2 Section: contrib/otherosfs
4 Maintainer: Mustafa Tufan <mustafa.tufan@gmail.com>
5 Uploaders: Florian Ernst <florian@debian.org>
6 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5),
7 libgtk2.0-dev, libsdl1.2-dev, zlib1g-dev,
11 Standards-Version: 3.6.2
15 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
16 Provides: uae, uae-sdl
17 Description: Unix Amiga Emulator
18 This is a fork of E-UAE, the Ubiquitous Amiga Emulator, with an emulation core
19 based on WinUAE. It attempts to bring many of the great features of WinUAE
20 to non-Windows platforms. P-UAE was meant to be a Pandora Amiga emulator,
21 thus P-UAE, but later become the 'Portable' UAE.
23 To make full use of P-UAE you will need access to an image of some version
24 of the Amiga Kickstart ROM (although UAE does include a ROM emulation which
25 may work with some old games). The Amiga Kickstart ROMs are copyrighted
26 material and may not be freely distributed (so don't ask me for a copy).
28 Homepage: https://github.com/GnoStiC/PUAE