initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / units / indy / IdTCPServer.pas
1 // 27-nov-2002
2 unit IdTCPServer;
4 interface
6 uses KOL ,KOLClasses{ ,
7 Classes } , sysutils,
8 IdComponent{, IdException}, IdSocketHandle, IdTCPConnection, IdThread,
9 IdThreadMgr, IdThreadMgrDefault,
10 IdIntercept;
12 type
13 TOperation = (opInsert, opRemove);
15 { TIdTCPServer = object(TObj)
16 end;
18 PIdTCPServer=^TIdTCPServer;
19 type}
21 TIdListenerThread = object(TIdThread)
22 protected
23 FAcceptWait: Integer;
24 FBindingList: PList;//TList;
25 FServer,FAServer: PObj;//TIdTCPServer;
26 public
27 procedure Init; virtual;
28 procedure AfterRun; virtual;// override;
29 { constructor Create(axServer: TIdTCPServer); }// reintroduce;
30 destructor Destroy;
31 virtual; procedure Run; virtual;// override;
33 property AcceptWait: integer read FAcceptWait write FAcceptWait;
34 property Server: {TIdTCPServer}PObj read FServer;
35 end;
36 PIdListenerThread=^TIdListenerThread;
37 //function NewIdListenerThread(axServer: PIdTCPServer):PIdListenerThread;
38 //type
40 TIdTCPServerConnection = object(TIdTCPConnection)
41 protected
42 function GetServer: PObj;//TIdTCPServer;
43 public
44 { published }
45 procedure Init; virtual;
46 property Server: {TIdTCPServer}PObj read GetServer;
47 end;
49 PIdTCPServerConnection=^TIdTCPServerConnection;
50 function NewIdTCPServerConnection(AOwner: PObj):PIdTCPServerConnection;
51 type
53 TIdPeerThread = object(TIdThread)
54 protected
55 FConnection: PIdTCPServerConnection;//TIdTCPServerConnection;
57 procedure AfterRun; virtual;// override;
58 procedure BeforeRun; virtual;// override;
59 public
60 procedure Run; virtual;//override;
61 property Connection: PIdTCPServerConnection{TIdTCPServerConnection} read FConnection;
62 end;
63 PIdPeerThread=^TIdPeerThread; type
65 TIdServerThreadEvent = procedure(AThread: PIdPeerThread{TIdPeerThread}) of object;
67 TIdTCPServer = object(TIdComponent)
68 protected
69 FAcceptWait: integer;
70 FActive, FImplicitThreadMgrCreated: Boolean;
71 FThreadMgr: PIdThreadMgr;//TIdThreadMgr;
72 FBindings: PIdSocketHandles;//TIdSocketHandles;
73 FListenerThread: PIdListenerThread;//TIdListenerThread;
74 FTerminateWaitTime: Integer;
75 // FThreadClass: TIdThreadClass;
76 FThreads: PThreadList;//TThreadList;
77 FOnExecute, FOnConnect, FOnDisconnect: TIdServerThreadEvent;
79 FIntercept: PIdServerIntercept;//TIdServerIntercept;
80 procedure DoConnect(axThread: PIdPeerThread{TIdPeerThread}); virtual;
81 procedure DoDisconnect(axThread: PIdPeerThread{TIdPeerThread}); virtual;
82 function DoExecute(AThread:PIdPeerThread {TIdPeerThread}): boolean; virtual;
83 function GetDefaultPort: integer;
84 procedure Notification(AComponent: PObj{TComponent}; Operation: TOperation); virtual;// override;
85 procedure SetAcceptWait(AValue: integer);
86 procedure SetActive(AValue: Boolean); virtual;
87 procedure SetBindings(const abValue: PIdSocketHandles{TIdSocketHandles});
88 procedure SetDefaultPort(const AValue: integer);
89 procedure SetIntercept(const Value: PIdServerIntercept{TIdServerIntercept});
90 procedure SetThreadMgr(const Value: PIdThreadMgr{TIdThreadMgr});
91 procedure TerminateAllThreads;
92 public
93 procedure Init; virtual;
94 { constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
95 } destructor Destroy;
96 virtual; procedure Loaded; virtual;//override;
97 property AcceptWait: integer read FAcceptWait write SetAcceptWait;
98 property ImplicitThreadMgrCreated: Boolean read FImplicitThreadMgrCreated;
99 // property ThreadClass: TIdThreadClass read FThreadClass write FThreadClass;
100 property Threads: PThreadList{TThreadList} read FThreads;
101 { published }
102 property Active: boolean read FActive write SetActive default False;
103 property Bindings: PIdSocketHandles{TIdSocketHandles }read FBindings write SetBindings;
104 property DefaultPort: integer read GetDefaultPort write SetDefaultPort;
105 property Intercept: PIdServerIntercept{TIdServerIntercept} read FIntercept write SetIntercept;
106 property OnConnect: TIdServerThreadEvent read FOnConnect write FOnConnect;
107 property OnExecute: TIdServerThreadEvent read FOnExecute write FOnExecute;
108 property OnDisconnect: TIdServerThreadEvent read FOnDisconnect write
109 FOnDisconnect;
110 property TerminateWaitTime: Integer read FTerminateWaitTime write
111 FTerminateWaitTime
112 default 5000;
113 property ThreadMgr: PIdThreadMgr{TIdThreadMgr} read FThreadMgr write SetThreadMgr;
114 end;
116 PIdTCPServer=^TIdTCPServer;
118 function NewIdListenerThread(axServer: PIdTCPServer):PIdListenerThread;
119 function NewIdTCPServer(AOwner: PControl):PIdTCPServer;
120 { type MyStupid27292=DWord;
121 EIdTCPServerError = object(EIdException);
122 PdTCPServer=^IdTCPServer; type MyStupid67165=DWord;
123 EIdAcceptWaitCannotBeModifiedWhileServerIsActive = object(EIdTCPServerError);
124 PTCPServer=^dTCPServer; type MyStupid31869=DWord;
125 EIdNoExecuteSpecified = object(EIdTCPServerError);
126 PCPServer=^TCPServer; type MyStupid16179=DWord;
128 implementation
130 uses
131 IdGlobal, IdResourceStrings, IdStack, IdStackConsts;
133 //constructor TIdTCPServer.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
134 function NewIdTCPServer(AOwner: PControl):PIdTCPServer;
135 begin
136 // inherited;
137 New( Result, Create );
138 Result.Init;
139 {with Result^ do
140 begin
141 FAcceptWait := 1000;
142 FTerminateWaitTime := 5000;
143 // FThreads := TThreadList.Create;
144 // FBindings := TIdSocketHandles.Create(Self);
145 // FThreadClass := TIdPeerThread;
146 end;}
147 end;
149 destructor TIdTCPServer.Destroy;
150 begin
151 Active := False;
152 TerminateAllThreads;
153 FreeAndNil(FBindings);
154 FreeAndNil(FThreads);
155 inherited;
156 end;
158 procedure TIdTCPServer.DoConnect(axThread: PIdPeerThread{TIdPeerThread});
159 begin
160 if assigned(OnConnect) then
161 begin
162 OnConnect(axThread);
163 end;
164 end;
166 procedure TIdTCPServer.DoDisconnect(axThread: PIdPeerThread{TIdPeerThread});
167 begin
168 if assigned(OnDisconnect) then
169 begin
170 OnDisconnect(axThread);
171 end;
172 end;
174 function TIdTCPServer.DoExecute(AThread: PIdPeerThread{TIdPeerThread}): boolean;
175 begin
176 result := assigned(OnExecute);
177 if result then
178 begin
179 OnExecute(AThread);
180 end;
181 end;
183 function TIdTCPServer.GetDefaultPort: integer;
184 begin
185 result := FBindings.DefaultPort;
186 end;
188 procedure TIdTCPServer.Init;
189 begin
190 inherited;
191 // with Result^ do
192 begin
193 FAcceptWait := 1000;
194 FTerminateWaitTime := 5000;
195 FThreads := NewThreadList();//TThreadList.Create;
196 FBindings := NewIdSocketHandles(@Self);//TIdSocketHandles.Create(Self);
197 // FThreadClass := TIdPeerThread;
198 end;
199 end;
201 procedure TIdTCPServer.Loaded;
202 begin
203 inherited;
204 if Active then
205 begin
206 FActive := False;
207 Active := True;
208 end;
209 end;
211 procedure TIdTCPServer.Notification(AComponent: PObj{TComponent}; Operation:
212 TOperation);
213 begin
214 inherited;
215 if (Operation = opRemove) then
216 begin
217 if (AComponent = FThreadMgr) then
218 begin
219 FThreadMgr := nil;
221 else
222 if (AComponent = FIntercept) then
223 begin
224 FIntercept := nil;
225 end;
226 end;
227 end;
229 procedure TIdTCPServer.SetAcceptWait(AValue: integer);
230 begin
231 if Active then
232 begin
233 // raise
234 // EIdAcceptWaitCannotBeModifiedWhileServerIsActive.Create(RSAcceptWaitCannotBeModifiedWhileServerIsActive);
235 end;
236 FAcceptWait := AValue;
237 end;
239 procedure TIdTCPServer.SetActive(AValue: Boolean);
241 i: Integer;
242 begin
243 { if (not (csDesigning in ComponentState)) and (FActive <> AValue)
244 and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) then}
245 begin
246 if AValue then
247 begin
248 if Bindings.Count = 0 then
249 begin
250 Bindings.Add;
251 end;
253 for i := 0 to Bindings.Count - 1 do
254 begin
255 with Bindings.Items[i]^ do
256 begin
257 AllocateSocket;
258 SetSockOpt(Id_SOL_SOCKET, Id_SO_REUSEADDR, PChar(@Id_SO_True),
259 SizeOf(Id_SO_True));
260 Bind;
261 Listen;
262 end;
263 end;
265 FImplicitThreadMgrCreated := not assigned(ThreadMgr);
266 if ImplicitThreadMgrCreated then
267 begin
268 ThreadMgr := NewIdThreadMgrDefault(@Self);//TIdThreadMgrDefault.Create(Self);
269 end;
270 // ThreadMgr.ThreadClass := ThreadClass;
271 FListenerThread := NewIdListenerThread(@Self);//TIdListenerThread.Create(Self);
272 FListenerThread.AcceptWait := AcceptWait;
273 FListenerThread.Start;
275 else
276 begin
277 FListenerThread.Stop;
278 for i := 0 to Bindings.Count - 1 do
279 begin
280 Bindings.Items[i].CloseSocket(False);
281 end;
282 TerminateAllThreads;
283 if ImplicitThreadMgrCreated then
284 begin
285 FreeAndNil(FThreadMgr);
286 end;
287 FImplicitThreadMgrCreated := false;
289 FListenerThread.WaitFor;
290 FListenerThread.Free;
291 end;
292 end;
293 FActive := AValue;
294 end;
296 procedure TIdTCPServer.SetBindings(const abValue: PIdSocketHandles{TIdSocketHandles});
297 begin
298 FBindings.Assign(abValue);
299 end;
301 procedure TIdTCPServer.SetDefaultPort(const AValue: integer);
302 begin
303 FBindings.DefaultPort := AValue;
304 end;
306 procedure TIdTCPServer.SetIntercept(const Value: PIdServerIntercept{TIdServerIntercept});
307 begin
308 FIntercept := Value;
309 if assigned(FIntercept) then
310 begin
311 // FIntercept.FreeNotification(@Self);
312 end;
313 end;
315 procedure TIdTCPServer.SetThreadMgr(const Value: PIdThreadMgr{TIdThreadMgr});
316 begin
317 FThreadMgr := Value;
318 if Value <> nil then
319 begin
320 // Value.FreeNotification(@self);
321 end;
322 end;
324 procedure TIdTCPServer.TerminateAllThreads;
326 i: integer;
327 list: PList;//TList;
328 Thread: PIdPeerThread;//TIdPeerThread;
329 const
330 LSleepTime: integer = 250;
331 begin
332 list := Threads.LockList;
334 for i := 0 to list.Count - 1 do
335 begin
336 Thread := PIdPeerThread{TIdPeerThread}(list.items[i]);
337 Thread.Connection.DisconnectSocket;
338 end;
339 finally{ Threads.UnlockList};
340 end;
341 for i := 1 to (TerminateWaitTime div LSleepTime) do
342 begin
343 Sleep(LSleepTime);
344 list := Threads.LockList;
346 if list.Count = 0 then
347 begin
348 break;
349 end;
350 finally {Threads.UnlockList};
351 end;
352 end;
353 end;
355 procedure TIdListenerThread.AfterRun;
357 i: Integer;
358 begin
359 inherited;
360 for i := PIdTCPServer(Server).Bindings.Count - 1 downto 0 do
361 begin
362 PIdTCPServer(Server).Bindings.Items[i].CloseSocket;
363 end;
364 end;
366 //constructor TIdListenerThread.Create(axServer: TIdTCPServer);
367 function NewIdListenerThread(axServer: PIdTCPServer):PIdListenerThread;
368 begin
369 // inherited Create;
370 New( Result, Create );
371 Result.FAServer:=axServer;
372 Result.Init;
373 {with Result^ do
374 begin
375 FBindingList := NewList();//TList.Create;
376 FServer := axServer;
377 end; }
378 end;
380 destructor TIdListenerThread.Destroy;
381 begin
382 FBindinglist.Free;
383 inherited;
384 end;
386 procedure TIdListenerThread.Init;
387 begin
388 inherited;
389 //with Result^ do
390 //begin
391 FBindingList := NewList();//TList.Create;
392 FServer := FAServer;//axServer;
393 //end;
394 end;
396 procedure TIdListenerThread.Run;
398 Peer: PIdTCPServerConnection;//TIdTCPServerConnection;
399 Thread: PIdPeerThread;//TIdPeerThread;
400 i: Integer;
401 begin
402 FBindingList.Clear;
403 for i := 0 to PIdTCPServer(Server).Bindings.Count - 1 do
404 begin
405 FBindingList.Add({TObject}PObj(PIdTCPServer(Server).Bindings.Items[i].Handle));
406 end;
407 if GStack.WSSelect(FBindingList, nil, nil, AcceptWait) > 0 then
408 begin
409 if not Terminated then
410 begin
411 for i := 0 to FBindingList.Count - 1 do
412 begin
413 Peer := NewIdTCPServerConnection(@Self);//TIdTCPServerConnection.Create(Server);
414 with Peer^ do
415 begin
416 Binding.Accept(TIdStackSocketHandle(FBindingList.Items[i]));
417 if Assigned(PIdTCPServer(Server).Intercept) then
418 begin
420 Peer.Intercept := PIdTCPServer(Server).Intercept.Accept(Binding);
421 Peer.InterceptEnabled := True;
422 except
423 FreeAndNil(Peer);
424 end;
425 end;
426 end;
427 if Peer <> nil then
428 begin
429 Thread :=PIdPeerThread(PIdTCPServer(Server).ThreadMgr.GetThread);// TIdPeerThread(Server.ThreadMgr.GetThread);
430 Thread.FConnection := Peer;
431 PIdTCPServer(Server).Threads.Add(Thread);
432 Thread.Start;
433 end;
434 end;
435 end;
436 end;
437 end;
439 function TIdTCPServerConnection.GetServer: PObj;//TIdTCPServer;
440 begin
441 result := PIdTCPServer(FOwner);// as TIdTCPServer;
442 end;
444 procedure TIdPeerThread.AfterRun;
445 begin
446 with PIdTCPServer(Connection.Server)^ do
447 begin
448 DoDisconnect(@Self);
449 ThreadMgr.ReleaseThread(@Self);
450 Threads.Remove(@Self);
451 end;
452 FreeAndNil(FConnection);
453 end;
455 procedure TIdPeerThread.BeforeRun;
456 begin
457 PIdTCPServer(Connection.Server).DoConnect(@Self);
458 end;
460 procedure TIdPeerThread.Run;
461 begin
462 // try
463 if not PIdTCPServer(Connection.Server).DoExecute(@Self) then
464 begin
465 // raise EIdNoExecuteSpecified.Create(RSNoExecuteSpecified);
466 end;
467 {except
468 on E: EIdSocketError do
469 begin
470 case E.LastError of
473 Connection.Disconnect;
474 end;
475 end;
476 on EIdClosedSocket do ;
477 else
478 raise;
479 end; }
480 if not Connection.Connected then
481 begin
482 Stop;
483 end;
484 end;
486 function NewIdTCPServerConnection(AOwner: PObj):PIdTCPServerConnection;
487 begin
488 New( Result, Create );
489 Result.Init;
490 end;
492 procedure TIdTCPServerConnection.Init;
493 begin
494 inherited;
495 end;
497 end.