added gitignore
[rofl0r-TntUnicode.git] / Source / TntAxCtrls.pas
2 {*****************************************************************************}
3 { }
4 { Tnt Delphi Unicode Controls }
5 { }
6 { Version: 2.3.0 }
7 { }
8 { Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Troy Wolbrink ( }
9 { }
10 {*****************************************************************************}
12 unit TntAxCtrls;
16 interface
18 uses
19 ComObj, StdVcl,
21 TntWideStrings,
22 {$ELSE}
23 WideStrings,
24 {$ENDIF}
25 TntClasses;
27 type
28 TWideStringsAdapter = class(TAutoIntfObject, IStrings, IWideStringsAdapter)
29 private
30 FStrings: TWideStrings;
31 protected
32 { IWideStringsAdapter }
33 procedure ReferenceStrings(S: TWideStrings);
34 procedure ReleaseStrings;
35 { IStrings }
36 function Get_ControlDefault(Index: Integer): OleVariant; safecall;
37 procedure Set_ControlDefault(Index: Integer; Value: OleVariant); safecall;
38 function Count: Integer; safecall;
39 function Get_Item(Index: Integer): OleVariant; safecall;
40 procedure Set_Item(Index: Integer; Value: OleVariant); safecall;
41 procedure Remove(Index: Integer); safecall;
42 procedure Clear; safecall;
43 function Add(Item: OleVariant): Integer; safecall;
44 function _NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
45 public
46 constructor Create(Strings: TTntStrings);
47 end;
49 implementation
51 uses
52 Classes, ActiveX, Variants;
54 { TStringsEnumerator }
56 type
57 TStringsEnumerator = class(TContainedObject, IEnumString)
58 private
59 FIndex: Integer; // index of next unread string
60 FStrings: IStrings;
61 public
62 constructor Create(const Strings: IStrings);
63 function Next(celt: Longint; out elt;
64 pceltFetched: PLongint): HResult; stdcall;
65 function Skip(celt: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
66 function Reset: HResult; stdcall;
67 function Clone(out enm: IEnumString): HResult; stdcall;
68 end;
70 constructor TStringsEnumerator.Create(const Strings: IStrings);
71 begin
72 inherited Create(Strings);
73 FStrings := Strings;
74 end;
76 function TStringsEnumerator.Next(celt: Longint; out elt; pceltFetched: PLongint): HResult;
77 var
78 I: Integer;
79 begin
80 I := 0;
81 while (I < celt) and (FIndex < FStrings.Count) do
82 begin
83 TPointerList(elt)[I] := PWideChar(WideString(FStrings.Item[FIndex]));
84 Inc(I);
85 Inc(FIndex);
86 end;
87 if pceltFetched <> nil then pceltFetched^ := I;
88 if I = celt then Result := S_OK else Result := S_FALSE;
89 end;
91 function TStringsEnumerator.Skip(celt: Longint): HResult;
92 begin
93 if (FIndex + celt) <= FStrings.Count then
94 begin
95 Inc(FIndex, celt);
96 Result := S_OK;
97 end
98 else
99 begin
100 FIndex := FStrings.Count;
101 Result := S_FALSE;
102 end;
103 end;
105 function TStringsEnumerator.Reset: HResult;
106 begin
107 FIndex := 0;
108 Result := S_OK;
109 end;
111 function TStringsEnumerator.Clone(out enm: IEnumString): HResult;
112 begin
114 enm := TStringsEnumerator.Create(FStrings);
115 TStringsEnumerator(enm).FIndex := FIndex;
116 Result := S_OK;
117 except
118 Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
119 end;
120 end;
122 { TWideStringsAdapter }
124 constructor TWideStringsAdapter.Create(Strings: TTntStrings);
126 StdVcl: ITypeLib;
127 begin
128 OleCheck(LoadRegTypeLib(LIBID_STDVCL, 4, 0, 0, StdVcl));
129 inherited Create(StdVcl, IStrings);
130 FStrings := Strings;
131 end;
133 procedure TWideStringsAdapter.ReferenceStrings(S: TWideStrings);
134 begin
135 FStrings := S;
136 end;
138 procedure TWideStringsAdapter.ReleaseStrings;
139 begin
140 FStrings := nil;
141 end;
143 function TWideStringsAdapter.Get_ControlDefault(Index: Integer): OleVariant;
144 begin
145 Result := Get_Item(Index);
146 end;
148 procedure TWideStringsAdapter.Set_ControlDefault(Index: Integer; Value: OleVariant);
149 begin
150 Set_Item(Index, Value);
151 end;
153 function TWideStringsAdapter.Count: Integer;
154 begin
155 Result := 0;
156 if FStrings <> nil then Result := FStrings.Count;
157 end;
159 function TWideStringsAdapter.Get_Item(Index: Integer): OleVariant;
160 begin
161 Result := NULL;
162 if (FStrings <> nil) then Result := WideString(FStrings[Index]);
163 end;
165 procedure TWideStringsAdapter.Set_Item(Index: Integer; Value: OleVariant);
166 begin
167 if (FStrings <> nil) then FStrings[Index] := Value;
168 end;
170 procedure TWideStringsAdapter.Remove(Index: Integer);
171 begin
172 if FStrings <> nil then FStrings.Delete(Index);
173 end;
175 procedure TWideStringsAdapter.Clear;
176 begin
177 if FStrings <> nil then FStrings.Clear;
178 end;
180 function TWideStringsAdapter.Add(Item: OleVariant): Integer;
181 begin
182 Result := -1;
183 if FStrings <> nil then Result := FStrings.Add(Item);
184 end;
186 function TWideStringsAdapter._NewEnum: IUnknown;
187 begin
188 Result := TStringsEnumerator.Create(Self);
189 end;
191 end.