initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / obj / UStr.pas
1 unit UStr;
3 interface
5 function space ( n:integer):string ;
6 function replicate(ch:char; n:integer):string ;
7 function trim (str:string;c:boolean=false):string ;
8 function alike (a,b:string;var d, p: integer): boolean;
9 function center (str:string;n:integer):string ;
10 function UpSt ( s:string ):string;
11 function LoSt ( s:string ):string;
12 function lpad ( s:string;n:integer;c:char):string;
13 function rpad ( s:string;n:integer;c:char):string;
14 function addbackslash(p : string) : string;
15 function match (sm : string; var st: string) : boolean;
16 function lines (p, l, s : longint) : string;
17 function LoCase (c : char) : char;
18 function JustPathName(PathName : string) : string;
19 function JustFileName(PathName : string) : string;
20 function JustName (PathName : string) : string;
21 function CRC16 (s : string) : system.word;
23 implementation
25 function space;
26 var i : integer;
27 tempstr : string;
28 begin
29 tempstr:='';
30 for i:=1 to n do tempstr:=tempstr+' ';
31 space:=tempstr;
32 end;
34 function replicate;
35 var i : integer;
36 tempstr : string;
37 begin
38 tempstr:='';
39 for i:=1 to n do tempstr:=tempstr+ch;
40 replicate:=tempstr;
41 end;
43 function trim;
44 var i,j : integer;
45 s : string;
46 begin
47 trim := '';
48 s := str;
49 if length(str) > 1 then begin
50 i := length(str);
51 j := 1;
52 while (j <= i) and (str[j] = ' ') do inc(j);
53 if j > i then begin
54 result := '';
55 exit;
56 end;
57 while (str[i] = ' ') do dec(i);
58 s := copy(str, j, i - j + 1);
59 end;
60 if c and (length(s) > 3) then begin
61 repeat
62 i := pos(' ', s);
63 if i > 0 then begin
64 s := copy(s, 1, i - 1) + copy(s, i + 1, length(s) - i);
65 end;
66 until i = 0;
67 end;
68 if c then result := LoSt(s)
69 else result := s;
70 end;
72 function alike;
73 var e, f: integer;
74 begin
75 result := false;
76 p := 0;
77 e := length(a);
78 f := length(b);
79 if e + f = 0 then begin
80 result := true;
81 d := 100;
82 exit;
83 end;
84 if (e = 0) or (f = 0) then begin
85 d := 0;
86 exit;
87 end;
88 while (p < e) and (p < f) do begin
89 inc(p);
90 if a[p] <> b[p] then begin
91 dec(p);
92 break;
93 end;
94 end;
95 d := 200 * p div (e + f);
96 if p * 2 > (e + f) div 2 then begin
97 result := true;
98 end;
99 end;
101 function center;
102 var tempstr : string;
103 j : integer;
104 begin
105 j := n - length(trim(str));
106 if j > 0 then tempstr := space(j - j div 2) + trim(str) + space(j div 2)
107 else tempstr := trim(str);
108 center := tempstr;
109 end;
111 function UpSt;
112 var t : string;
113 i : integer;
114 begin
115 t := s;
116 for i := 1 to length(s) do t[i] := UpCase(s[i]);
117 UpSt := t;
118 end;
120 function LoSt;
121 var t : string;
122 i : integer;
123 begin
124 t := s;
125 for i := 1 to length(s) do t[i] := LoCase(s[i]);
126 LoSt := t;
127 end;
129 function lpad;
130 begin
131 lpad := replicate(c, n - length(s)) + s;
132 end;
134 function rpad;
135 begin
136 rpad := s + replicate(c, n - length(s));
137 end;
139 function addbackslash;
140 begin
141 if length(p) > 0 then
142 if p[length(p)] = '\' then addbackslash := p
143 else addbackslash := p + '\'
144 else addbackslash := p;
145 end;
147 function match(sm : string; var st: string) : boolean;
148 var p : integer;
149 _sm,
150 _st : string;
151 begin
152 match := false;
153 if (length(sm) > 0) and (length(st) > 0) then begin
154 _sm := UpSt(sm);
155 _st := UpSt(st);
156 while pos(_sm, _st) > 0 do begin
157 match := true;
158 p := pos(_sm, _st);
159 _st := copy(_st, 1, p - 1) + copy(_st, p + length(_sm), 250);
160 st := copy( st, 1, p - 1) + copy( st, p + length( sm), 250);
161 end;
162 end;
163 end;
165 function lines;
166 var o : string;
167 i : longint;
168 n : longint;
169 begin
170 if l > 0 then begin
171 i := p * s div l;
172 n := p * s * 2 div l;
173 o := replicate('Û', i);
174 if n > i * 2 then o := o + 'Ý';
175 lines := o + space(s - length(o));
176 end else lines := '';
177 end;
179 function LoCase;
180 var t : char;
181 begin
182 if (c >= 'A') and (c <= 'Z') then t := chr(ord(c) + 32)
183 else t := c;
184 LoCase := t;
185 end;
187 function JustPathname(PathName : string) : string;
188 {-Return just the drive:directory portion of a pathname}
190 I : Word;
191 begin
192 I := Succ(Word(Length(PathName)));
193 repeat
194 Dec(I);
195 until (PathName[I] in ['\',':',#0]) or (I = 1);
197 if I = 1 then
198 {Had no drive or directory name}
199 JustPathname := ''
200 else if I = 1 then
201 {Either the root directory of default drive or invalid pathname}
202 JustPathname := PathName[1]
203 else if (PathName[I] = '\') then begin
204 if PathName[Pred(I)] = ':' then
205 {Root directory of a drive, leave trailing backslash}
206 JustPathname := Copy(PathName, 1, I)
207 else
208 {Subdirectory, remove the trailing backslash}
209 JustPathname := Copy(PathName, 1, Pred(I));
210 end else
211 {Either the default directory of a drive or invalid pathname}
212 JustPathname := Copy(PathName, 1, I);
213 end;
215 function JustFilename(PathName : string) : string;
216 {-Return just the filename of a pathname}
218 I : Word;
219 begin
220 I := Succ(Word(Length(PathName)));
221 repeat
222 Dec(I);
223 until (I = 0) or (PathName[I] in ['\', ':', #0]);
224 JustFilename := Copy(PathName, Succ(I), 64);
225 end;
227 function JustName(PathName : string) : string;
228 {-Return just the name (no extension, no path) of a pathname}
230 DotPos : Byte;
231 begin
232 PathName := JustFileName(PathName);
233 DotPos := Pos('.', PathName);
234 if DotPos > 0 then
235 PathName := Copy(PathName, 1, DotPos-1);
236 JustName := PathName;
237 end;
240 function CRC16(s : string) : system.word; { By Kevin Cooney }
242 crc : longint;
243 t,r : byte;
244 begin
245 crc := 0;
246 for t := 1 to length(s) do
247 begin
248 crc := (crc xor (ord(s[t]) shl 8));
249 for r := 1 to 8 do
250 if (crc and $8000)>0 then
251 crc := ((crc shl 1) xor $1021)
252 else
253 crc := (crc shl 1);
254 end;
255 CRC16 := (crc and $FFFF);
256 end;
258 end.