initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / units / synapse / SynaUtil.pas
1 {==============================================================================|
2 | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 002.003.000 |
3 |==============================================================================|
4 | Content: support procedures and functions |
5 |==============================================================================|
6 | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.1 |
7 | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the |
8 | License. You may obtain a Copy of the License at |
9 | |
10 | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, |
11 | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for |
12 | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. |
13 |==============================================================================|
14 | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. |
15 |==============================================================================|
16 | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
17 | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c) 1999,2000,2001. |
18 | Portions created by Hernan Sanchez are Copyright (c) 2000. |
19 | All Rights Reserved. |
20 |==============================================================================|
21 | Contributor(s): |
22 | Hernan Sanchez ( |
23 |==============================================================================|
24 | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
25 | (Found at URL: |
26 |==============================================================================}
28 {$Q-}
30 unit SynaUtil;
32 interface
34 uses
35 KOL,
37 Libc;
38 {$ELSE}
39 Windows;
40 {$ENDIF}
42 function Timezone: string;
43 function Rfc822DateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
44 function CDateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
45 function CodeInt(Value: Word): string;
46 function DecodeInt(const Value: string; Index: Integer): Word;
47 function IsIP(const Value: string): Boolean;
48 function ReverseIP(Value: string): string;
49 function IPToID(Host: string): string;
50 procedure Dump(const Buffer, DumpFile: string);
51 function SeparateLeft(const Value, Delimiter: string): string;
52 function SeparateRight(const Value, Delimiter: string): string;
53 function GetParameter(const Value, Parameter: string): string;
54 function GetEmailAddr(const Value: string): string;
55 function GetEmailDesc(Value: string): string;
56 function StrToHex(const Value: string): string;
57 function IntToBin(Value: Integer; Digits: Byte): string;
58 function BinToInt(const Value: string): Integer;
59 function ParseURL(URL: string; var Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path,
60 Para: string): string;
61 function StringReplace(Value, Search, Replace: string): string;
62 function RPos(const Sub, Value: String): Integer;
63 function StrToIntDef(const Value : string; Default : Integer) : Integer;
65 implementation
67 function Timezone: string;
69 var
70 t: TTime_T;
71 UT: TUnixTime;
72 bias: Integer;
73 h, m: Integer;
74 begin
75 __time(@T);
76 localtime_r(@T, UT);
77 bias := ut.__tm_gmtoff div 60;
78 if bias >= 0 then
79 Result := '+'
80 else
81 Result := '-';
82 {$ELSE}
83 var
84 zoneinfo: TTimeZoneInformation;
85 bias: Integer;
86 h, m: Integer;
87 begin
88 case GetTimeZoneInformation(Zoneinfo) of
90 bias := zoneinfo.Bias + zoneinfo.DaylightBias;
92 bias := zoneinfo.Bias + zoneinfo.StandardBias;
93 else
94 bias := zoneinfo.Bias;
95 end;
96 if bias <= 0 then
97 Result := '+'
98 else
99 Result := '-';
100 {$ENDIF}
101 bias := Abs(bias);
102 h := bias div 60;
103 m := bias mod 60;
104 Result := Result + Format('%.2d%.2d', [h, m]);
105 end;
107 {==============================================================================}
109 function Rfc822DateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
110 begin
111 Result := Date2StrFmt('ddd, d MMMM yyyy ',t) + Time2StrFmt('hh:mm:ss', t);
112 Result := Result + ' ' + Timezone;
113 end;
115 {==============================================================================}
117 function CDateTime(t: TDateTime): string;
118 begin
119 Result := Date2StrFmt('mmm dd ',t) + Time2StrFmt('hh:mm:ss', t);
120 if Result[5] = '0' then
121 Result[5] := ' ';
122 end;
124 {==============================================================================}
126 function CodeInt(Value: Word): string;
127 begin
128 Result := Chr(Hi(Value)) + Chr(Lo(Value))
129 end;
131 {==============================================================================}
133 function DecodeInt(const Value: string; Index: Integer): Word;
135 x, y: Byte;
136 begin
137 if Length(Value) > Index then
138 x := Ord(Value[Index])
139 else
140 x := 0;
141 if Length(Value) >= (Index + 1) then
142 y := Ord(Value[Index + 1])
143 else
144 y := 0;
145 Result := x * 256 + y;
146 end;
148 {==============================================================================}
150 function IsIP(const Value: string): Boolean;
152 n, x: Integer;
153 begin
154 Result := true;
155 x := 0;
156 for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
157 if not (Value[n] in ['0'..'9', '.']) then
158 begin
159 Result := False;
160 Break;
162 else
163 begin
164 if Value[n] = '.' then
165 Inc(x);
166 end;
167 if x <> 3 then
168 Result := False;
169 end;
171 {==============================================================================}
173 function ReverseIP(Value: string): string;
175 x: Integer;
176 begin
177 Result := '';
178 repeat
179 x := DelimiterLast(Value,'.');
180 Result := Result + '.' + Copy(Value, x + 1, Length(Value) - x);
181 Delete(Value, x, Length(Value) - x + 1);
182 until x < 1;
183 if Length(Result) > 0 then
184 if Result[1] = '.' then
185 Delete(Result, 1, 1);
186 end;
188 {==============================================================================}
189 //Hernan Sanchez
190 function IPToID(Host: string): string;
192 s, t: string;
193 i, x: Integer;
194 begin
195 Result := '';
196 for x := 1 to 3 do
197 begin
198 t := '';
199 s := StrScan(PChar(Host), '.');
200 t := Copy(Host, 1, (Length(Host) - Length(s)));
201 Delete(Host, 1, (Length(Host) - Length(s) + 1));
202 i := StrToIntDef(t, 0);
203 Result := Result + Chr(i);
204 end;
205 i := StrToIntDef(Host, 0);
206 Result := Result + Chr(i);
207 end;
209 {==============================================================================}
211 procedure Dump(const Buffer, DumpFile: string);
213 n: Integer;
214 s: string;
215 f: Text;
216 begin
217 s := '';
218 for n := 1 to Length(Buffer) do
219 s := s + ' +#$' + Int2Hex(Ord(Buffer[n]), 2);
220 AssignFile(f, DumpFile);
221 if FileExists(DumpFile) then
222 DeleteFile(PChar(DumpFile));
223 Rewrite(f);
225 Writeln(f, s);
226 finally
227 CloseFile(f);
228 end;
229 end;
231 {==============================================================================}
233 function SeparateLeft(const Value, Delimiter: string): string;
235 x: Integer;
236 begin
237 x := Pos(Delimiter, Value);
238 if x < 1 then
239 Result := Trim(Value)
240 else
241 Result := Trim(Copy(Value, 1, x - 1));
242 end;
244 {==============================================================================}
246 function SeparateRight(const Value, Delimiter: string): string;
248 x: Integer;
249 begin
250 x := Pos(Delimiter, Value);
251 if x > 0 then
252 x := x + Length(Delimiter) - 1;
253 Result := Trim(Copy(Value, x + 1, Length(Value) - x));
254 end;
256 {==============================================================================}
258 function GetParameter(const Value, Parameter: string): string;
260 x, x1: Integer;
261 s: string;
262 begin
263 x := Pos(UpperCase(Parameter), UpperCase(Value));
264 Result := '';
265 if x > 0 then
266 begin
267 s := Copy(Value, x + Length(Parameter), Length(Value)
268 - (x + Length(Parameter)) + 1);
269 s := Trim(s);
270 x1 := Length(s);
271 if Length(s) > 1 then
272 begin
273 if s[1] = '"' then
274 begin
275 s := Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1);
276 x := Pos('"', s);
277 if x > 0 then
278 x1 := x - 1;
280 else
281 begin
282 x := Pos(' ', s);
283 if x > 0 then
284 x1 := x - 1;
285 end;
286 end;
287 Result := Copy(s, 1, x1);
288 end;
289 end;
291 {==============================================================================}
293 function GetEmailAddr(const Value: string): string;
295 s: string;
296 begin
297 s := SeparateRight(Value, '<');
298 s := SeparateLeft(s, '>');
299 Result := Trim(s);
300 end;
302 {==============================================================================}
304 function GetEmailDesc(Value: string): string;
306 s: string;
307 begin
308 Value := Trim(Value);
309 s := SeparateRight(Value, '"');
310 if s <> Value then
311 s := SeparateLeft(s, '"')
312 else
313 begin
314 s := SeparateRight(Value, '(');
315 if s <> Value then
316 s := SeparateLeft(s, ')')
317 else
318 begin
319 s := SeparateLeft(Value, '<');
320 if s = Value then
321 s := '';
322 end;
323 end;
324 Result := Trim(s);
325 end;
327 {==============================================================================}
329 function StrToHex(const Value: string): string;
331 n: Integer;
332 begin
333 Result := '';
334 for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
335 Result := Result + Int2Hex(Byte(Value[n]), 2);
336 Result := LowerCase(Result);
337 end;
339 {==============================================================================}
341 function IntToBin(Value: Integer; Digits: Byte): string;
343 x, y, n: Integer;
344 begin
345 Result := '';
346 x := Value;
347 repeat
348 y := x mod 2;
349 x := x div 2;
350 if y > 0 then
351 Result := '1' + Result
352 else
353 Result := '0' + Result;
354 until x = 0;
355 x := Length(Result);
356 for n := x to Digits - 1 do
357 Result := '0' + Result;
358 end;
360 {==============================================================================}
362 function BinToInt(const Value: string): Integer;
364 n: Integer;
365 begin
366 Result := 0;
367 for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
368 begin
369 if Value[n] = '0' then
370 Result := Result * 2
371 else
372 if Value[n] = '1' then
373 Result := Result * 2 + 1
374 else
375 Break;
376 end;
377 end;
379 {==============================================================================}
381 function ParseURL(URL: string; var Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path,
382 Para: string): string;
384 x: Integer;
385 sURL: string;
386 s: string;
387 s1, s2: string;
388 begin
389 Prot := 'http';
390 User := '';
391 Pass := '';
392 Port := '80';
393 Para := '';
395 x := Pos('://', URL);
396 if x > 0 then
397 begin
398 Prot := SeparateLeft(URL, '://');
399 sURL := SeparateRight(URL, '://');
401 else
402 sURL := URL;
403 x := Pos('@', sURL);
404 if x > 0 then
405 begin
406 s := SeparateLeft(sURL, '@');
407 sURL := SeparateRight(sURL, '@');
408 x := Pos(':', s);
409 if x > 0 then
410 begin
411 User := SeparateLeft(s, ':');
412 Pass := SeparateRight(s, ':');
414 else
415 User := s;
416 end;
417 x := Pos('/', sURL);
418 if x > 0 then
419 begin
420 s1 := SeparateLeft(sURL, '/');
421 s2 := SeparateRight(sURL, '/');
423 else
424 begin
425 s1 := sURL;
426 s2 := '';
427 end;
428 x := Pos(':', s1);
429 if x > 0 then
430 begin
431 Host := SeparateLeft(s1, ':');
432 Port := SeparateRight(s1, ':');
434 else
435 Host := s1;
436 Result := '/' + s2;
437 x := Pos('?', s2);
438 if x > 0 then
439 begin
440 Path := '/' + SeparateLeft(s2, '?');
441 Para := SeparateRight(s2, '?');
443 else
444 Path := '/' + s2;
445 if Host = '' then
446 Host := 'localhost';
447 end;
449 {==============================================================================}
451 function StringReplace(Value, Search, Replace: string): string;
453 x, l, ls, lr: Integer;
454 begin
455 if (Value = '') or (Search = '') then
456 begin
457 Result := Value;
458 Exit;
459 end;
460 ls := Length(Search);
461 lr := Length(Replace);
462 Result := '';
463 x := Pos(Search, Value);
464 while x > 0 do
465 begin
466 l := Length(Result);
467 SetLength(Result, l + x - 1);
468 Move(Pointer(Value)^, Pointer(@Result[l + 1])^, x - 1);
469 // Result:=Result+Copy(Value,1,x-1);
470 l := Length(Result);
471 SetLength(Result, l + lr);
472 Move(Pointer(Replace)^, Pointer(@Result[l + 1])^, lr);
473 // Result:=Result+Replace;
474 Delete(Value, 1, x - 1 + ls);
475 x := Pos(Search, Value);
476 end;
477 Result := Result + Value;
478 end;
480 {==============================================================================}
482 function RPos(const Sub, Value: String): Integer;
484 n: Integer;
485 l: Integer;
486 begin
487 result := 0;
488 l := Length(Sub);
489 for n := Length(Value) - l + 1 downto 1 do
490 begin
491 if Copy(Value, n, l) = Sub then
492 begin
493 result := n;
494 break;
495 end;
496 end;
497 end;
500 function StrToIntDef(const Value : string; Default : Integer) : Integer;
501 begin
502 if Value[1]= '$' then Result := Hex2Int(Value)
503 else
504 Result := Str2Int(Value);
505 if (Result = 0) and ((Value <> '0') and (Value <> '$0')) then Result := Default;
506 end;
508 end.