initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / units / 32audio / AudioUtils.pas
2 ********************************************************************
3 VSTUtils
4 Otiginally a unit to extend the VST SDK with some useful functions.
5 expanded with generic audioprocessing utilities by Thaddy de Koning
7 Based upon Frederic Vanmol's DVstUtils.pas, but with some
8 extensions by Tobybear and Thaddy.
9 You can easily use this instead
10 of the original DVstUtils.pas
12 I have also translated some of TobyBear's functions to assembler as well
13 as making this KOL compatible,
15 Note that most assembler functions would run more efficient if
16 written in external assembler. (Because of superfluous stack allocations,
17 result allocation and register pushing by the compiler)
18 I have incluede remarks to that extend where appropiate.
20 Thaddy
21 ********************************************************************
24 unit AudioUtils;
26 interface
29 type
30 PPERect = ^PERect;
31 PERect = ^ERect;
32 ERect = record
33 top, left, bottom, right: smallint;
34 end;
36 // Frederic's functions:
38 function FourCharToLong(C1, C2, C3, C4: char): longint;
39 // Converts four chars to a longint in the format required
40 // by Cubase VST for the identifier of the effect.
42 function FMod(d1, d2: double): double;
43 // Gets the remainder after the floating point division of d1 and d2.
46 procedure dB2string(Value: single; Text: PChar);
47 // Converts value to a null terminated string representation in decibels.
49 procedure dB2stringRound(Value: single; Text: PChar);
50 // Converts value to a null terminated string representation in decibels
51 // after having rounded it.
53 procedure float2string(const Value: single; Text: PChar);
54 // Converts the floating point variable value to a null terminated string
55 // representation.
57 procedure long2string(Value: longint; Text: PChar);
58 // Converts the integer variable value to a null terminated string
59 // representation.
61 procedure float2stringAsLong(Value: single; Text: PChar);
62 // Converts the floating point variable value to a null terminated string
63 // representation with nothing after the decimal point.
65 procedure Hz2string(samples, sampleRate: single; Text: PChar);
66 // Converts samples in combination with sampleRate to Hz.
68 procedure ms2string(samples, sampleRate: single; Text: PChar);
69 // Converts samples in combination with sampleRate to milliseconds.
71 function gapSmallValue(Value, MaxValue: double): double;
72 // Converts value (between 0 and 1) to an unevenly spread representation
73 // between 0 and maxValue. Unevenly spread means lower values take longer
74 // to change while higher values change quicker.
76 function invGapSmallValue(Value, MaxValue: double): double;
77 // This is the inverse operation of gapSmallValue. When you have altered
78 // the value internally with gapSmallValue and Cubase requests this value,
79 // use this function to return the representation between 0 and 1 from
80 // a range of 0 to maxValue.
82 // Tobybear's functions:
83 function GetDLLFilename: string;
85 function GetDLLDirectory: string;
87 function f_limit(v, l, u: single): single;
88 function dB_to_Amp(g: single): single;
89 function Amp_to_dB(v: single): single;
90 function linear_interpolation(f, a, b: single): single;
91 function cubic_interpolation(fr, inm1, inp, inp1, inp2: single): single;
92 function f_frac(x: single): single;
93 function f_int(x: single): single;
94 function f_trunc(f: single): integer;
95 function f_round(f: single): integer;
96 function f_exp(x: single): single;
98 const
99 _pi = 3.1415926536;
100 function f_ln2(f: single): single;
101 function f_floorln2(f: single): longint;
102 function f_abs(f: single): single;
103 function f_neg(f: single): single;
104 function f_root(i: single; n: integer): single;
105 function f_power(i: single; n: integer): single;
106 function f_log2(val: single): single;
107 function f_arctan(fValue: single): single;
108 function f_sin(fAngle: single): single;
109 function f_cos(fAngle: single): single;
110 function f_sgn(f: single): longint;
111 function f_clip(x, l, h: single): single;
112 function f_cliplo(x, l: single): single;
113 function f_cliphi(x, h: single): single;
115 // scale logarithmicly from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
116 function FreqLinearToLog(Value: single): single;
117 function FreqLogToLinear(Value: single): single;
118 function OnOff(fvalue: single): boolean;
122 //Thaddy's functions
124 // This prevents the FPU from entering denormal mode on very small values
125 // This precision is not necessary for Audio and can slow down the processing
126 // by as much as 700% !! in some cases.(Both Intel and AMD processors suffer
127 // from this problem)
128 // You should always check your code for denormal numbers as it leads to
129 // hickups and potentially crashes in realtime audio processing
130 function undenormalize(fvalue: single): single;
132 // An alternative is to add a very small, but itself not a denormal, value
133 // before you enter a calculation that can cause a denormal value
134 // This cancels out in the audio, but is large enough to prevent the FPU
135 // going haywire. see below
137 // You should choose your strategy based on your application, though.
138 // Not any of the two methods is best:
139 // The function is more accurate but is slower,
140 // The addition is very fast but may propagate into the result.
141 // A third way is adding a small amount of white noise to the audio signal
142 // before processing.
143 // If you do that from a buffer, the speed is very good, but you may pollute
144 // the cache. If the processor cache is not important for your processing
145 // type, or irrelevant, i.e. much different tasks going on to process one single
146 // sample, this may be the best solution for pristine audioquality.
148 const
149 kDenorm = 1.0e-25;
151 //Converts 16 bit integers to 32 bit floating point
152 procedure ConvertInt16toFloats(const Inbuffer: array of smallint;
153 var Outbuffer: array of single; SampleCount: integer);
155 //Converts 32 bitfloating point to 16 bit integers
156 procedure ConvertFloatsToInt16(const Inbuffer: array of single;
157 var Outbuffer: array of smallint; SampleCount: integer);
159 //Splits a 16 bit interleaved stereo file into two 32 bit floating point channels
160 procedure SplitChannels16ToFloatStereo(const Data: array of smallint; var ld: array of single;
161 var RD: array of single; Samples: integer);
163 //Splits an interleaved 32 bit stereo file into two 32 bit floating point channels
164 procedure SplitChannels32ToFloatStereo(const Data: array of single; var Ld: array of single;
165 var Rd: array of single; Samples: integer);
167 //Two distortions
168 function Distort(Value: single; Amount: single): single;
169 function Distort2(Value: single; Amount: single): single;
171 // Tube-like Soft saturation
172 function saturate(Value, t: single): single;
174 //BitCrusher, works on smallints
175 function KeepBitsFrom16(input: smallint; keepBits: integer): smallint;
178 implementation
180 uses kolmath, kol, windows;
182 //Value = input in [-1..1]
183 //y = output
184 function Distort(Value: single; Amount: single): single; register;
186 k: single;
187 begin
188 k := Undenormalize(2 * amount / (1 - amount));
189 Result := (1 + k) * Value / (1 + Value * f_abs(Value))
190 end;
192 function Distort2(Value: single; Amount: single): single; register;
194 z, s, b: single;
195 begin
196 z := pi * amount;
197 s := 1 / sin(z);
198 b := 1 / amount;
199 if Value > b then
200 Result := 1
201 else
202 Result := sin(Value * z) * s;
203 end;
205 function saturate(Value, t: single): single; register;
206 begin
207 //This can be looped from unknown source, so den. Value
208 //Threshold T is under our control
209 Value:=Undenormalize(Value);
210 if f_abs(Value) < t then
211 Result := Value
212 else
213 begin
214 if (Value > 0) then
215 Result := t + (1 - t) * tanh((Value - t) / (1 - t))
216 else
217 Result := -(t + (1 - t) * tanh((-Value - t) / (1 - t)));
218 end;
219 end;
221 function KeepBitsFrom16(input: smallint; keepBits: integer): smallint;
222 begin
223 Result := (input and (-1 shl (16 - keepBits)));
224 end;
226 procedure ConvertInt16toFloats(const Inbuffer: array of smallint;
227 var Outbuffer: array of single; SampleCount: integer);
229 i: integer;
230 begin
231 for i := 0 to Samplecount - 1 do
232 Outbuffer[i] := Inbuffer[i] * (1.0 / 32767.0);
233 end;
235 procedure ConvertFloatsToInt16(const Inbuffer: array of single;
236 var Outbuffer: array of smallint; SampleCount: integer);
238 i: integer;
239 begin
240 for i := 0 to SampleCount - 1 do
241 Outbuffer[i] := f_trunc(Inbuffer[i] * 32767);
242 end;
244 procedure SplitChannels16ToFloatStereo(const Data: array of smallint; var ld: array of single;
245 var RD: array of single; Samples: integer);
247 Tempdata: array of single;
248 i, j: integer;
249 begin
250 setlength(Tempdata, samples * 2);
251 ConvertInt16ToFloats(Data, tempdata, samples);
252 j := 0;
253 for i := 0 to samples - 1 do
254 begin
255 ld[i] := Tempdata[j];
256 inc(j);
257 Rd[i] := Tempdata[j];
258 inc(j);
259 end;
260 setlength(Tempdata, 0);
261 end;
263 procedure SplitChannels32ToFloatStereo(const Data: array of single; var Ld: array of single;
264 var Rd: array of single; Samples: integer);
266 i, j: integer;
267 begin
268 j := 0;
269 for i := 0 to (Samples div 2) - 1 do
270 begin
271 Ld[i] := Data[j];
272 inc(j);
273 Rd[i] := Data[j];
274 inc(j);
275 end;
276 end;
279 function FourCharToLong(C1, C2, C3, C4: char): longint;
280 begin
281 Result := Ord(C4) + (Ord(C3) shl 8) + (Ord(C2) shl 16) + (Ord(C1) shl 24);
282 end;
284 function FMod(d1, d2: double): double;
285 var
286 i: integer;
287 begin
288 if d2 = 0 then
289 Result := High(longint)
290 else
291 begin
292 Result := f_Trunc(d1 / d2);
293 Result := d1 - (Result * d2);
294 end;
295 end;
297 function DbtoFloat(Value: single): single;
298 begin
299 if Value <= 0 then Value := 0.1;
300 Result := 20 * Log10(Value);
301 end;
303 procedure dB2string(Value: single; Text: PChar);
304 begin
305 if (Value <= 0) then StrCopy(Text, ' -oo ')
306 else
307 float2string(20 * log10(Value), Text);
308 end;
310 procedure dB2stringRound(Value: single; Text: PChar);
311 begin
312 if (Value <= 0) then StrCopy(Text, ' -96 ')
313 else
314 long2string(Round(20 * log10(Value)), Text);
315 end;
317 procedure float2string(const Value: single; Text: PChar);
318 begin
319 if Value < 0 then
320 StrCopy(Text, PChar(Format('%s', ['-' + Num2Bytes(f_abs(Value))])))
321 else
322 StrCopy(Text, PChar(Format('%s', [Num2Bytes(Value)])))
323 end;
325 procedure long2string(Value: longint; Text: PChar);
326 begin
327 if (Value >= 100000000) then
328 begin
329 StrCopy(Text, ' Huge! ');
330 Exit;
331 end;
332 StrCopy(Text, PChar(Format('%7d', [Value])));
333 end;
335 procedure float2stringAsLong(Value: single; Text: PChar);
336 begin
337 if (Value >= 100000000) then
338 begin
339 StrCopy(Text, ' Huge! ');
340 Exit;
341 end;
342 StrCopy(Text, PChar(Format('%7.0f', [Value])));
343 end;
345 procedure Hz2string(samples, sampleRate: single; Text: PChar);
346 begin
347 if (samples = 0) then float2string(0, Text)
348 else
349 float2string(sampleRate / samples, Text);
350 end;
352 procedure ms2string(samples, sampleRate: single; Text: PChar);
353 begin
354 float2string(samples * 1000 / sampleRate, Text);
355 end;
357 function gapSmallValue(Value, MaxValue: double): double;
358 begin
359 Result := Power(MaxValue, Value);
360 end;
362 function invGapSmallValue(Value, MaxValue: double): double;
363 begin
364 Result := 0;
365 if (Value <> 0) then Result := logN(MaxValue, Value);
366 end;
368 function GetDLLFilename: string;
370 st: string;
371 begin
372 setlength(st, 1500);
373 getmodulefilename(hinstance, PChar(st), 1500);
374 Result := extractfilename(trim(st));
375 end;
377 function GetDLLDirectory: string;
379 st: string;
380 begin
381 setlength(st, 1500);
382 getmodulefilename(hinstance, PChar(st), 1500);
383 Result := ExtractFilepath(trim(st));
384 end;
386 const
387 LN2R = 1.442695041;
389 // Limit a value to be l<=v<=u
390 function f_limit(v, l, u: single): single;
391 begin
392 if v < l then Result := l
393 else if v > u then Result := u
394 else
395 Result := v;
396 end;
398 // Convert a value in dB's to a linear amplitude
399 function dB_to_Amp(g: single): single;
400 begin
401 if (g>-90.0) then Result := power(10,g * 0.05)
402 else
403 Result := 0;
404 end;
406 function Amp_to_dB(v: single): single;
407 begin
408 Result := (20 * log10(v));
409 end;
411 function linear_interpolation(f, a, b: single): single;
412 begin
413 Result := (1 - f) * a + f * b;
414 end;
416 function cubic_interpolation(fr, inm1, inp, inp1, inp2: single): single;
417 begin
418 Result := inp + 0.5 * fr * (inp1 - inm1 + fr *
419 (4 * inp1 + 2 * inm1 - 5 * inp - inp2 + fr * (3 * (inp - inp1) - inm1 + inp2)));
420 end;
422 const
423 half: double = 0.5;
425 function f_trunc(f: single): integer;
427 fld f
428 fsub half
429 fistp result
430 end;
432 function f_frac(x: single): single;
433 begin
434 Result := x - f_trunc(x);
435 end;
437 function f_int(x: single): single;
438 begin
439 Result := f_trunc(x);
440 end;
442 function f_round(f: single): integer;
443 begin
444 Result := round(f);
445 end;
447 function f_exp(x: single): single;
448 begin
449 Result := power(2,x * LN2R);
450 end;
452 function f_Sin(fAngle: single): single;
454 fASqr, fres: single;
455 begin
456 fASqr := fAngle * fAngle;
457 fRes := 7.61e-03;
458 fRes := fRes * fASqr;
459 fRes := fRes - 1.6605e-01;
460 fRes := fRes * fASqr;
461 fRes := fRes + 1;
462 fRes := fRes * fAngle;
463 Result := fRes;
464 end;
466 function f_Cos(fAngle: single): single;
468 fASqr, fRes: single;
469 begin
470 fASqr := fAngle * fAngle;
471 fRes := 3.705e-02;
472 fRes := fRes * fASqr;
473 fRes := fRes - 4.967e-01;
474 fRes := fRes * fASqr;
475 fRes := fRes + 1;
476 fRes := fRes * fAngle;
477 Result := fRes;
478 end;
480 function f_arctan(fValue: single): single;
482 fVSqr, fRes: single;
483 begin
484 fVSqr := fValue * fValue;
485 fRes := 0.0208351;
486 fRes := fRes * fVSqr;
487 fRes := fRes - 0.085133;
488 fRes := fRes * fVSqr;
489 fRes := fRes + 0.180141;
490 fRes := fRes * fVSqr;
491 fRes := fRes - 0.3302995;
492 fRes := fRes * fVSqr;
493 fRes := fRes + 0.999866;
494 fRes := fRes * fValue;
495 Result := fRes;
496 end;
498 function f_ln2(f: single): single;
499 begin
500 Result := (((longint((@f)^) and $7f800000) shr 23) - $7f) +
501 (longint((@f)^) and $007fffff) / $800000;
502 end;
505 function f_floorLn2(f: single): longint; assembler;
507 mov eax,f
508 and eax,$7F800000
509 shr eax,23
510 sub eax,$7f
511 end;
513 function f_abs(f: single): single; assembler;
515 mov eax,f
516 and eax, $7FFFFFFF;
517 mov @result,eax;
518 end;
520 function f_neg(f: single): single; assembler;
522 mov eax,f
523 xor eax,$80000000
524 mov @result,eax;
525 end;
527 function f_sgn(f: single): longint; assembler;
529 mov edx, f
530 shr edx, 31
531 add edx, edx
532 xor eax, eax //faster than mov eax,1
533 inc eax //
534 sub eax, edx
535 end;
537 //here the compiler did a better job, TdK
538 function f_log2(val: single): single;
540 log2, x: longint;
541 begin
542 x := longint((@val)^);
543 log2 := ((x shr 23) and 255) - 128;
544 x := x and (not (255 shl 23));
545 x := x + 127 shl 23;
546 Result := single((@x)^) + log2;
547 end;
549 //Tiny bit faster
550 //If you rewrite this in external assembler you must push ecx!!
551 function f_power(i: single; n: integer): single; assembler;
553 sub i, $3f800000
554 mov ecx,n
555 dec ecx
556 shl i, cl
557 add i,$3F800000
558 mov eax,i
559 mov @result, eax;
560 end;
562 //Tiny bit faster, do not move to eax, because of sign
563 //If you rewrite this in external assembler you must push ecx!!
565 function f_root(i: single; n: integer): single; assembler;
567 sub i, $3F800000
568 mov ecx, n
569 dec ecx
570 shr i, cl
571 add i, $3f800000
572 mov eax,i
573 mov @result,eax
574 end;
576 //Change geberates more efficient code
577 //Can't improve on the compiler generated code, TdK
578 function f_cliplo(x, l: single): single;
579 begin
580 x := X - l;
581 Result := (x + f_abs(x)) * 0.5 + l;
582 end;
584 //Change geberates more efficient code
585 //Can't improve on the compiler generated code, TdK
586 function f_cliphi(x, h: single): single;
587 begin
588 x := h - x;
589 Result := h - (x + f_abs(x)) * 0.5;
590 end;
592 //idem
593 //Can't improve on the compiler generated code, TdK
594 function f_clip(x, l, h: single): single;
596 x1, x2: single;
597 begin
598 Result := (f_abs(x - l) + (l + h) - (f_abs(x - h))) * 0.5;
599 end;
601 // scale logarithmicly from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
602 function FreqLinearToLog(Value: single): single;
603 begin
604 Result := (20.0 * power(2.0,Value * 9.965784284662088765571752446703612804412841796875));
605 end;
607 function FreqLogToLinear(Value: single): single;
608 begin
609 Result := (ln(Value / 20) / ln(2)) / 9.965784284662088765571752446703612804412841796875;
610 end;
612 function OnOff(fvalue: single): boolean;
613 begin
614 Result := fvalue > 0.5
615 end;
617 // Much faster than even a C style float to int cast and more secure
618 function undenormalize(fValue: single): single; assembler;
620 mov eax, fvalue
621 test eax, $7F800000
622 jnz @exit
623 xor eax, eax
624 @exit:
625 mov @result,eax
626 end;
628 end.