2 TfmActionListEditor = class(TForm)
10 chkStayOnTop: TCheckBox;
11 lvActions: TListView;
12 procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
13 procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
14 procedure chkStayOnTopClick(Sender: TObject);
15 procedure btAddClick(Sender: TObject);
16 procedure btDelClick(Sender: TObject);
17 procedure btUpClick(Sender: TObject);
18 procedure btDownClick(Sender: TObject);
19 procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
20 Shift: TShiftState);
21 procedure lvActionsSelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem;
26 procedure lvActionsChange(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Change: TItemChange);
28 procedure lvActionsEdited(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem;
30 procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
31 procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
33 { Private declarations }
34 FActionList: TComponent;
35 procedure SetActionList(const Value: TComponent);
36 procedure AdjustButtons;
39 { Public declarations }
40 property ActionList: TComponent read FActionList write SetActionList;
41 procedure MakeActive( SelectAny: Boolean );
42 constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); override;
43 procedure NameChanged(Sender: TComponent);
47 fmlvActionsEditor: TfmActionListEditor;
51 uses mirror, mckCtrls, mckObjs;
55 procedure TfmActionListEditor.AdjustButtons;
58 LI := lvActions.Selected;
61 btAdd.Enabled := lvActions.Items.Count = 0;
62 btDel.Enabled := FALSE;
63 btUp.Enabled := FALSE;
64 btDown.Enabled := FALSE;
68 btAdd.Enabled := TRUE;
69 btDel.Enabled := TRUE;
70 btUp.Enabled := LI.Index > 0;
71 btDown.Enabled := LI.Index < lvActions.Items.Count - 1;
75 procedure TfmActionListEditor.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
77 lvActions.Columns[ 0 ].Width := lvActions.ClientWidth;
80 procedure TfmActionListEditor.MakeActive(SelectAny: Boolean);
86 if lvActions.Items.Count > 0 then
87 if lvActions.Selected = nil then
89 lvActions.Selected := lvActions.Items[ 0 ];
90 if lvActions.Selected <> nil then
92 Act := lvActions.Selected.Data;
93 F := (FActionList as TKOLActionList).Owner as TForm;
96 {$IFDEF _D6orHigher}
97 F.Designer.QueryInterface(IFormDesigner,D);
102 if QueryFormDesigner( D, FD ) then
104 RemoveSelection( FD );
105 FD.SelectComponent( Act );
112 procedure TfmActionListEditor.SetActionList(const Value: TComponent);
113 var LV: TKOLActionList;
115 FActionList := Value;
116 LV := FActionList as TKOLActionList;
117 Caption := LV.Name + ' actions';
120 procedure TfmActionListEditor.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
124 AL: TKOLActionList;
126 lvActions.Items.BeginUpdate;
129 lvActions.Items.Clear;
130 if FActionList <> nil then
131 if FActionList is TKOLActionList then
133 AL := FActionList as TKOLActionList;
134 for I := 0 to AL.Count-1 do
136 LI := lvActions.Items.Add;
139 LI.Caption := Act.Name;
144 lvActions.Items.EndUpdate;
148 procedure TfmActionListEditor.chkStayOnTopClick(Sender: TObject);
150 if chkStayOnTop.Checked then
151 FormStyle := fsStayOnTop
153 FormStyle := fsNormal;
156 procedure TfmActionListEditor.btAddClick(Sender: TObject);
159 AL: TKOLActionList;
163 if FActionList = nil then Exit;
164 if not( FActionList is TKOLActionList ) then Exit;
165 AL := FActionList as TKOLActionList;
166 LI := lvActions.Selected;
169 Act := TKOLAction.Create( AL.Owner );
170 LI := lvActions.Items.Add;
175 if LI.Index >= lvActions.Items.Count then
176 Act := TKOLAction.Create( AL.Owner )
179 Act := TKOLAction.Create( AL.Owner );
180 Act.ActionList:=AL;
181 AL.List.Move( lvActions.Items.Count, LI.Index + 1 );
183 LI := lvActions.Items.Insert( LI.Index + 1 );
186 if AL <> nil then begin
187 Act.ActionList:=AL;
188 if AL.Owner is TForm then
189 for I := 1 to MaxInt do
191 S := 'Action' + IntToStr( I );
192 if (AL.Owner as TForm).FindComponent( S ) = nil then
193 if AL.FindComponent( S ) = nil then
200 lvActions.Selected := nil;
201 lvActions.Selected := LI;
202 lvActions.ItemFocused := LI;
203 LI.MakeVisible( FALSE );
206 procedure TfmActionListEditor.btDelClick(Sender: TObject);
211 LI := lvActions.Selected;
218 if J >= lvActions.Items.Count then
222 lvActions.Selected := lvActions.Items[ J ];
223 lvActions.ItemFocused := lvActions.Selected;
227 if lvActions.Items.Count = 0 then
231 procedure TfmActionListEditor.btUpClick(Sender: TObject);
232 var LI, LI1: TListItem;
234 AL: TKOLActionList;
236 if FActionList = nil then Exit;
237 if not(FActionList is TKOLActionList) then Exit;
238 AL := FActionList as TKOLActionList;
239 LI := lvActions.Selected;
240 if LI = nil then Exit;
242 LI1 := lvActions.Items.Insert( I );
243 LI1.Caption := LI.Caption;
244 LI1.Data := LI.Data;
245 AL.List.Move( I + 1, I );
247 lvActions.Selected := LI1;
248 lvActions.ItemFocused := LI1;
252 procedure TfmActionListEditor.btDownClick(Sender: TObject);
253 var LI, LI1: TListItem;
254 AL: TKOLActionList;
256 if FActionList = nil then Exit;
257 if not(FActionList is TKOLActionList) then Exit;
258 AL := FActionList as TKOLActionList;
259 LI := lvActions.Selected;
260 if LI = nil then Exit;
261 AL.List.Move( LI.Index, LI.Index + 1 );
262 LI1 := lvActions.Items.Insert( LI.Index + 2 );
263 LI1.Caption := LI.Caption;
264 LI1.Data := LI.Data;
266 lvActions.Selected := LI1;
267 lvActions.ItemFocused := LI1;
271 procedure TfmActionListEditor.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
272 Shift: TShiftState);
275 VK_F2: if (lvActions.Selected <> nil) then
276 lvActions.Selected.EditCaption
278 VK_INSERT: btAdd.Click;
279 VK_DELETE: if not lvActions.IsEditing then btDel.Click else exit;
280 VK_RETURN: if (ActiveControl = lvActions) and not lvActions.IsEditing and
281 (lvActions.Selected <> nil) then
282 lvActions.Selected.EditCaption
284 VK_UP: if (GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL ) < 0) then
287 VK_DOWN: if (GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL ) < 0) then
295 procedure TfmActionListEditor.lvActionsSelectItem(Sender: TObject;
296 Item: TListItem; Selected: Boolean);
299 MakeActive( FALSE );
303 procedure TfmActionListEditor.lvActionsChange(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Change: TItemChange);
305 if lvActions.Selected <> nil then
306 MakeActive( FALSE );
310 procedure TfmActionListEditor.lvActionsEdited(Sender: TObject;
311 Item: TListItem; var S: String);
312 var Act: TKOLAction;
314 if Item = nil then Exit;
315 if S = '' then begin
321 MakeActive( FALSE );
324 procedure TfmActionListEditor.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
325 var LV: TKOLActionList;
327 Rpt( 'Destroying ActionList columns editor' );
328 if FActionList = nil then Exit;
329 LV := FActionList as TKOLActionList;
330 LV.ActiveDesign := nil;
333 procedure TfmActionListEditor.FormClose(Sender: TObject;
334 var Action: TCloseAction);
336 Rpt( 'Closing ActionList columns editor' );
338 modalResult := mrOK;
341 procedure TfmActionListEditor.NameChanged(Sender: TComponent);
345 for i:=0 to lvActions.Items.Count - 1 do
346 if lvActions.Items[i].Data = Sender then begin
347 lvActions.Items[i].Caption:=Sender.Name;
351 procedure TfmActionListEditor.SelectLV;
356 if FActionList <> nil then
358 F := (FActionList as TKOLActionList).Owner as TForm;
361 Rpt( 'Form found: ' + F.Name );
363 {$IFDEF _D6orHigher} //
364 F.Designer.QueryInterface(IFormDesigner,D); //
371 Rpt( 'IDesigner interface returned' );
372 if QueryFormDesigner( D, FD ) then
374 Rpt( 'IFormDesigner interface quered' );
376 RemoveSelection( FD );
377 FD.SelectComponent( FActionList );
379 Rpt( 'EXCEPTION *** Could not clear selection!' )
388 constructor TfmActionListEditor.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
396 HorzScrollBar.Visible := False;
397 VertScrollBar.Visible := False;
398 BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu];
399 Caption := 'Actions';
400 //Color := clBtnFace;
401 //Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET;
402 //Font.Color := clWindowText;
403 //Font.Height := -11;
404 Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif';
405 //Font.Style := [];
406 KeyPreview := True;
407 //OldCreateOrder := False;
409 OnClose := FormClose;
410 OnDestroy := FormDestroy;
411 OnKeyDown := FormKeyDown;
412 OnResize := FormResize;
413 OnShow := FormShow;
414 PixelsPerInch := 96;
415 //TextHeight := 13;
416 pnButtons := TPanel.Create( Self );
425 BevelOuter := bvNone;
427 btAdd := TButton.Create( pnButtons );
430 Parent := pnButtons;
437 OnClick := btAddClick;
439 btDel := TButton.Create( pnButtons );
442 Parent := pnButtons;
447 Caption := '&Delete';
449 OnClick := btDelClick;
451 btUp := TButton.Create( pnButtons );
454 Parent := pnButtons;
461 OnClick := btUpClick;
463 btDown := TButton.Create( pnButtons );
466 Parent := pnButtons;
471 Caption := '&Down';
473 OnClick := btDownClick;
475 chkStayOnTop := TCheckBox.Create( pnButtons );
476 with chkStayOnTop do
478 Parent := pnButtons;
483 Caption := 'Stay On &Top';
485 OnClick := chkStayOnTopClick;
488 pnView := TPanel.Create( Self );
497 BevelOuter := bvNone;
500 lvActions := TListView.Create( pnView );
510 HideSelection := False;
514 ShowColumnHeaders := False;
516 ViewStyle := vsReport;
517 OnEdited := lvActionsEdited;
519 OnChange := lvActionsChange;
521 OnSelectItem := lvActionsSelectItem;