1 { KOL MCK } // Do not remove this line!
3 procedure NewForm3( var Result: PForm3; AParent: PControl );
6 New( Result, Create );
7 Result.Form := NewForm( AParent, 'Form3' ).SetPosition( 262, 112 ).SetSize( 696, 480 );
8 Result.Form.Add2AutoFree( Result );
9 Result.Form.Visible := False;
10 Result.Form.Font.Color := clBlack;
12 Result.Report1 := NewReport;
13 Result.Report1.DoubleBufferedPreview := TRUE;
14 Result.Report1.DocumentName := 'Test';
15 Result.Form.Add2AutoFree( Result.Report1 );
16 Result.Report1.OnPrint := Result.Report1Print;
17 Result.Report1.OnNewPage := Result.Report1NewPage;
18 // Result.BandPagenumber.TabOrder = 0
19 Result.BandPagenumber := NewBand( Result.Form, [frBottom] ).SetPosition( 280, 8 ).SetSize( 400, 19 );
20 Result.BandPagenumber.Color := clWhite;
21 Result.BandPagenumber.TextAlign := taRight;
22 Result.BandPagenumber.Border := 1;
23 Result.BandPagenumber.Caption := 'Page 1';
24 // Result.BandTitle.TabOrder = 1
25 Result.BandTitle := NewBand( Result.Form, [frLeft,frTop,frRight,frBottom] ).SetPosition( 112, 40 ).SetSize( 393, 89 );
26 Result.BandTitle.Color := clWhite;
27 Result.BandTitle.Border := 0;
28 // Result.ReportLabel1.TabOrder = -1
29 Result.ReportLabel1 := NewWordWrapReportLabel( Result.BandTitle, 'Sample Report to see what can be done with KOLReport', [] ).SetAlign ( caClient ).AutoSize( FALSE );
30 Result.ReportLabel1.Font.FontStyle := [ fsBold ];
31 Result.ReportLabel1.Font.FontHeight := 32;
32 Result.ReportLabel1.Font.FontName := 'Arial';
33 Result.ReportLabel1.TextAlign := taCenter;
34 Result.ReportLabel1.Border := 1;
35 // Result.BandMaster.TabOrder = 2
36 Result.BandMaster := NewBand( Result.Form, [] ).SetPosition( 16, 160 ).SetSize( 400, 40 );
37 Result.BandMaster.Color := clWhite;
38 Result.BandMaster.Font.FontName := 'Arial';
39 Result.BandMaster.Border := 1;
40 // Result.Master1.TabOrder = -1
41 Result.Master1 := NewReportLabel( Result.BandMaster, 'Master', [] ).SetPosition( 16, 8 );
42 Result.Master1.Tag := 123;
43 Result.Master1.Color := clWhite;
44 Result.Master1.Font.FontStyle := [ fsBold ];
45 // Result.Master2.TabOrder = -1
46 Result.Master2 := NewReportLabel( Result.BandMaster, 'Data', [] ).SetPosition( 192, 8 );
47 Result.Master2.Color := clWhite;
48 // Result.BandColumns.TabOrder = 3
49 Result.BandColumns := NewBand( Result.Form, [frLeft,frTop,frRight,frBottom] ).SetPosition( 16, 216 ).SetSize( 625, 25 );
50 Result.BandColumns.Color := clWhite;
51 Result.BandColumns.Font.FontName := 'Arial';
52 Result.BandColumns.Border := 1;
53 // Result.ReportLabel6.TabOrder = -1
54 Result.ReportLabel6 := NewReportLabel( Result.BandColumns, 'Date', [frLeft] ).SetAlign ( caRight ).AutoSize( FALSE ).SetSize( 102, 0 );
55 Result.ReportLabel6.Color := clWhite;
56 Result.ReportLabel6.TextAlign := taCenter;
57 Result.ReportLabel6.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
58 // Result.ReportLabel2.TabOrder = -1
59 Result.ReportLabel2 := NewReportLabel( Result.BandColumns, '#', [] ).SetAlign ( caLeft ).AutoSize( FALSE ).SetSize( 24, 0 );
60 Result.ReportLabel2.Color := clWhite;
61 Result.ReportLabel2.TextAlign := taCenter;
62 Result.ReportLabel2.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
63 // Result.ReportLabel4.TabOrder = -1
64 Result.ReportLabel4 := NewReportLabel( Result.BandColumns, 'Last Name', [frLeft] ).SetAlign ( caClient ).AutoSize( FALSE );
65 Result.ReportLabel4.Color := clWhite;
66 Result.ReportLabel4.TextAlign := taCenter;
67 Result.ReportLabel4.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
68 // Result.ReportLabel3.TabOrder = -1
69 Result.ReportLabel3 := NewReportLabel( Result.BandColumns, 'First Name', [frLeft] ).SetAlign ( caLeft ).AutoSize( FALSE ).SetSize( 165, 0 );
70 Result.ReportLabel3.Color := clWhite;
71 Result.ReportLabel3.TextAlign := taCenter;
72 Result.ReportLabel3.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
73 // Result.ReportLabel5.TabOrder = -1
74 Result.ReportLabel5 := NewReportLabel( Result.BandColumns, 'Amount', [frLeft] ).SetAlign ( caRight ).AutoSize( FALSE ).SetSize( 135, 0 );
75 Result.ReportLabel5.Color := clWhite;
76 Result.ReportLabel5.TextAlign := taCenter;
77 Result.ReportLabel5.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
78 // Result.BandCompany.TabOrder = 3
79 Result.BandCompany := NewBand( Result.Form, [frLeft,frRight,frBottom] ).SetPosition( 16, 246 ).SetSize( 625, 25 );
80 Result.BandCompany.Color := clWhite;
81 Result.BandCompany.Font.FontName := 'Arial';
82 Result.BandCompany.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
83 Result.BandCompany.Border := 1;
84 Result.BandCompany.Caption := ' Company name';
85 // Result.BandDetail.TabOrder = 3
86 Result.BandDetail := NewBand( Result.Form, [] ).SetPosition( 17, 279 ).SetSize( 625, 25 );
87 Result.BandDetail.Color := clWhite;
88 Result.BandDetail.Font.FontName := 'Arial';
89 Result.BandDetail.Border := 0;
90 // Result.DetailDate.TabOrder = -1
91 Result.DetailDate := NewReportLabel( Result.BandDetail, 'Date', [frLeft,frRight,frBottom] ).SetAlign ( caRight ).AutoSize( FALSE ).SetSize( 104, 0 );
92 Result.DetailDate.Color := clWhite;
93 Result.DetailDate.TextAlign := taCenter;
94 Result.DetailDate.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
95 Result.DetailDate.Border := 1;
96 // Result.DetailLName.TabOrder = -1
97 Result.DetailLName := NewReportLabel( Result.BandDetail, 'Last Name', [frLeft,frBottom] ).SetAlign ( caClient ).AutoSize( FALSE );
98 Result.DetailLName.Color := clWhite;
99 Result.DetailLName.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
100 Result.DetailLName.Border := 1;
101 // Result.DetailFName.TabOrder = -1
102 Result.DetailFName := NewReportLabel( Result.BandDetail, 'First Name', [frLeft,frBottom] ).SetAlign ( caLeft ).AutoSize( FALSE ).SetSize( 165, 0 );
103 Result.DetailFName.Color := clWhite;
104 Result.DetailFName.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
105 Result.DetailFName.Border := 1;
106 // Result.DetailN.TabOrder = -1
107 Result.DetailN := NewReportLabel( Result.BandDetail, '#', [frLeft,frBottom] ).SetAlign ( caLeft ).AutoSize( FALSE ).SetSize( 24, 0 );
108 Result.DetailN.Color := clWhite;
109 Result.DetailN.TextAlign := taCenter;
110 Result.DetailN.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
111 Result.DetailN.Border := 1;
112 // Result.DetailAmt.TabOrder = -1
113 Result.DetailAmt := NewReportLabel( Result.BandDetail, 'Amount', [frLeft,frBottom] ).SetAlign ( caRight ).AutoSize( FALSE ).SetSize( 135, 0 );
114 Result.DetailAmt.Color := clWhite;
115 Result.DetailAmt.TextAlign := taRight;
116 Result.DetailAmt.VerticalAlign := vaCenter;
117 Result.DetailAmt.Border := 1;