initial commit
[rofl0r-TntUnicode.git] / Source / TntExtDlgs.pas
2 {*****************************************************************************}
3 { }
4 { Tnt Delphi Unicode Controls }
5 { }
6 { Version: 2.3.0 }
7 { }
8 { Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Troy Wolbrink ( }
9 { }
10 {*****************************************************************************}
12 unit TntExtDlgs;
16 interface
18 uses
19 Classes, Windows, TntDialogs, TntExtCtrls, TntStdCtrls, TntButtons;
21 type
22 {TNT-WARN TOpenPictureDialog}
23 TTntOpenPictureDialog = class(TTntOpenDialog)
24 private
25 FPicturePanel: TTntPanel;
26 FPictureLabel: TTntLabel;
27 FPreviewButton: TTntSpeedButton;
28 FPaintPanel: TTntPanel;
29 FImageCtrl: TTntImage;
30 FSavedFilename: WideString;
31 function IsFilterStored: Boolean;
32 procedure PreviewKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char{TNT-ALLOW Char});
33 protected
34 procedure PreviewClick(Sender: TObject); virtual;
35 procedure DoClose; override;
36 procedure DoSelectionChange; override;
37 procedure DoShow; override;
38 property ImageCtrl: TTntImage read FImageCtrl;
39 property PictureLabel: TTntLabel read FPictureLabel;
40 published
41 property Filter stored IsFilterStored;
42 public
43 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
44 function Execute: Boolean; override;
46 function Execute(ParentWnd: HWND): Boolean; override;
47 {$ENDIF}
48 end;
50 {TNT-WARN TSavePictureDialog}
51 TTntSavePictureDialog = class(TTntOpenPictureDialog)
52 public
53 function Execute: Boolean; override;
55 function Execute(ParentWnd: HWND): Boolean; override;
56 {$ENDIF}
57 end;
59 implementation
61 uses
62 ExtDlgs, {ExtDlgs is needed for a linked resource} Dialogs, Consts, Messages,
63 Graphics, Math, Controls, Forms, SysUtils, CommDlg, TntSysUtils, TntForms;
65 { TTntSilentPaintPanel }
67 type
68 TTntSilentPaintPanel = class(TTntPanel)
69 protected
70 procedure WMPaint(var Msg: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
71 end;
73 procedure TTntSilentPaintPanel.WMPaint(var Msg: TWMPaint);
74 begin
75 try
76 inherited;
77 except
78 Caption := SInvalidImage;
79 end;
80 end;
82 { TTntOpenPictureDialog }
84 constructor TTntOpenPictureDialog.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
85 begin
86 inherited;
87 Filter := GraphicFilter(TGraphic);
88 FPicturePanel := TTntPanel.Create(Self);
89 with FPicturePanel do
90 begin
91 Name := 'PicturePanel';
92 Caption := '';
93 SetBounds(204, 5, 169, 200);
94 BevelOuter := bvNone;
95 BorderWidth := 6;
96 TabOrder := 1;
97 FPictureLabel := TTntLabel.Create(Self);
98 with FPictureLabel do
99 begin
100 Name := 'PictureLabel';
101 Caption := '';
102 SetBounds(6, 6, 157, 23);
103 Align := alTop;
104 AutoSize := False;
105 Parent := FPicturePanel;
106 end;
107 FPreviewButton := TTntSpeedButton.Create(Self);
108 with FPreviewButton do
109 begin
110 Name := 'PreviewButton';
111 SetBounds(77, 1, 23, 22);
112 Enabled := False;
113 Glyph.LoadFromResourceName(FindClassHInstance(TOpenPictureDialog{TNT-ALLOW TOpenPictureDialog}), 'PREVIEWGLYPH');
114 Hint := SPreviewLabel;
115 ParentShowHint := False;
116 ShowHint := True;
117 OnClick := PreviewClick;
118 Parent := FPicturePanel;
119 end;
120 FPaintPanel := TTntSilentPaintPanel.Create(Self);
121 with FPaintPanel do
122 begin
123 Name := 'PaintPanel';
124 Caption := '';
125 SetBounds(6, 29, 157, 145);
126 Align := alClient;
127 BevelInner := bvRaised;
128 BevelOuter := bvLowered;
129 TabOrder := 0;
130 FImageCtrl := TTntImage.Create(Self);
131 Parent := FPicturePanel;
132 with FImageCtrl do
133 begin
134 Name := 'PaintBox';
135 Align := alClient;
136 OnDblClick := PreviewClick;
137 Parent := FPaintPanel;
138 Proportional := True;
139 Stretch := True;
140 Center := True;
141 IncrementalDisplay := True;
142 end;
143 end;
144 end;
145 end;
147 procedure TTntOpenPictureDialog.DoClose;
148 begin
149 inherited;
150 { Hide any hint windows left behind }
151 Application.HideHint;
152 end;
154 procedure TTntOpenPictureDialog.DoSelectionChange;
156 FullName: WideString;
157 ValidPicture: Boolean;
159 function ValidFile(const FileName: WideString): Boolean;
160 begin
161 Result := WideFileGetAttr(FileName) <> $FFFFFFFF;
162 end;
164 begin
165 FullName := FileName;
166 if FullName <> FSavedFilename then
167 begin
168 FSavedFilename := FullName;
169 ValidPicture := WideFileExists(FullName) and ValidFile(FullName);
170 if ValidPicture then
172 FImageCtrl.Picture.LoadFromFile(FullName);
173 FPictureLabel.Caption := WideFormat(SPictureDesc,
174 [FImageCtrl.Picture.Width, FImageCtrl.Picture.Height]);
175 FPreviewButton.Enabled := True;
176 FPaintPanel.Caption := '';
177 except
178 ValidPicture := False;
179 end;
180 if not ValidPicture then
181 begin
182 FPictureLabel.Caption := SPictureLabel;
183 FPreviewButton.Enabled := False;
184 FImageCtrl.Picture := nil;
185 FPaintPanel.Caption := srNone;
186 end;
187 end;
188 inherited;
189 end;
191 procedure TTntOpenPictureDialog.DoShow;
193 PreviewRect, StaticRect: TRect;
194 begin
195 { Set preview area to entire dialog }
196 GetClientRect(Handle, PreviewRect);
197 StaticRect := GetStaticRect;
198 { Move preview area to right of static area }
199 PreviewRect.Left := StaticRect.Left + (StaticRect.Right - StaticRect.Left);
200 Inc(PreviewRect.Top, 4);
201 FPicturePanel.BoundsRect := PreviewRect;
202 FPreviewButton.Left := FPaintPanel.BoundsRect.Right - FPreviewButton.Width - 2;
203 FImageCtrl.Picture := nil;
204 FSavedFilename := '';
205 FPaintPanel.Caption := srNone;
206 FPicturePanel.ParentWindow := Handle;
207 inherited;
208 end;
210 function TTntOpenPictureDialog.Execute: Boolean;
211 begin
212 if NewStyleControls and not (ofOldStyleDialog in Options) then
213 Template := 'DLGTEMPLATE' else
214 Template := nil;
215 Result := inherited Execute;
216 end;
219 function TTntOpenPictureDialog.Execute(ParentWnd: HWND): Boolean;
220 begin
221 if NewStyleControls and not (ofOldStyleDialog in Options) then
222 Template := 'DLGTEMPLATE' else
223 Template := nil;
224 Result := inherited Execute(ParentWnd);
225 end;
226 {$ENDIF}
228 function TTntOpenPictureDialog.IsFilterStored: Boolean;
229 begin
230 Result := not (Filter = GraphicFilter(TGraphic));
231 end;
233 procedure TTntOpenPictureDialog.PreviewClick(Sender: TObject);
235 PreviewForm: TTntForm;
236 Panel: TTntPanel;
237 begin
238 PreviewForm := TTntForm.Create(Self);
239 with PreviewForm do
241 Name := 'PreviewForm';
242 BorderStyle := bsSizeToolWin; // By doing this first, it will work on WINE.
243 Visible := False;
244 Caption := SPreviewLabel;
245 KeyPreview := True;
246 Position := poScreenCenter;
247 OnKeyPress := PreviewKeyPress;
248 Panel := TTntPanel.Create(PreviewForm);
249 with Panel do
250 begin
251 Name := 'Panel';
252 Caption := '';
253 Align := alClient;
254 BevelOuter := bvNone;
255 BorderStyle := bsSingle;
256 BorderWidth := 5;
257 Color := clWindow;
258 Parent := PreviewForm;
259 DoubleBuffered := True;
260 with TTntImage.Create(PreviewForm) do
261 begin
262 Name := 'Image';
263 Align := alClient;
264 Stretch := True;
265 Proportional := True;
266 Center := True;
267 Picture.Assign(FImageCtrl.Picture);
268 Parent := Panel;
269 end;
270 end;
271 if FImageCtrl.Picture.Width > 0 then
272 begin
273 ClientWidth := Min(Monitor.Width * 3 div 4,
274 FImageCtrl.Picture.Width + (ClientWidth - Panel.ClientWidth)+ 10);
275 ClientHeight := Min(Monitor.Height * 3 div 4,
276 FImageCtrl.Picture.Height + (ClientHeight - Panel.ClientHeight) + 10);
277 end;
278 ShowModal;
279 finally
280 Free;
281 end;
282 end;
284 procedure TTntOpenPictureDialog.PreviewKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char{TNT-ALLOW Char});
285 begin
286 if Key = Char{TNT-ALLOW Char}(VK_ESCAPE) then
287 (Sender as TTntForm).Close;
288 end;
290 { TSavePictureDialog }
291 function TTntSavePictureDialog.Execute: Boolean;
292 begin
293 if NewStyleControls and not (ofOldStyleDialog in Options) then
294 Template := 'DLGTEMPLATE' else
295 Template := nil;
297 if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) then
298 Result := DoExecute(@GetSaveFileNameA)
299 else
300 Result := DoExecuteW(@GetSaveFileNameW);
301 end;
304 function TTntSavePictureDialog.Execute(ParentWnd: HWND): Boolean;
305 begin
306 if NewStyleControls and not (ofOldStyleDialog in Options) then
307 Template := 'DLGTEMPLATE' else
308 Template := nil;
310 if (not Win32PlatformIsUnicode) then
311 Result := DoExecute(@GetSaveFileNameA, ParentWnd)
312 else
313 Result := DoExecuteW(@GetSaveFileNameW, ParentWnd);
314 end;
315 {$ENDIF}
317 end.