1 --------------------------------------
3 There's no real installatin, put the executable somewhere in your filesystem.
4 The other requirements depend of your OS :
6 You need to have installed
12 These Dlls have to be in the .exe directory (they should have been distributed with it) :
13 libgif-4.dll, mingwm10.dll, SDL.dll, SDL_mixer.dll
15 --------------------------------------
18 You will need the following libraries :
19 - wxwidgets version >= 2.8.9 installed
20 - libSDL version >= 1.2
23 # Cross Compilation From Linux to windows
24 You will need (approximatively, i don't remember everything)
25 - All the above linux required library but compiled for windows
27 NOTE : You will have to specify your cross compilation directory in argument to ../configure script. Sell my cross-compilation configure script in the directory <build-win>.
31 You'll have to use cygwin.
32 Library requirement are the same as linux's one.
33 Compilation should be possible cause i've done it at the beginning of the developpement. But with the time, there can be problems, please contact me if you can pass -or cannot pass- through them.