initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / units / indy / IdNNTPServer.pas
1 // 28-nov-2002
2 unit IdNNTPServer;
4 interface
6 uses KOL { ,
7 Classes } ,
8 IdGlobal,
9 IdTCPServer;
11 const
12 KnownCommands: array[1..26] of string =
13 ('ARTICLE',
14 'BODY',
15 'HEAD',
16 'STAT',
17 'GROUP',
18 'LIST',
19 'HELP',
20 'IHAVE',
21 'LAST',
24 'NEXT',
25 'POST',
26 'QUIT',
27 'SLAVE',
29 'XOVER',
30 'XHDR',
31 'DATE', {returns "111 YYYYMMDDHHNNSS"}
32 'LISTGROUP', {returns all the article numbers for specified group}
33 'MODE', {for the MODE command}
34 'TAKETHIS', {streaming nntp}
35 'CHECK', {streaming nntp need this to go with takethis}
36 'XTHREAD', {Useful mainly for the TRN newsreader }
37 'XGTITLE', {legacy support}
38 'XPAT' {Header Pattern matching}
41 type
42 TGetEvent = procedure(AThread: TIdPeerThread) of object;
43 TOtherEvent = procedure(AThread: TIdPeerThread; ACommand: string; AParm:
44 string; var AHandled: Boolean) of object;
45 TDoByIDEvent = procedure(AThread: TIdPeerThread; AActualID: string) of object;
46 TDoByNoEvent = procedure(AThread: TIdPeerThread; AActualNumber: Cardinal) of
47 object;
48 TGroupEvent = procedure(AThread: TIdPeerThread; AGroup: string) of object;
49 TNewsEvent = procedure(AThread: TIdPeerThread; AParm: string) of object;
50 TDataEvent = procedure(AThread: TIdPeerThread; AData: TObject) of object;
52 TIdNNTPServer = object(TIdTCPServer)
53 protected
54 fOnCommandAuthInfo: TOtherEvent;
55 fOnCommandArticleID: TDoByIDEvent;
56 fOnCommandArticleNO: TDoByNoEvent;
57 fOnCommandBodyID: TDoByIDEvent;
58 fOnCommandBodyNO: TDoByNoEvent;
59 fOnCommandHeadID: TDoByIDEvent;
60 fOnCommandHeadNO: TDoByNoEvent;
61 fOnCommandStatID: TDoByIDEvent;
62 fOnCommandStatNO: TDoByNoEvent;
63 fOnCommandGroup: TGroupEvent;
64 fOnCommandList: TNewsEvent;
65 fOnCommandHelp: TGetEvent;
66 fOnCommandIHave: TDoByIDEvent;
67 fOnCommandLast: TGetEvent;
68 fOnCommandMode: TNewsEvent;
69 fOnCommandNewGroups: TNewsEvent;
70 fOnCommandNewNews: TNewsEvent;
71 fOnCommandNext: TGetEvent;
72 fOnCommandPost: TGetEvent;
73 fOnCommandQuit: TGetEvent;
74 fOnCommandSlave: TGetEvent;
76 fOnCommandXOver: TNewsEvent;
77 fOnCommandXHDR: TNewsEvent;
78 fOnCommandDate: TGetEvent;
79 fOnCommandListgroup: TNewsEvent;
80 fOnCommandTakeThis: TDoByIDEvent;
81 fOnCommandCheck: TDoByIDEvent;
82 fOnCommandXThread: TNewsEvent;
83 fOnCommandXGTitle: TNewsEvent;
84 fOnCommandXPat: TNewsEvent;
86 fOnCommandOther: TOtherEvent;
88 function DoExecute(AThread: TIdPeerThread): boolean; virtual;// override;
89 public
90 // constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
91 // published
92 property OnCommandAuthInfo: TOtherEvent read fOnCommandAuthInfo write
93 fOnCommandAuthInfo;
94 property OnCommandArticleID: TDoByIDEvent read fOnCommandArticleID write
95 fOnCommandArticleID;
96 property OnCommandArticleNo: TDoByNoEvent read fOnCommandArticleNo write
97 fOnCommandArticleNo;
98 property OnCommandBodyID: TDoByIDEvent read fOnCommandBodyID write
99 fOnCommandBodyID;
100 property OnCommandBodyNo: TDoByNoEvent read fOnCommandBodyNo write
101 fOnCommandBodyNo;
102 property OnCommandCheck: TDoByIDEvent read fOnCommandCheck write
103 fOnCommandCheck;
104 property OnCommandHeadID: TDoByIDEvent read fOnCommandHeadID write
105 fOnCommandHeadID;
106 property OnCommandHeadNo: TDoByNoEvent read fOnCommandHeadNo write
107 fOnCommandHeadNo;
108 property OnCommandStatID: TDoByIDEvent read fOnCommandStatID write
109 fOnCommandStatID;
110 property OnCommandStatNo: TDoByNoEvent read fOnCommandStatNo write
111 fOnCommandStatNo;
112 property OnCommandGroup: TGroupEvent read fOnCommandGroup write
113 fOnCommandGroup;
114 property OnCommandList: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandList write fOnCommandList;
115 property OnCommandHelp: TGetEvent read fOnCommandHelp write fOnCommandHelp;
116 property OnCommandIHave: TDoByIDEvent read fOnCommandIHave write
117 fOnCommandIHave;
118 property OnCommandLast: TGetEvent read fOnCommandLast write fOnCommandLast;
119 property OnCommandMode: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandMode write fOnCommandMode;
120 property OnCommandNewGroups: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandNewGroups write
121 fOnCommandNewGroups;
122 property OnCommandNewNews: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandNewNews write
123 fOnCommandNewNews;
124 property OnCommandNext: TGetEvent read fOnCommandNext write fOnCommandNext;
125 property OnCommandPost: TGetEvent read fOnCommandPost write fOnCommandPost;
126 property OnCommandQuit: TGetEvent read fOnCommandQuit write fOnCommandQuit;
127 property OnCommandSlave: TGetEvent read fOnCommandSlave write
128 fOnCommandSlave;
129 property OnCommandTakeThis: TDoByIDEvent read fOnCommandTakeThis write
130 fOnCommandTakeThis;
131 property OnCommandXOver: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandXOver write
132 fOnCommandXOver;
133 property OnCommandXHDR: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandXHDR write fOnCommandXHDR;
134 property OnCommandDate: TGetEvent read fOnCommandDate write fOnCommandDate;
135 property OnCommandListgroup: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandListGroup write
136 fOnCommandListGroup;
137 property OnCommandXThread: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandXThread write
138 fOnCommandXThread;
139 property OnCommandXGTitle: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandXGTitle write
140 fOnCommandXGTitle;
141 property OnCommandXPat: TNewsEvent read fOnCommandXPat write fOnCommandXPat;
142 property OnCommandOther: TOtherEvent read fOnCommandOther write
143 fOnCommandOther;
144 property DefaultPort default IdPORT_NNTP;
145 end;
147 PIdNNTPServer=^TIdNNTPServer;
148 function NewIdNNTPServer(AOwner: PControl):PIdNNTPServer;
150 implementation
152 uses {KOL,}
153 IdTCPConnection,
154 IdResourceStrings,
155 SysUtils;
157 { constructor TIdNNTPServer.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
159 function NewIdNNTPServer (AOwner: PControl):PIdNNTPServer;
160 begin
161 New( Result, Create );
162 with Result^ do
163 begin
164 // inherited Create(AOwner);
165 // DefaultPort := IdPORT_NNTP;
166 end;
167 end;
169 function TIdNNTPServer.DoExecute(AThread: TIdPeerThread): boolean;
171 i: integer;
172 s, sCmd: string;
173 WasHandled: Boolean;
175 procedure NotHandled(CMD: string);
176 begin
177 AThread.Connection.Writeln('500 ' + Format(RSNNTPServerNotRecognized,
178 [CMD]));
179 end;
181 function isNumericString(Str: string): Boolean;
182 begin
183 if Length(str) = 0 then
184 Result := False
185 else
186 Result := IsNumeric(Str[1]);
187 end;
189 begin
190 result := true;
192 with AThread.Connection do
193 begin
194 while Connected do
195 begin
197 s := ReadLn;
198 except
199 exit;
200 end;
202 sCmd := Fetch(s, ' ');
203 i := Succ(PosInStrArray(UpperCase(sCmd), KnownCommands));
204 case i of
205 1: {article}
206 if isNumericString(s) then
207 begin
208 if Assigned(OnCommandArticleNo) then
209 OnCommandArticleNo(AThread, StrToCard(S))
210 else
211 NotHandled(sCmd);
213 else
214 begin
215 if Assigned(OnCommandArticleID) then
216 OnCommandArticleID(AThread, S)
217 else
218 NotHandled(sCmd);
219 end;
220 2: {body}
221 if isNumericString(s) then
222 begin
223 if assigned(OnCommandBodyNo) then
224 OnCommandBodyNo(AThread, StrToCard(S))
225 else
226 NotHandled(sCmd);
228 else
229 begin
230 if assigned(OnCommandBodyID) then
231 OnCommandBodyID(AThread, S)
232 else
233 NotHandled(sCmd);
234 end;
235 3: {head}
236 if isNumericString(s) then
237 begin
238 if assigned(OnCommandHeadNo) then
239 OnCommandHeadNo(AThread, StrToCard(S))
240 else
241 NotHandled(sCmd);
243 else
244 begin
245 if assigned(OnCommandHeadID) then
246 OnCommandHeadID(AThread, S)
247 else
248 NotHandled(sCmd);
249 end;
250 4: {stat}
251 if isNumericString(s) then
252 begin
253 if assigned(OnCommandStatNo) then
254 OnCommandStatNo(AThread, StrToCard(S))
255 else
256 NotHandled(sCmd);
258 else
259 begin
260 if assigned(OnCommandStatID) then
261 OnCommandStatID(AThread, S)
262 else
263 NotHandled(sCmd);
264 end;
265 5: {group}
266 if assigned(OnCommandGroup) then
267 OnCommandGroup(AThread, S)
268 else
269 NotHandled(sCmd);
270 6: {list}
271 if assigned(OnCommandList) then
272 OnCommandList(AThread, S)
273 else
274 NotHandled(sCmd);
275 7: {help}
276 if assigned(OnCommandHelp) then
277 OnCommandHelp(AThread)
278 else
279 NotHandled(sCmd);
280 8: {ihave}
281 if assigned(OnCommandIHave) then
282 OnCommandIHave(AThread, S)
283 else
284 NotHandled(sCmd);
285 9: {last}
286 if assigned(OnCommandLast) then
287 OnCommandLast(AThread)
288 else
289 NotHandled(sCmd);
290 10: {newgroups}
291 if assigned(OnCommandNewGroups) then
292 OnCommandNewGroups(AThread, S)
293 else
294 NotHandled(sCmd);
295 11: {newsgroups}
296 if assigned(OnCommandNewNews) then
297 OnCommandNewNews(AThread, S)
298 else
299 NotHandled(sCmd);
300 12: {next}
301 if assigned(OnCommandNext) then
302 OnCommandNext(AThread)
303 else
304 NotHandled(sCmd);
305 13: {post}
306 if assigned(OnCommandPost) then
307 OnCommandPost(AThread)
308 else
309 NotHandled(sCmd);
310 14: {quit}
311 begin
312 if assigned(OnCommandQuit) then
313 OnCommandQuit(AThread)
314 else
315 AThread.Connection.WriteLn('205 ' + RSNNTPServerGoodBye);
316 AThread.Connection.Disconnect;
317 end;
318 15: {slave}
319 if assigned(OnCommandSlave) then
320 OnCommandSlave(AThread)
321 else
322 NotHandled(sCmd);
323 16: {authinfo}
324 if assigned(OnCommandAuthInfo) then
325 begin
326 sCmd := UpperCase(Fetch(s, ' '));
327 WasHandled := False;
328 OnCommandAuthInfo(AThread, SCmd, S, WasHandled);
329 if not WasHandled then NotHandled(sCmd);
331 else
332 NotHandled(sCmd);
333 17: {xover}
334 if assigned(OnCommandXOver) then
335 OnCommandXOver(AThread, S)
336 else
337 NotHandled(sCmd);
338 18: {xhdr}
339 if assigned(OnCommandXHDR) then
340 OnCommandXHDR(AThread, S)
341 else
342 NotHandled(sCmd);
343 19: {date}
344 if assigned(OnCommandDate) then
345 OnCommandDate(AThread)
346 else
347 NotHandled(sCmd);
348 20: {listgroup}
349 if assigned(OnCommandListGroup) then
350 OnCommandListGroup(AThread, S)
351 else
352 NotHandled(sCmd);
353 21: {mode}
354 if assigned(OnCommandMode) then
355 OnCommandMode(AThread, S)
356 else
357 NotHandled(sCmd);
358 22: {takethis}
359 if assigned(OnCommandTakeThis) then
360 OnCommandTakeThis(AThread, S)
361 else
362 NotHandled(sCmd);
363 23: {check}
364 if assigned(OnCommandCheck) then
365 OnCommandCheck(AThread, S)
366 else
367 NotHandled(sCmd);
368 24: {XThread}
369 if assigned(OnCommandXThread) then
370 OnCommandXThread(AThread, S)
371 else
372 NotHandled(sCmd);
373 25: {XGTitle}
374 if assigned(OnCommandXGTitle) then
375 OnCommandXGTitle(AThread, S)
376 else
377 NotHandled(sCmd);
378 else
379 begin
380 if assigned(OnCommandOther) then
381 begin
382 WasHandled := False;
383 OnCommandOther(AThread, sCmd, S, WasHandled);
384 if not WasHandled then NotHandled(sCmd);
386 else
387 NotHandled(sCmd);
388 end;
389 end;
390 end;
391 end;
392 end;
394 end.