initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / controls / updown / KOLMHUpDown.pas
1 unit KOLMHUpDown;
2 {* TKOLMHUpDown object}
3 // MHUpDown Êîìïîíåíò (MHUpDown Component)
4 // Àâòîð (Author): Æàðîâ Äìèòðèé (Zharov Dmitry) aka Ãýíäàëüô (Gandalf)
5 // Äàòà ñîçäàíèÿ (Create date): 26-àïð(apr)-2002
6 // Äàòà êîððåêöèè (Last correction Date): 5-àâã(aug)-2003
7 // Âåðñèÿ (Version): 1.31
8 // EMail:
9 // WWW:
10 // Áëàãîäàðíîñòè (Thanks):
11 // Alexander Pravdin
12 // Bogus³aw Brandys
13 // dominiko-m
14 // Íîâîå â (New in):
16 // V1.31
17 // [!] Èñïðàâëåíî "îòúåäàíèå" Buddy (Buddy "eating" FIX) <Great Thanks to dominiko-m> [MCK]
19 // V1.3
20 // [*] Ïîääåðæêà KOLWrapper âèçóàëèçàöèè (KOLWrapper visualition support) [MCK]
22 // V1.22
23 // [!] Ñîâìåñòèìîñòü ñ Õèíòàìè (ToolTips compatability) [KOL]
25 // V1.21
26 // [!] Ïîääåðæêà D7 (D7 Support) [KOLnMCK]
28 // V1.2
29 // [!] Èñïðàâëåíà îøèáêà BuddySize (Fix BuddySize) [MCK]
31 // V1.1
32 // [!] Èñïðàâëåíèÿ Buddy (Fixed Buddy) <Great Thanks to Alexander Pravdin> [MCK]
33 // [!] Èñïðàâëåíà îøèáêà Increment=0 (Increment=0 bug fixed) <Great Thanks to Alexander Pravdin> [MCK]
34 // [-] Íàéäåíà îøèáêà BuddySize (Bug BuddySize found) [MCK]
36 // V1.0
37 // [+~] Ñîáûòèå OnChangingEx (OnChangingEx event) <Thanks to Bogus³aw Brandys> [KOLnMCK]
38 // [+~] Ñâîéñòâî Increment (Increment property) <Thanks to Bogus³aw Brandys> [KOLnMCK]
39 // [*] Òåïåðü ïîääåðæèâàþòñÿ 32áèò çíà÷åíèÿ Position (32bit position support now) [KOLnMCK]
41 // V0.9
42 // [+] Ïîääåðæêà D6 (D6 Support) <Thanks to Alexander Pravdin> [KOLnMCK]
43 // [+++] Î÷åíü ìíîãî (Very much) [KOLnMCK]
45 // V0.4
46 // +Add Recreate
47 // +Optimize Visible (may usefull for all KOL)
48 // +Fix Double (KOL)
49 // +Add HotTrack
50 // +Add BuddyInteger
51 // +Add ButtonAlign
52 // +Add AutoBuddy
53 // +Add Wrap Better
54 // +Add Thousands Better
55 // +Add ArrowKeys
56 // +Add Orient Better
57 // -Some Bug Buddy (Buddy Object Become smaller, and YourSelf can't be Buddy)
58 // V0.21
59 // +Add Updata Paint (for KOLnMCK 1.30)
60 // +Add Improve Paint
61 // V0.20
62 // +Add Enabled
63 // +Add EraseBgr
64 // +Add Tag
65 // V0.19
66 // +Add HexBase
67 // +Add OnMove
68 // +Add OnFileDrop
69 // +Add OnPaint
70 // V0.18
71 // +Add OnMouseMove
72 // +Add OnMouseUp
73 // +Add OnMouseDown
74 // +Add OnMouseLeave
75 // +Add OnMouseEnter
76 // +Add OnResize
77 // +Add OnHide
78 // +Add OnShow
79 // V0.17
80 // +Add Buddy
81 // +Add Default Values
82 // V0.15
83 // +Add Better Paint
84 // V0.1
85 // +Add OnScroll
86 // +Add so-so Paint (MCK)
87 // +Add Min/Max/Position/Wrap/Orientation/Thousands
88 // +Add Cursor
89 // +Add Visible
91 // Ñïèñîê äåë (To-Do list):
92 // 1. Àññåìáëåð (Asm)
93 // 2. Îïòèìèçèðîâàòü (Optimize)
94 // 3. Îøèáêè (Errors)
95 // 4. Ñîáûòèÿ (Events)
96 // 5. Ñïðàâêà (Help)
98 interface
99 uses
100 KOL, Windows, Messages {, KOLMHToolTip};
102 const
103 REFRESH_PERIOD: Cardinal = 1;
104 {* Amount of elapsed time, in seconds, before the position
105 change increment is used.}
107 type
108 TUpDownAlignButton = (udLeft, udRight);
110 TUpDownOrientation = (udHorizontal, udVertical);
112 TUpDownDirection = (updNone, updUp, updDown);
114 TOnChangingEx = procedure(Sender: PObj; var Allow: Boolean; NewValue:
115 SmallInt; Direction: TUpDownDirection) of object;
118 type
119 NM_UPDOWN = packed record
120 hdr: TNMHDR;
121 iPos: Integer;
122 iDelta: Integer;
123 end;
124 TNMUpDown = NM_UPDOWN;
125 PNMUpDown = ^TNMUpDown;
127 type
128 UDACCEL = packed record
129 nSec: UINT;
130 nInc: UINT;
131 end;
132 TUDAccel = UDACCEL;
133 PUDAccel = ^TUDAccel;
135 PMHUpDown = ^TMHUpDown;
136 TKOLMHUpDown = PMHUpDown;
137 TMHUpDown = object(TControl)
139 private
140 function GetHexBase: Boolean;
141 procedure SetHexBase(const Value: Boolean);
143 function GetBuddy: HWnd;
144 procedure SetBuddy(const Value: HWnd);
146 procedure SetMin(const Value: Integer);
147 function GetMin: Integer;
149 procedure SetMax(const Value: Integer);
150 function GetMax: Integer;
152 procedure SetPosition(const Value: Integer);
153 function GetPosition: Integer;
155 procedure SetIncrement(const Value: Integer);
156 function GetIncrement: Integer;
158 procedure SetOnChangingEx(const Value: TOnChangingEx);
159 function GetOnChangingEx: TOnChangingEx;
161 function GetOrientation: TUpDownOrientation;
163 function GetArrowKeys: Boolean;
165 function GetAlignButton: TUpDownAlignButton;
167 function GetAutoBuddy: Boolean;
169 function GetThousands: Boolean;
171 function GetWrap: Boolean;
173 function GetHotTrack: Boolean;
175 public
176 property Min: Integer read GetMin write SetMin;
177 {* Specifies the minimum value of the Position property.}
178 property Max: Integer read GetMax write SetMax;
179 {* Specifies the maximum value of the Position property.}
180 property Position: Integer read GetPosition write SetPosition;
181 {* Current updown value}
182 property Increment: Integer read GetIncrement write SetIncrement;
183 {* Specifies the amount the Position value changes each time the up or down button is pressed.}
184 property Buddy: HWnd read GetBuddy write SetBuddy;
185 {* Companion control for updown}
186 property Orientation: TUpDownOrientation read GetOrientation;
187 {* Orientation of updown arrows}
188 property ArrowKeys: Boolean read GetArrowKeys;
189 {* The updown control receives input from the Up arrow and Down arrow keys.}
190 property AlignButton: TUpDownAlignButton read GetAlignButton;
191 {* The position of the up-down control can be relative to its companion (buddy) control.
192 Updown button can be placed on right or left side of buddy control}
193 property AutoBuddy: Boolean read GetAutoBuddy;
194 {* Automatically arrange to last control in Z-Order}
195 property Thousands: Boolean read GetThousands;
196 {* Determines whether a thousands separator appears between every three digits of a decimal string.}
197 property Wrap: Boolean read GetWrap;
198 {* Use Wrap to specify whether the up-down control treats the range determined
199 by the Max and Min properties as a continuous loop.}
200 property HexBase: Boolean read GetHexBase write SetHexBase;
201 {* Hexadecimal units}
202 property HotTrack: Boolean read GetHotTrack;
204 property OnChangingEx: TOnChangingEx read GetOnChangingEx write
205 SetOnChangingEx;
206 {* Event fired when position is about to change.Could be used to disallow change
207 of Position property.}
208 end;
210 const
211 UPDOWN_CLASS = 'msctls_updown32';
213 UDN_FIRST = 0 - 721;
215 UD_MAXVAL = $7FFF;
218 UDS_WRAP = $0001;
219 UDS_SETBUDDYINT = $0002;
220 UDS_ALIGNRIGHT = $0004;
221 UDS_ALIGNLEFT = $0008;
222 UDS_AUTOBUDDY = $0010;
223 UDS_ARROWKEYS = $0020;
224 UDS_HORZ = $0040;
225 UDS_NOTHOUSANDS = $0080;
226 UDS_HOTTRACK = $0100;
230 UDM_SETPOS = WM_USER + 103;
231 UDM_GETPOS = WM_USER + 104;
236 UDM_SETBASE = WM_USER + 109;
237 UDM_GETBASE = WM_USER + 110;
238 UDM_SETRANGE32 = WM_USER + 111;
239 UDM_GETRANGE32 = WM_USER + 112;
240 UDM_SETPOS32 = WM_USER + 113;
241 UDM_GETPOS32 = WM_USER + 114;
244 Thousands2Style: array[Boolean] of DWord = (UDS_NOTHOUSANDS, $0);
245 Wrap2Style: array[Boolean] of DWord = ($0, UDS_WRAP);
246 ArrowKeys2Style: array[Boolean] of DWord = ($0, UDS_ARROWKEYS);
247 Orientation2Style: array[TUpDownOrientation] of DWord = (UDS_HORZ, $0);
248 AlignButton2Style: array[TUpDownAlignButton] of DWord = (UDS_ALIGNLEFT,
250 AutoBuddy2Style: array[Boolean] of DWord = ($0, UDS_AUTOBUDDY);
251 HotTrack2Style: array[Boolean] of DWord = ($0, UDS_HOTTRACK);
252 Visible2Style: array[Boolean] of DWord = ($0, WS_VISIBLE);
254 function NewMHUpDown(AParent: PControl; Orientation: TUpDownOrientation; Wrap,
255 Thousands, ArrowKeys, AutoBuddy, HotTrack, BuddyInteger: Boolean; AlignButton:
256 TUpDownAlignButton): PControl;
258 implementation
260 type
261 PUpDownData = ^TUpDownData;
262 TUpDownData = packed record
263 FOrientation: TUpDownOrientation;
264 FArrowKeys: Boolean;
265 FHotTrack: Boolean;
266 FAutoBuddy: Boolean;
267 FThousands: Boolean;
268 FWrap: Boolean;
269 FAlignButton: TUpDownAlignButton;
270 FOnChangingEx: TOnChangingEx;
271 FMin: Integer;
272 FMax: Integer;
273 end;
275 function WndProcUpDown(Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer):
276 Boolean;
278 UpDownNow: PMHUpDown;
279 NMUpDown: PNMUpDown;
280 Allow: Boolean;
281 Direction: TUpDownDirection;
282 NewValue: Integer;
283 Data: PUpDownData;
284 begin
285 Result := FALSE;
286 Allow := True;
287 if (Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY) and (Msg.lParam <> 0) then
288 begin
289 NMUpDown := PNMUpDown(Msg.lParam);
290 UpDownNow := PMHUpDown(Sender);
291 Data := UpDownNow.CustomData;
292 if NMUpDown.hdr.code = UDN_DELTAPOS then
293 begin
294 if Assigned(UpDownNow) then
295 begin
296 if Assigned(Data^.FOnChangingEx) then
297 begin
298 if NMUpDown.iDelta = 0 then
299 Direction := updNone
300 else
301 begin
302 if NMUpDown.iDelta < 0 then
303 Direction := updDown
304 else
305 Direction := updUp;
306 end;
307 NewValue := NMUpDown.iPos + NMUpDown.iDelta;
308 if NewValue > Data^.FMax then
309 NewValue := Data^.FMax;
310 if NewValue < Data^.FMin then
311 NewValue := Data^.FMin;
312 Data^.FOnChangingEx(PObj(UpDownNow), Allow, NewValue, Direction);
313 Result := true;
314 if not Allow then
315 Rslt := 1
316 else
317 Rslt := 0;
318 end;
319 end;
320 end;
321 end;
322 end;
324 function WndProcUpDownParent(Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt:
325 Integer): Boolean;
327 UpDownNow: PMHUpDown;
328 Bar: TScrollerBar;
329 begin
330 Result := False;
332 if ((Msg.message = WM_HSCROLL) or (Msg.message = WM_VSCROLL)) and (Msg.lParam
333 <> 0) then
334 begin
335 UpDownNow := Pointer(GetProp(Msg.lParam, ID_SELF));
336 if UpDownNow <> nil then
337 begin
338 if Assigned(UpDownNow.OnScroll) then
339 begin
340 if Msg.message = WM_VSCROLL then
341 Bar := sbVertical
342 else
343 Bar := sbHorizontal;
344 UpDownNow.OnScroll(UpDownNow, Bar, LoWord(Msg.wParam),
345 HiWord(Msg.wParam));
346 end;
347 end;
348 end;
349 end;
351 function NewMHUpDown(AParent: PControl; Orientation: TUpDownOrientation; Wrap,
352 Thousands, ArrowKeys, AutoBuddy, HotTrack, BuddyInteger: Boolean; AlignButton:
353 TUpDownAlignButton): PControl;
355 D: PUpDownData;
356 begin
357 DoInitCommonControls(ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS);
358 Result := PMHUpDown(_NewCommonControl(AParent, UPDOWN_CLASS, WS_CHILD or
359 WS_VISIBLE or Thousands2Style[Thousands] or Wrap2Style[Wrap] or
360 ArrowKeys2Style[ArrowKeys] or Orientation2Style[Orientation] or
361 AlignButton2Style[AlignButton] or AutoBuddy2Style[AutoBuddy] or UDS_SETBUDDYINT
362 or HotTrack2Style[HotTrack], False, nil));
363 GetMem(D, Sizeof(D^));
364 FillChar(D^, SizeOf(D^), 0);
365 Result.CustomData := D;
366 D.FMin := 0;
367 D.FMax := 100;
368 D.FOrientation := Orientation;
369 D.FHotTrack := HotTrack;
370 D.FWrap := Wrap;
371 D.FThousands := Thousands;
372 D.FArrowKeys := ArrowKeys;
373 D.FAutoBuddy := AutoBuddy;
374 D.FAlignButton := AlignButton;
375 Result.AttachProc(WndProcUpDown);
376 AParent.AttachProc(WndProcUpDownParent);
377 end;
379 { Buddy }
380 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
382 procedure TMHUpDown.SetBuddy(const Value: HWnd);
383 begin
384 Perform(UDM_SETBUDDY, Value, 0);
385 end;
387 function TMHUpDown.GetBuddy: HWnd;
388 begin
389 Result := Perform(UDM_GETBUDDY, 0, 0);
390 end;
392 { Min }
393 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
395 procedure TMHUpDown.SetMin(const Value: Integer);
397 TMP: Integer;
398 begin
399 Perform(UDM_GETRANGE32, 0, DWord(@TMP));
400 Perform(UDM_SETRANGE32, Value, TMP);
401 PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FMin := Value;
402 end;
404 function TMHUpDown.GetMin: Integer;
405 begin
406 Perform(UDM_GETRANGE, DWord(@Result), 0);
407 end;
409 { Max }
410 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
412 procedure TMHUpDown.SetMax(const Value: Integer);
414 TMP: Integer;
415 begin
416 Perform(UDM_GETRANGE, DWord(@TMP), 0);
417 Perform(UDM_SETRANGE, TMP, Value);
418 PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FMax := Value;
419 end;
421 function TMHUpDown.GetMax: Integer;
422 begin
423 Perform(UDM_GETRANGE32, 0, DWord(@Result));
424 end;
426 { Position }
427 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
429 procedure TMHUpDown.SetPosition(const Value: Integer);
430 begin
431 Perform(UDM_SETPOS32, 0, Value);
432 end;
434 function TMHUpDown.GetPosition: Integer;
435 begin
436 Result := Perform(UDM_GETPOS32, 0, 0);
437 end;
439 { HexBase }
440 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
442 procedure TMHUpDown.SetHexBase(const Value: Boolean);
443 begin
444 if Value then
445 Perform(UDM_SETBASE, 16, 0)
446 else
447 Perform(UDM_SETBASE, 10, 0);
448 end;
450 function TMHUpDown.GetHexBase: Boolean;
451 begin
452 if Perform(UDM_GETBASE, 0, 0) = 16 then
453 Result := True
454 else
455 Result := False;
456 end;
458 { Increment }
459 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
461 procedure TMHUpDown.SetIncrement(const Value: Integer);
463 acc: TUDAccel;
464 begin
465 acc.nSec := REFRESH_PERIOD;
466 acc.nInc := Cardinal(Value);
467 Perform(UDM_SETACCEL, 1, LongInt(@acc));
468 end;
470 function TMHUpDown.GetIncrement: Integer;
472 tmp: LongInt;
473 acc: TUDAccel;
474 begin
475 Perform(UDM_GETACCEL, LongInt(@tmp), LongInt(@acc));
476 Result := acc.nInc;
477 end;
479 { Orientation }
480 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
482 function TMHUpDown.GetOrientation: TUpDownOrientation;
483 begin
484 Result := PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FOrientation;
485 end;
487 { ArrowKeys }
488 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
490 function TMHUpDown.GetArrowKeys: Boolean;
491 begin
492 Result := PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FArrowKeys;
493 end;
495 { AlignButton }
496 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
498 function TMHUpDown.GetAlignButton: TUpDownAlignButton;
499 begin
500 Result := PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FAlignButton;
501 end;
503 { AutoBuddy }
504 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
506 function TMHUpDown.GetAutoBuddy: Boolean;
507 begin
508 Result := PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FAutoBuddy;
509 end;
511 { Thousands }
512 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
514 function TMHUpDown.GetThousands: Boolean;
515 begin
516 Result := PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FThousands;
517 end;
519 { Wrap }
520 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
522 function TMHUpDown.GetWrap: Boolean;
523 begin
524 Result := PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FWrap;
525 end;
527 { HotTrack }
528 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
530 function TMHUpDown.GetHotTrack: Boolean;
531 begin
532 Result := PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FHotTrack;
533 end;
535 { OnChangingEx }
536 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
538 procedure TMHUpDown.SetOnChangingEx(const Value: TOnChangingEx);
539 begin
540 PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FOnChangingEx := Value;
541 end;
543 function TMHUpDown.GetOnChangingEx: TOnChangingEx;
544 begin
545 Result := PUpDownData(CustomData)^.FOnChangingEx;
546 end;
548 end.