initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / units / activekol / KOLComObj.pas
2 {*******************************************************}
3 { }
4 { Borland Delphi Runtime Library }
5 { COM object support }
6 { }
7 { Copyright (C) 1997,99 Inprise Corporation }
8 { }
9 {*******************************************************}
11 unit KOLComObj;
16 interface
18 uses Windows, ActiveX, KOL, err {$IFDEF _D6orHigher}, Variants {$ENDIF};
20 type
21 { Forward declarations }
23 TComObjectFactory = class;
25 { COM server abstract base class }
27 TComServerObject = class(TObject)
28 protected
29 function CountObject(Created: Boolean): Integer; virtual; abstract;
30 function CountFactory(Created: Boolean): Integer; virtual; abstract;
31 function GetHelpFileName: string; virtual; abstract;
32 function GetServerFileName: string; virtual; abstract;
33 function GetServerKey: string; virtual; abstract;
34 function GetServerName: string; virtual; abstract;
35 function GetStartSuspended: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
36 function GetTypeLib: ITypeLib; virtual; abstract;
37 procedure SetHelpFileName(const Value: string); virtual; abstract;
38 public
39 property HelpFileName: string read GetHelpFileName write SetHelpFileName;
40 property ServerFileName: string read GetServerFileName;
41 property ServerKey: string read GetServerKey;
42 property ServerName: string read GetServerName;
43 property TypeLib: ITypeLib read GetTypeLib;
44 property StartSuspended: Boolean read GetStartSuspended;
45 end;
48 { TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer minimizes thread serialization to gain
49 read access to a resource shared among threads while still providing complete
50 exclusivity to callers needing write access to the shared resource.
51 (multithread shared reads, single thread exclusive write)
52 Reading is allowed while owning a write lock.
53 Read locks can be promoted to write locks.}
55 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
56 TActiveThreadRecord = record
57 ThreadID: Integer;
58 RecursionCount: Integer;
59 end;
60 TActiveThreadArray = array of TActiveThreadRecord;
62 TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer = class
63 private
64 FLock: TRTLCriticalSection;
65 FReadExit: THandle;
66 FCount: Integer;
67 FSaveReadCount: Integer;
68 FActiveThreads: TActiveThreadArray;
69 FWriteRequestorID: Integer;
70 FReallocFlag: Integer;
71 FWriting: Boolean;
72 function WriterIsOnlyReader: Boolean;
73 public
74 constructor Create;
75 destructor Destroy; override;
76 procedure BeginRead;
77 procedure EndRead;
78 procedure BeginWrite;
79 procedure EndWrite;
80 end;
81 {$ENDIF}
83 { COM class manager }
85 TFactoryProc = procedure(Factory: TComObjectFactory) of object;
87 TComClassManager = class(TObject)
88 private
89 FFactoryList: TComObjectFactory;
90 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
91 FLock: TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
92 {$ENDIF}
93 procedure AddObjectFactory(Factory: TComObjectFactory);
94 procedure RemoveObjectFactory(Factory: TComObjectFactory);
95 public
96 constructor Create;
97 destructor Destroy; override;
98 procedure ForEachFactory(ComServer: TComServerObject;
99 FactoryProc: TFactoryProc);
100 function GetFactoryFromClass(ComClass: TClass): TComObjectFactory;
101 function GetFactoryFromClassID(const ClassID: TGUID): TComObjectFactory;
102 end;
104 { IServerExceptionHandler }
105 { This interface allows you to report safecall exceptions that occur in a
106 TComObject server to a third party, such as an object that logs errors into
107 the system event log or a server monitor residing on another machine.
108 Obtain an interface from the error logger implementation and assign it
109 to your TComObject's ServerExceptionHandler property. Each TComObject
110 instance can have its own server exception handler, or all instances can
111 share the same handler. The server exception handler can override the
112 TComObject's default exception handling by setting Handled to True and
113 assigning an OLE HResult code to the HResult parameter.
116 IServerExceptionHandler = interface
117 ['{6A8D432B-EB81-11D1-AAB1-00C04FB16FBC}']
118 procedure OnException(
119 const ServerClass, ExceptionClass, ErrorMessage: WideString;
120 ExceptAddr: Integer; const ErrorIID, ProgID: WideString;
121 var Handled: Integer; var Result: HResult); dispid 2;
122 end;
124 { COM object }
126 TComObject = class(TObject, IUnknown, ISupportErrorInfo)
127 private
128 FController: Pointer;
129 FFactory: TComObjectFactory;
130 FNonCountedObject: Boolean;
131 FRefCount: Integer;
132 FServerExceptionHandler: IServerExceptionHandler;
133 function GetController: IUnknown;
134 protected
135 { IUnknown }
136 function IUnknown.QueryInterface = ObjQueryInterface;
137 function IUnknown._AddRef = ObjAddRef;
138 function IUnknown._Release = ObjRelease;
139 { IUnknown methods for other interfaces }
140 function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
141 function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
142 function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
143 { ISupportErrorInfo }
144 function InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(const iid: TIID): HResult; stdcall;
145 public
146 constructor Create;
147 constructor CreateAggregated(const Controller: IUnknown);
148 constructor CreateFromFactory(Factory: TComObjectFactory;
149 const Controller: IUnknown);
150 destructor Destroy; override;
151 procedure Initialize; virtual;
152 function ObjAddRef: Integer; virtual; stdcall;
153 function ObjQueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
154 function ObjRelease: Integer; virtual; stdcall;
155 function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
156 ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult; override;
157 property Controller: IUnknown read GetController;
158 property Factory: TComObjectFactory read FFactory;
159 property RefCount: Integer read FRefCount;
160 property ServerExceptionHandler: IServerExceptionHandler
161 read FServerExceptionHandler write FServerExceptionHandler;
162 end;
164 { COM class }
166 TComClass = class of TComObject;
168 { Instancing mode for COM classes }
170 TClassInstancing = (ciInternal, ciSingleInstance, ciMultiInstance);
172 { Threading model supported by COM classes }
174 TThreadingModel = (tmSingle, tmApartment, tmFree, tmBoth);
176 { COM object factory }
180 {$ENDIF}
181 TComObjectFactory = class(TObject, IUnknown, IClassFactory, IClassFactory2)
182 private
183 FNext: TComObjectFactory;
184 FComServer: TComServerObject;
185 FComClass: TClass;
186 FClassID: TGUID;
187 FClassName: string;
188 FDescription: string;
189 FErrorIID: TGUID;
190 FInstancing: TClassInstancing;
191 FLicString: WideString;
192 FRegister: Longint;
193 FShowErrors: Boolean;
194 FSupportsLicensing: Boolean;
195 FThreadingModel: TThreadingModel;
196 protected
197 function GetProgID: string; virtual;
198 function GetLicenseString: WideString; virtual;
199 function HasMachineLicense: Boolean; virtual;
200 function ValidateUserLicense(const LicStr: WideString): Boolean; virtual;
201 { IUnknown }
202 function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
203 function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
204 function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
205 { IClassFactory }
206 function CreateInstance(const UnkOuter: IUnknown; const IID: TGUID;
207 out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
208 function LockServer(fLock: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
209 { IClassFactory2 }
210 function GetLicInfo(var licInfo: TLicInfo): HResult; stdcall;
211 function RequestLicKey(dwResrved: Longint; out bstrKey: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
212 function CreateInstanceLic(const unkOuter: IUnknown; const unkReserved: IUnknown;
213 const iid: TIID; const bstrKey: WideString; out vObject): HResult; stdcall;
214 public
215 constructor Create(ComServer: TComServerObject; ComClass: TComClass;
216 const ClassID: TGUID; const ClassName, Description: string;
217 Instancing: TClassInstancing; ThreadingModel: TThreadingModel {= tmSingle} );
218 destructor Destroy; override;
219 function CreateComObject(const Controller: IUnknown): TComObject; virtual;
220 procedure RegisterClassObject;
221 procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); virtual;
222 property ClassID: TGUID read FClassID;
223 property ClassName: string read FClassName;
224 property ComClass: TClass read FComClass;
225 property ComServer: TComServerObject read FComServer;
226 property Description: string read FDescription;
227 property ErrorIID: TGUID read FErrorIID write FErrorIID;
228 property LicString: WideString read FLicString write FLicString;
229 property ProgID: string read GetProgID;
230 property Instancing: TClassInstancing read FInstancing;
231 property ShowErrors: Boolean read FShowErrors write FShowErrors;
232 property SupportsLicensing: Boolean read FSupportsLicensing write FSupportsLicensing;
233 property ThreadingModel: TThreadingModel read FThreadingModel;
234 end;
237 {$ENDIF}
239 { COM objects intended to be aggregated / contained }
241 TAggregatedObject = class
242 private
243 FController: Pointer;
244 function GetController: IUnknown;
245 protected
246 { IUnknown }
247 function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
248 function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
249 function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
250 public
251 constructor Create(Controller: IUnknown);
252 property Controller: IUnknown read GetController;
253 end;
255 TContainedObject = class(TAggregatedObject, IUnknown)
256 protected
257 { IUnknown }
258 function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
259 end;
261 { COM object with type information }
263 TTypedComObject = class(TComObject, IProvideClassInfo)
264 protected
265 { IProvideClassInfo }
266 function GetClassInfo(out TypeInfo: ITypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;
267 end;
269 TTypedComClass = class of TTypedComObject;
273 {$ENDIF}
274 TTypedComObjectFactory = class(TComObjectFactory)
275 private
276 FClassInfo: ITypeInfo;
277 public
278 constructor Create(ComServer: TComServerObject;
279 TypedComClass: TTypedComClass; const ClassID: TGUID;
280 Instancing: TClassInstancing; ThreadingModel: TThreadingModel {= tmSingle} );
281 function GetInterfaceTypeInfo(TypeFlags: Integer): ITypeInfo;
282 procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); override;
283 property ClassInfo: ITypeInfo read FClassInfo;
284 end;
287 {$ENDIF}
289 { OLE Automation object }
291 TConnectEvent = procedure (const Sink: IUnknown; Connecting: Boolean) of object;
293 TAutoObjectFactory = class;
295 TAutoObject = class(TTypedComObject, IDispatch)
296 private
297 FEventSink: IUnknown;
298 FAutoFactory: TAutoObjectFactory;
299 protected
300 { IDispatch }
301 function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
302 NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
303 function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
304 function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
305 function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
306 Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
307 { Other methods }
308 procedure EventConnect(const Sink: IUnknown; Connecting: Boolean);
309 procedure EventSinkChanged(const EventSink: IUnknown); virtual;
310 property AutoFactory: TAutoObjectFactory read FAutoFactory;
311 property EventSink: IUnknown read FEventSink write FEventSink;
312 public
313 procedure Initialize; override;
314 end;
316 { OLE Automation class }
318 TAutoClass = class of TAutoObject;
320 { OLE Automation object factory }
322 TAutoObjectFactory = class(TTypedComObjectFactory)
323 private
324 FDispTypeInfo: ITypeInfo;
325 FDispIntfEntry: PInterfaceEntry;
326 FEventIID: TGUID;
327 FEventTypeInfo: ITypeInfo;
328 public
329 constructor Create(ComServer: TComServerObject; AutoClass: TAutoClass;
330 const ClassID: TGUID; Instancing: TClassInstancing;
331 ThreadingModel: TThreadingModel {= tmSingle} );
332 function GetIntfEntry(Guid: TGUID): PInterfaceEntry; virtual;
333 property DispIntfEntry: PInterfaceEntry read FDispIntfEntry;
334 property DispTypeInfo: ITypeInfo read FDispTypeInfo;
335 property EventIID: TGUID read FEventIID;
336 property EventTypeInfo: ITypeInfo read FEventTypeInfo;
337 end;
339 TAutoIntfObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IDispatch, ISupportErrorInfo)
340 private
341 FDispTypeInfo: ITypeInfo;
342 FDispIntfEntry: PInterfaceEntry;
343 FDispIID: TGUID;
344 protected
345 { IDispatch }
346 function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
347 NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
348 function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;
349 function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall;
350 function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
351 Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
352 { ISupportErrorInfo }
353 function InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(const iid: TIID): HResult; stdcall;
354 public
355 constructor Create(const TypeLib: ITypeLib; const DispIntf: TGUID);
356 function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
357 ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult; override;
358 property DispIntfEntry: PInterfaceEntry read FDispIntfEntry;
359 property DispTypeInfo: ITypeInfo read FDispTypeInfo;
360 property DispIID: TGUID read FDispIID;
361 end;
363 { OLE exception classes }
365 EOleError = Exception; // class(Exception);
367 EOleSysError = EOleError; { class(EOleError)
368 private
369 FErrorCode: HRESULT;
370 public
371 constructor Create(const Message: string; ErrorCode: HRESULT;
372 HelpContext: Integer);
373 property ErrorCode: HRESULT read FErrorCode write FErrorCode;
374 end;}
376 EOleException = EOleSysError; { class(EOleSysError)
377 private
378 FSource: string;
379 FHelpFile: string;
380 public
381 constructor Create(const Message: string; ErrorCode: HRESULT;
382 const Source, HelpFile: string; HelpContext: Integer);
383 property HelpFile: string read FHelpFile write FHelpFile;
384 property Source: string read FSource write FSource;
385 end;}
387 EOleRegistrationError = EOleError; { class(EOleError);}
389 { Dispatch call descriptor }
391 PCallDesc = ^TCallDesc;
392 TCallDesc = packed record
393 CallType: Byte;
394 ArgCount: Byte;
395 NamedArgCount: Byte;
396 ArgTypes: array[0..255] of Byte;
397 end;
399 PDispDesc = ^TDispDesc;
400 TDispDesc = packed record
401 DispID: Integer;
402 ResType: Byte;
403 CallDesc: TCallDesc;
404 end;
406 procedure DispatchInvoke(const Dispatch: IDispatch; CallDesc: PCallDesc;
407 DispIDs: PDispIDList; Params: Pointer; Result: PVariant);
408 procedure DispatchInvokeError(Status: Integer; const ExcepInfo: TExcepInfo);
410 {function HandleSafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
411 ExceptAddr: Pointer; const ErrorIID: TGUID; const ProgID,
412 HelpFileName: WideString): HResult;}
414 function CreateComObject(const ClassID: TGUID): IUnknown;
415 function CreateRemoteComObject(const MachineName: WideString; const ClassID: TGUID): IUnknown;
416 function CreateOleObject(const ClassName: string): IDispatch;
417 function GetActiveOleObject(const ClassName: string): IDispatch;
419 procedure OleError(ErrorCode: HResult);
420 procedure OleCheck(Result: HResult);
422 function StringToGUID(const S: string): TGUID;
423 function GUIDToString(const ClassID: TGUID): string;
425 function ProgIDToClassID(const ProgID: string): TGUID;
426 function ClassIDToProgID(const ClassID: TGUID): string;
428 procedure CreateRegKey(const Key, ValueName, Value: string);
429 procedure DeleteRegKey(const Key: string);
430 function GetRegStringValue(const Key, ValueName: string): string;
432 function StringToLPOLESTR(const Source: string): POleStr;
434 procedure RegisterComServer(const DLLName: string);
435 procedure RegisterAsService(const ClassID, ServiceName: string);
437 function CreateClassID: string;
439 procedure InterfaceConnect(const Source: IUnknown; const IID: TIID;
440 const Sink: IUnknown; var Connection: Longint);
441 procedure InterfaceDisconnect(const Source: IUnknown; const IID: TIID;
442 var Connection: Longint);
444 type
445 TCoCreateInstanceExProc = function (const clsid: TCLSID;
446 unkOuter: IUnknown; dwClsCtx: Longint; ServerInfo: PCoServerInfo;
447 dwCount: Longint; rgmqResults: PMultiQIArray): HResult stdcall;
448 TCoInitializeExProc = function (pvReserved: Pointer;
449 coInit: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
450 TCoAddRefServerProcessProc = function :Longint; stdcall;
451 TCoReleaseServerProcessProc = function :Longint; stdcall;
452 TCoResumeClassObjectsProc = function :HResult; stdcall;
453 TCoSuspendClassObjectsProc = function :HResult; stdcall;
455 // COM functions that are only available on DCOM updated OSs
456 // These pointers may be nil on Win95 or Win NT 3.51 systems
458 CoCreateInstanceEx: TCoCreateInstanceExProc = nil;
459 CoInitializeEx: TCoInitializeExProc = nil;
460 CoAddRefServerProcess: TCoAddRefServerProcessProc = nil;
461 CoReleaseServerProcess: TCoReleaseServerProcessProc = nil;
462 CoResumeClassObjects: TCoResumeClassObjectsProc = nil;
463 CoSuspendClassObjects: TCoSuspendClassObjectsProc = nil;
466 { CoInitFlags determines the COM threading model of the application or current
467 thread. This bitflag value is passed to CoInitializeEx in ComServ initialization.
469 Application.Initialize is called by the project source file to select a
470 threading model. Other CoInitializeEx flags (such as COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY)
471 can be OR'd in also. }
473 CoInitFlags: Integer = -1; // defaults to no threading model, call CoInitialize()
475 function ComClassManager: TComClassManager;
477 implementation
479 resourcestring
480 SCreateRegKeyError = 'Error creating system registry entry';
481 SOleError = 'OLE error %.8x';
482 SObjectFactoryMissing = 'Object factory for class %s missing';
483 STypeInfoMissing = 'Type information missing for class %s';
484 SBadTypeInfo = 'Incorrect type information for class %s';
485 SDispIntfMissing = 'Dispatch interface missing from class %s';
486 SNoMethod = 'Method ''%s'' not supported by automation object';
487 SVarNotObject = 'Variant does not reference an automation object';
488 SDCOMNotInstalled = 'DCOM not installed';
489 SDAXError = 'DAX Error';
491 SAutomationWarning = 'COM Server Warning';
492 SNoCloseActiveServer1 = 'There are still active COM objects in this ' +
493 'application. One or more clients may have references to these objects, ' +
494 'so manually closing ';
495 SNoCloseActiveServer2 = 'this application may cause those client ' +
496 'application(s) to fail.'#13#10#13#10'Are you sure you want to close this ' +
497 'application?';
500 OleUninitializing: Boolean;
502 { Handle a safe call exception }
504 {function HandleSafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
505 ExceptAddr: Pointer; const ErrorIID: TGUID; const ProgID,
506 HelpFileName: WideString): HResult;
508 E: TObject;
509 CreateError: ICreateErrorInfo;
510 ErrorInfo: IErrorInfo;
511 begin
512 Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
513 E := ExceptObject;
514 if Succeeded(CreateErrorInfo(CreateError)) then
515 begin
516 CreateError.SetGUID(ErrorIID);
517 if ProgID <> '' then CreateError.SetSource(PWideChar(ProgID));
518 if HelpFileName <> '' then CreateError.SetHelpFile(PWideChar(HelpFileName));
519 if E is Exception then
520 begin
521 CreateError.SetDescription(PWideChar(WideString(Exception(E).Message)));
522 CreateError.SetHelpContext(Exception(E).HelpContext);
523 if (E is EOleSysError) and (EOleSysError(E).ErrorCode < 0) then
524 Result := EOleSysError(E).ErrorCode;
525 end;
526 if CreateError.QueryInterface(IErrorInfo, ErrorInfo) = S_OK then
527 SetErrorInfo(0, ErrorInfo);
528 end;
529 end;}
531 { TDispatchSilencer }
533 type
534 TDispatchSilencer = class(TInterfacedObject, IUnknown, IDispatch)
535 private
536 Dispatch: IDispatch;
537 DispIntfIID: TGUID;
538 public
539 constructor Create(ADispatch: IUnknown; const ADispIntfIID: TGUID);
540 { IUnknown }
541 function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
542 { IDispatch }
543 function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall;
544 function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;
545 function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
546 NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
547 function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
548 Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;
549 end;
551 constructor TDispatchSilencer.Create(ADispatch: IUnknown;
552 const ADispIntfIID: TGUID);
553 begin
554 inherited Create;
555 DispIntfIID := ADispIntfIID;
556 OleCheck(ADispatch.QueryInterface(ADispIntfIID, Dispatch));
557 end;
559 function TDispatchSilencer.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
560 begin
561 Result := inherited QueryInterface(IID, Obj);
562 if Result = E_NOINTERFACE then
563 if IsEqualGUID(IID, DispIntfIID) then
564 begin
565 IDispatch(Obj) := Self;
566 Result := S_OK;
568 else
569 Result := Dispatch.QueryInterface(IID, Obj);
570 end;
572 function TDispatchSilencer.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult;
573 begin
574 Result := Dispatch.GetTypeInfoCount(Count);
575 end;
577 function TDispatchSilencer.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult;
578 begin
579 Result := Dispatch.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID, TypeInfo);
580 end;
582 function TDispatchSilencer.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
583 NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult;
584 begin
585 Result := Dispatch.GetIDsOfNames(IID, Names, NameCount, LocaleID, DispIDs);
586 end;
588 function TDispatchSilencer.Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
589 Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult;
590 begin
591 { Ignore error since some containers, such as Internet Explorer 3.0x, will
592 return error when the method was not handled, or scripting errors occur }
593 Dispatch.Invoke(DispID, IID, LocaleID, Flags, Params, VarResult, ExcepInfo,
594 ArgErr);
595 Result := S_OK;
596 end;
598 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
599 { TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer }
601 constructor TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
602 begin
603 inherited Create;
604 InitializeCriticalSection(FLock);
605 FReadExit := CreateEvent(nil, True, True, nil); // manual reset, start signaled
606 SetLength(FActiveThreads, 4);
607 end;
609 destructor TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Destroy;
610 begin
611 BeginWrite;
612 inherited Destroy;
613 CloseHandle(FReadExit);
614 DeleteCriticalSection(FLock);
615 end;
617 function TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.WriterIsOnlyReader: Boolean;
619 I, Len: Integer;
620 begin
621 Result := False;
622 if FWriteRequestorID = 0 then Exit;
623 // We know a writer is waiting for entry with the FLock locked,
624 // so FActiveThreads is stable - no BeginRead could be resizing it now
625 I := 0;
626 Len := High(FActiveThreads);
627 while (I < Len) and
628 ((FActiveThreads[I].ThreadID = 0) or (FActiveThreads[I].ThreadID = FWriteRequestorID)) do
629 Inc(I);
630 Result := I >= Len;
631 end;
633 procedure TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.BeginWrite;
634 begin
635 EnterCriticalSection(FLock); // Block new read or write ops from starting
636 if not FWriting then
637 begin
638 FWriteRequestorID := GetCurrentThreadID; // Indicate that writer is waiting for entry
639 if not WriterIsOnlyReader then // See if any other thread is reading
640 WaitForSingleObject(FReadExit, INFINITE); // Wait for current readers to finish
641 FSaveReadCount := FCount; // record prior read recursions for this thread
642 FCount := 0;
643 FWriteRequestorID := 0;
644 FWriting := True;
645 end;
646 Inc(FCount); // allow read recursions during write without signalling FReadExit event
647 end;
649 procedure TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.EndWrite;
650 begin
651 Dec(FCount);
652 if FCount = 0 then
653 begin
654 FCount := FSaveReadCount; // restore read recursion count
655 FSaveReadCount := 0;
656 FWriting := False;
657 end;
658 LeaveCriticalSection(FLock);
659 end;
661 procedure TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.BeginRead;
663 I: Integer;
664 ThreadID: Integer;
665 ZeroSlot: Integer;
666 AlreadyInRead: Boolean;
667 begin
668 ThreadID := GetCurrentThreadID;
669 // First, do a lightweight check to see if this thread already has a read lock
670 while InterlockedExchange(FReallocFlag, ThreadID) <> 0 do Sleep(0);
671 try // FActiveThreads array is now stable
672 I := 0;
673 while (I < High(FActiveThreads)) and (FActiveThreads[I].ThreadID <> ThreadID) do
674 Inc(I);
675 AlreadyInRead := I < High(FActiveThreads);
676 if AlreadyInRead then // This thread already has a read lock
677 begin // Don't grab FLock, since that could deadlock with
678 if not FWriting then // a waiting BeginWrite
679 begin // Bump up ref counts and exit
680 InterlockedIncrement(FCount);
681 Inc(FActiveThreads[I].RecursionCount); // thread safe = unique to threadid
682 end;
684 finally
685 FReallocFlag := 0;
686 end;
687 if not AlreadyInRead then
688 begin // Ok, we don't already have a lock, so do the hard work of making one
689 EnterCriticalSection(FLock);
691 if not FWriting then
692 begin
693 // This will call ResetEvent more than necessary on win95, but still work
694 if InterlockedIncrement(FCount) = 1 then
695 ResetEvent(FReadExit); // Make writer wait until all readers are finished.
696 I := 0; // scan for empty slot in activethreads list
697 ZeroSlot := -1;
698 while (I < High(FActiveThreads)) and (FActiveThreads[I].ThreadID <> ThreadID) do
699 begin
700 if (FActiveThreads[I].ThreadID = 0) and (ZeroSlot < 0) then ZeroSlot := I;
701 Inc(I);
702 end;
703 if I >= High(FActiveThreads) then // didn't find our threadid slot
704 begin
705 if ZeroSlot < 0 then // no slots available. Grow array to make room
706 begin // spin loop. wait for EndRead to put zero back into FReallocFlag
707 while InterlockedExchange(FReallocFlag, ThreadID) <> 0 do Sleep(0);
709 SetLength(FActiveThreads, High(FActiveThreads) + 3);
710 finally
711 FReallocFlag := 0;
712 end;
714 else // use an empty slot
715 I := ZeroSlot;
716 // no concurrency issue here. We're the only thread interested in this record.
717 FActiveThreads[I].ThreadID := ThreadID;
718 FActiveThreads[I].RecursionCount := 1;
720 else // found our threadid slot.
721 Inc(FActiveThreads[I].RecursionCount); // thread safe = unique to threadid
722 end;
723 finally
724 LeaveCriticalSection(FLock);
725 end;
726 end;
727 end;
729 procedure TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.EndRead;
731 I, ThreadID, Len: Integer;
732 begin
733 if not FWriting then
734 begin
735 // Remove our threadid from the list of active threads
736 I := 0;
737 ThreadID := GetCurrentThreadID;
738 // wait for BeginRead to finish any pending realloc of FActiveThreads
739 while InterlockedExchange(FReallocFlag, ThreadID) <> 0 do Sleep(0);
741 Len := High(FActiveThreads);
742 while (I < Len) and (FActiveThreads[I].ThreadID <> ThreadID) do Inc(I);
743 assert(I < Len);
744 // no concurrency issues here. We're the only thread interested in this record.
745 Dec(FActiveThreads[I].RecursionCount); // threadsafe = unique to threadid
746 if FActiveThreads[I].RecursionCount = 0 then
747 FActiveThreads[I].ThreadID := 0; // must do this last!
748 finally
749 FReallocFlag := 0;
750 end;
751 if (InterlockedDecrement(FCount) = 0) or WriterIsOnlyReader then
752 SetEvent(FReadExit); // release next writer
753 end;
754 end;
756 procedure FreeAndNil(var Obj);
758 P: TObject;
759 begin
760 P := TObject(Obj);
761 TObject(Obj) := nil; // clear the reference before destroying the object
762 P.Free;
763 end;
764 {$ENDIF}
766 { TComClassManager }
767 constructor TComClassManager.Create;
768 begin
769 inherited Create;
770 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
771 FLock := TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
772 {$ENDIF}
773 end;
775 destructor TComClassManager.Destroy;
776 begin
777 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
778 FLock.Free;
779 {$ENDIF}
780 inherited Destroy;
781 end;
783 procedure TComClassManager.AddObjectFactory(Factory: TComObjectFactory);
784 begin
785 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
786 FLock.BeginWrite;
788 {$ENDIF}
789 Factory.FNext := FFactoryList;
790 FFactoryList := Factory;
791 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
792 finally
793 FLock.EndWrite;
794 end;
795 {$ENDIF}
796 end;
798 procedure TComClassManager.ForEachFactory(ComServer: TComServerObject;
799 FactoryProc: TFactoryProc);
801 Factory, Next: TComObjectFactory;
802 begin
803 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
804 FLock.BeginWrite; // FactoryProc could add or delete factories from list
806 {$ENDIF}
807 Factory := FFactoryList;
808 while Factory <> nil do
809 begin
810 Next := Factory.FNext;
811 if Factory.ComServer = ComServer then FactoryProc(Factory);
812 Factory := Next;
813 end;
814 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
815 finally
816 FLock.EndWrite;
817 end;
818 {$ENDIF}
819 end;
821 function TComClassManager.GetFactoryFromClass(ComClass: TClass): TComObjectFactory;
822 begin
823 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
824 FLock.BeginRead;
826 {$ENDIF}
827 Result := FFactoryList;
828 while Result <> nil do
829 begin
830 if Result.ComClass = ComClass then Exit;
831 Result := Result.FNext;
832 end;
833 raise EOleError.CreateResFmt(e_Ole, Integer( @SObjectFactoryMissing ), [ComClass.ClassName]);
834 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
835 finally
836 FLock.EndRead;
837 end;
838 {$ENDIF}
839 end;
841 function TComClassManager.GetFactoryFromClassID(const ClassID: TGUID): TComObjectFactory;
842 begin
843 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
844 FLock.BeginRead;
846 {$ENDIF}
847 Result := FFactoryList;
848 while Result <> nil do
849 begin
850 if IsEqualGUID(Result.ClassID, ClassID) then Exit;
851 Result := Result.FNext;
852 end;
853 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
854 finally
855 FLock.EndRead;
856 end;
857 {$ENDIF}
858 end;
860 procedure TComClassManager.RemoveObjectFactory(Factory: TComObjectFactory);
862 F, P: TComObjectFactory;
863 begin
864 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
865 FLock.BeginWrite;
867 {$ENDIF}
868 P := nil;
869 F := FFactoryList;
870 while F <> nil do
871 begin
872 if F = Factory then
873 begin
874 if P <> nil then P.FNext := F.FNext else FFactoryList := F.FNext;
875 Exit;
876 end;
877 P := F;
878 F := F.FNext;
879 end;
880 {$IFNDEF _D2orD3}
881 finally
882 FLock.EndWrite;
883 end;
884 {$ENDIF}
885 end;
887 { TComObject }
889 constructor TComObject.Create;
890 begin
891 FNonCountedObject := True;
892 CreateFromFactory(ComClassManager.GetFactoryFromClass(ClassType), nil);
893 end;
895 constructor TComObject.CreateAggregated(const Controller: IUnknown);
896 begin
897 FNonCountedObject := True;
898 CreateFromFactory(ComClassManager.GetFactoryFromClass(ClassType), Controller);
899 end;
901 constructor TComObject.CreateFromFactory(Factory: TComObjectFactory;
902 const Controller: IUnknown);
903 begin
904 FRefCount := 1;
905 FFactory := Factory;
906 FController := Pointer(Controller);
907 if not FNonCountedObject then FFactory.ComServer.CountObject(True);
908 Initialize;
909 Dec(FRefCount);
910 end;
912 destructor TComObject.Destroy;
913 begin
914 if not OleUninitializing then
915 begin
916 if (FFactory <> nil) and not FNonCountedObject then
917 FFactory.ComServer.CountObject(False);
918 if FRefCount > 0 then CoDisconnectObject(Self, 0);
919 end;
920 end;
922 function TComObject.GetController: IUnknown;
923 begin
924 Result := IUnknown(FController);
925 end;
927 procedure TComObject.Initialize;
928 begin
929 end;
931 function TComObject.SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
932 ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult;
934 Msg: string;
935 Handled: Integer;
936 begin
937 Handled := 0;
938 if ServerExceptionHandler <> nil then
939 begin
940 if ExceptObject is Exception then
941 Msg := Exception(ExceptObject).Message;
942 Result := 0;
943 ServerExceptionHandler.OnException(ClassName,
944 ExceptObject.ClassName, Msg, Integer(ExceptAddr),
945 WideString(GUIDToString(FFactory.ErrorIID)),
946 FFactory.ProgID, Handled, Result);
947 end;
948 if Handled = 0 then
949 {Result := HandleSafeCallException(ExceptObject, ExceptAddr,
950 FFactory.ErrorIID, FFactory.ProgID, FFactory.ComServer.HelpFileName);}
951 end;
953 { TComObject.IUnknown }
955 function TComObject.ObjQueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
956 begin
957 if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then Result := S_OK else Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
958 end;
960 function TComObject.ObjAddRef: Integer;
961 begin
962 Result := InterlockedIncrement(FRefCount);
963 end;
965 function TComObject.ObjRelease: Integer;
966 begin
967 // InterlockedDecrement returns only 0 or 1 on Win95 and NT 3.51
968 // returns actual result on NT 4.0
969 Result := InterlockedDecrement(FRefCount);
970 if Result = 0 then Destroy;
971 end;
973 { TComObject.IUnknown for other interfaces }
975 function TComObject.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
976 begin
977 if FController <> nil then
978 Result := IUnknown(FController).QueryInterface(IID, Obj) else
979 Result := ObjQueryInterface(IID, Obj);
980 end;
982 function TComObject._AddRef: Integer;
983 begin
984 if FController <> nil then
985 Result := IUnknown(FController)._AddRef else
986 Result := ObjAddRef;
987 end;
989 function TComObject._Release: Integer;
990 begin
991 if FController <> nil then
992 Result := IUnknown(FController)._Release else
993 Result := ObjRelease;
994 end;
996 { TComObject.ISupportErrorInfo }
998 function TComObject.InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(const iid: TIID): HResult;
999 begin
1000 if GetInterfaceEntry(iid) <> nil then
1001 Result := S_OK else
1002 Result := S_FALSE;
1003 end;
1005 { TComObjectFactory }
1007 constructor TComObjectFactory.Create(ComServer: TComServerObject;
1008 ComClass: TComClass; const ClassID: TGUID; const ClassName,
1009 Description: string; Instancing: TClassInstancing;
1010 ThreadingModel: TThreadingModel);
1011 begin
1012 IsMultiThread := IsMultiThread or (ThreadingModel <> tmSingle);
1013 if ThreadingModel in [tmFree, tmBoth] then
1014 CoInitFlags := COINIT_MULTITHREADED else
1015 if (ThreadingModel = tmApartment) and (CoInitFlags <> COINIT_MULTITHREADED) then
1017 ComClassManager.AddObjectFactory(Self);
1018 FComServer := ComServer;
1019 FComClass := ComClass;
1020 FClassID := ClassID;
1021 FClassName := ClassName;
1022 FDescription := Description;
1023 FInstancing := Instancing;
1024 FErrorIID := IUnknown;
1025 FShowErrors := True;
1026 FThreadingModel := ThreadingModel;
1027 FRegister := -1;
1028 end;
1030 destructor TComObjectFactory.Destroy;
1031 begin
1032 if FRegister <> -1 then CoRevokeClassObject(FRegister);
1033 ComClassManager.RemoveObjectFactory(Self);
1034 end;
1036 function TComObjectFactory.CreateComObject(const Controller: IUnknown): TComObject;
1037 begin
1038 Result := TComClass(FComClass).CreateFromFactory(Self, Controller);
1039 end;
1041 function TComObjectFactory.GetProgID: string;
1042 begin
1043 if FClassName <> '' then
1044 Result := FComServer.ServerName + '.' + FClassName else
1045 Result := '';
1046 end;
1048 procedure TComObjectFactory.RegisterClassObject;
1049 const
1050 RegFlags: array[ciSingleInstance..ciMultiInstance] of Integer = (
1052 SuspendedFlag: array[Boolean] of Integer = (0, REGCLS_SUSPENDED);
1053 begin
1054 if FInstancing <> ciInternal then
1055 OleCheck(CoRegisterClassObject(FClassID, Self, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
1056 RegFlags[FInstancing] or SuspendedFlag[FComServer.StartSuspended], FRegister));
1057 end;
1059 procedure TComObjectFactory.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean);
1060 const
1061 ThreadStrs: array[TThreadingModel] of string =
1062 ('', 'Apartment', 'Free', 'Both');
1064 ClassID, ProgID, ServerKeyName, ShortFileName: string;
1065 begin
1066 if FInstancing = ciInternal then Exit;
1067 ClassID := GUIDToString(FClassID);
1068 ProgID := GetProgID;
1069 ServerKeyName := 'CLSID\' + ClassID + '\' + FComServer.ServerKey;
1070 if Register then
1071 begin
1072 CreateRegKey('CLSID\' + ClassID, '', Description);
1073 ShortFileName := FComServer.ServerFileName;
1074 if {Ansi}Pos(' ', ShortFileName) <> 0 then
1075 ShortFileName := ExtractShortPathName(ShortFileName);
1076 CreateRegKey(ServerKeyName, '', ShortFileName);
1077 if (FThreadingModel <> tmSingle) and IsLibrary then
1078 CreateRegKey(ServerKeyName, 'ThreadingModel', ThreadStrs[FThreadingModel]);
1079 if ProgID <> '' then
1080 begin
1081 CreateRegKey(ProgID, '', Description);
1082 CreateRegKey(ProgID + '\Clsid', '', ClassID);
1083 CreateRegKey('CLSID\' + ClassID + '\ProgID', '', ProgID);
1084 end;
1085 end else
1086 begin
1087 if ProgID <> '' then
1088 begin
1089 DeleteRegKey('CLSID\' + ClassID + '\ProgID');
1090 DeleteRegKey(ProgID + '\Clsid');
1091 DeleteRegKey(ProgID);
1092 end;
1093 DeleteRegKey(ServerKeyName);
1094 DeleteRegKey('CLSID\' + ClassID);
1095 end;
1096 end;
1098 function TComObjectFactory.GetLicenseString: WideString;
1099 begin
1100 if FSupportsLicensing then Result := FLicString
1101 else Result := '';
1102 end;
1104 function TComObjectFactory.HasMachineLicense: Boolean;
1105 begin
1106 Result := True;
1107 end;
1109 function TComObjectFactory.ValidateUserLicense(const LicStr: WideString): Boolean;
1110 begin
1111 Result := AnsiCompareText(LicStr, FLicString) = 0;
1112 end;
1114 { TComObjectFactory.IUnknown }
1116 function TComObjectFactory.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
1117 begin
1118 if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then Result := S_OK else Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
1119 end;
1121 function TComObjectFactory._AddRef: Integer;
1122 begin
1123 Result := ComServer.CountFactory(True);
1124 end;
1126 function TComObjectFactory._Release: Integer;
1127 begin
1128 Result := ComServer.CountFactory(False);
1129 end;
1131 { TComObjectFactory.IClassFactory }
1133 function TComObjectFactory.CreateInstance(const UnkOuter: IUnknown;
1134 const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
1135 begin
1136 Result := CreateInstanceLic(UnkOuter, nil, IID, '', Obj);
1137 end;
1139 function TComObjectFactory.LockServer(fLock: BOOL): HResult;
1140 begin
1141 Result := CoLockObjectExternal(Self, fLock, True);
1142 // Keep com server alive until this class factory is unlocked
1143 ComServer.CountObject(fLock);
1144 end;
1146 { TComObjectFactory.IClassFactory2 }
1148 function TComObjectFactory.GetLicInfo(var licInfo: TLicInfo): HResult;
1149 begin
1150 Result := S_OK;
1152 with licInfo do
1153 begin
1154 cbLicInfo := SizeOf(licInfo);
1155 fRuntimeKeyAvail := (not FSupportsLicensing) or (GetLicenseString <> '');
1156 fLicVerified := (not FSupportsLicensing) or HasMachineLicense;
1157 end;
1158 except
1159 Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
1160 end;
1161 end;
1163 function TComObjectFactory.RequestLicKey(dwResrved: Longint; out bstrKey: WideString): HResult;
1164 begin
1165 // Can't give away a license key on an unlicensed machine
1166 if not HasMachineLicense then
1167 begin
1169 Exit;
1170 end;
1171 bstrKey := FLicString;
1172 Result := NOERROR;
1173 end;
1175 function TComObjectFactory.CreateInstanceLic(const unkOuter: IUnknown;
1176 const unkReserved: IUnknown; const iid: TIID; const bstrKey: WideString;
1177 out vObject): HResult; stdcall;
1179 ComObject: TComObject;
1180 begin
1181 // We can't write to a nil pointer. Duh.
1182 if @vObject = nil then
1183 begin
1184 Result := E_POINTER;
1185 Exit;
1186 end;
1187 // In case of failure, make sure we return at least a nil interface.
1188 Pointer(vObject) := nil;
1189 // Check for licensing.
1190 if FSupportsLicensing and
1191 ((bstrKey <> '') and (not ValidateUserLicense(bstrKey))) or
1192 ((bstrKey = '') and (not HasMachineLicense)) then
1193 begin
1195 Exit;
1196 end;
1197 // We can only aggregate if they are requesting our IUnknown.
1198 if (unkOuter <> nil) and not (IsEqualIID(iid, IUnknown)) then
1199 begin
1201 Exit;
1202 end;
1204 ComObject := CreateComObject(UnkOuter);
1205 except
1206 if FShowErrors and (ExceptObject is Exception) then
1207 with Exception(ExceptObject) do
1208 begin
1209 {if (Message <> '') and (AnsiLastChar(Message) > '.') then
1210 Message := Message + '.';}
1211 MessageBox(0, PChar(Message), PChar(SDAXError), MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP or
1213 end;
1214 Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
1215 Exit;
1216 end;
1217 Result := ComObject.ObjQueryInterface(IID, vObject);
1218 if ComObject.RefCount = 0 then ComObject.Free;
1219 end;
1221 { TAggregatedObject }
1223 constructor TAggregatedObject.Create(Controller: IUnknown);
1224 begin
1225 FController := Pointer(Controller);
1226 end;
1228 function TAggregatedObject.GetController: IUnknown;
1229 begin
1230 Result := IUnknown(FController);
1231 end;
1233 { TAggregatedObject.IUnknown }
1235 function TAggregatedObject.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
1236 begin
1237 Result := IUnknown(FController).QueryInterface(IID, Obj);
1238 end;
1240 function TAggregatedObject._AddRef: Integer;
1241 begin
1242 Result := IUnknown(FController)._AddRef;
1243 end;
1245 function TAggregatedObject._Release: Integer; stdcall;
1246 begin
1247 Result := IUnknown(FController)._Release;
1248 end;
1250 { TContainedObject.IUnknown }
1252 function TContainedObject.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
1253 begin
1254 if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then Result := S_OK else Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
1255 end;
1257 { TTypedComObject.IProvideClassInfo }
1259 function TTypedComObject.GetClassInfo(out TypeInfo: ITypeInfo): HResult;
1260 begin
1261 TypeInfo := TTypedComObjectFactory(FFactory).FClassInfo;
1262 Result := S_OK;
1263 end;
1265 { TTypedComObjectFactory }
1267 constructor TTypedComObjectFactory.Create(ComServer: TComServerObject;
1268 TypedComClass: TTypedComClass; const ClassID: TGUID;
1269 Instancing: TClassInstancing; ThreadingModel: TThreadingModel);
1271 ClassName, Description: WideString;
1272 begin
1273 if ComServer.TypeLib.GetTypeInfoOfGUID(ClassID, FClassInfo) <> S_OK then
1274 raise EOleError.CreateResFmt(e_Ole, Integer(@STypeInfoMissing), [TypedComClass.ClassName]);
1275 OleCheck(FClassInfo.GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, @ClassName,
1276 @Description, nil, nil));
1277 inherited Create(ComServer, TypedComClass, ClassID,
1278 ClassName, Description, Instancing, ThreadingModel);
1279 end;
1281 function TTypedComObjectFactory.GetInterfaceTypeInfo(
1282 TypeFlags: Integer): ITypeInfo;
1283 const
1286 ClassAttr: PTypeAttr;
1287 I, TypeInfoCount, Flags: Integer;
1288 RefType: HRefType;
1289 begin
1290 OleCheck(FClassInfo.GetTypeAttr(ClassAttr));
1291 TypeInfoCount := ClassAttr^.cImplTypes;
1292 ClassInfo.ReleaseTypeAttr(ClassAttr);
1293 for I := 0 to TypeInfoCount - 1 do
1294 begin
1295 OleCheck(ClassInfo.GetImplTypeFlags(I, Flags));
1296 if Flags and FlagsMask = TypeFlags then
1297 begin
1298 OleCheck(ClassInfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(I, RefType));
1299 OleCheck(ClassInfo.GetRefTypeInfo(RefType, Result));
1300 Exit;
1301 end;
1302 end;
1303 Result := nil;
1304 end;
1306 procedure TTypedComObjectFactory.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean);
1308 ClassKey: string;
1309 TypeLib: ITypeLib;
1310 TLibAttr: PTLibAttr;
1311 begin
1312 ClassKey := 'CLSID\' + GUIDToString(FClassID);
1313 if Register then
1314 begin
1315 inherited UpdateRegistry(Register);
1316 TypeLib := FComServer.TypeLib;
1317 OleCheck(TypeLib.GetLibAttr(TLibAttr));
1319 CreateRegKey(ClassKey + '\Version', '', Format('%d.%d',
1320 [TLibAttr.wMajorVerNum, TLibAttr.wMinorVerNum]));
1321 CreateRegKey(ClassKey + '\TypeLib', '', GUIDToString(TLibAttr.guid));
1322 finally
1323 TypeLib.ReleaseTLibAttr(TLibAttr);
1324 end;
1325 end else
1326 begin
1327 DeleteRegKey(ClassKey + '\TypeLib');
1328 DeleteRegKey(ClassKey + '\Version');
1329 inherited UpdateRegistry(Register);
1330 end;
1331 end;
1333 { TAutoObject }
1335 procedure TAutoObject.EventConnect(const Sink: IUnknown;
1336 Connecting: Boolean);
1337 begin
1338 if Connecting then
1339 begin
1340 OleCheck(Sink.QueryInterface(FAutoFactory.FEventIID, FEventSink));
1341 EventSinkChanged(TDispatchSilencer.Create(Sink, FAutoFactory.FEventIID));
1343 else
1344 begin
1345 FEventSink := nil;
1346 EventSinkChanged(nil);
1347 end;
1348 end;
1350 procedure TAutoObject.EventSinkChanged(const EventSink: IUnknown);
1351 begin
1352 end;
1354 procedure TAutoObject.Initialize;
1355 begin
1356 FAutoFactory := Factory as TAutoObjectFactory;
1357 inherited Initialize;
1358 end;
1360 { TAutoObject.IDispatch }
1362 function TAutoObject.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
1363 NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult;
1364 begin
1365 Result := DispGetIDsOfNames(FAutoFactory.DispTypeInfo,
1366 Names, NameCount, DispIDs);
1367 end;
1369 function TAutoObject.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer;
1370 out TypeInfo): HResult;
1371 begin
1372 Pointer(TypeInfo) := nil;
1373 if Index <> 0 then
1374 begin
1375 Result := DISP_E_BADINDEX;
1376 Exit;
1377 end;
1378 ITypeInfo(TypeInfo) := TAutoObjectFactory(Factory).DispTypeInfo;
1379 Result := S_OK;
1380 end;
1382 function TAutoObject.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult;
1383 begin
1384 Count := 1;
1385 Result := S_OK;
1386 end;
1388 function TAutoObject.Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer;
1389 Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult;
1390 const
1392 begin
1393 if Flags and INVOKE_PROPERTYSET <> 0 then Flags := INVOKE_PROPERTYSET;
1394 Result := TAutoObjectFactory(Factory).DispTypeInfo.Invoke(Pointer(
1395 Integer(Self) + TAutoObjectFactory(Factory).DispIntfEntry.IOffset),
1396 DispID, Flags, TDispParams(Params), VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr);
1397 end;
1399 { TAutoObjectFactory }
1401 constructor TAutoObjectFactory.Create(ComServer: TComServerObject;
1402 AutoClass: TAutoClass; const ClassID: TGUID;
1403 Instancing: TClassInstancing; ThreadingModel: TThreadingModel);
1405 TypeAttr: PTypeAttr;
1406 begin
1407 inherited Create(ComServer, AutoClass, ClassID, Instancing, ThreadingModel);
1408 FDispTypeInfo := GetInterfaceTypeInfo(IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT);
1409 if FDispTypeInfo = nil then
1410 raise EOleError.CreateResFmt(e_Ole, Integer(@SBadTypeInfo), [AutoClass.ClassName]);
1411 OleCheck(FDispTypeInfo.GetTypeAttr(TypeAttr));
1412 FDispIntfEntry := GetIntfEntry(TypeAttr^.guid);
1413 FDispTypeInfo.ReleaseTypeAttr(TypeAttr);
1414 if FDispIntfEntry = nil then
1415 raise EOleError.CreateResFmt(e_Ole, Integer(@SDispIntfMissing),
1416 [AutoClass.ClassName]);
1417 FErrorIID := FDispIntfEntry^.IID;
1418 FEventTypeInfo := GetInterfaceTypeInfo(IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT or
1420 if FEventTypeInfo <> nil then
1421 begin
1422 OleCheck(FEventTypeInfo.GetTypeAttr(TypeAttr));
1423 FEventIID := TypeAttr.guid;
1424 FEventTypeInfo.ReleaseTypeAttr(TypeAttr);
1425 end;
1426 end;
1428 function TAutoObjectFactory.GetIntfEntry(Guid: TGUID): PInterfaceEntry;
1429 begin
1430 Result := FComClass.GetInterfaceEntry(Guid);
1431 end;
1433 { TAutoIntfObject }
1435 constructor TAutoIntfObject.Create(const TypeLib: ITypeLib; const DispIntf: TGUID);
1436 begin
1437 inherited Create;
1438 OleCheck(TypeLib.GetTypeInfoOfGuid(DispIntf, FDispTypeInfo));
1439 FDispIntfEntry := GetInterfaceEntry(DispIntf);
1440 end;
1442 { TAutoIntfObject.IDispatch }
1444 function TAutoIntfObject.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
1445 NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult;
1446 begin
1447 Result := DispGetIDsOfNames(FDispTypeInfo, Names, NameCount, DispIDs);
1448 end;
1450 function TAutoIntfObject.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer;
1451 out TypeInfo): HResult;
1452 begin
1453 Pointer(TypeInfo) := nil;
1454 if Index <> 0 then
1455 begin
1456 Result := DISP_E_BADINDEX;
1457 Exit;
1458 end;
1459 ITypeInfo(TypeInfo) := FDispTypeInfo;
1460 Result := S_OK;
1461 end;
1463 function TAutoIntfObject.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult;
1464 begin
1465 Count := 1;
1466 Result := S_OK;
1467 end;
1469 function TAutoIntfObject.Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID;
1470 LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo,
1471 ArgErr: Pointer): HResult;
1472 const
1474 begin
1475 if Flags and INVOKE_PROPERTYSET <> 0 then Flags := INVOKE_PROPERTYSET;
1476 Result := FDispTypeInfo.Invoke(Pointer(Integer(Self) +
1477 FDispIntfEntry.IOffset), DispID, Flags, TDispParams(Params), VarResult,
1478 ExcepInfo, ArgErr);
1479 end;
1481 function TAutoIntfObject.InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(const iid: TIID): HResult;
1482 begin
1483 if IsEqualGUID(DispIID, iid) then
1484 Result := S_OK else
1485 Result := S_FALSE;
1486 end;
1488 function TAutoIntfObject.SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
1489 ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult;
1490 begin
1491 Result := 0; { HandleSafeCallException(ExceptObject, ExceptAddr, DispIID, '', ''); }
1492 end;
1494 const
1495 { Maximum number of dispatch arguments }
1497 MaxDispArgs = 64; {!!!}
1499 { Special variant type codes }
1501 varStrArg = $0048;
1503 { Parameter type masks }
1505 atVarMask = $3F;
1506 atTypeMask = $7F;
1507 atByRef = $80;
1509 {function TrimPunctuation(const S: string): string;
1511 P: PChar;
1512 begin
1513 Result := S;
1514 P := AnsiLastChar(Result);
1515 while (Length(Result) > 0) and (P^ in [#0..#32, '.']) do
1516 begin
1517 SetLength(Result, P - PChar(Result));
1518 P := AnsiLastChar(Result);
1519 end;
1520 end;}
1522 { EOleSysError }
1524 {constructor EOleSysError.Create(const Message: string;
1525 ErrorCode: HRESULT; HelpContext: Integer);
1527 S: string;
1528 begin
1529 S := Message;
1530 if S = '' then
1531 begin
1532 S := SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode);
1533 if S = '' then FmtStr(S, SOleError, [ErrorCode]);
1534 end;
1535 inherited CreateHelp(S, HelpContext);
1536 FErrorCode := ErrorCode;
1537 end;}
1539 { EOleException }
1541 {constructor EOleException.Create(const Message: string; ErrorCode: HRESULT;
1542 const Source, HelpFile: string; HelpContext: Integer);
1543 begin
1544 inherited Create(TrimPunctuation(Message), ErrorCode, HelpContext);
1545 FSource := Source;
1546 FHelpFile := HelpFile;
1547 end;}
1550 { Raise EOleSysError exception from an error code }
1552 procedure OleError(ErrorCode: HResult);
1553 begin
1554 raise EOleSysError.Create(e_Ole, 'OLE error: ' + Int2Str( ErrorCode ) );
1555 end;
1557 { Raise EOleSysError exception if result code indicates an error }
1559 procedure OleCheck(Result: HResult);
1560 begin
1561 if not Succeeded(Result) then OleError(Result);
1562 end;
1564 { Convert a string to a GUID }
1566 function StringToGUID(const S: string): TGUID;
1567 begin
1568 OleCheck(CLSIDFromString(PWideChar(WideString(S)), Result));
1569 end;
1571 { Convert a GUID to a string }
1573 function GUIDToString(const ClassID: TGUID): string;
1575 P: PWideChar;
1576 begin
1577 OleCheck(StringFromCLSID(ClassID, P));
1578 Result := P;
1579 CoTaskMemFree(P);
1580 end;
1582 { Convert a programmatic ID to a class ID }
1584 function ProgIDToClassID(const ProgID: string): TGUID;
1585 begin
1586 OleCheck(CLSIDFromProgID(PWideChar(WideString(ProgID)), Result));
1587 end;
1589 { Convert a class ID to a programmatic ID }
1591 function ClassIDToProgID(const ClassID: TGUID): string;
1593 P: PWideChar;
1594 begin
1595 OleCheck(ProgIDFromCLSID(ClassID, P));
1596 Result := P;
1597 CoTaskMemFree(P);
1598 end;
1600 { Create registry key }
1602 procedure CreateRegKey(const Key, ValueName, Value: string);
1604 Handle: HKey;
1605 Status, Disposition: Integer;
1606 begin
1607 Status := RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PChar(Key), 0, '',
1609 @Disposition);
1610 if Status = 0 then
1611 begin
1612 Status := RegSetValueEx(Handle, PChar(ValueName), 0, REG_SZ,
1613 PChar(Value), Length(Value) + 1);
1614 RegCloseKey(Handle);
1615 end;
1616 if Status <> 0 then raise EOleRegistrationError.CreateResFmt(e_Registry,
1617 Integer(@SCreateRegKeyError), [ nil ] );
1618 end;
1620 { Delete registry key }
1622 procedure DeleteRegKey(const Key: string);
1623 begin
1624 RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PChar(Key));
1625 end;
1627 { Get registry value }
1629 function GetRegStringValue(const Key, ValueName: string): string;
1631 Size: DWord;
1632 RegKey: HKEY;
1633 begin
1634 Result := '';
1635 if RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PChar(Key), RegKey) = ERROR_SUCCESS then
1637 Size := 256;
1638 SetLength(Result, Size);
1639 if RegQueryValueEx(RegKey, PChar(ValueName), nil, nil, PByte(PChar(Result)), @Size) = ERROR_SUCCESS then
1640 SetLength(Result, Size - 1) else
1641 Result := '';
1642 finally
1643 RegCloseKey(RegKey);
1644 end;
1645 end;
1647 function CreateComObject(const ClassID: TGUID): IUnknown;
1648 begin
1649 OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(ClassID, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER or
1650 CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IUnknown, Result));
1651 end;
1653 function CreateRemoteComObject(const MachineName: WideString;
1654 const ClassID: TGUID): IUnknown;
1655 const
1657 RemoteFlags = CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER;
1659 MQI: TMultiQI;
1660 ServerInfo: TCoServerInfo;
1661 IID_IUnknown: TGuid;
1662 Flags, Size: DWORD;
1663 LocalMachine: array [0..MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH] of char;
1664 begin
1665 if @CoCreateInstanceEx = nil then
1666 raise Exception.CreateResFmt(e_Com, Integer(@SDCOMNotInstalled), [nil]);
1667 FillChar(ServerInfo, sizeof(ServerInfo), 0);
1668 ServerInfo.pwszName := PWideChar(MachineName);
1669 IID_IUnknown := IUnknown;
1670 MQI.IID := @IID_IUnknown;
1671 MQI.itf := nil;
1672 := 0;
1673 { If a MachineName is specified check to see if it the local machine.
1674 If it isn't, do not allow LocalServers to be used. }
1675 if Length(MachineName) > 0 then
1676 begin
1677 Size := Sizeof(LocalMachine); // Win95 is hypersensitive to size
1678 if GetComputerName(LocalMachine, Size) and
1679 (AnsiCompareText(LocalMachine, MachineName) = 0) then
1680 Flags := LocalFlags else
1681 Flags := RemoteFlags;
1682 end else
1683 Flags := LocalFlags;
1684 OleCheck(CoCreateInstanceEx(ClassID, nil, Flags, @ServerInfo, 1, @MQI));
1685 OleCheck(MQI.HR);
1686 Result := MQI.itf;
1687 end;
1689 function CreateOleObject(const ClassName: string): IDispatch;
1691 ClassID: TCLSID;
1692 begin
1693 ClassID := ProgIDToClassID(ClassName);
1694 OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(ClassID, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER or
1695 CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IDispatch, Result));
1696 end;
1698 function GetActiveOleObject(const ClassName: string): IDispatch;
1700 ClassID: TCLSID;
1701 Unknown: IUnknown;
1702 begin
1703 ClassID := ProgIDToClassID(ClassName);
1704 OleCheck(GetActiveObject(ClassID, nil, Unknown));
1705 OleCheck(Unknown.QueryInterface(IDispatch, Result));
1706 end;
1708 function StringToLPOLESTR(const Source: string): POleStr;
1710 SourceLen: Integer;
1711 Buffer: PWideChar;
1712 begin
1713 SourceLen := Length(Source);
1714 Buffer := CoTaskMemAlloc((SourceLen+1) * sizeof(WideChar));
1715 StringToWideChar( Source, Buffer, SourceLen+1 );
1716 Result := POleStr( Buffer );
1717 end;
1719 function CreateClassID: string;
1721 ClassID: TCLSID;
1722 P: PWideChar;
1723 begin
1724 CoCreateGuid(ClassID);
1725 StringFromCLSID(ClassID, P);
1726 Result := P;
1727 CoTaskMemFree(P);
1728 end;
1730 procedure RegisterComServer(const DLLName: string);
1731 type
1732 TRegProc = function: HResult; stdcall;
1733 const
1734 RegProcName = 'DllRegisterServer'; { Do not localize }
1736 Handle: THandle;
1737 RegProc: TRegProc;
1738 begin
1739 {$IFDEF _D2orD3}
1740 Handle := LoadLibrary( PChar( DLLName ) );
1741 {$ELSE}
1742 Handle := SafeLoadLibrary(DLLName);
1743 {$ENDIF}
1744 if Handle <= HINSTANCE_ERROR then
1745 raise Exception.CreateFmt( e_Com, '%s: %s', [SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), DLLName]);
1747 RegProc := GetProcAddress(Handle, RegProcName);
1748 if Assigned(RegProc) then OleCheck(RegProc) else RaiseLastWin32Error;
1749 finally
1750 FreeLibrary(Handle);
1751 end;
1752 end;
1754 procedure RegisterAsService(const ClassID, ServiceName: string);
1755 begin
1756 CreateRegKey('AppID\' + ClassID, 'LocalService', ServiceName);
1757 CreateRegKey('CLSID\' + ClassID, 'AppID', ClassID);
1758 end;
1760 { Connect an IConnectionPoint interface }
1762 procedure InterfaceConnect(const Source: IUnknown; const IID: TIID;
1763 const Sink: IUnknown; var Connection: Longint);
1765 CPC: IConnectionPointContainer;
1766 CP: IConnectionPoint;
1767 begin
1768 Connection := 0;
1769 if Succeeded(Source.QueryInterface(IConnectionPointContainer, CPC)) then
1770 if Succeeded(CPC.FindConnectionPoint(IID, CP)) then
1771 CP.Advise(Sink, Connection);
1772 end;
1774 { Disconnect an IConnectionPoint interface }
1776 procedure InterfaceDisconnect(const Source: IUnknown; const IID: TIID;
1777 var Connection: Longint);
1779 CPC: IConnectionPointContainer;
1780 CP: IConnectionPoint;
1781 begin
1782 if Connection <> 0 then
1783 if Succeeded(Source.QueryInterface(IConnectionPointContainer, CPC)) then
1784 if Succeeded(CPC.FindConnectionPoint(IID, CP)) then
1785 if Succeeded(CP.Unadvise(Connection)) then Connection := 0;
1786 end;
1788 procedure LoadComExProcs;
1790 Ole32: HModule;
1791 begin
1792 Ole32 := GetModuleHandle('ole32.dll');
1793 if Ole32 <> 0 then
1794 begin
1795 @CoCreateInstanceEx := GetProcAddress(Ole32, 'CoCreateInstanceEx');
1796 @CoInitializeEx := GetProcAddress(Ole32, 'CoInitializeEx');
1797 @CoAddRefServerProcess := GetProcAddress(Ole32, 'CoAddRefServerProcess');
1798 @CoReleaseServerProcess := GetProcAddress(Ole32, 'CoReleaseServerProcess');
1799 @CoResumeClassObjects := GetProcAddress(Ole32, 'CoResumeClassObjects');
1800 @CoSuspendClassObjects := GetProcAddress(Ole32, 'CoSuspendClassObjects');
1801 end;
1802 end;
1804 procedure SafeCallError(ErrorCode: Integer; ErrorAddr: Pointer);
1806 ErrorInfo: IErrorInfo;
1807 Source, Description, HelpFile: WideString;
1808 HelpContext: Longint;
1809 begin
1810 HelpContext := 0;
1811 if GetErrorInfo(0, ErrorInfo) = S_OK then
1812 begin
1813 ErrorInfo.GetSource(Source);
1814 ErrorInfo.GetDescription(Description);
1815 ErrorInfo.GetHelpFile(HelpFile);
1816 ErrorInfo.GetHelpContext(HelpContext);
1817 end;
1818 raise EOleException.Create(e_Ole, Description + Int2Str( ErrorCode ) {, Source,
1819 HelpFile, HelpContext} ) at ErrorAddr;
1820 end;
1822 { Call Invoke method on the given IDispatch interface using the given
1823 call descriptor, dispatch IDs, parameters, and result }
1825 procedure DispatchInvoke(const Dispatch: IDispatch; CallDesc: PCallDesc;
1826 DispIDs: PDispIDList; Params: Pointer; Result: PVariant);
1827 type
1828 PVarArg = ^TVarArg;
1829 TVarArg = array[0..3] of DWORD;
1830 TStringDesc = record
1831 BStr: PWideChar;
1832 PStr: PString;
1833 end;
1835 I, J, K, ArgType, ArgCount, StrCount, DispID, InvKind, Status: Integer;
1836 VarFlag: Byte;
1837 ParamPtr: ^Integer;
1838 ArgPtr, VarPtr: PVarArg;
1839 DispParams: TDispParams;
1840 ExcepInfo: TExcepInfo;
1841 Strings: array[0..MaxDispArgs - 1] of TStringDesc;
1842 Args: array[0..MaxDispArgs - 1] of TVarArg;
1843 begin
1844 StrCount := 0;
1846 ArgCount := CallDesc^.ArgCount;
1847 if ArgCount <> 0 then
1848 begin
1849 ParamPtr := Params;
1850 ArgPtr := @Args[ArgCount];
1851 I := 0;
1852 repeat
1853 Dec(Integer(ArgPtr), SizeOf(TVarData));
1854 ArgType := CallDesc^.ArgTypes[I] and atTypeMask;
1855 VarFlag := CallDesc^.ArgTypes[I] and atByRef;
1856 if ArgType = varError then
1857 begin
1858 ArgPtr^[0] := varError;
1860 end else
1861 begin
1862 if ArgType = varStrArg then
1863 begin
1864 with Strings[StrCount] do
1865 if VarFlag <> 0 then
1866 begin
1867 BStr := StringToOleStr(PString(ParamPtr^)^);
1868 PStr := PString(ParamPtr^);
1869 ArgPtr^[0] := varOleStr or varByRef;
1870 ArgPtr^[2] := Integer(@BStr);
1871 end else
1872 begin
1873 BStr := StringToOleStr(PString(ParamPtr)^);
1874 PStr := nil;
1875 ArgPtr^[0] := varOleStr;
1876 ArgPtr^[2] := Integer(BStr);
1877 end;
1878 Inc(StrCount);
1879 end else
1880 if VarFlag <> 0 then
1881 begin
1882 if (ArgType = varVariant) and
1883 (PVarData(ParamPtr^)^.VType = varString) then
1884 VarCast(PVariant(ParamPtr^)^, PVariant(ParamPtr^)^, varOleStr);
1885 ArgPtr^[0] := ArgType or varByRef;
1886 ArgPtr^[2] := ParamPtr^;
1887 end else
1888 if ArgType = varVariant then
1889 begin
1890 if PVarData(ParamPtr)^.VType = varString then
1891 begin
1892 with Strings[StrCount] do
1893 begin
1894 BStr := StringToOleStr(string(PVarData(ParamPtr^)^.VString));
1895 PStr := nil;
1896 ArgPtr^[0] := varOleStr;
1897 ArgPtr^[2] := Integer(BStr);
1898 end;
1899 Inc(StrCount);
1900 end else
1901 begin
1902 VarPtr := PVarArg(ParamPtr);
1903 ArgPtr^[0] := VarPtr^[0];
1904 ArgPtr^[1] := VarPtr^[1];
1905 ArgPtr^[2] := VarPtr^[2];
1906 ArgPtr^[3] := VarPtr^[3];
1907 Inc(Integer(ParamPtr), 12);
1908 end;
1909 end else
1910 begin
1911 ArgPtr^[0] := ArgType;
1912 ArgPtr^[2] := ParamPtr^;
1913 if (ArgType >= varDouble) and (ArgType <= varDate) then
1914 begin
1915 Inc(Integer(ParamPtr), 4);
1916 ArgPtr^[3] := ParamPtr^;
1917 end;
1918 end;
1919 Inc(Integer(ParamPtr), 4);
1920 end;
1921 Inc(I);
1922 until I = ArgCount;
1923 end;
1924 DispParams.rgvarg := @Args;
1925 DispParams.rgdispidNamedArgs := @DispIDs[1];
1926 DispParams.cArgs := ArgCount;
1927 DispParams.cNamedArgs := CallDesc^.NamedArgCount;
1928 DispID := DispIDs[0];
1929 InvKind := CallDesc^.CallType;
1930 if InvKind = DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT then
1931 begin
1932 if Args[0][0] and varTypeMask = varDispatch then
1935 Dec(Integer(DispParams.rgdispidNamedArgs), SizeOf(Integer));
1936 Inc(DispParams.cNamedArgs);
1937 end else
1938 if (InvKind = DISPATCH_METHOD) and (ArgCount = 0) and (Result <> nil) then
1940 Status := Dispatch.Invoke(DispID, GUID_NULL, 0, InvKind, DispParams,
1941 Result, @ExcepInfo, nil);
1942 if Status <> 0 then DispatchInvokeError(Status, ExcepInfo);
1943 J := StrCount;
1944 while J <> 0 do
1945 begin
1946 Dec(J);
1947 with Strings[J] do
1948 if PStr <> nil then OleStrToStrVar(BStr, PStr^);
1949 end;
1950 finally
1951 K := StrCount;
1952 while K <> 0 do
1953 begin
1954 Dec(K);
1955 SysFreeString(Strings[K].BStr);
1956 end;
1957 end;
1958 end;
1960 { Call GetIDsOfNames method on the given IDispatch interface }
1962 procedure GetIDsOfNames(const Dispatch: IDispatch; Names: PChar;
1963 NameCount: Integer; DispIDs: PDispIDList);
1965 procedure RaiseNameException;
1966 begin
1967 raise EOleError.CreateResFmt(e_Com, Integer( @SNoMethod ), [Names]);
1968 end;
1970 type
1971 PNamesArray = ^TNamesArray;
1972 TNamesArray = array[0..0] of PWideChar;
1974 N, SrcLen, DestLen: Integer;
1975 Src: PChar;
1976 Dest: PWideChar;
1977 NameRefs: PNamesArray;
1978 StackTop: Pointer;
1979 Temp: Integer;
1980 begin
1981 Src := Names;
1982 N := 0;
1984 MOV StackTop, ESP
1985 MOV EAX, NameCount
1986 INC EAX
1987 SHL EAX, 2 // sizeof pointer = 4
1989 LEA EAX, NameRefs
1990 MOV [EAX], ESP
1991 end;
1992 repeat
1993 SrcLen := StrLen(Src);
1994 DestLen := MultiByteToWideChar(0, 0, Src, SrcLen, nil, 0) + 1;
1996 MOV EAX, DestLen
1998 ADD EAX, 3 // round up to 4 byte boundary
1999 AND EAX, not 3
2001 LEA EAX, Dest
2002 MOV [EAX], ESP
2003 end;
2004 if N = 0 then NameRefs[0] := Dest else NameRefs[NameCount - N] := Dest;
2005 MultiByteToWideChar(0, 0, Src, SrcLen, Dest, DestLen);
2006 Dest[DestLen-1] := #0;
2007 Inc(Src, SrcLen+1);
2008 Inc(N);
2009 until N = NameCount;
2010 Temp := Dispatch.GetIDsOfNames(GUID_NULL, NameRefs, NameCount,
2011 GetThreadLocale, DispIDs);
2012 if Temp = Integer(DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) then RaiseNameException else OleCheck(Temp);
2014 MOV ESP, StackTop
2015 end;
2016 end;
2018 { Central call dispatcher }
2020 procedure VarDispInvoke(Result: PVariant; const Instance: Variant;
2021 CallDesc: PCallDesc; Params: Pointer); cdecl;
2023 procedure RaiseException;
2024 begin
2025 raise EOleError.CreateResFmt(e_Com, Integer( @SVarNotObject ), [ nil ] );
2026 end;
2029 Dispatch: Pointer;
2030 DispIDs: array[0..MaxDispArgs - 1] of Integer;
2031 begin
2032 if TVarData(Instance).VType = varDispatch then
2033 Dispatch := TVarData(Instance).VDispatch
2034 else if TVarData(Instance).VType = (varDispatch or varByRef) then
2035 Dispatch := Pointer(TVarData(Instance).VPointer^)
2036 else RaiseException;
2037 GetIDsOfNames(IDispatch(Dispatch), @CallDesc^.ArgTypes[CallDesc^.ArgCount],
2038 CallDesc^.NamedArgCount + 1, @DispIDs);
2039 if Result <> nil then VarClear(Result^);
2040 DispatchInvoke(IDispatch(Dispatch), CallDesc, @DispIDs, @Params, Result);
2041 end;
2043 { Raise exception given an OLE return code and TExcepInfo structure }
2045 procedure DispCallError(Status: Integer; var ExcepInfo: TExcepInfo;
2046 ErrorAddr: Pointer; FinalizeExcepInfo: Boolean);
2048 E: Exception;
2049 begin
2050 if Status = Integer(DISP_E_EXCEPTION) then
2051 begin
2052 with ExcepInfo do
2053 E := EOleException.Create(e_Com, bstrDescription {, scode, bstrSource,
2054 bstrHelpFile, dwHelpContext } );
2055 if FinalizeExcepInfo then
2056 Finalize(ExcepInfo);
2057 end else
2058 E := EOleSysError.Create(e_com, '' {, Status, 0});
2059 if ErrorAddr <> nil then
2060 raise E at ErrorAddr
2061 else
2062 raise E;
2063 end;
2065 { Raise exception given an OLE return code and TExcepInfo structure }
2067 procedure DispatchInvokeError(Status: Integer; const ExcepInfo: TExcepInfo);
2068 begin
2069 DispCallError(Status, PExcepInfo(@ExcepInfo)^, nil, False);
2070 end;
2072 procedure ClearExcepInfo(var ExcepInfo: TExcepInfo);
2073 begin
2074 FillChar(ExcepInfo, SizeOf(ExcepInfo), 0);
2075 end;
2077 procedure DispCall(const Dispatch: IDispatch; CallDesc: PCallDesc;
2078 DispID: Integer; NamedArgDispIDs, Params, Result: Pointer); stdcall;
2079 type
2080 TExcepInfoRec = record // mock type to avoid auto init and cleanup code
2081 wCode: Word;
2082 wReserved: Word;
2083 bstrSource: PWideChar;
2084 bstrDescription: PWideChar;
2085 bstrHelpFile: PWideChar;
2086 dwHelpContext: Longint;
2087 pvReserved: Pointer;
2088 pfnDeferredFillIn: Pointer;
2089 scode: HResult;
2090 end;
2092 DispParams: TDispParams;
2093 ExcepInfo: TExcepInfoRec;
2098 MOV EBX,CallDesc
2101 MOVZX ECX,[EBX].TCallDesc.ArgCount
2102 MOV DispParams.cArgs,ECX
2104 JE @@10
2105 ADD EBX,OFFSET TCallDesc.ArgTypes
2106 MOV ESI,Params
2107 @@1: MOVZX EAX,[EBX].Byte
2108 TEST AL,atByRef
2109 JNE @@3
2110 CMP AL,varVariant
2111 JE @@2
2112 CMP AL,varDouble
2113 JB @@4
2114 CMP AL,varDate
2115 JA @@4
2116 PUSH [ESI].Integer[4]
2117 PUSH [ESI].Integer[0]
2120 ADD ESI,8
2121 JMP @@5
2122 @@2: PUSH [ESI].Integer[12]
2123 PUSH [ESI].Integer[8]
2124 PUSH [ESI].Integer[4]
2125 PUSH [ESI].Integer[0]
2126 ADD ESI,16
2127 JMP @@5
2128 @@3: AND AL,atTypeMask
2129 OR EAX,varByRef
2130 @@4: PUSH EDX
2131 PUSH [ESI].Integer[0]
2134 ADD ESI,4
2135 @@5: INC EBX
2136 DEC ECX
2137 JNE @@1
2138 MOV EBX,CallDesc
2139 @@10: MOV DispParams.rgvarg,ESP
2140 MOVZX EAX,[EBX].TCallDesc.NamedArgCount
2141 MOV DispParams.cNamedArgs,EAX
2143 JE @@12
2144 MOV ESI,NamedArgDispIDs
2145 @@11: PUSH [ESI].Integer[EAX*4-4]
2146 DEC EAX
2147 JNE @@11
2148 @@12: MOVZX ECX,[EBX].TCallDesc.CallType
2150 JNE @@20
2152 INC DispParams.cNamedArgs
2153 CMP [EBX].TCallDesc.ArgTypes.Byte[0],varDispatch
2154 JE @@13
2155 CMP [EBX].TCallDesc.ArgTypes.Byte[0],varUnknown
2156 JNE @@20
2158 @@20: MOV DispParams.rgdispidNamedArgs,ESP
2159 PUSH EDX { ArgErr }
2160 LEA EAX,ExcepInfo
2161 PUSH EAX { ExcepInfo }
2164 CALL ClearExcepInfo
2165 POP EDX
2166 POP ECX
2167 PUSH Result { VarResult }
2168 LEA EAX,DispParams
2169 PUSH EAX { Params }
2170 PUSH ECX { Flags }
2171 PUSH EDX { LocaleID }
2173 PUSH DispID { DispID }
2174 MOV EAX,Dispatch
2176 MOV EAX,[EAX]
2177 CALL [EAX].Pointer[24]
2179 JE @@30
2180 LEA EDX,ExcepInfo
2181 MOV CL, 1
2183 MOV ECX,[EBP+4]
2184 JMP DispCallError
2185 @@30: MOV ESP,EDI
2186 POP EDI
2187 POP ESI
2188 POP EBX
2189 end;
2191 procedure DispCallByID(Result: Pointer; const Dispatch: IDispatch;
2192 DispDesc: PDispDesc; Params: Pointer); cdecl;
2195 MOV EBX,DispDesc
2203 LEA EAX,Params
2206 PUSH [EBX].TDispDesc.DispID
2207 LEA EAX,[EBX].TDispDesc.CallDesc
2209 PUSH Dispatch
2210 CALL DispCall
2211 MOVZX EAX,[EBX].TDispDesc.ResType
2212 MOV EBX,Result
2213 JMP @ResultTable.Pointer[EAX*4]
2215 @ResultTable:
2216 DD @ResEmpty
2217 DD @ResNull
2218 DD @ResSmallint
2219 DD @ResInteger
2220 DD @ResSingle
2221 DD @ResDouble
2222 DD @ResCurrency
2223 DD @ResDate
2224 DD @ResString
2225 DD @ResDispatch
2226 DD @ResError
2227 DD @ResBoolean
2228 DD @ResVariant
2229 DD @ResUnknown
2230 DD @ResDecimal
2231 DD @ResError
2232 DD @ResByte
2234 @ResSingle:
2235 FLD [ESP+8].Single
2236 JMP @ResDone
2238 @ResDouble:
2239 @ResDate:
2240 FLD [ESP+8].Double
2241 JMP @ResDone
2243 @ResCurrency:
2244 FILD [ESP+8].Currency
2245 JMP @ResDone
2247 @ResString:
2248 MOV EAX,[EBX]
2250 JE @@1
2252 CALL SysFreeString
2253 @@1: MOV EAX,[ESP+8]
2254 MOV [EBX],EAX
2255 JMP @ResDone
2257 @ResDispatch:
2258 @ResUnknown:
2259 MOV EAX,[EBX]
2261 JE @@2
2263 MOV EAX,[EAX]
2264 CALL [EAX].Pointer[8]
2265 @@2: MOV EAX,[ESP+8]
2266 MOV [EBX],EAX
2267 JMP @ResDone
2269 @ResVariant:
2271 CALL System.@VarClear
2272 MOV EAX,[ESP]
2273 MOV [EBX],EAX
2274 MOV EAX,[ESP+4]
2275 MOV [EBX+4],EAX
2276 MOV EAX,[ESP+8]
2277 MOV [EBX+8],EAX
2278 MOV EAX,[ESP+12]
2279 MOV [EBX+12],EAX
2280 JMP @ResDone
2282 @ResSmallint:
2283 @ResInteger:
2284 @ResBoolean:
2285 @ResByte:
2286 MOV EAX,[ESP+8]
2288 @ResDecimal:
2289 @ResEmpty:
2290 @ResNull:
2291 @ResError:
2292 @ResDone:
2293 ADD ESP,16
2294 POP EBX
2295 end;
2298 ComClassManagerVar: TObject;
2299 SaveInitProc: Pointer;
2300 NeedToUninitialize: Boolean;
2302 function ComClassManager: TComClassManager;
2303 begin
2304 if ComClassManagerVar = nil then
2305 ComClassManagerVar := TComClassManager.Create;
2306 Result := TComClassManager(ComClassManagerVar);
2307 end;
2309 procedure InitComObj;
2310 begin
2311 if SaveInitProc <> nil then TProcedure(SaveInitProc);
2312 if (CoInitFlags <> -1) and Assigned(KOLComObj.CoInitializeEx) then
2313 begin
2314 NeedToUninitialize := Succeeded(KOLComObj.CoInitializeEx(nil, CoInitFlags));
2315 IsMultiThread := IsMultiThread or
2316 ((CoInitFlags and COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) <> 0) or
2317 (CoInitFlags = COINIT_MULTITHREADED); // this flag has value zero
2319 else
2320 NeedToUninitialize := Succeeded(CoInitialize(nil));
2321 end;
2324 initialization
2325 begin
2326 LoadComExProcs;
2327 VarDispProc := @VarDispInvoke;
2328 DispCallByIDProc := @DispCallByID;
2329 SafeCallErrorProc := @SafeCallError;
2330 if not IsLibrary then
2331 begin
2332 SaveInitProc := InitProc;
2333 InitProc := @InitComObj;
2334 end;
2335 end;
2337 finalization
2338 begin
2339 OleUninitializing := True;
2340 ComClassManagerVar.Free;
2341 SafeCallErrorProc := nil;
2342 DispCallByIDProc := nil;
2343 VarDispProc := nil;
2344 if NeedToUninitialize then CoUninitialize;
2345 end;
2347 end.