;
1391 PForm: PControl;
1392 begin
1393 Result := False;
1394 PForm := ParentForm;
1395 if Assigned(PForm) then begin
1396 if (PForm.ActiveControl = @Self) then
1397 Result := True
1398 end else begin
1399 H := GetFocus;
1400 while IsWindow(H) and (Result = False) do begin
1401 if H = PForm.Handle
1402 then Result := True
1403 else H := GetParent(H);
1404 end;
1405 end;
1406 end;
1408 procedure FillDWord(var Dest; Count, Value: Integer); register;
1415 POP EDI
1416 end;
1418 function StackAlloc(Size: Integer): Pointer; register;
1420 POP ECX { return address }
1422 ADD EAX, 3
1423 AND EAX, not 3 // round up to keep ESP dword aligned
1424 CMP EAX, 4092
1425 JLE @@2
1426 @@1:
1427 SUB ESP, 4092
1428 PUSH EAX { make sure we touch guard page, to grow stack }
1429 SUB EAX, 4096
1430 JNS @@1
1431 ADD EAX, 4096
1432 @@2:
1434 MOV EAX, ESP { function result = low memory address of block }
1435 PUSH EDX { save original SP, for cleanup }
1437 SUB EDX, 4
1438 PUSH EDX { save current SP, for sanity check (sp = [sp]) }
1439 PUSH ECX { return to caller }
1440 end;
1442 procedure StackFree(P: Pointer); register;
1444 POP ECX { return address }
1446 SUB EAX, 8
1447 CMP EDX, ESP { sanity check #1 (SP = [SP]) }
1448 JNE @@1
1449 CMP EDX, EAX { sanity check #2 (P = this stack block) }
1450 JNE @@1
1451 MOV ESP, DWORD PTR [ESP+4] { restore previous SP }
1452 @@1:
1453 PUSH ECX { return to caller }
1454 end;
1456 procedure TStGrd.KeyDown(var Key: Integer);
1458 NewTopLeft, NewCurrent, MaxTopLeft: TGridCoord;
1459 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1460 PageWidth, PageHeight: Integer;
1461 // RTLFactor: Integer;
1462 // NeedsInvalidating: Boolean;
1463 D: PStGrdData;
1465 procedure CalcPageExtents;
1466 begin
1467 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1468 PageWidth := DrawInfo.Horz.LastFullVisibleCell - LeftCol;
1469 if PageWidth < 1 then PageWidth := 1;
1470 PageHeight := DrawInfo.Vert.LastFullVisibleCell - TopRow;
1471 if PageHeight < 1 then PageHeight := 1;
1472 end;
1474 procedure Restrict(var Coord: TGridCoord; MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY: Longint);
1475 begin
1476 with Coord do
1477 begin
1478 if X > MaxX then X := MaxX
1479 else if X < MinX then X := MinX;
1480 if Y > MaxY then Y := MaxY
1481 else if Y < MinY then Y := MinY;
1482 end;
1483 end;
1485 begin
1486 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1487 // NeedsInvalidating := False;
1488 // if not CanGridAcceptKey(Key, Shift) then Key := 0;
1489 { if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
1490 RTLFactor := 1
1491 else
1492 RTLFactor := -1;}
1493 NewCurrent := D.fCurrent;
1494 NewTopLeft := D.fTopLeft;
1495 CalcPageExtents;
1496 if (GetAsyncKeyState(vk_Control) < 0) then //ssCtrl in Shift then
1497 case Key of
1498 VK_UP: Dec(NewTopLeft.Y);
1499 VK_DOWN: Inc(NewTopLeft.Y);
1500 VK_LEFT:
1501 if not (goRowSelect in Options) then
1502 begin
1503 Dec(NewCurrent.X, PageWidth);
1504 Dec(NewTopLeft.X, PageWidth);
1505 end;
1506 VK_RIGHT:
1507 if not (goRowSelect in Options) then
1508 begin
1509 Inc(NewCurrent.X, PageWidth);
1510 Inc(NewTopLeft.X, PageWidth);
1511 end;
1512 VK_PRIOR: NewCurrent.Y := TopRow;
1513 VK_NEXT: NewCurrent.Y := DrawInfo.Vert.LastFullVisibleCell;
1514 VK_HOME:
1515 begin
1516 NewCurrent.X := FixedCols;
1517 NewCurrent.Y := FixedRows;
1518 end;
1519 VK_END:
1520 begin
1521 NewCurrent.X := ColCount - 1;
1522 NewCurrent.Y := RowCount - 1;
1523 end;
1525 else
1526 case Key of
1527 VK_UP: Dec(NewCurrent.Y);
1528 VK_DOWN: Inc(NewCurrent.Y);
1529 VK_LEFT:
1530 if goRowSelect in D.fOptions then
1531 Dec(NewCurrent.Y) else
1532 Dec(NewCurrent.X);
1533 VK_RIGHT:
1534 if goRowSelect in D.fOptions then
1535 Inc(NewCurrent.Y) else
1536 Inc(NewCurrent.X);
1537 VK_NEXT:
1538 begin
1539 Inc(NewCurrent.Y, PageHeight);
1540 Inc(NewTopLeft.Y, PageHeight);
1541 end;
1542 VK_PRIOR:
1543 begin
1544 Dec(NewCurrent.Y, PageHeight);
1545 Dec(NewTopLeft.Y, PageHeight);
1546 end;
1547 VK_HOME:
1548 if goRowSelect in D.fOptions then
1549 NewCurrent.Y := D.fFixedRows else
1550 NewCurrent.X := D.fFixedCols;
1551 VK_END:
1552 if goRowSelect in D.fOptions then
1553 NewCurrent.Y := D.fRowCount - 1 else
1554 NewCurrent.X := D.fColCount - 1;
1555 { VK_TAB:
1556 if not (ssAlt in Shift) then
1557 repeat
1558 if ssShift in Shift then
1559 begin
1560 Dec(NewCurrent.X);
1561 if NewCurrent.X < FixedCols then
1562 begin
1563 NewCurrent.X := ColCount - 1;
1564 Dec(NewCurrent.Y);
1565 if NewCurrent.Y < FixedRows then NewCurrent.Y := RowCount - 1;
1566 end;
1567 Shift := [];
1569 else
1570 begin
1571 Inc(NewCurrent.X);
1572 if NewCurrent.X >= D.fColCount then
1573 begin
1574 NewCurrent.X := D.fFixedCols;
1575 Inc(NewCurrent.Y);
1576 if NewCurrent.Y >= RowCount then NewCurrent.Y := D.fFixedRows;
1577 end;
1578 end;
1579 until TabStops[NewCurrent.X] or (NewCurrent.X = D.fCurrent.X);}
1580 // VK_F2: EditorMode := True;
1581 end;
1582 MaxTopLeft.X := D.fColCount - 1;
1583 MaxTopLeft.Y := D.fRowCount - 1;
1584 MaxTopLeft := CalcMaxTopLeft(MaxTopLeft, DrawInfo);
1585 Restrict(NewTopLeft, D.fFixedCols, D.fFixedRows, MaxTopLeft.X, MaxTopLeft.Y);
1586 if (NewTopLeft.X <> LeftCol) or (NewTopLeft.Y <> TopRow) then
1587 MoveTopLeft(NewTopLeft.X, NewTopLeft.Y);
1588 Restrict(NewCurrent, D.fFixedCols, D.fFixedRows, D.fColCount - 1, D.fRowCount - 1);
1589 if (NewCurrent.X <> D.fCurrent.X) or (NewCurrent.Y <> D.fCurrent.Y) then
1590 FocusCell(NewCurrent.X, NewCurrent.Y, not (GetAsyncKeyState(vk_Shift) < 0){(ssShift in Shift)});
1591 // if NeedsInvalidating then Invalidate;
1592 end;
1594 procedure TStGrd.ModifyScrollBar(ScrollBar, ScrollCode, Pos: Cardinal; UseRightToLeft: Boolean);
1596 NewTopLeft, MaxTopLeft: TGridCoord;
1597 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1598 // RTLFactor: Integer;
1599 D: PStGrdData;
1601 function Min: Longint;
1602 begin
1603 if ScrollBar = SB_HORZ then Result := FixedCols
1604 else Result := FixedRows;
1605 end;
1607 function Max: Longint;
1608 begin
1609 if ScrollBar = SB_HORZ then Result := MaxTopLeft.X
1610 else Result := MaxTopLeft.Y;
1611 end;
1613 function PageUp: Longint;
1615 MaxTopLeft: TGridCoord;
1616 begin
1617 MaxTopLeft := CalcMaxTopLeft(D.fTopLeft, DrawInfo);
1618 if ScrollBar = SB_HORZ then
1619 Result := D.fTopLeft.X - MaxTopLeft.X else
1620 Result := D.fTopLeft.Y - MaxTopLeft.Y;
1621 if Result < 1 then Result := 1;
1622 end;
1624 function PageDown: Longint;
1626 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1627 begin
1628 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1629 with DrawInfo do
1630 if ScrollBar = SB_HORZ then
1631 Result := Horz.LastFullVisibleCell - D.fTopLeft.X else
1632 Result := Vert.LastFullVisibleCell - D.fTopLeft.Y;
1633 if Result < 1 then Result := 1;
1634 end;
1636 function CalcScrollBar(Value{, ARTLFactor}: Longint): Longint;
1637 begin
1638 Result := Value;
1639 case ScrollCode of
1641 Dec(Result{, ARTLFactor});
1643 Inc(Result{, ARTLFactor});
1645 Dec(Result, PageUp{ * ARTLFactor});
1647 Inc(Result, PageDown{ * ARTLFactor});
1649 if (goThumbTracking in Options) or (ScrollCode = SB_THUMBPOSITION) then
1650 begin
1651 // if (not UseRightToLeftAlignment) or (ARTLFactor = 1) then
1652 Result := Min + LongMulDiv(Pos, Max - Min, MaxShortInt)
1653 // else
1654 // Result := Max - LongMulDiv(Pos, Max - Min, MaxShortInt);
1655 end;
1657 Result := Max;
1658 SB_TOP:
1659 Result := Min;
1660 end;
1661 end;
1663 procedure ModifyPixelScrollBar(Code, Pos: Cardinal);
1665 NewOffset: Integer;
1666 OldOffset: Integer;
1667 R: TGridRect;
1668 GridSpace, ColWidth: Integer;
1669 begin
1670 NewOffset := D.fColOffset;
1671 ColWidth := ColWidths[DrawInfo.Horz.FirstGridCell];
1672 GridSpace := ClientWidth - DrawInfo.Horz.FixedBoundary;
1673 case Code of
1674 SB_LINEUP: Dec(NewOffset, Canvas.TextWidth('0') {* RTLFactor});
1675 SB_LINEDOWN: Inc(NewOffset, Canvas.TextWidth('0') {* RTLFactor});
1676 SB_PAGEUP: Dec(NewOffset, GridSpace {* RTLFactor});
1677 SB_PAGEDOWN: Inc(NewOffset, GridSpace {* RTLFactor});
1680 if (goThumbTracking in Options) or (Code = SB_THUMBPOSITION) then
1681 // begin
1682 // if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
1683 NewOffset := Pos;
1684 // else
1685 // NewOffset := Max - Integer(Pos);
1686 // end;
1687 SB_BOTTOM: NewOffset := 0;
1688 SB_TOP: NewOffset := ColWidth - GridSpace;
1689 end;
1690 if NewOffset < 0 then
1691 NewOffset := 0
1692 else if NewOffset >= ColWidth - GridSpace then
1693 NewOffset := ColWidth - GridSpace;
1694 if NewOffset <> D.fColOffset then
1695 begin
1696 OldOffset := D.fColOffset;
1697 D.fColOffset := NewOffset;
1698 ScrollData(OldOffset - NewOffset, 0);
1699 FillChar(R, SizeOf(R), 0);
1700 R.Bottom := FixedRows;
1701 InvalidateRect(R);
1702 Update;
1703 UpdateScrollPos;
1704 end;
1705 end;
1708 Temp: Longint;
1709 begin
1710 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1711 // if (not UseRightToLeftAlignment) or (not UseRightToLeft) then
1712 // RTLFactor := 1
1713 // else
1714 // RTLFactor := -1;
1715 if Visible and {CanFocus and} TabStop {and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)} then
1716 SetFocused(True);
1717 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1718 if (ScrollBar = SB_HORZ) and (ColCount = 1) then
1719 begin
1720 ModifyPixelScrollBar(ScrollCode, Pos);
1721 Exit;
1722 end;
1723 MaxTopLeft.X := ColCount - 1;
1724 MaxTopLeft.Y := RowCount - 1;
1725 MaxTopLeft := CalcMaxTopLeft(MaxTopLeft, DrawInfo);
1726 NewTopLeft := D.fTopLeft;
1727 if ScrollBar = SB_HORZ then
1728 repeat
1729 Temp := NewTopLeft.X;
1730 NewTopLeft.X := CalcScrollBar(NewTopLeft.X{, RTLFactor});
1731 until (NewTopLeft.X <= D.fFixedCols) or (NewTopLeft.X >= MaxTopLeft.X)
1732 or (ColWidths[NewTopLeft.X] > 0) or (Temp = NewTopLeft.X)
1733 else
1734 repeat
1735 Temp := NewTopLeft.Y;
1736 NewTopLeft.Y := CalcScrollBar(NewTopLeft.Y{, 1});
1737 until (NewTopLeft.Y <= D.fFixedRows) or (NewTopLeft.Y >= MaxTopLeft.Y)
1738 or (RowHeights[NewTopLeft.Y] > 0) or (Temp = NewTopLeft.Y);
1739 NewTopLeft.X := KOLMath.Max(D.fFixedCols, KOLMath.Min(MaxTopLeft.X, NewTopLeft.X));
1740 NewTopLeft.Y := KOLMath.Max(D.fFixedRows, KOLMath.Min(MaxTopLeft.Y, NewTopLeft.Y));
1741 if (NewTopLeft.X <> D.fTopLeft.X) or (NewTopLeft.Y <> D.fTopLeft.Y) then
1742 MoveTopLeft(NewTopLeft.X, NewTopLeft.Y);
1743 end;
1745 procedure TStGrd.MouseDown(X, Y: Integer);
1747 CellHit: TGridCoord;
1748 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1749 // MoveDrawn: Boolean;
1750 D: PStGrdData;
1751 begin
1752 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1753 // MoveDrawn := False;
1754 // HideEdit;
1755 // if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
1756 // (CanFocus or (GetParentForm(Self) = nil)) then
1757 // begin
1758 SetFocused(True);
1759 // if not IsActiveControl then
1760 // begin
1761 // MouseCapture := False;
1762 // Exit;
1763 // end;
1764 // end;
1765 // if (Button = mbLeft) and (ssDouble in Shift) then
1766 // DblClick
1767 // else if Button = mbLeft then
1768 begin
1769 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1770 { Check grid sizing }
1771 CalcSizingState(X, Y, D.fGridState, D.fSizingIndex, D.fSizingPos, D.fSizingOfs, DrawInfo);
1772 if D.fGridState <> gsNormal then
1773 begin
1774 // if (D.fGridState = gsColSizing) and UseRightToLeftAlignment then
1775 // FSizingPos := ClientWidth - FSizingPos;
1776 DrawSizingLine(DrawInfo);
1777 Exit;
1778 end;
1779 CellHit := CalcCoordFromPoint(X, Y, DrawInfo);
1780 if (CellHit.X >= D.fFixedCols) and (CellHit.Y >= D.fFixedRows) then begin
1781 if goEditing in Options then begin
1782 if (CellHit.X = D.fCurrent.X) and (CellHit.Y = D.fCurrent.Y) then
1783 // ShowEditor
1784 else begin
1785 MoveCurrent(CellHit.X, CellHit.Y, True, True);
1786 // UpdateEdit;
1787 end;
1788 // Click;
1789 end else begin
1790 D.fGridState := gsSelecting;
1791 SetTimer(Handle, 1, 60, nil);
1792 if (GetAsyncKeyState(vk_Shift) < 0) then
1793 MoveAnchor(CellHit)
1794 else
1795 MoveCurrent(CellHit.X, CellHit.Y, True, True);
1796 end;
1797 end else if (goRowMoving in D.fOptions) and (CellHit.X >= 0) and
1798 (CellHit.X < D.fFixedCols) and (CellHit.Y >= D.fFixedRows) then begin
1799 D.fMoveIndex := CellHit.Y;
1800 D.fMovePos := D.fMoveIndex;
1801 // if BeginRowDrag(FMoveIndex, FMovePos, Point(X,Y)) then
1802 begin
1803 D.fGridState := gsRowMoving;
1804 Update;
1805 DrawMove;
1806 // MoveDrawn := True;
1807 SetTimer(Handle, 1, 60, nil);
1808 end;
1809 end else if (goColMoving in D.fOptions) and (CellHit.Y >= 0) and
1810 (CellHit.Y < D.fFixedRows) and (CellHit.X >= D.fFixedCols) then begin
1811 D.fMoveIndex := CellHit.X;
1812 D.fMovePos := D.fMoveIndex;
1813 // if BeginColumnDrag(FMoveIndex, FMovePos, Point(X,Y)) then
1814 // begin
1815 D.fGridState := gsColMoving;
1816 Update;
1817 DrawMove;
1818 // MoveDrawn := True;
1819 SetTimer(Handle, 1, 60, nil);
1820 // end;
1821 end;
1822 end;
1823 // try
1824 // inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
1825 // except
1826 // if MoveDrawn then DrawMove;
1827 // end;
1828 end;
1830 procedure TStGrd.MouseMove(X, Y: Integer);
1832 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1833 CellHit: TGridCoord;
1834 D: PStGrdData;
1835 begin
1836 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1837 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1838 case D.fGridState of
1839 gsSelecting, gsColMoving, gsRowMoving:
1840 begin
1841 CellHit := CalcCoordFromPoint(X, Y, DrawInfo);
1842 if (CellHit.X >= D.fFixedCols) and (CellHit.Y >= D.fFixedRows) and
1843 (CellHit.X <= DrawInfo.Horz.LastFullVisibleCell+1) and
1844 (CellHit.Y <= DrawInfo.Vert.LastFullVisibleCell+1) then
1845 case D.fGridState of
1846 gsSelecting:
1847 if ((CellHit.X <> D.fAnchor.X) or (CellHit.Y <> D.fAnchor.Y)) then
1848 MoveAnchor(CellHit);
1849 gsColMoving:
1850 MoveAndScroll(X, CellHit.X, DrawInfo, DrawInfo.Horz, SB_HORZ, MakePoint(X,Y));
1851 gsRowMoving:
1852 MoveAndScroll(Y, CellHit.Y, DrawInfo, DrawInfo.Vert, SB_VERT, MakePoint(X,Y));
1853 end;
1854 end;
1855 gsRowSizing, gsColSizing:
1856 begin
1857 DrawSizingLine(DrawInfo); { XOR it out }
1858 if D.fGridState = gsRowSizing then
1859 D.fSizingPos := Y + D.fSizingOfs else
1860 D.fSizingPos := X + D.fSizingOfs;
1861 DrawSizingLine(DrawInfo); { XOR it back in }
1862 end;
1863 end;
1864 // inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y);
1865 end;
1867 procedure TStGrd.MouseUp(X, Y: Integer);
1869 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1870 NewSize: Integer;
1871 D: PStGrdData;
1873 function ResizeLine(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo): Integer;
1875 I: Integer;
1876 begin
1877 with AxisInfo do
1878 begin
1879 Result := FixedBoundary;
1880 for I := FirstGridCell to D.fSizingIndex - 1 do
1881 Inc(Result, GetExtent(I) + EffectiveLineWidth);
1882 Result := D.fSizingPos - Result;
1883 end;
1884 end;
1886 begin
1887 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1889 case D.fGridState of
1890 gsSelecting:
1891 begin
1892 MouseMove({Shift,} X, Y);
1893 KillTimer(Handle, 1);
1894 // UpdateEdit;
1895 if Assigned(OnClick) then OnClick(@self);
1896 end;
1897 gsRowSizing, gsColSizing:
1898 begin
1899 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
1900 DrawSizingLine(DrawInfo);
1901 // if (D.fGridState = gsColSizing) and UseRightToLeftAlignment then
1902 // D.fSizingPos := ClientWidth - D.fSizingPos;
1903 if D.fGridState = gsColSizing then begin
1904 NewSize := ResizeLine(DrawInfo.Horz);
1905 if (NewSize > 1) then ColWidths[D.fSizingIndex] := NewSize;
1906 end else begin
1907 NewSize := ResizeLine(DrawInfo.Vert);
1908 if (NewSize > 1) then RowHeights[D.fSizingIndex] := NewSize;
1909 end;
1910 end;
1911 gsColMoving:
1912 begin
1913 DrawMove;
1914 KillTimer(Handle, 1);
1915 if //EndColumnDrag(FMoveIndex, FMovePos, Point(X,Y)) and
1916 (D.fMoveIndex <> D.fMovePos) then
1917 begin
1918 MoveColumn(D.fMoveIndex, D.fMovePos);
1919 // UpdateDesigner;
1920 end;
1921 // UpdateEdit;
1922 end;
1923 gsRowMoving:
1924 begin
1925 DrawMove;
1926 KillTimer(Handle, 1);
1927 if //EndRowDrag(FMoveIndex, FMovePos, Point(X,Y)) and
1928 (D.fMoveIndex <> D.fMovePos) then
1929 begin
1930 MoveRow(D.fMoveIndex, D.fMovePos);
1931 // UpdateDesigner;
1932 end;
1933 // UpdateEdit;
1934 end;
1935 else
1936 // UpdateEdit;
1937 end;
1938 // inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
1939 finally
1940 D.fGridState := gsNormal;
1941 end;
1942 // invalidate;
1943 end;
1945 procedure TStGrd.MoveAdjust(var CellPos: Integer; FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer);
1947 Min, Max: Longint;
1948 begin
1949 if CellPos = FromIndex then CellPos := ToIndex
1950 else
1951 begin
1952 Min := FromIndex;
1953 Max := ToIndex;
1954 if FromIndex > ToIndex then
1955 begin
1956 Min := ToIndex;
1957 Max := FromIndex;
1958 end;
1959 if (CellPos >= Min) and (CellPos <= Max) then
1960 if FromIndex > ToIndex then
1961 Inc(CellPos) else
1962 Dec(CellPos);
1963 end;
1964 end;
1966 procedure TStGrd.MoveAnchor(const NewAnchor: TGridCoord);
1968 OldSel: TGridRect;
1969 D: PStGrdData;
1970 begin
1971 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1972 if [goRangeSelect, goEditing] * D.fOptions = [goRangeSelect] then begin
1973 OldSel := Selection;
1974 D.fAnchor := NewAnchor;
1975 if goRowSelect in D.fOptions then D.fAnchor.X := D.fColCount - 1;
1976 ClampInView(NewAnchor);
1977 SelectionMoved(OldSel);
1979 else MoveCurrent(NewAnchor.X, NewAnchor.Y, True, True);
1980 end;
1982 procedure TStGrd.MoveAndScroll(Mouse, CellHit: Integer; var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
1983 var Axis: TGridAxisDrawInfo; Scrollbar: Integer; const MousePt: TPoint);
1984 var D: PStGrdData;
1985 begin
1986 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
1987 // if UseRightToLeftAlignment and (ScrollBar = SB_HORZ) then
1988 // Mouse := ClientWidth - Mouse;
1989 if (CellHit <> D.fMovePos) and
1990 not((D.fMovePos = Axis.FixedCellCount) and (Mouse < Axis.FixedBoundary)) and
1991 not((D.fMovePos = Axis.GridCellCount-1) and (Mouse > Axis.GridBoundary)) then
1992 begin
1993 DrawMove;
1994 if (Mouse < Axis.FixedBoundary) then
1995 begin
1996 if (D.fMovePos > Axis.FixedCellCount) then
1997 begin
1998 ModifyScrollbar(ScrollBar, SB_LINEUP, 0, False);
1999 Update;
2000 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
2001 end;
2002 CellHit := Axis.FirstGridCell;
2004 else if (Mouse >= Axis.FullVisBoundary) then
2005 begin
2006 if (D.fMovePos = Axis.LastFullVisibleCell) and
2007 (D.fMovePos < Axis.GridCellCount -1) then
2008 begin
2009 ModifyScrollBar(Scrollbar, SB_LINEDOWN, 0, False);
2010 Update;
2011 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
2012 end;
2013 CellHit := Axis.LastFullVisibleCell;
2015 else if CellHit < 0 then CellHit := D.fMovePos;
2016 if {(}(D.fGridState = gsColMoving) {and CheckColumnDrag(D.fMoveIndex, CellHit, MousePt))}
2017 or {(}(D.fGridState = gsRowMoving) {and CheckRowDrag(D.fMoveIndex, CellHit, MousePt))} then
2018 D.fMovePos := CellHit;
2019 DrawMove;
2020 end;
2021 end;
2023 procedure TStGrd.MoveColumn(FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer);
2025 Rect: TGridRect;
2026 D: PStGrdData;
2027 S: PStrList;
2028 i: Longint;
2029 begin
2030 if FromIndex = ToIndex then Exit;
2031 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2032 if Assigned(D.fColWidths) then
2033 begin
2034 MoveExtent(D.fColWidths, FromIndex + 1, ToIndex + 1);
2035 // MoveExtent(D.fTabStops, FromIndex + 1, ToIndex + 1);
2036 end;
2037 MoveAdjust(D.fCurrent.X, FromIndex, ToIndex);
2038 MoveAdjust(D.fAnchor.X, FromIndex, ToIndex);
2039 // MoveAdjust(FInplaceCol, FromIndex, ToIndex);
2040 Rect.Top := 0;
2041 Rect.Bottom := VisibleRowCount;
2042 if FromIndex < ToIndex then
2043 begin
2044 Rect.Left := FromIndex;
2045 Rect.Right := ToIndex;
2047 else
2048 begin
2049 Rect.Left := ToIndex;
2050 Rect.Right := FromIndex;
2051 end;
2053 S := NewStrList;
2054 S.Assign(PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[FromIndex]);
2055 if FromIndex < ToIndex
2056 then for i := FromIndex to ToIndex-1 do PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Assign(PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i+1])
2057 else for i := FromIndex downto ToIndex+1 do PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Assign(PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i-1]);
2058 PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[ToIndex].Assign(S);
2059 S.Free;
2061 InvalidateRect(Rect);
2062 // ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex);
2063 if Assigned(D.fColWidths) then
2064 UpdateScrollRange;//ColWidthsChanged;
2065 // UpdateEdit;
2066 end;
2068 procedure TStGrd.MoveCurrent(ACol, ARow: Integer; _MoveAnchor, _Show: Boolean);
2070 OldSel: TGridRect;
2071 OldCurrent: TGridCoord;
2072 D: PStGrdData;
2073 begin
2074 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2075 if (ACol < 0) or (ARow < 0) or (ACol >= d.fColCount) or (ARow >= d.fRowCount) then
2076 exit;//InvalidOp(SIndexOutOfRange);
2077 if SelectCell(ACol, ARow) then begin
2078 OldSel := Selection;
2079 OldCurrent := d.fCurrent;
2080 d.fCurrent.X := ACol;
2081 d.fCurrent.Y := ARow;
2082 // if not (goAlwaysShowEditor in d.fOptions) then HideEditor;
2083 if _MoveAnchor or not (goRangeSelect in d.fOptions) then begin
2084 d.fAnchor := d.fCurrent;
2085 if goRowSelect in d.fOptions then d.fAnchor.X := d.fColCount - 1;
2086 end;
2087 if goRowSelect in d.fOptions then d.fCurrent.X := d.fFixedCols;
2088 if _Show then ClampInView(d.fCurrent);
2089 SelectionMoved(OldSel);
2090 with OldCurrent do InvalidateCell(X,Y);
2091 with d.fCurrent do InvalidateCell(X,Y);
2092 end;
2093 end;
2095 procedure TStGrd.MoveRow(FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer);
2096 var Rect: tGridRect;
2097 D: PStGrdData;
2098 S: PStrList;
2099 i,j: Longint;
2100 begin
2101 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2102 if Assigned(D.fRowHeights) then
2103 MoveExtent(D.fRowHeights, FromIndex + 1, ToIndex + 1);
2104 MoveAdjust(D.fCurrent.Y, FromIndex, ToIndex);
2105 MoveAdjust(D.fAnchor.Y, FromIndex, ToIndex);
2107 S := NewStrList;
2108 S.Clear;
2109 for i := 0 to D.fColCount-1 do S.Add(PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Items[FromIndex]);
2110 if FromIndex < ToIndex
2111 then for i := FromIndex to ToIndex-1 do
2112 for j := 0 to D.fColCount-1 do PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[j].Items[i] := PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[j].Items[i+1]
2113 else for i := FromIndex downto ToIndex+1 do
2114 for j := 0 to D.fColCount-1 do PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[j].Items[i] := PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[j].Items[i-1];
2115 for i := 0 to D.fColCount-1 do PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Items[ToIndex] := S.Items[i];
2116 S.Free;
2118 Rect.Left := 0;
2119 Rect.Right := VisibleColCount;
2120 if FromIndex < ToIndex then begin
2121 Rect.Top := FromIndex;
2122 Rect.Bottom := ToIndex;
2123 end else begin
2124 Rect.Top := ToIndex;
2125 Rect.Bottom := FromIndex;
2126 end;
2128 InvalidateRect(Rect);
2129 // MoveAdjust(D.fInplaceRow, FromIndex, ToIndex);
2130 // RowMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex);
2131 if Assigned(D.fRowHeights) then
2132 UpdateScrollRange;//RowHeightsChanged;
2133 // UpdateEdit;
2134 end;
2136 procedure TStGrd.MoveTopLeft(ALeft, ATop: Integer);
2138 OldTopLeft: TGridCoord;
2139 D: PStGrdData;
2140 begin
2141 D := PStGrdData(CustomObj);
2142 if (ALeft = D.fTopLeft.X) and (ATop = D.fTopLeft.Y) then Exit;
2143 Update;
2144 OldTopLeft := D.fTopLeft;
2145 D.fTopLeft.X := ALeft;
2146 D.fTopLeft.Y := ATop;
2147 TopLeftMoved(OldTopLeft);
2148 end;
2150 procedure TStGrd.Paint(DC: HDC);
2152 LineColor: TColor;
2153 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
2154 Sel: TGridRect;
2155 UpdateRect: TRect;
2156 {AFocRect,} FocRect: TRect;
2157 PointsList: PIntArray;
2158 StrokeList: PIntArray;
2159 MaxStroke: Integer;
2160 FrameFlags1, FrameFlags2: DWORD;
2161 D: PStGrdData;
2163 // r: TRect;
2164 tmDC, tmBmp, tmObj: Cardinal;
2165 c: PCanvas;
2167 procedure DrawLines(DoHorz, DoVert: Boolean; Col, Row: Longint; const CellBounds: array of Integer; OnColor, OffColor: TColor);
2168 // const
2169 // FlatPenStyle = PS_Geometric or PS_Solid or PS_EndCap_Flat or PS_Join_Miter;
2171 procedure DrawAxisLines(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo; Cell, MajorIndex: Integer; UseOnColor: Boolean);
2173 Line: Integer;
2174 // LogBrush: TLOGBRUSH;
2175 Index: Integer;
2176 Points: PIntArray;
2177 StopMajor, StartMinor, StopMinor, StopIndex: Integer;
2178 LineIncr: Integer;
2179 begin
2180 with c^, AxisInfo do begin
2181 if (EffectiveLineWidth <> 0) then begin
2182 Pen.PenWidth := GridLineWidth;
2183 if UseOnColor then
2184 Pen.Color := OnColor
2185 else
2186 Pen.Color := OffColor;
2187 MoveTo(0,0); LineTo(0,0);
2188 { if Pen.Width > 1 then
2189 begin
2190 LogBrush.lbStyle := BS_Solid;
2191 LogBrush.lbColor := Pen.Color;
2192 LogBrush.lbHatch := 0;
2193 Pen.Handle := ExtCreatePen(FlatPenStyle, Pen.Width, LogBrush, 0, nil);
2194 end;}
2195 Points := PointsList;
2196 Line := CellBounds[MajorIndex] + EffectiveLineWidth shr 1 + GetExtent(Cell);
2197 //!!! ??? Line needs to be incremented for RightToLeftAlignment ???
2198 // if UseRightToLeftAlignment and (MajorIndex = 0) then Inc(Line);
2199 StartMinor := CellBounds[MajorIndex xor 1];
2200 StopMinor := CellBounds[2 + (MajorIndex xor 1)];
2201 StopMajor := CellBounds[2 + MajorIndex] + EffectiveLineWidth;
2202 StopIndex := MaxStroke * 4;
2203 Index := 0;
2204 repeat
2205 Points^[Index + MajorIndex] := Line; { MoveTo }
2206 Points^[Index + (MajorIndex xor 1)] := StartMinor;
2207 Inc(Index, 2);
2208 Points^[Index + MajorIndex] := Line; { LineTo }
2209 Points^[Index + (MajorIndex xor 1)] := StopMinor;
2210 Inc(Index, 2);
2211 // Skip hidden columns/rows. We don't have stroke slots for them
2212 // A column/row with an extent of -EffectiveLineWidth is hidden
2213 repeat
2214 Inc(Cell);
2215 LineIncr := GetExtent(Cell) + EffectiveLineWidth;
2216 until (LineIncr > 0) or (Cell > LastFullVisibleCell);
2217 Inc(Line, LineIncr);
2218 until (Line > StopMajor) or (Cell > LastFullVisibleCell) or (Index > StopIndex);
2219 { 2 integers per point, 2 points per line -> Index div 4 }
2220 PolyPolyLine(Handle, Points^, StrokeList^, Index shr 2);
2221 end;
2222 end;
2223 end;
2225 begin
2226 if (CellBounds[0] = CellBounds[2]) or (CellBounds[1] = CellBounds[3]) then Exit;
2227 if not DoHorz then begin
2228 DrawAxisLines(DrawInfo.Vert, Row, 1, DoHorz);
2229 DrawAxisLines(DrawInfo.Horz, Col, 0, DoVert);
2230 end else begin
2231 DrawAxisLines(DrawInfo.Horz, Col, 0, DoVert);
2232 DrawAxisLines(DrawInfo.Vert, Row, 1, DoHorz);
2233 end;
2234 end;
2236 procedure DrawCells(ACol, ARow: Longint; StartX, StartY, StopX, StopY: Integer; Color: TColor; IncludeDrawState: TGridDrawState);
2238 CurCol, CurRow: Longint;
2239 {AWhere,} Where, TempRect: TRect;
2240 DrawState: TGridDrawState;
2241 Focused: Boolean;
2242 s: string;
2243 begin
2244 CurRow := ARow;
2245 Where.Top := StartY;
2246 while (Where.Top < StopY) and (CurRow < d.fRowCount) do begin
2247 CurCol := ACol;
2248 Where.Left := StartX;
2249 Where.Bottom := Where.Top + RowHeights[CurRow];
2250 while (Where.Left < StopX) and (CurCol < ColCount) do begin
2251 Where.Right := Where.Left + ColWidths[CurCol];
2252 if (Where.Right > Where.Left) and RectVisible(c.Handle, Where) then begin
2253 DrawState := IncludeDrawState;
2254 Focused := IsActiveControl;
2255 if Focused and (CurRow = Row) and (CurCol = Col) then
2256 Include(DrawState, gdFocused);
2257 if PointInGridRect(CurCol, CurRow, Sel) then
2258 Include(DrawState, gdSelected);
2259 // if not (gdFocused in DrawState) or not (goEditing in Options) {or not FEditorMode} then begin
2260 if d.fDefaultDrawing then with c^ do begin
2261 Font.Assign(Self.Font);
2262 if (gdSelected in DrawState) and
2263 (not (gdFocused in DrawState) or
2264 ([goDrawFocusSelected, goRowSelect] * d.fOptions <> [])) then
2265 begin
2266 Brush.Color := clHighlight;
2267 Font.Color := clHighlightText;
2268 end else
2269 Brush.Color := Color;
2270 FillRect(Where);
2272 TempRect := Where;
2273 InflateRect(TempRect,-2,-2);
2274 s := Cells[CurCol,CurRow];
2275 if (s <> '') and (TempRect.Right-TempRect.Left > 4) and (TempRect.Bottom-TempRect.Top > 4) then begin
2276 SelectObject(c.Handle,Font.Handle);
2277 Windows.DrawText(c.Handle,pChar(s),length(s),TempRect,dt_SingleLine);
2278 end;
2279 // TempRect := Where;
2280 // InflateRect(TempRect,-2,-2);
2281 // if () and () then
2282 // TextRect(TempRect,TempRect.Left,TempRect.Top,Cells[CurCol,CurRow]);
2283 end else
2284 DrawCell(c, CurCol, CurRow, Where, DrawState);
2285 if d.fDefaultDrawing and (gdFixed in DrawState) and d.fCtl3D and
2286 ((FrameFlags1 or FrameFlags2) <> 0) then
2287 begin
2288 TempRect := Where;
2289 if (FrameFlags1 and BF_RIGHT) = 0
2290 then Inc(TempRect.Right, DrawInfo.Horz.EffectiveLineWidth)
2291 else if (FrameFlags1 and BF_BOTTOM) = 0
2292 then Inc(TempRect.Bottom, DrawInfo.Vert.EffectiveLineWidth);
2293 DrawEdge(c.Handle, TempRect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, FrameFlags2);
2294 DrawEdge(c.Handle, TempRect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, FrameFlags1);
2295 end;
2297 if d.fDefaultDrawing and
2298 (gdFocused in DrawState)// and
2299 // ([goEditing, goAlwaysShowEditor] * d.fOptions <>
2300 // [goEditing, goAlwaysShowEditor])
2301 and not (goRowSelect in d.fOptions) then
2302 c.DrawFocusRect(Where);// DrawFocusRect(c.Handle, Where)
2303 // end;
2304 end;
2305 Where.Left := Where.Right + DrawInfo.Horz.EffectiveLineWidth;
2306 Inc(CurCol);
2307 end;
2308 Where.Top := Where.Bottom + DrawInfo.Vert.EffectiveLineWidth;
2309 Inc(CurRow);
2310 end;
2311 end;
2314 begin
2315 {GetClientRect(Handle,r); //}//r := MakeRect(0,0,ClientWidth,ClientHeight);
2316 UpdateRect := Canvas.ClipRect;
2318 tmDC := CreateCompatibleDC(DC);
2319 tmBmp := CreateCompatibleBitmap(DC,UpdateRect.Right,UpdateRect.Bottom);
2320 tmObj := SelectObject(tmDC,tmBmp);
2321 c := NewCanvas(tmDC);
2323 // if UseRightToLeftAlignment then ChangeGridOrientation(True);
2325 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2326 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
2327 with DrawInfo do begin
2328 if (Horz.EffectiveLineWidth > 0) or (Vert.EffectiveLineWidth > 0) then begin
2329 LineColor := clSilver;
2330 MaxStroke := Max(Horz.LastFullVisibleCell - d.fTopLeft.X + d.fFixedCols,
2331 Vert.LastFullVisibleCell - d.fTopLeft.Y + d.fFixedRows) + 3;
2332 PointsList := StackAlloc(MaxStroke * sizeof(TPoint) * 2);
2333 StrokeList := StackAlloc(MaxStroke * sizeof(Integer));
2334 FillDWord(StrokeList^, MaxStroke, 2);
2336 if Color2RGB(Color) = clSilver then LineColor := clGray;
2337 DrawLines(goFixedHorzLine in d.fOptions, goFixedVertLine in d.fOptions,
2338 0, 0, [0, 0, Horz.FixedBoundary, Vert.FixedBoundary], clBlack, clBtnFace);
2339 DrawLines(goFixedHorzLine in d.fOptions, goFixedVertLine in d.fOptions,
2340 d.fTopLeft.X, 0, [Horz.FixedBoundary, 0, Horz.GridBoundary,
2341 Vert.FixedBoundary], clBlack, clBtnFace);
2342 DrawLines(goFixedHorzLine in d.fOptions, goFixedVertLine in d.fOptions,
2343 0, d.fTopLeft.Y, [0, Vert.FixedBoundary, Horz.FixedBoundary,
2344 Vert.GridBoundary], clBlack, clBtnFace);
2345 DrawLines(goHorzLine in d.fOptions, goVertLine in d.fOptions,
2346 d.fTopLeft.X, d.fTopLeft.Y, [Horz.FixedBoundary, Vert.FixedBoundary, Horz.GridBoundary,
2347 Vert.GridBoundary], LineColor, clWindow);
2349 StackFree(StrokeList);
2350 StackFree(PointsList);
2351 end; {FixedColor = clBtnFace}
2352 {Color = clWindow}
2353 { Draw the cells in the four areas }
2354 Sel := Selection;
2355 FrameFlags1 := 0;
2356 FrameFlags2 := 0;
2357 if goFixedVertLine in d.fOptions then begin
2358 FrameFlags1 := BF_RIGHT;
2359 FrameFlags2 := BF_LEFT;
2360 end;
2361 if goFixedHorzLine in d.fOptions then begin
2362 FrameFlags1 := FrameFlags1 or BF_BOTTOM;
2363 FrameFlags2 := FrameFlags2 or BF_TOP;
2364 end;
2365 DrawCells(0, 0, 0, 0, Horz.FixedBoundary, Vert.FixedBoundary, clBtnFace{FixedColor},
2366 [gdFixed]);
2367 DrawCells(d.fTopLeft.X, 0, Horz.FixedBoundary - d.fColOffset, 0, Horz.GridBoundary, //!! clip
2368 Vert.FixedBoundary, clBtnFace{FixedColor}, [gdFixed]);
2369 DrawCells(0, d.fTopLeft.Y, 0, Vert.FixedBoundary, Horz.FixedBoundary,
2370 Vert.GridBoundary, clBtnFace{FixedColor}, [gdFixed]);
2371 DrawCells(d.fTopLeft.X, d.fTopLeft.Y, Horz.FixedBoundary - d.fColOffset, //!! clip
2372 Vert.FixedBoundary, Horz.GridBoundary, Vert.GridBoundary, clWindow{Color}, []);
2374 if //not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
2375 (goRowSelect in d.fOptions) and d.fDefaultDrawing and Focused then begin
2376 GridRectToScreenRect(GetSelection, FocRect, False);
2377 c.DrawFocusRect(FocRect);
2378 end;
2379 if Horz.GridBoundary < Horz.GridExtent then begin
2380 c.Brush.Color := Color;
2381 c.FillRect(MakeRect(Horz.GridBoundary, 0, Horz.GridExtent, Vert.GridBoundary));
2382 end;
2383 if Vert.GridBoundary < Vert.GridExtent then begin
2384 c.Brush.Color := Color;
2385 c.FillRect(MakeRect(0, Vert.GridBoundary, Horz.GridExtent, Vert.GridExtent));
2386 end;
2387 end;
2389 // BitBlt(Canvas.Handle,0,0,r.Right,r.Bottom,c.Handle,0,0,SrcCopy);
2390 BitBlt(Canvas.Handle,UpdateRect.Left,UpdateRect.Top,UpdateRect.Right,UpdateRect.Bottom,c.Handle,UpdateRect.Left,UpdateRect.Top,SrcCopy);
2391 // Canvas.CopyRect(r,c,r);
2392 SelectObject(tmDC,tmObj);
2393 DeleteObject(tmBmp);
2394 // DeleteDC(tmDC);
2395 c.Free;
2396 end;
2398 procedure TStGrd.ScrollData(DX, DY: Integer);
2400 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
2401 begin
2402 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
2403 ScrollDataInfo(DX, DY, DrawInfo);
2404 end;
2406 procedure TStGrd.ScrollDataInfo(DX, DY: Integer; var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
2408 ScrollArea: TRect;
2409 ScrollFlags: Integer;
2410 begin
2411 with DrawInfo do
2412 begin
2413 ScrollFlags := SW_INVALIDATE;
2414 if not DefaultDrawing then ScrollFlags := ScrollFlags or SW_ERASE;
2415 { Scroll the area }
2416 if DY = 0 then begin
2417 { Scroll both the column titles and data area at the same time }
2418 // if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
2419 ScrollArea := MakeRect(Horz.FixedBoundary, 0, Horz.GridExtent, Vert.GridExtent);
2420 { else
2421 begin
2422 ScrollArea := Rect(ClientWidth - Horz.GridExtent, 0, ClientWidth - Horz.FixedBoundary, Vert.GridExtent);
2423 DX := -DX;
2424 end;}
2425 ScrollWindowEx(Handle, DX, 0, @ScrollArea, @ScrollArea, 0, nil, ScrollFlags);
2426 end else if DX = 0 then begin
2427 ScrollArea := MakeRect(0, Vert.FixedBoundary, Horz.GridExtent, Vert.GridExtent);
2428 ScrollWindowEx(Handle, 0, DY, @ScrollArea, @ScrollArea, 0, nil, ScrollFlags);
2429 end else begin
2430 ScrollArea := MakeRect(Horz.FixedBoundary, 0, Horz.GridExtent, Vert.FixedBoundary);
2431 ScrollWindowEx(Handle, DX, 0, @ScrollArea, @ScrollArea, 0, nil, ScrollFlags);
2432 ScrollArea := MakeRect(0, Vert.FixedBoundary, Horz.FixedBoundary, Vert.GridExtent);
2433 ScrollWindowEx(Handle, 0, DY, @ScrollArea, @ScrollArea, 0, nil, ScrollFlags);
2434 { Data area }
2435 ScrollArea := MakeRect(Horz.FixedBoundary, Vert.FixedBoundary, Horz.GridExtent,
2436 Vert.GridExtent);
2437 ScrollWindowEx(Handle, DX, DY, @ScrollArea, @ScrollArea, 0, nil, ScrollFlags);
2438 end;
2439 end;
2440 if goRowSelect in Options then
2441 InvalidateRect(Selection);
2442 end;
2444 function TStGrd.SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): Boolean;
2445 var D: PStGrdData;
2446 begin
2447 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2448 Result := True;
2449 if Assigned(d.fOnSelectCell) then d.fOnSelectCell(@Self, ACol, ARow, Result);
2450 end;
2452 procedure TStGrd.SelectionMoved(const OldSel: TGridRect);
2454 OldRect, NewRect: TRect;
2455 AXorRects: TXorRects;
2456 I: Integer;
2457 begin
2458 GridRectToScreenRect(OldSel, OldRect, True);
2459 GridRectToScreenRect(Selection, NewRect, True);
2460 XorRects(OldRect, NewRect, AXorRects);
2461 for I := Low(AXorRects) to High(AXorRects) do
2462 Windows.InvalidateRect(Handle, @AXorRects[I], False);
2463 end;
2465 procedure TStGrd.SetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: string);
2466 var D: PStGrdData;
2467 begin
2468 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2469 if (ACol < 0) or (ARow < 0) or (ACol > D.fColCount-1) or (ARow > D.fRowCount - 1) then exit;
2470 PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[ACol].Items[ARow] := Value;
2471 InvalidateCell(ACol,ARow);
2472 end;
2474 procedure TStGrd.SetCol(const Value: Longint);
2475 begin
2476 FocusCell(Value, Row, True);
2477 end;
2479 procedure TStGrd.SetColCount(Value: Longint);
2480 var D: PStGrdData;
2481 i,j,old: Longint;
2482 begin
2483 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2484 if d.fColCount <> Value then begin
2485 if Value < 1 then Value := 1;
2486 if Value <= d.fFixedCols then d.fFixedCols := Value - 1;
2487 old := d.fColCount;
2488 ChangeSize(Value, d.fRowCount);
2489 if goRowSelect in d.fOptions then begin
2490 d.fAnchor.X := d.fColCount - 1;
2491 Invalidate;
2492 end;
2493 if old > D.fColCount
2494 then for i := old - 1 downto D.fColCount do PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Free
2495 else begin
2496 SetLength(PStrListArray(D.fCells)^,D.fColCount);
2497 for i := old to D.fColCount - 1 do begin
2498 PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i] := NewStrList;
2499 for j := 0 to D.fRowCount - 1 do
2500 PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Add('');
2501 end;
2502 end;
2503 end;
2504 end;
2506 procedure TStGrd.SetColWidths(Index: Integer; const Value: Integer);
2507 var D: PStGrdData;
2508 begin
2509 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2510 if d.fColWidths = nil then
2511 UpdateExtents(d.fColWidths, d.fColCount, d.fDefaultColWidth);
2512 if Index >= d.fColCount then exit;//InvalidOp(SIndexOutOfRange);
2513 if Value <> PIntArray(d.fColWidths)^[Index + 1] then
2514 begin
2515 invalidate;//ResizeCol(Index, PIntArray(d.fColWidths)^[Index + 1], Value);
2516 PIntArray(d.fColWidths)^[Index + 1] := Value;
2517 UpdateScrollRange;//ColWidthsChanged;
2518 end;
2519 end;
2521 procedure TStGrd.SetDefaultColWidth(const Value: Integer);
2522 var D: PStGrdData;
2523 begin
2524 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2525 if D.fColWidths <> nil then UpdateExtents(D.fColWidths, 0, 0);
2526 D.fDefaultColWidth := Value;
2527 UpdateScrollRange;//ColWidthsChanged;
2528 Invalidate//Grid;
2529 end;
2531 procedure TStGrd.SetDefaultDrawing(const Value: Boolean);
2532 var D: PStGrdData;
2533 begin
2534 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2535 D.fDefaultDrawing := Value;
2536 end;
2538 procedure TStGrd.SetDefaultRowHeight(const Value: Integer);
2539 var D: PStGrdData;
2540 begin
2541 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2542 if D.fRowHeights <> nil then UpdateExtents(D.fRowHeights, 0, 0);
2543 D.fDefaultRowHeight := Value;
2544 UpdateScrollRange;//RowHeightsChanged;
2545 Invalidate//Grid;
2546 end;
2548 procedure TStGrd.SetFixedCols(const Value: Integer);
2549 var D: PStGrdData;
2550 begin
2551 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2552 if Value < 0 then exit;//InvalidOp(SIndexOutOfRange);
2553 if Value >= D.fColCount then exit;//InvalidOp(SFixedColTooBig);
2554 D.fFixedCols := Value;
2555 // Initialize;
2556 D.fTopLeft.X := D.fFixedCols;
2557 D.fTopLeft.Y := D.fFixedRows;
2558 D.fCurrent := D.fTopLeft;
2559 D.fAnchor := D.fCurrent;
2560 if goRowSelect in D.fOptions then D.fAnchor.X := D.fColCount - 1;
2562 Invalidate//Grid;
2563 end;
2565 procedure TStGrd.SetFixedRows(const Value: Integer);
2566 var D: PStGrdData;
2567 begin
2568 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2569 if Value < 0 then exit;//InvalidOp(SIndexOutOfRange);
2570 if Value >= D.fRowCount then exit;//InvalidOp(SFixedRowTooBig);
2571 D.fFixedRows := Value;
2572 // Initialize;
2573 D.fTopLeft.X := D.fFixedCols;
2574 D.fTopLeft.Y := D.fFixedRows;
2575 D.fCurrent := D.fTopLeft;
2576 D.fAnchor := D.fCurrent;
2577 if goRowSelect in D.fOptions then D.fAnchor.X := D.fColCount - 1;
2579 Invalidate//Grid;
2580 end;
2582 procedure TStGrd.SetLeftCol(const Value: Longint);
2583 begin
2584 MoveTopLeft(Value, TopRow);
2585 end;
2587 procedure TStGrd.SetOnDrawCell(const Value: TDrawCellEvent);
2588 var D: PStGrdData;
2589 begin
2590 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2591 D.fOnDrawCell := Value;
2592 end;
2594 procedure TStGrd.SetOnSelectCell(const Value: TSelectCellEvent);
2595 var D: PStGrdData;
2596 begin
2597 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2598 D.fOnSelectCell := Value;
2599 end;
2601 procedure TStGrd.SetOptions(Value: TGridOptions);
2602 var D: PStGrdData;
2603 begin
2604 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2605 if goRowSelect in Value then
2606 Exclude(Value, goAlwaysShowEditor);
2607 D.fOptions := Value;
2608 // if not FEditorMode then
2609 // if goAlwaysShowEditor in Value then
2610 // ShowEditor else
2611 // HideEditor;
2612 if goRowSelect in Value then MoveCurrent(Col, Row, True, False);
2613 Invalidate//Grid;
2614 end;
2616 procedure TStGrd.SetRow(const Value: Longint);
2617 begin
2618 FocusCell(Col, Value, True);
2619 end;
2621 procedure TStGrd.SetRowCount(Value: Longint);
2622 var D: PStGrdData;
2623 i,j,old: Longint;
2624 begin
2625 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2626 if Value < 1 then Value := 1;
2627 if Value <= D.fFixedRows then D.fFixedRows := Value - 1;
2628 old := D.fRowCount;
2629 ChangeSize(D.fColCount, Value);
2630 if old > D.fRowCount
2631 then for i := 0 to D.fColCount - 1 do
2632 for j := old - 1 downto D.fRowCount do
2633 PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Delete(j)
2634 else for i := 0 to D.fColCount - 1 do
2635 for j := old to D.fRowCount - 1 do
2636 PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Add('');
2637 end;
2639 procedure TStGrd.SetRowHeights(Index: Integer; const Value: Integer);
2640 var D: PStGrdData;
2641 begin
2642 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2643 if D.fRowHeights = nil then
2644 UpdateExtents(d.fRowHeights, d.fRowCount, d.fDefaultRowHeight);
2645 if Index >= d.fRowCount then exit;//InvalidOp(SIndexOutOfRange);
2646 if Value <> PIntArray(d.fRowHeights)^[Index + 1] then begin
2647 invalidate;//ResizeRow(Index, PIntArray(D.fRowHeights)^[Index + 1], Value);
2648 PIntArray(d.fRowHeights)^[Index + 1] := Value;
2649 UpdateScrollRange;//RowHeightsChanged;
2650 end;
2651 end;
2653 procedure TStGrd.SetRows(Index: Integer; const Value: pStrList);
2654 var D: PStGrdData;
2655 i: Longint;
2656 begin
2657 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2658 if (Index < 0) or (Index > D.fRowCount - 1) then exit;
2659 for i := 0 to Value.Count-1 do
2660 PStrListArray(D.fCells)^[i].Items[Index] := Value.Items[i];
2661 end;
2663 procedure TStGrd.SetScrollBars(const Value: TScrollStyle);
2664 var D: PStGrdData;
2665 begin
2666 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2667 if D.fScrollBars <> Value then begin
2668 D.fScrollBars := Value;
2669 ShowScrollBar(Handle,sb_Vert,Value in [ssVertical,ssBoth]);
2670 ShowScrollBar(Handle,sb_Horz,Value in [ssHorizontal,ssBoth]);
2671 end;
2672 end;
2674 procedure TStGrd.SetSelection(const Value: TGridRect);
2676 OldSel: TGridRect;
2677 D: PStGrdData;
2678 begin
2679 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2680 OldSel := Selection;
2681 D.fAnchor := Value.TopLeft;
2682 D.fCurrent := Value.BottomRight;
2683 SelectionMoved(OldSel);
2684 end;
2686 procedure TStGrd.SetTabStops(Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean);
2687 var D: PStGrdData;
2688 begin
2689 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2690 if D.fTabStops = nil then
2691 UpdateExtents(D.fTabStops, D.fColCount, Integer(True));
2692 if Index >= D.fColCount then exit;//InvalidOp(SIndexOutOfRange);
2693 PIntArray(D.fTabStops)^[Index + 1] := Integer(Value);
2694 end;
2696 procedure TStGrd.SetTopRow(const Value: Longint);
2697 begin
2698 MoveTopLeft(LeftCol, Value);
2699 end;
2701 procedure TStGrd.TimedScroll(Direction: TGridScrollDirection);
2703 MaxAnchor, NewAnchor: TGridCoord;
2704 D: PStGrdData;
2705 begin
2706 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2707 NewAnchor := D.fAnchor;
2708 MaxAnchor.X := D.fColCount - 1;
2709 MaxAnchor.Y := D.fRowCount - 1;
2710 if (sdLeft in Direction) and (D.fAnchor.X > D.fFixedCols) then Dec(NewAnchor.X);
2711 if (sdRight in Direction) and (D.fAnchor.X < MaxAnchor.X) then Inc(NewAnchor.X);
2712 if (sdUp in Direction) and (D.fAnchor.Y > D.fFixedRows) then Dec(NewAnchor.Y);
2713 if (sdDown in Direction) and (D.fAnchor.Y < MaxAnchor.Y) then Inc(NewAnchor.Y);
2714 if (D.fAnchor.X <> NewAnchor.X) or (D.fAnchor.Y <> NewAnchor.Y) then
2715 MoveAnchor(NewAnchor);
2716 end;
2718 procedure TStGrd.TopLeftMoved(const OldTopLeft: TGridCoord);
2720 function CalcScroll(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo;
2721 OldPos, CurrentPos: Integer; var Amount: Longint): Boolean;
2723 Start, Stop: Longint;
2724 I: Longint;
2725 begin
2726 Result := False;
2727 with AxisInfo do begin
2728 if OldPos < CurrentPos then begin
2729 Start := OldPos;
2730 Stop := CurrentPos;
2731 end else begin
2732 Start := CurrentPos;
2733 Stop := OldPos;
2734 end;
2735 Amount := 0;
2736 for I := Start to Stop - 1 do begin
2737 Inc(Amount, GetExtent(I) + EffectiveLineWidth);
2738 if Amount > (GridBoundary - FixedBoundary) then begin
2739 { Scroll amount too big, redraw the whole thing }
2740 Invalidate;//Grid;
2741 Exit;
2742 end;
2743 end;
2744 if OldPos < CurrentPos then Amount := -Amount;
2745 end;
2746 Result := True;
2747 end;
2750 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
2751 Delta: TGridCoord;
2752 D: PStGrdData;
2753 begin
2754 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2755 UpdateScrollPos;
2756 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
2757 if CalcScroll(DrawInfo.Horz, OldTopLeft.X, D.fTopLeft.X, Delta.X) and
2758 CalcScroll(DrawInfo.Vert, OldTopLeft.Y, D.fTopLeft.Y, Delta.Y) then
2759 ScrollDataInfo(Delta.X, Delta.Y, DrawInfo);
2760 // TopLeftChanged;
2761 end;
2763 procedure TStGrd.UpdateScrollPos;
2765 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
2766 MaxTopLeft: TGridCoord;
2767 GridSpace, ColWidth: Integer;
2768 D: PStGrdData;
2770 procedure SetScroll(Code: Word; Value: Integer);
2771 begin
2772 { if UseRightToLeftAlignment and (Code = SB_HORZ) then
2773 if ColCount <> 1 then Value := MaxShortInt - Value
2774 else Value := (ColWidth - GridSpace) - Value;}
2775 if GetScrollPos(Handle, Code) <> Value then
2776 SetScrollPos(Handle, Code, Value, True);
2777 end;
2779 begin
2780 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2781 if (ScrollBars = ssNone) then Exit;
2782 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
2783 MaxTopLeft.X := ColCount - 1;
2784 MaxTopLeft.Y := RowCount - 1;
2785 MaxTopLeft := CalcMaxTopLeft(MaxTopLeft, DrawInfo);
2786 if ScrollBars in [ssHorizontal, ssBoth] then
2787 if ColCount = 1 then
2788 begin
2789 ColWidth := ColWidths[DrawInfo.Horz.FirstGridCell];
2790 GridSpace := ClientWidth - DrawInfo.Horz.FixedBoundary;
2791 if (D.fColOffset > 0) and (GridSpace > (ColWidth - D.fColOffset)) then
2792 ModifyScrollbar(SB_HORZ, SB_THUMBPOSITION, ColWidth - GridSpace, True)
2793 else
2794 SetScroll(SB_HORZ, D.fColOffset)
2796 else
2797 SetScroll(SB_HORZ, LongMulDiv(D.fTopLeft.X - D.fFixedCols, MaxShortInt,
2798 MaxTopLeft.X - D.fFixedCols));
2799 if ScrollBars in [ssVertical, ssBoth] then
2800 SetScroll(SB_VERT, LongMulDiv(D.fTopLeft.Y - D.fFixedRows, MaxShortInt,
2801 MaxTopLeft.Y - D.fFixedRows));
2802 end;
2804 procedure TStGrd.UpdateScrollRange;
2806 MaxTopLeft, OldTopLeft: TGridCoord;
2807 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
2808 OldScrollBars: TScrollStyle;
2809 Updated: Boolean;
2810 D: PStGrdData;
2812 procedure DoUpdate;
2813 begin
2814 if not Updated then
2815 begin
2816 Update;
2817 Updated := True;
2818 end;
2819 end;
2821 function ScrollBarVisible(Code: Word): Boolean;
2823 Min, Max: Integer;
2824 begin
2825 Result := False;
2826 if (ScrollBars = ssBoth) or
2827 ((Code = SB_HORZ) and (ScrollBars = ssHorizontal)) or
2828 ((Code = SB_VERT) and (ScrollBars = ssVertical)) then
2829 begin
2830 GetScrollRange(Handle, Code, Min, Max);
2831 Result := Min <> Max;
2832 end;
2833 end;
2835 procedure CalcSizeInfo;
2836 begin
2837 CalcDrawInfoXY(DrawInfo, DrawInfo.Horz.GridExtent, DrawInfo.Vert.GridExtent);
2838 MaxTopLeft.X := ColCount - 1;
2839 MaxTopLeft.Y := RowCount - 1;
2840 MaxTopLeft := CalcMaxTopLeft(MaxTopLeft, DrawInfo);
2841 end;
2843 procedure SetAxisRange(var Max, Old, Current: Longint; Code: Word;
2844 Fixeds: Integer);
2845 begin
2846 CalcSizeInfo;
2847 if Fixeds < Max then
2848 SetScrollRange(Handle, Code, 0, MaxShortInt, True)
2849 else
2850 SetScrollRange(Handle, Code, 0, 0, True);
2851 if Old > Max then
2852 begin
2853 DoUpdate;
2854 Current := Max;
2855 end;
2856 end;
2858 procedure SetHorzRange;
2860 Range: Integer;
2861 begin
2862 if OldScrollBars in [ssHorizontal, ssBoth] then
2863 if ColCount = 1 then
2864 begin
2865 Range := ColWidths[0] - ClientWidth;
2866 if Range < 0 then Range := 0;
2867 SetScrollRange(Handle, SB_HORZ, 0, Range, True);
2869 else
2870 SetAxisRange(MaxTopLeft.X, OldTopLeft.X, D.fTopLeft.X, SB_HORZ, D.fFixedCols);
2871 end;
2873 procedure SetVertRange;
2874 begin
2875 if OldScrollBars in [ssVertical, ssBoth] then
2876 SetAxisRange(MaxTopLeft.Y, OldTopLeft.Y, D.fTopLeft.Y, SB_VERT, D.fFixedRows);
2877 end;
2879 begin
2880 if (ScrollBars = ssNone) {or not Showing} then Exit;
2881 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2882 with DrawInfo do
2883 begin
2884 Horz.GridExtent := ClientWidth;
2885 Vert.GridExtent := ClientHeight;
2886 { Ignore scroll bars for initial calculation }
2887 if ScrollBarVisible(SB_HORZ) then
2888 Inc(Vert.GridExtent, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL));
2889 if ScrollBarVisible(SB_VERT) then
2890 Inc(Horz.GridExtent, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL));
2891 end;
2892 OldTopLeft := D.fTopLeft;
2893 { Temporarily mark us as not having scroll bars to avoid recursion }
2894 OldScrollBars := D.fScrollBars;
2895 D.fScrollBars := ssNone;
2896 Updated := False;
2898 { Update scrollbars }
2899 SetHorzRange;
2900 DrawInfo.Vert.GridExtent := ClientHeight;
2901 SetVertRange;
2902 if DrawInfo.Horz.GridExtent <> ClientWidth then
2903 begin
2904 DrawInfo.Horz.GridExtent := ClientWidth;
2905 SetHorzRange;
2906 end;
2907 finally
2908 D.fScrollBars := OldScrollBars;
2909 end;
2910 UpdateScrollPos;
2911 if (D.fTopLeft.X <> OldTopLeft.X) or (D.fTopLeft.Y <> OldTopLeft.Y) then
2912 TopLeftMoved(OldTopLeft);
2913 end;
2915 procedure TStGrd.WheelDown{(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean};
2916 begin
2917 // Result := inherited DoMouseWheelDown(Shift, MousePos);
2918 // if not Result then
2919 begin
2920 if Row < RowCount - 1 then Row := Row + 1;
2921 // Result := True;
2922 end;
2923 end;
2925 procedure TStGrd.WheelUp{(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean};
2926 begin
2927 // Result := inherited DoMouseWheelUp(Shift, MousePos);
2928 // if not Result then
2929 begin
2930 if Row > FixedRows then Row := Row - 1;
2931 // Result := True;
2932 end;
2933 end;
2935 procedure TStGrd.WMSetCursor(_HitTest: Word);
2937 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
2938 State: TGridState;
2939 Index: Longint;
2940 Pos, Ofs: Integer;
2941 Cur: HCURSOR;
2942 D: PStGrdData;
2943 begin
2944 if _HitTest = HTCLIENT then begin
2945 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2946 if D.fGridState = gsNormal then begin
2947 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
2948 CalcSizingState(D.fHitTest.X, D.fHitTest.Y, State, Index, Pos, Ofs, DrawInfo);
2949 end else State := D.fGridState;
2950 case State of
2951 gsRowSizing: Cur := LoadCursor(hInstance,IDC_VSPLIT); //LoadCursor(0,IDC_SIZENS);
2952 gsColSizing: Cur := LoadCursor(hInstance,IDC_HSPLIT); //LoadCursor(0,IDC_SIZEWE);
2953 else
2954 Cur := LoadCursor(0,IDC_ARROW);
2955 end;
2956 { if State = gsRowSizing
2957 then Cur := LoadCursor(0,IDC_SIZENS) //Screen.Cursors[crVSplit]
2958 else if State = gsColSizing
2959 then Cur := LoadCursor(0,IDC_SIZEWE); //Screen.Cursors[crHSplit]}
2960 DestroyCursor(Cursor);
2961 SetCursor(Cur);
2962 Cursor := Cur;
2963 end;
2964 {if Cur <> 0 then }
2965 end;
2967 procedure TStGrd.WMTimer;
2969 Point: TPoint;
2970 DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
2971 ScrollDirection: TGridScrollDirection;
2972 CellHit: TGridCoord;
2973 // LeftSide: Integer;
2974 // RightSide: Integer;
2975 D: PStGrdData;
2976 begin
2977 D := Pointer(CustomObj);
2978 if not (D.fGridState in [gsSelecting, gsRowMoving, gsColMoving]) then Exit;
2979 GetCursorPos(Point);
2980 Point := Screen2Client(Point);
2981 CalcDrawInfo(DrawInfo);
2982 ScrollDirection := [];
2983 with DrawInfo do
2984 begin
2985 CellHit := CalcCoordFromPoint(Point.X, Point.Y, DrawInfo);
2986 case D.fGridState of
2987 gsColMoving:
2988 MoveAndScroll(Point.X, CellHit.X, DrawInfo, Horz, SB_HORZ, Point);
2989 gsRowMoving:
2990 MoveAndScroll(Point.Y, CellHit.Y, DrawInfo, Vert, SB_VERT, Point);
2991 gsSelecting:
2992 begin
2993 // if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
2994 begin
2995 if Point.X < Horz.FixedBoundary then Include(ScrollDirection, sdLeft)
2996 else if Point.X > Horz.FullVisBoundary then Include(ScrollDirection, sdRight);
2998 { else
2999 begin
3000 LeftSide := ClientWidth - Horz.FullVisBoundary;
3001 RightSide := ClientWidth - Horz.FixedBoundary;
3002 if Point.X < LeftSide then Include(ScrollDirection, sdRight)
3003 else if Point.X > RightSide then Include(ScrollDirection, sdLeft);
3004 end};
3005 if Point.Y < Vert.FixedBoundary then Include(ScrollDirection, sdUp)
3006 else if Point.Y > Vert.FullVisBoundary then Include(ScrollDirection, sdDown);
3007 if ScrollDirection <> [] then TimedScroll(ScrollDirection);
3008 end;
3009 end;
3010 end;
3011 end;
3013 end.