2 TfmFileFilterEditor = class(TForm)
3 StringGrid1: TStringGrid;
6 procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
7 procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
8 procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
10 { Private declarations }
12 { Public declarations }
14 Constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); override;
18 fmFileFilterEditor: TfmFileFilterEditor;
22 Constructor TfmFileFilterEditor.Create( AOwner: TComponent );
29 Caption := 'fmFileFilterEditor' ;
30 Color := clBtnFace ;
31 //Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET ;
32 Font.Color := clWindowText ;
33 Font.Height := -13 ;
34 Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif' ;
36 //OldCreateOrder := False ;
38 OnActivate := FormActivate ;
39 StringGrid1 := TStringGrid.Create( Self );
40 StringGrid1.Parent := Self;
41 StringGrid1.Left := 6 ;
42 StringGrid1.Top := 8 ;
43 StringGrid1.Width := 429 ;
44 StringGrid1.Height := 120 ;
45 StringGrid1.ColCount := 2 ;
46 StringGrid1.DefaultColWidth := 204 ;
47 StringGrid1.DefaultRowHeight := 18 ;
48 StringGrid1.FixedCols := 0 ;
49 StringGrid1.RowCount := 50 ;
50 StringGrid1.Options := [ goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine,
51 goHorzLine, goDrawFocusSelected, goRowMoving, goEditing,
52 goAlwaysShowEditor, goThumbTracking];
53 StringGrid1.ScrollBars := ssVertical;
54 StringGrid1.TabOrder := 0 ;
55 Button1 := TButton.Create( Self );
56 Button1.Parent := Self;
57 Button1.Left := 272 ;
58 Button1.Top := 136 ;
59 Button1.Width := 75 ;
60 Button1.Height := 25 ;
61 Button1.Caption := 'OK' ;
62 Button1.OnClick := Button1Click;
63 Button2 := TButton.Create( Self );
64 Button2.Parent := Self;
65 Button2.Left := 360 ;
66 Button2.Top := 136 ;
67 Button2.Width := 75 ;
68 Button2.Height := 25 ;
69 Button2.Caption := 'Cancel' ;
70 Button2.OnClick := Button2Click;
72 StringGrid1.Cols[ 0 ].Text := 'Filter name';
73 StringGrid1.Cols[ 1 ].Text := 'Mask list';
76 procedure TfmFileFilterEditor.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
81 for I := 1 to StringGrid1.RowCount - 1 do
83 X := StringGrid1.Cells[ 0, I ];
84 Y := StringGrid1.Cells[ 1, I ];
85 if (X = '') and (Y = '') then
87 if Filter <> '' then
88 Filter := Filter + '|';
89 Filter := Filter + X + '|' + Y;
91 ModalResult := mrOK;
94 procedure TfmFileFilterEditor.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
96 ModalResult := mrCancel;
99 procedure TfmFileFilterEditor.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
104 while Filter <> '' do
106 I := pos( '|', Filter );
109 X := Copy( Filter, 1, I - 1 );
110 Filter := Copy( Filter, I + 1, MaxInt );
111 I := pos( '|', Filter );
114 Y := Copy( Filter, 1, I - 1 );
115 Filter := Copy( Filter, I + 1, MaxInt );
124 StringGrid1.Cells[ 0, J ] := X;
125 StringGrid1.Cells[ 1, J ] := Y;
127 if StringGrid1.RowCount <= J then
128 StringGrid1.RowCount := J + 1;
130 StringGrid1.RowCount := J + 50;