initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / units / synapse / Echo.pas
1 unit echo;
3 interface
5 uses
6 KOL, blcksock, winsock;
8 type
9 PTCPEchoDaemon = ^TTCPEchoDaemon;
10 TTCPEchoDaemon = object(TThread)
11 private
12 Sock : PTCPBlockSocket;
13 public
14 function Execute : Integer;
15 end;
17 PTCPEchoThrd = ^TTCPEchoThrd;
18 TTCPEchoThrd = object(TThread)
19 private
20 Sock : PTCPBlockSocket;
21 public
22 function Execute : Integer;
23 end;
25 function NewEchoDaemon : PTCPEchoDaemon;
27 function NewEchoThrd(hSock : TSocket) : PTCPEchoThrd;
29 implementation
31 { TEchoDaemon }
33 function NewEchoDaemon : PTCPEchoDaemon;
34 begin
35 New(Result,Create);
36 Result.Sock := NewTCPBlockSocket('');
37 Result.Add2AutoFree(Result.Sock);
38 Result.AutoFree := true;
39 // Result.PriorityClass := NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS;
40 // Result.ThreadPriority := THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
41 if Result.Suspended then Result.Resume;
42 end;
45 function TTCPEchoDaemon.Execute : Integer;
46 var
47 ClientSock : TSocket;
48 begin
49 Result := 0;
50 with Sock^ do
51 begin
52 CreateSocket;
53 SetLinger(true,10);
54 Bind('','echo');
55 Listen;
56 repeat
57 if Terminated then Break;
58 if CanRead(1000) then
59 begin
60 ClientSock := Accept;
61 if LastError = 0 then NewEchoThrd(ClientSock);
62 end;
63 until False;
64 end;
65 end;
67 { TEchoThrd }
69 function NewEchoThrd(hSock : TSocket) : PTCPEchoThrd;
70 begin
71 New(Result,Create);
72 Result.Sock := NewTCPBlockSocket('');
73 Result.Add2AutoFree(Result.Sock);
74 Result.AutoFree := true;
75 Sock.Socket := hSock;
76 // Result.PriorityClass := NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS;
77 // Result.ThreadPriority := THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
78 if Result.Suspended then Result.Resume;
79 end;
82 function TTCPEchoThrd.Execute : Integer;
83 var
84 b:byte;
85 begin
86 Result := 0;
87 with Sock^ do
88 begin
89 repeat
90 if Terminated then Break;
91 b := Recvbyte(60000);
92 if LastError<>0 then Break;
93 Sendbyte(b);
94 if LastError<>0 then Break;
95 until false;
96 end;
97 end;
99 end.